Chapter 676 124. Bad taste

"It's a pity that Lao Mo is still on the road."

Hades raised his hand and made a meaningless gesture of raising his hand to look into the distance. He looked into the distance with his dark empty face. Frost climbed onto the silver-white metal next to the hollow on his face. The hot light of the star behind him passed through the armor, wiping his armor. The figure is dazzlingly outlined.

The last blessing from the ship group allowed him to adapt to facing the void, and his body strength was enough to allow him to be directly exposed to space and move freely.

The ships arriving at super-light speed were not exposed. This fleet with a small number of ships was completely commanded by the will of the Emperor - and looking at the posture of these ships, it seemed that the Emperor could not wait to kill the Eldar. One vote.

The fleets of the Eldar pierced the territory of the Empire like spikes. Due to the nature of their ships, these fleets, which preferred to plunder, expanded the territories they occupied to an unimaginable extent in a short period of time.

On the star map, the charming purple color of the Slaanesh Eldar has penetrated into the Isaniad sector. The Eldar are not inclined to directly occupy territory - they are more like horsemen in the star sea, plundering the empire wantonly The fleet taking off.

But this time... the heavy cavalry from the empire had already ambushed them on their hunting path.

Judging from the shape of the battle line, this time the Eldar are very likely to attack a food supply and escape team jointly set out by Poland and Pastoral - Castellan in front of these two agricultural planets has already fallen.

The greedy Slaanesh Eldar will not let go of this piece of fat.

Hades was silent as he floated in front of the star, sometimes letting himself float upside down so that he could observe better - his back was warmed by the sun.

He was silent, waiting, holding his breath and concentrating.

Before launching the attack, the Eldar fleet was completely invisible. The alien race abandoned the void shield and instead used the entire system's stance to confuse the enemy, just like what they used to do with their infantry——

Pushing stealth and agility to the limit, the price is the lack of defense.

There is nothing wrong with this race that is good at plundering. After they fill their warehouses with gold coins and souls, they leave immediately.

Even if they encounter a large fleet of other races' ships, the Eldar can simply choose to escape - their stealth and agility mean that they are extremely difficult to capture.

These are like two extremes on a seesaw. Compared with the Eldar, the past human empires paid more attention to defense and stacked armor, with thicker adamantine horns and more efficient void shields...

But things are not what they used to be.

Hades could already feel the eagerness of the Lord of Mankind to give it a try.

In order to communicate, the Emperor released part of his psychic energy and deployed it around Hades. The small part of the golden psychic energy was shining happily at this moment, as if expecting, or even gloating about the next scene.

"Don't be happy too early."

Hades whispered, although he also thought that the next battle would be a crushing one. In the face of super-light speed, the lord of mankind abandoned his bottom line. In fact, among these ships burning with golden flames, There are many ships completely taken over by the Nirvana system.

In other words, there is not a single human on it, and there are no human souls. After all, the number of the emperor's demon army is very small - many heroes have been cut off by Malcador.

"If the battle situation is too complicated, I don't think the Nirvana system installed on the ship group has enough computing power."

Hades said, as if talking to himself, he continued to examine the star field in front of him. Between the stars, the void was very quiet, with only the cargo fleets and light cruisers of the two agricultural planets sailing slowly.

+You don't understand psychic powers. +

"Then let's see how far psychic powers can go,"

Hades said, his tone softening,

"x46900, y54700, z92400; Dark Eldar and Eldar pirate forms, and the rest are miscellaneous.”

"so much?"

Hades muttered to himself that the reported Eldar ship attacks from other positions on the battle line had not decreased, proving that this team had just emerged from the webway.

Hades had reason to believe that Slaanesh could still pull more ships out of the Webway,

Even though the Eldar are known to have a relatively small number of ships, with all of them being turned upside down by the Prince of Darkness, sooner or later the Empire will face an Eldar navy that far outnumbers their ships.

This is not good news. The pressure on the sea area will be very high by then, and due to the special nature of the void, a single body cannot play a decisive role in the battle situation.

"Slaanesh plans to further attack the Isaniad sector?"

Unsurprisingly, there was an Eldar expedition world burned by Malcador in the Isaniad sector.

