Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 678 126 The Real Battlefield

Chapter 678 126. The real battlefield


Meade lowered his head and checked again whether his breathing tube was leaking. The battery for the gas mask function was still running well.

Then he bent down and inspected the thick leggings and military boots - the temperature on this planet was very high, and the people from the Hades had previously popularized some knowledge for them. On a planet where chaos has arrived, the temperature will become abnormal.

He felt hot, and the sweat soaked into the rough cloth, and then dried up again, exuding layers of white cocoons.

But this is still within the scope of adaptability and will not affect the march.

Then came the newly issued weapons, and Meade could see the green fluorescence flashing from deeper inside the gun body at the metal-to-metal connection, as if quietly whispering ulterior secrets to him.

This new gun is heavier than the Lucius No. 98 he originally used. Although it imitates the original laser gun used by the Kriegs as closely as possible in appearance, it is still heavier and has less ammunition. Decreased from 25 rounds to 20 rounds.

Although Meade had observed the rechargeable battery equipped with this gun, he determined that the heavy black cube was not a mass product issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs. It was obviously more sophisticated and had more energy storage.

But even a battery that looked very good at first glance could only supply 20 rounds of ammunition for the gun in his hand.

The sages who issued them with this gun told Meade that there were no vital points in front of this gun - you just had to hit it, and then the beams would complete their mission.

The equipment this time was sophisticated enough, so sophisticated that even the silent Krieg was confused. They understood the order to kill the gods, because even the gods would need a battlefield for them to sprint, but they were puzzled. The question is why supplies are so plentiful.

It was as inexplicable as if a guy who was marching alone in a remote corner was singled out and a bunch of supplies were given to him.

But no matter what, Krieg will complete his mission and live up to the Emperor's name.

Meade put the gun away and wiped his new sapper shovel again. He used it carefully to avoid accidental injury.


The Gorgon that Meade was riding on jerked up and down, and he was sure that the left area of ​​the vehicle had been bombed, but the captain and the Lord of Watch did not give any orders, so Meade continued to check his equipment in silence.

Then came the regular frag grenades, and then this,

Mead reached into his collar and took out a simple necklace, a ring-shaped black stone. This was a gift given to him by Pluto, and it was the only difference between Mead and his comrades.

He blinked, not knowing what to think, he just looked at the small stone.

The priests of Hades said that this would protect their souls, and the side effects were slight weakness and discomfort, but neither Meade nor his comrades reported any adverse reactions.

This shocked the young bishop of Hades. After many observations, Hades concluded that Krieg had an extremely high tolerance for pain. The Kriegs, who were abnormally dull in some aspects, ignored the weakness from Hades.

Mead didn't know how to describe his black stone. The red-haired woman who came to sell supplies to their army called Mead's black stone "donut-shaped." Mead didn't know what a donut was, so he asked the Hades.

"Hmm...a kind of luxurious afternoon tea that noble men would have. It is made with finely ground flour, and topped with syrup and cream. Sometimes it is garnished with fruits or powdered sugar. It is very sweet."

Meade couldn't imagine what it smelled like, and he didn't recognize every word the Hades said, but the Hades said it was definitely not the smell of their usual roasted rodents, and the incident was settled.

After this, Hades began to call Mead "Donut Boy".

It didn't matter that Meade had his own number, but he didn't correct the nickname.

boom! boom!

There were two more explosions, and Meade felt that the Gorgon stayed in the air for a moment, and then hit the ground heavily. It slid for a while, and then sent them to their destination amidst the hum of the engine.

Dazzling sunlight poured in from the cracks in the hatch, and accompanied by a suddenly amplified roar and the sound of heavy machine guns spraying, Mead got out of the car as quickly as possible.

Meade's team stayed behind Gorgon for a moment until all nine people came down. In addition to them, Gorgon also loaded up five other teams. Meade and the others were a little slower, and three teams had already rushed out.

The road condition was not very good, and it was muddy and slippery. Through the gas mask, Meade saw flesh and blood and unknown liquid mixed with the mud.


The Lord of Watch issued his order, and Meade held his gun. They rushed out from the left side of Gorgon. The personnel carrier also covered them. Special missiles loaded with black stone powder were lifted into the air from the weapons rack. The already overheated twin missiles The heavy machine gun began to rotate again.

Raise the gun, aim and shoot.

Meade pulled the trigger, and bright green light spit out from the muzzle of the gun. Without stopping, he moved the gun, pulled the trigger again, bent down, and the bullet grazed his helmet and extended to the back.

While moving at high speed, Mead used his peripheral vision to see the strange Eldar wearing a tall helmet being hit. Its painful wail was stuck in its throat, and then turned into a burst of blood mist.

nice one.

Mead thought that he had not hit the Eldar's vital point, that the blow had missed.

He continued to raise his gun and shoot, ignoring the faint sting of the black stone necklace on his chest, but the Lord of Watch beside him pulled him sharply, and Meade staggered to the right——

The next moment, a cold light flashed where his head used to be!

The tall alien warrior emerged from invisibility, roaring and laughing.

