Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 680 128 Mystery within mystery, trap within trap, Jianqi is not a human being

Chapter 680 128. A mystery within a mystery, a trap within a trap, Tzeentch is not a human being

Even in a huge battlefield, there are gaps. Hades breathed a sigh of relief. The giant ship sank beside him. During the bright explosion, the air squeezed out of the cabin blew past his face.

"It's finally over."

Even Hades couldn't handle the high-intensity battle. It was no longer a novel experience for him to turn sideways and float in space.

Hades floated to the wreckage of the broken enemy ship. On a slightly larger platform, he saw Garo who was clearing away the remnants of the alien race.

Hades snapped his fingers (even though it could not be heard in space), and the silver liquid immediately penetrated the enemies surrounding Gallo like bullets. Gallo paused for a moment in astonishment, then turned to look at Hades.

"Where are you going next?"

Hades asked, seeing the golden flames on Jia Luo's body getting brighter and brighter - Huang Pizi was about to take back the cursed army.

"go back."

Jialuo said, in the golden flames, he seemed to think of something again, and smiled,

"You're back... It's not a bad thing to leave. The Pale Lord is much more mature now than before... He has also suffered a lot in the past ten thousand years, and he brought it on himself."

"How are you doing?"

Hades hurriedly asked again, but Gaara shook his head.

"What can the dead do...? But the Kingdom of Heaven is real, and I asked for it - tell Vox to let that kid work hard and stop writing his diary."

Jialuo laughed to himself again, and the golden flames had made his face blurry.

"Maybe I'm too cruel? That boring gourd of Walkers just wrote something..."

Then the veteran's figure disappeared into the cold together with the golden flames. Hades sighed. He planned to embellish Gallo's words before conveying them to him. At the same time, he decided to beat Huangpizi next time so that he could give the cursed army a little more time.

He really can't expect too much to see Jia Luo after ten thousand years. After all, too many old friends have disappeared in the long river of history; some people are still there, but they have changed forever.

Hades patrolled around to confirm that the naval battle was over, and then the space distorted and he disappeared into the void.


"How's the progress?"

Hades asked, looking at the fallen Eldar in front of Mortarion. The strange multi-armed Eldar had fallen down with empty eyes, and the Black Domain had taken it away forever.

[The first phase of the plan was successfully completed. 】

Mortarion said that when he saw Hades coming, he simply took back his scythe. He stretched out his hand and unfolded the holographic projection to show Hades the current situation.

But Mortarion glanced at Hades and added before opening his mouth to show,

【It's time for you to rest. 】

Hades smiled and looked at the holographic projection. Mortarion stopped talking and began to adjust the projection.

[On the battlefield outside the first area, the mortal army has successfully occupied four planets, and there are still two planets at war, but the situation has turned against us. 】

[In the inner battlefield, the three most corrupted planets were also captured by the Death Guard and the Imperial Fist. 】

Hades nodded. As for the naval battle, he knew that the yellow-skinned super-light fleet alone was not enough. Therefore, the Imperial Fists and the Imperial Navy were also responsible for part of the naval battle area.

[The second battle area...Makado and Dark Angel did some work. 】

The primarch snorted,

[I hope they didn’t lose too many troops because of their dirty tricks secretly. I will send them to fill in the lines next. 】


Hades commented,

"So fill in where?"

[In the gap in the webway, some crazy Eldar escaped from Comoros. I am going to let the First Legion come and transfer Malcador back to the main battlefield - it's time for us to see Malcador's plan. . 】

Hades looked calm, "What about over there?"

[All goes well, I think my brother has been preparing for that day for too long. 】

[The Lord of Mankind also participated... He told us not to worry. 】

Mortarion emphasized the last Gothic word and laughed contemptuously.

[I decided to give him a credit loan. 】

Hades carefully checked the star map. The empire's army had already retaken the empire's territory that had been infiltrated by the forces of Slaanesh, ensuring the stability of interests bordering the war-torn star area.

Next, the armies of the Empire will continue to penetrate deeper. They will face planets soaked in the spiritual energy of Slaanesh. Some portals to the webway lurk in this sector, and the boundaries between the warp and the physical world have become blurred.