The emperor's spiritual energy beside him did not answer, and a ray of golden light penetrated from the void far away and fell into Hades' empty face.

At the end of Hades's sight, he saw the corner of the strange ship burning with flames called fanaticism and faith.

The war horse tramples the nebula, and the dazzling platinum flames fly with inertia. The tail flames as red as blood sway, unfurling a flag of light that flaunts the hunting.

The emperor's unbridled laughter seemed to ring in Hades's ears - it seemed that the master of mankind had been waiting for this day for too long. Super light speed is the dream of all living things. It is a romance unique to time and space.

Maybe the Lord of Mankind simply thought it was cool.

The extremely thick fine gold horn flashed through the brilliance of the eternal sun. With a speed that was definitely not its appearance, the horse carrying the heavily armored knight leaped up. The spear in the knight's hand was shining brightly at this moment, flashing through the eyes. Blood craze.

On top of the cruisers and battleships, layers of churches rang bells together. Every swing of the big bells created layers of golden ripples in the dark galaxy, singing hymns of loyalty and faith.

The team of adamantine heavy armor, flaming war horses, and paladins took great strides, and the huge and majestic battleships passed by the already stunned agricultural planet cargo fleet without stopping or shifting their eyes.

Bustling, the humans on the cargo fleet had already crowded the portholes, stunned, and tremblingly kneeling down to pray in the direction of the flames.

"x47100, y54900, z93400; x57900, y86000, z62400."

Hades continued to say that even though the distance between them was far enough, Hades still felt the hot and pure power, but it was not weak. On the contrary, it was filled with war-loving fanaticism.

Perhaps the Eldar fleet would find them ridiculous. Hades thought that the Empire's fleet was now like a high-speed giant. From a common sense perspective, the huge speed and mass would bring unimaginable inertia.

But - why the Necrons' engines are so important is precisely because the Necrons have solved the problem of inertia. If we simply increase the speed, relying on the empire's always good at flying bricks, it is not very difficult to achieve this. difficulty.

The real focus of fighting is always hitting.

It seemed that the Lord of Mankind did not want to expose the lack of inertia quickly. The side cannon on the battleship was adjusting its angle, and Hades saw the brilliance of the first wave of torpedoes.

From the perspective of others, this imperial fleet suddenly appeared and began to fire at the side star field in front of it——

But in Hades's sight, he saw the Eldar warships that had been dodged, and those illusory and difficult-to-identify alien ships scattered dexterously. Hades thought that they were ready to retreat, and the Eldar pirates' solar sails Already deflecting to its maximum extent.

"Strange, weird."

In the command room of the Nether Battleship, the Eldar captain sucking the lavender gas said. Its confused eyes stared at the enemy ship on the star map in confusion, even though the golden flames on it made its eyes sting - But none of this is a deterrent.

They can escape - or the opponent hopes to "trap" them with the Pseudo-Emperor psychic energy in the warp.

This further confused the Eldar. They were told that the dead existed in this star field, but what they now greeted were not those dark and silent big guys. Instead, they were showing off their power, and almost every deck was shining with golden light. group of ships.

This proves one thing - the Lord of Mankind is not as limited as he appears. This cruel and greedy tyrant has also joined the battle in another form.

In the distance... Slaanesh in Commorragh roared and groaned uneasily. He felt angry, as if he was angry at being deceived by the Lord of Mankind's previous appearance.

On the largest battleship, atop the towering bell tower, an illusory figure seemed to appear next to the swinging bell.

+Purify impurity. +

It was like the cry of an ancient giant whale, mixed in with the ringing bells, and the burning flames seemed to be roaring at this moment. Hades saw a little light that almost penetrated the dark void, which was the full power of the engine. A precursor to work.

Between the flames and the steel-framed space, the similarly burning humanoid figures of Space Marines stopped in between. Above the wailing light cruisers in the lead, Garro raised the sword at his waist.

"Everyone, obey the order and turn left."

He said.

Under the steel, at the intersection of cable and solder, the will of Nirvana is running rapidly. The truth underneath is silent. The Lord Medusa is silent. Numbers are pouring down like a waterfall from the sky. Right and wrong are intertwined. Programs are also running wildly. Radio waves It spreads like a prairie fire.