The rest of the people were not as lucky as Mead. Blood splashed on Mead's gas mask. He saw the organs and heads suspended in the air. Most people had not reacted yet.

Time passed slowly. The fallen Eldar was obviously faster than them, but Mead was in a good position. He was slowly falling, and the muzzle of the gun was just aimed at the Eldar's calf--

The overheated gun body made his hands and gloves stick to the gun, and Mead pressed the trigger.

The gun in his hand was far more powerful than he imagined.

The light shot straight at the Eldar, but the Eldar did not dodge at all. Instead, it sprayed metal needles at him. Mead dodged, but his eyes were still looking straight in the direction of the brilliant green laser. Then he realized something was wrong--

There was a circle of extremely small space distortion around the fallen Eldar. Mead realized that the Eldar might not be in its original position.

But 0.2 seconds after the Eldar exposed its true body, at least more than 30 brilliant green lights lit up from different positions on the battlefield-all towards this crazy Eldar! !


Mead fell to the ground, barely avoiding the metal needles. He saw the Eldar vanish. He didn't know whose bullet hit the Eldar, but it didn't matter. Mead immediately rolled up and ran again.

Stronger Fallen Eldar joined the battle, more robust, with silk wrapped around their bare chests, and blasphemous marks looming.

They suddenly appeared from Krieg's stormtroopers! After harvesting a life, they immediately hid again. Even though many of them were killed by concentrated fire when they first appeared, more Eldar successfully disappeared again!

Mead ran vigilantly. He realized the guidance of the donut necklace to him. Every weak feeling represented a warning. He raised his gun and shot several times almost as if he had foreseen it.

"Beep, beep!"

A distant horn sounded from behind their line, followed by loud singing, and binary prayers sang the name of Om Messiah!

One minute and 33 seconds after the Eldar Fallen Warriors advanced, the Mechanicus troops behind activated the response plan!

"Launch! Launch! In the name of Om Messiah!!!"

The missile took off, dodging the pursuit of the fighters, drawing white lines in the air, and then arrived above the war zone where Mead was located.


The large missile body split, and hundreds of small warheads poured down like flowers from the sky!

The guidance technology of the missile came from the Forge World of Graeae. The first Forge World to surrender to Hades made outstanding contributions to precision guidance in the name of Hades.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless small missiles exploded, and each explosion rolled up a puff of thick smoke. In the thick fog, Mead saw an abnormal light flashing in the space. Those hidden enemies reappeared as if the holographic projection was broken, and the part that suppressed psychic energy in the fog also made them feel painful.

Seeing that they were exposed, the Eldar shouted the name of the youngest queen crazily, raised their knives and jumped into the Krieg troops, trying to kill as many as possible.

"Dodge! Dodge!"

Mead heard the roar of the other commander, Ban Krieg, and then he felt the ground shaking.

Tap! Tat! Tat!

After firing three times, Mead immediately made way. These extremely tall Eldar didn't know what was coming, and they were still roaring and chasing the bait.


The black stone spear pierced through the chest, and the Eldar looked back in disbelief. The violent warhorse blew hot air at its face, and the spear threw it on the ground like garbage, and the ribs were crushed by the galloping warhorse again.

The cavalry rushed into the battlefield!

Rush! The cavalry rushed into the Eldar warriors in groups of three or five, and the battle line began to advance again. The Eldar left behind by the cavalry would be immediately shot by the nearby infantry until they were completely dead!


The Chief of the Watch shouted, and the Mechanicus' jammers whizzed over their heads for the second time, accompanied by Krieg's own shells, and hit the front of the battle line together.

The war horses led the way, and countless thick smoke exploded around them, leaving the Eldar who relied on holographic invisibility nowhere to escape, and they had to fight head-on with the Kriegs.

Even if they wanted to retreat, the Kriegs would immediately catch up with them. As long as the speed of the Eldar slowed down a little, the Kriegs could immediately end their lives!

As the battle line moved, the alien gunboats like ships appeared, and the streamlined vehicles raised their sails and rushed into the battle line at high speed.

The Eldar preferred high-mobility warfare. They liked to rush into the enemy's formation, disrupt the battle line, and use efficient killing performances to defeat the enemy - but the Kriegs were obviously not an army that would be defeated. After a brief chaos, the Kriegs immediately began to counterattack.

The actions of the fallen Eldar did not disrupt the Kriegs' steps. On the contrary, the vehicles that appeared aroused the fanaticism of another force. The Mechanicus deployed in the rear sent out their Skitarii.

"In the name of Hades! Oh, Om Messiah!!!"

Calling Hades, this group of scarlet lunatics, more dazzling than the Slaanesh Eldar, rushed into the battle, bringing their Skitarii and vehicles, which made them more conspicuous in the low-key dark color of the Kriegs. The number of mechanical auxiliaries currently assigned by the Kriegs was not too many, but this did not affect their attention.

Push forward! Keep pushing forward!

Explosions exploded around them again and again, but they never stopped. Mead shot at those strong guys, at the line fillers who were obviously the same as him, and at the gunboats.