The Warp, the Broken Webway, and the physical world, with Slaanesh's spiritual energy as the bullet, broke the boundaries between these three, and the Warp was penetrating into the physical world through the Webway.

The Webway is already located between the subspace and the physical world. It has the characteristics of two realms. After the separation is lost, the erosion of the subspace is accelerated.

Slaanesh took advantage of the Eldar's corruption to release so much psychic energy at once...

This will also be more difficult for Hades. Last time, Slaanesh took the initiative to tear the curtain and enter the physical world, but this time, Hades will try to enter the subspace. A short-term stay is okay, but once time passes, The longer the stay becomes, the more forced it becomes.

He can force a breakout when he arrives, but the price is still a ticket to the critical area of ​​the medical room.

Hades cannot be admitted to the ICU for the time being. Now if Chaos comes out, he can still resist a wave. If he is consumed early and ends, then Chaos can be unscrupulous.

"You can still trust Huang Pizi on important matters."

Hades pondered the star map and said,

"After all, if he fails this time... he will probably be the saddest one."

The Primarch sneered again,

[Then he shouldn't hide it... The numbers tell me what the Lord of Mankind is hiding... Trazin came to me just now, what do you think it said? 】


Hades blinked, but Mortarion unhurriedly removed the lantern filled with alien souls from his scythe and handed it to Hades. Hades subconsciously caught it and realized that it was handed over by the God of Death. Handle your own soul.

He did not shirk away, the black domain directly covered it, and amid the faint screams, the lights went out again.

[The death of Slaanesh will cause chaos in time, which may attract the attention of the Necron...but I think it is not just the Necron who are staring here. 】

Mortarion said calmly, seeing the answer given to him by the number, nine.

He is everywhere.

Death thought silently, having fallen into some kind of silent rage. He had never forgotten that the betrayal in the garden was also the work of Tzeentch, even though he hid himself well.


As if he knew what Mortarion was thinking, Hades asked casually, and Mortarion nodded.

Hades also fell into a brief thought. He did not intend to outwit Tzeentch, because Tzeentch always had more time, foresight and patience than them.

Hades's solution to this problem is to defeat ten with one force.

"The Lord of Mankind has been keeping an eye on Tzeentch, there should be no problem."

[The war will not stop because of Chaos... If He appears, it will set the labyrinth on fire. 】

Mortarion said grimly, they will all pay the price.

Hades laughed. This standard villain's speech was inexplicably funny.

"Then let's turn the warp into flammable material! Let them light it all!"

Hades laughed.


【? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

[Winter is coming, my friend, do you hear the howling cold wind? 】

Russ said with a sigh. He stroked the surface of the smooth boulder. Among the green leaves and flowers, there was the lion's body lying. Leon had been waiting for this day for too long. Russ and Khan Too.

To fight against Tzeentch.

The Wolf King thought of Magnus...he shouldn't have treated Magnus like that...and now it was their turn.

Thinking this way, Russ began to be confused whether he was miserable now or Magnus was miserable then.

[Tell me, can he understand this when he wakes up? 】

Ruth frowned again and muttered under his thick beard, as if he was worried about how to explain everything to the awakened lion in a short time.

[Ruth, we are effects, not causes; we are another possibility of failure. 】

Khan said calmly, his face becoming thinner and firmer against the backdrop of the suet candle, his eyes shining sharply like an eagle,

[After this we can go back - face the real reality, but for them, this has just begun. 】


Ruth said vaguely, as if still worried about the lion,

【What about him? Has he been stuck in this cycle? 】

[He will go out with us. Have you forgotten the lion coffin that father made for him, Ruth? 】


Russ reached out and picked up a bowl of wine. The wine inside was turbid and had a pungent smell. Even the original body should not drink such garbage.

But both Primarchs accepted this with equanimity, as the shortages had been going on for a long time.

They were the rebels chosen by their father, and Leon's situation was even more complicated. The Lord of Humanity believed that they would never be confused. In fact, they survived, and they were the only ones who did not compromise.

[It’s been so long that I can’t remember it clearly. 】

The Wolf King whispered, taking a cautious sip of wine, and then handed the wine bowl over to Khan, who also took a calm sip.

