Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 677 125 Stop arguing, stop arguing

Chapter 677 125. Stop arguing, stop arguing

【I guess I'm not too late. 】

The Pale Lord sighed, looking past the holographic projection suspended on the long table. On both sides of the long table, the ones closest to the original body were Malcador and Kirkland on the left and right respectively;

The other seats were occupied by the planet lords of the Ultimate Sector, these poor people who were urgently summoned by the original body. In the trembling of these mortals, the door was opened.

Hades stepped in dusty.

"On the contrary, the timing was perfect,"

Hades waved his hand casually, and the map suspended on the long table changed instantly. Countless dark purple marks appeared on the star map, which was the general area where the Eldar Navy was hiding.

"The Eldar navy attacking the Calixis sector is now cut off from the forces behind them in the Skarlus sector - control of the sea rests with the Imperium."

[I think my respectable father is here too? 】

Mortarion said calmly, the sound he exhaled was like a breath. Judging from the tone, Hades thought it was a high-level yin and yang spirit.

Hades glanced at Malcador, then nodded and said vaguely,

"I think he projected some of his power there."

[Can the Eldar Navy make a short-distance jump now? Or are there other entrances and exits to the network here? 】

Now that you're out, don't even think about going back alive.

Motali thought quietly, pressing his thin hands on the documents on the table.

"I can confirm that there are three entrances and exits to the webway in this star field, but I just destroyed them in advance."

Hades said,

"As for the first question... I don't think the Lord of Humanity will let them leave so easily."

Mortarion sneered. Of course the Emperor would do this. He engraved the gene of hating aliens deeply into Mortarion's genes——

Then the Emperor must also be a xenophobic person.

The Primarch could not imagine that the Emperor, an arrogant egotist, could live in harmony with the xenos. In fact, he could not even live in harmony with his own children.

【Then there is no objection,】

The primarch said sarcastically,

[Attack and let the war rage until we set foot on the territory that belongs to the youngest queen - noble lords, I think you can leave with peace of mind. I will never repeat my words a second time. 】

[If you don’t want to fall into the hell created by chaos, then follow my request... break up the meeting. 】

Hades turned his head and watched as these mortal lords almost rolled out of the conference room. Malcador, who had been resting with his eyes closed, nodded and left.

Kirkland quickly followed Malcador and bowed deeply while passing Hades.

"I guess the human defenders here are not very obedient?"

Hades asked, and Mortarion laughed;

[They just hope to keep a little bit of their territory...or get a little bit of benefit for themselves...]

After these trembling people go back, they will never be as well-behaved as they appear. They will continue to negotiate with family members in secret like mice - until they reach a result that can safeguard their own interests. .

This is very common.

The God of Death closed his eyes, and he naturally had ways to deal with it, but now he didn't want to waste energy on these small things - as long as these lords in the rear did not let corruption appear in their territory, then everything was easy to say.

"You should try to motivate them...but now that you've already intimidated them."

Hades took out a necklace. On a scarlet background, a skull representing the Tribunal was looking blankly at the original body.

"I sent a Tribunal team to follow the Hades ship in advance. They are the descendants of Corax. If you trust us, we can let them come."

Just keep an eye on the lords of this star area.

"Or this job can be entrusted to the children of the forest," Hades said. "It's up to you."

[Let the Inquisition come, the First Legion has other uses. 】

Mortarion said slowly that after understanding some situations with Luthor, the original body was already prepared for the Children of the Forest to disobey discipline, not to mention that the Dark Angels who used torture were not suitable for guarding the rear. High pressure will be counterproductive.

Mortarion gave the Dark Angels other tasks. In the next battle, the war zone assigned to the First Legion will be close to Malcador's war zone——

Let them make trouble on their own. Mortarion believes that the internal friction between the First Legion and Malcador will save him a lot of energy.

He just needs to move them far away from the central battlefield.


Hades said casually and crushed the necklace in his hand. The scarlet metal residue fell in his hand. The message had been conveyed.

"What are you going to do next?"

Hades himself pulled up a chair that looked like it was for the original body to sit on, and sat at the long table minding his own business.

"Although the control of the sea is now in the hands of the Empire... I think it won't be long. The number of Eldar warships cannot be underestimated. Slaanesh has at least a few Elda Arks in his hands."