"For the Emperor!!!"

That was nothing short of a miracle.

No, that's a miracle.

The Eldar crew saw the huge and heavy elephant-like Imperial ship turning sharply in an unimaginable way, so fast that it almost seemed like it was flashing. The warship completed the turn of its bow in an instant——

This is a level that even gods find difficult to achieve.

Then, the turned beast rammed straight towards them!


The bright light shone on Hades' metal face. He stared at the battlefield. The fragmented wreckage of the Eldar warship was thrown into the void by the shock wave, spiraling like bullets and piercing into other ships.

Some fragments hit the imperial ships, and the thick armor blocked them; some fragments pierced their owners, and for a moment, the injured Eldar ship suddenly showed its own figure.

"Bad taste."

Hades commented as he watched the empire's fleet run rampant among the Eldar battleships like giant elephants in an ant colony.

The first round of torpedoes was just a cover, or maybe the human master simply wanted this war to be more enjoyable to watch. Next to the human ships that gave up using torpedoes and light spears, the torpedoes that had just been fired exploded one after another. This one-sided massacre was illuminated by a magnificent red-orange light.

Yes, the Lord of Humanity chose to directly use the adamantine to hit the horn... against it.

It's so funny.

Hades thought that if it were him, he might be able to play a decent game. He meant the most efficient and lowest energy consumption.

But perhaps this is conducive to the recovery of the Lord of Mankind's psychic energy. Hades chose to respect the Emperor's fighting style - perhaps the Lord of Mankind has been imprisoned on the Golden Throne for too long, and the Emperor urgently needs some ways to relieve stress.

The Eldar warship, which is one to two sizes smaller than the Imperial warship, was directly cut off by the blade-like ramming horn. In the face of absolute speed and defense, the spirit bones are like some kind of fragile material, which reminds Hades of bird bones. In order to fly, birds have evolved hollow bones, which makes them vulnerable.

In front of the battleships that are equal in size to the Imperial warships, the Imperial knights stabbed their spears into the enemy's vital points, and the flames instantly rose along the contact surface of the two ships, successfully setting the Eldar warships on fire!

Hades seemed to hear the Eldar's wailing in the golden flames.

"The protection of the warships is not perfect, and violent collisions will also damage them, Lord of Mankind."

Hades reminded, and continued to report the coordinates of the next Eldar warship group to retreat.

+Living metal. +

The Emperor also reminded Hades that the new batch of ships were all equipped with living metal by Hades, which meant that the ships had the ability to self-repair. Without involving the complex internal structure, external scratches and collisions would recover quickly.


Hades was speechless. He deployed living metal to prevent more urgent situations, not to let the Lord of Humanity wantonly smash the enemy with ships - but, well, he was conservative.

Hades seemed to understand those engineers who saw users develop wonderful uses for their products.

"You continue."

Hades choked out these words and decided not to provoke this old lunatic who lost his mind while squatting on the toilet.

He raised his hand, and behind the battlefield, the command desk and command screen in the distant cargo fleet suddenly flashed garbled characters, and then the fleet began to split automatically -

Then, several larger pieces of Eldar warship wreckage passed through the split fleet at a very high speed.

Hades put down his hand and handed the command back to the trembling captain on the ship. He accidentally scared the astropath and stargazer on the freighter fleet unconscious. He hoped that they were okay.

The massacre in the distance had also come to an end. The wreckage of the warships of the Slaanesh Eldar drifted in various airspaces, leaving only dozens of surviving frigates and small boats.

Because of their small size, they were ignored in the slaughter just now. Now the yellow-skinned people are patiently and tirelessly rolling over them with battleships until they screamed in the dark starry sky, bursting out a small light, and died completely.

Hades focused his eyes and saw a large number of small strips of water spraying out from the broken mouth of the warship. Ah, those are the Eldar.

Hades suddenly understood why the Emperor was called the Fifth Evil God by other races.

"... The Eldar's fleet of warships is very large,"

Hades said silently,

"I hope you will next time -"

+ I will. +

The cheerful voice said with certainty that Hades thought this was a lie, so he continued, but was interrupted again.


+I will. +


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