[Is he so cruel? 】

Ruth said to himself again,

[Is this how he treats the lion? 】

[Because only Jonson obeys him unconditionally and is more subspace resistant than all of us. 】

Khan said that he heard the sound of Orikan approaching. It seemed that the astrologer was walking very carefully, because Khan did not hear the sound of its feet stepping on the demon's flesh.

[If the lion had not been so unpopular at that time, the position of war commander would have been——]

【Ah, ah ah ah! 】

The Wolf King shouted randomly, interrupting Khan's words.

[Don't mention this, then I would rather he lie in front of me and be a dead man. 】


Beside the stone platform where the lion's body was placed, Khan and Russ looked sideways at the reinforcements that the Lord of Mankind had found for them.

"I have determined the second hidden time anchor."

Ourrican said that at this moment, all the metals on the astrologer's body were glowing with some kind of dazzling light, and in his single eye, it was like a river of stars flowing between them, and some kind of energy, or time, was melting in its palms. Be an existence that can be seen by mortals from a certain angle.

[Fall of Caliban. 】

Ruth was the first to speak. He snorted.

[Are you sure about this? Leon is here. 】

The Khan raised a hand in front of Russ, gesturing for silence.

"But we all know Leon got there because of me,"

Orikan raised his voice,

"I'm sure I'll do it using the laws of physics - but that doesn't tell me much about Caliban's temporal anchor in the Warp."

【So what is it? 】

Jaghatai asked,


cried Orikan, and it raised its hand,

"This is a closed time loop, and we must go back! Our return will lead to the emperor's early resurrection - this is why he woke up earlier than the other gods! Many of his actions after this can be explained - and why Lust What a shame!”

【All right,】

Ruth said,

[I don't understand...but I hope we can see everyone alive after we finish the fight - I'm even starting to miss Magnus. 】

[I only hope that hyperdrive engines have become commonplace. 】

The Khan smiled.

In the cramped, smelly cabin, the two Primarchs awaited their final release.



He will go back.

Leon sat alone among the ruins, silently maintaining his strength. The last descendants of the fallen angels were sent back to safe places. He also hoped that no descendants who fell during the chaos would appear in Commorragh.


The lion chewed these two names in his mouth, the former made him hate it, the latter made him silent.

Jonson recalled the scene at that time, when he roared at Luther. He thought that Luther had become rebellious.

But does Luther really think that? Or bewitched? Or was it just a wrong step?

Should he kill him?


Jonson was silent, and every thought and recollection made him painful. He realized that Luther might have really had rebellious intentions at that time, so should he forgive him?

In the ten thousand years since then...the lion has witnessed Luther's perseverance and loyalty.

He felt at a loss. The beast that had grown up in the jungle since he was a child could not read people's hearts, nor could he read the thoughts reflected in his own mind. Zhuang Sen tried to understand, but he could never find a rational outlet.

The years of hiding in Commorragh made him more cowardly and emotional. In the arena of the Dark Eldar, he was completely crazy but honed real gems. The lion rescued some of the slaves, and the slaves tried their best to Give back to him.

The lion spurned himself, but then recalled the day Caliban exploded. He could have stopped it. As long as he took the right step and communicated with Luther one more time, too much pain could have been undone.

He could have forged an army and become the true leader and warmaster of the Empire, instead of watching Sanguinius and others make big mistakes.

The raven cawed again, and Leon stood up, continuing to place beacons for Guilliman's arrival.

He wanted to join forces with Guilliman to kill Malcador once and for all.


"So tired."

The middle-aged man wearing a straw hat sat on a stone in the field. Nios took out a water bag to drink water and looked at the clouds in the sky with a smile. He seemed to know everything that was going to happen next.

But the last time he faced everything, he had the same expression.

If you want to get... you must put up equal chips. This is the rule of subspace gambling.

The Lord of Mankind threw out his hook unhurriedly, and the fish was already on the hook. It was up to him whether he caught the fish or the fish dragged him into the water.

Hmm... maybe he should greet Hades again.

The Lord of Humanity squinted his eyes and put down many useless thoughts.

He watched the farmer carrying a hoe in the field walking towards him curiously. It was time for his old friends of the Eternal to come back.

As for the grievances between the Scions and Malcador... let them do it themselves.

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