"It will be a tough battle then, and the fleet of the Lord of Humanity will not have much advantage by then."

Hades said with certainty.

【Then let us do it. 】

Mortarion said, stretching out his hand to enlarge the star map, and planets soaked in disgusting purple appeared in front of them.

[But before the naval battle begins completely, I hope we will push the front back to the third area. 】

The Primarch stretched out his hand and drew a circle around the exit of the Webway, the Happy Valley of the Laughing God.

【These polluted planets are pulling the Slaanesh psychic energy that seeps out of the Webway, and the veil is thinning... This is not good for our army's operations. 】

Not all armies have strong anti-Chaos capabilities like the Cerberus or the Death Guard. The cost of anti-Chaos armies is too high, and most of the armies are still ordinary armies transferred from all over the Empire.

Mortarion stretched out his hand and gathered the seven planets on the front line together. He stared at them thoughtfully.

【The Slaanesh army is not as good at defense as the Empire. They pull a planet into a muddy carnival to let their masters draw strength. It is not difficult to recapture them. 】

"Are you going to open multiple fronts at the same time?"

Hades suddenly asked, which surprised Mortarion. The Primarch looked up and stared at Hades,

【Why not? 】

Mortarion said,

[You, me, and Malcador were all present...]

Hades coughed twice,

"That... I might... not be present."

Mortarion opened his eyes wide, and Hades wanted to speak, but another familiar figure appeared at the gate.

The golden flames burned, and the familiar armor was plated with a layer of gold edges by the flames. He still looked the same, except that his burning face looked more hideous.

[Garro, long time no see. 】

Mortarion said word by word, he looked at the warrior with burning golden flames walking towards him, and every glance made Mortarion feel the burning sensation in his eyes, which reminded him of his incompetence ten thousand years ago.

"Hey! Garro!!!"

Hades turned around and greeted him in surprise, wanting to ask Garro to sit down and chat again, but Garro refused him.

+Long time no see. +

Garro saluted the two, then stepped forward and stood in front of Hades. He looked at the Primarch, and Mortarion also looked down at him.

+The Lord of Mankind needs Hades' help - so he cannot appear on your battlefield, Pale Lord. +

Hades behind him curiously reached out and touched Garro's golden flame, and the golden flame disappeared from his fingertips after a small scream.

+Don't touch it, Commander. +

Garro turned around and said something to Hades with a serious face, then turned around again to confront the Primarch.

"No - wait, how were you doing before, Garro? Vox told me that he missed you very much. Although Karas didn't say so, I think he thinks so too, and so do I."

+Only fight. +

Garro said with his back to Hades,

+I'm doing well. +

Hades replied coldly, and wanted to reach out and pull Garro over to have a good "chat", but thought that if he slapped Garro, Garro might disappear like the golden flame, so Hades suppressed his thoughts.

Mortarion laughed out loud in disbelief, and then his laughter became louder and louder. The Primarch laughed breathlessly and almost bent over with laughter.


This was the first thought that came to Hades' mind. He hurriedly wanted to get up to check on Mortarion, but the Primarch predicted Hades's actions in advance, and Mortarion raised his hand to signal that he was fine.

Then the Primarch looked at Garro with a complicated expression,

[My... physiological father is here, right? ]

Garro was silent, and the golden flames crackled.

[Why... didn't he come to see me in person? Instead, he sent you, my heir? 】

The Primarch walked over slowly. He didn't have Hades's sorrow. He put his hand directly on Garro's shoulder armor. The boundary between the golden flame and the white mist was clear. Hades felt a trace of sadness in the Primarch's eyes.

[He is not good at dealing with his offspring...]

The Primarch sighed and said,

[But he sent you again...Does he think I am the same? ]

[Why did you choose him at that time? ]

Motarion lowered his head suddenly. The huge shadow of the Pale Lord shrouded him, but Garro had a serious face. The golden light he emitted dispelled the shadow.

+Because of loyalty. +

Garro looked directly into Mortarion's inhuman pupils and said firmly,

"Oh, it's getting late. Let's fight the Eldar quickly."

This was Hades trying to change the subject.

The joints of the death god on Garro's shoulder armor were raised and lowered, making a crisp clicking sound.