On the fierce battlefield, countless people fell, but countless people were still moving forward. Gorgon transports stopped behind them again and again, and new Kriegs immediately joined the battlefield.

There were more and more corpses under their feet, but it wasn't just them and the enemy's. The corpses of the original inhabitants of the planet died embracing each other with weird smiles, gradually replacing the earth.

When the ammunition finally ran out, he threw down the gun without hesitation and took out the engineer shovel. With a buzzing sound, the bright green color lit up on the blade of the shovel. Mead swung the shovel and cut off half of the head of the weird demon in front of him.



Weird sound waves rang out, and Mead saw a circular altar in front of him, with a female alien sitting on it, playing the harp and sobbing like a cry.

? !

Mead suddenly bent over. He felt that his brain was dizzy. The temperature had already reached the limit. The high-intensity battle and sweltering battlefield could have been tolerated, but now Mead suddenly felt hot. His eyes were bloodshot and nosebleeds flowed from his nostrils. .

He felt as if his whole body was burning, but there was a sense of coolness in his chest, which was a gift from Hades - Meade held the donut necklace through his coat with trembling hands.

Praise to Hades.

He thought, suddenly as if he could continue to breathe again, but the other Kriegs who invaded this area were not as lucky as him. They were also controlled by sound waves, and snake-like demons climbed out of the corpses on the altar. Just behead them.

The people behind them raised their guns and fired, but the bright green light was blocked by some invisible energy shield. The banshee continued to strum the strings and sing slowly.

No - no more, Meade was bleeding from all his orifices, and his last consciousness was tightly grasping Pluto. This was the last life-saving straw. Mead saw blood mist bursting from the inside of someone's goggles, and slowly sliding to the ground.

"In the name of Hades! Demon! I will eradicate all injustice!"

A loud shout!

Meade suddenly took control of his body again. He turned around without hesitation to find cover. He saw the Hades priest walking by him. The familiar red-haired woman was wearing heavy armor and holding a big sword. A handful of thick dust.

Meade immediately felt out of that bad state. He felt calmer and more powerless.

The Hades priest paused for a moment, and then used his heels to exert force——

Quickly slash towards the six-armed witch!

The devil played the piano again, but the Hades priest shouted the praises of the Hades religion, directly eliminating the intrusion of chaos. The snake's waist twisted, and the heavy sword slashed into the air. The Hades priest suddenly turned his head and turned towards the demon on the right without a trace of hesitation. Raise your hand, the fire explodes along with the powder!


The demon screamed, and the sound waves were enough to tear everything apart. Mead felt blood flowing from his ears, but the Hades priest just shouted his doctrine and waved his sword at the demon again!

The followers of Hades have strong resistance to chaos. Two more Hades appeared in other directions of the altar. They were swaying some kind of liquid on the circular altar. Mead could clearly feel the temperature dropping.

Seemingly realizing what the Hades wanted to do, the demon seized the opportunity and pounced towards the Hades, piercing with its sharp claws. Its mouth opened to an unimaginable extent, emitting sound waves - the space began to fluctuate, and they They started fighting, but the intensity of the psychic energy in the space was rising!

The other two Hades priests immediately attacked the demon, but were stopped by countless snake women climbing out of the altar. Mead thought for a while, and finally walked out from behind the bunker with a shovel.

He rushed over, and it was not as uncomfortable as he imagined. The ash on his body protected him. Mead swung the shovel, and the demon's flesh and blood spattered in front of him. The earth began to sink, as if it wanted to swallow them all, but Mead He is good at trekking in this kind of terrain. He stumbled and climbed to the center, cutting off an unknown amount of flesh and blood with the shovel in his hand.

Seeing him coming, the Hades priest who was fighting with the devil suddenly hugged the six-armed demon, strangled it and fell behind him. The six-armed demon's remaining arm penetrated the body of the Hades priest, but the Hades priest did not relax at all. .

"Slash the neck! Remember to call Hades!!!"


"In the name of Hades!"

The bright green arc light drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the head whirled, seeing the belated reinforcements sent by the Hades Sect to kill it.

Soulless Ogryn was standing by the altar with his mouth wide open, looking at it.

"……Oh shit,"

Hades Priest Lena said, she laughed,

"Idiot, I'm here to hold off the demon, not really kill it - do you really think I can kill one?"

"But it's dead."

Meade said, raising the shovel, passing the Hades priest, and rushing towards the remaining snake girl.

"Oh shit……"

Reina whispered, she turned on the channel,

"Altar No. 3 has been removed...send the big soulless man to No. 16..."

This is just a battlefield on this planet. Look far away and overlook the clouds. Between the exploding fighter planes, on this planet, there are at least ten pustules showing pink and purple like pus.

And further away, between the sea of ​​stars, the battleship screamed like a giant whale and ran aground and exploded. The bright light at the moment of death was not inferior to the eternal sun. In the meantime, the faceless giant was suspended in the middle, and the fragments of the stars were suspended beside him.

On other planets, on a more intense battlefield, the Pale Lord rang the bell, and the distant bell swept onto the battlefield along with the mist.

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