[What did I do wrong? ]

Motarion said, so I made you choose the bastard Lord of Humanity instead of me?

+Loyalty does not need a reason. +

Garro replied, Mortarion stood up suddenly and sneered.

[I laugh at my pathetic... but the reply is not allowed, Hades should appear on the battlefield under my command. ]

[If he really wants the help of Hades, he should come in person... instead of sending you, no, you are not wrong, Garro. ]

+I don't think I am wrong. +

Garro said,

+But the Lord of Mankind needs Hades to position the Eldar Navy-otherwise the Empire will lose the precious opportunity to take the lead in naval battles. +

Mortarion narrowed his eyes,

[What about the people of the Empire on the fallen planets? The Lord of Mankind is willing to watch them fall into the abyss? ]

+Your army is enough to deal with them. +

[But I have to leave some space for attacking Comoros! This army has received preliminary training in anti-chaos! Every soldier is precious enough! 】

+A large number of Eldar navies are gathering - the entire Comoros, and the Aida Eldar Arks that are still intact, the cost of ships is far more valuable than soldiers. +

Garro said, Mortarion gnashed his teeth, he suspected that the person who was talking to him directly at this moment was the Lord of Humanity, not his descendant Garro - the old bastard.

"I mean -"

Hades raised his hand, "Can you consider the feelings of the parties involved? No one asked me?"

It was useless. Hades watched Mortarion and Garro stubbornly in silence. The Primarch seemed very dissatisfied with Garro's choice of the Emperor.

And now the yellow-skinned man used Garro's weakness to control Mortarion, which made the Primarch even more unhappy.

The yellow-skinned man really played a good chess game, Hades thought, and he called the mechanical servant who brought snacks to come over. Hades ate and watched the show.


"So what is the final result?"

Hades asked, watching Garro's figure burning with golden flames disappear like an extinguished bonfire, he felt that he suddenly felt a trace of emotion.

[Instalment rental. 】

Mortarion said coldly,

[Why didn't you stop the Lord of Mankind just now - or do you think the Emperor's plan is better? 】


Hades swallowed the cake in his mouth,

"Your good."

This is the truth, Hades' silent accusation of the Lord of Mankind's violent use of fleets.

Mortarion ignored it and continued to study the map, muttering numbers in the gloom.

The battle line is too long, Slaanesh did it on purpose... Although Hades seems to be at ease, Mortarion cannot let Hades lose control before Comoros... There must be enough sacrifices to build a success.



Sing loudly, on the pile of corpses that died in copulation, sing to your heart's content - praise His power.

The six-armed singer played the harp, playing a voluptuous sound, licking the wet strings with her long tongue, and panting.

The human slaves were pushed into the silver pool by the laughing Eldar, where the sharp-mouthed monsters were looking for food, tearing off the flesh from the twitching bodies.

The mutant Eldar, covered with scales and looking like Slaanesh demons at first glance, were having fun in the pool, but the human body was completely unable to resist the strength of the Eldar. Amid the spurting blood, the fire of gluttonous desire was burning.

Indulging in fun, this is their best reward for the great queen!

The last fortress was breached, and most of the mutants of the Dark Eldar laughed. They were light and slender, crossing countless entangled bodies and hideous corpses, and grabbed their favorite meat with their hands.

The Dark Eldar liked to abuse, and now they had completely fallen into the way of desire and leaped into a new carnival. Slaanesh did not devour them immediately - on the contrary, the greedy Him let them go for the last carnival!

"Don't--don't come over!"

The mutated Eldar with two horns stepped lightly on the ground, and walked gracefully like a cat. The Astra Militarum in front of it was trembling and holding its bolter, trying its last struggle.

Ah, it smelled the wonderful soul and despair.

"Don't come over--!!!!"


A gunshot, followed by a long, painful roar.

The Eldar licked the red and white at the corner of his mouth with satisfaction, and looked up at the sky thoughtfully. The sky darkened and turned into a hazy purple, as if something boring was hovering above it--

"Prepare for battle! Die for loyalty!"

The reprimand burst out from behind the heavy gas mask.

The 120th Siege Regiment and the 121st Siege Regiment of Krieg began to deploy.

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