Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 682 130 Continue to advance

Chapter 682 130. Continue to march

【Skarus Sector】

05328D Operator:

First broadcast, key yubns-92, Terra time 999.11.2, 8:06 am, Sector 2, Front 1, Area 3c,

Pluto applied for movement, applied for approval, and asked the troops in the third and fourth theaters of Burns Cole to prepare to welcome him. According to the local psychic energy concentration, Hades combatants implemented the 3rd-Beta plan, over.

boom! boom! --boom!

The ground was shaken by the artillery fire of Leman Russ tanks. Tanks of different models and directions opened fire at the same time. In the distance, the Titan that stopped moving also poured out flames.

Fighter planes flew across the sky like a formation of wild geese, dropping cannonballs that set the entire hive ablaze.

"In the name of Hades! Fire! Fire - hold it down! Don't let it come out!!!"

The Hades priest huddled behind the Leman Russ tank was roaring. His face behind the gas mask was distorted by the roar. Some kind of giant thing was squirming in the fiercely burning hive in front of him.

The space suddenly darkened. The priest suddenly raised his eyes and saw huge tentacles composed of naked human bodies stretching out from the ruins of the hive and slapping towards him. The priest's pupils suddenly narrowed——


Brilliant sparks exploded in the air, the tentacles shrieked and retracted, and the giant bombs from the distant Titans saved him, and blood and flesh rained down on him.

"Ugh - ah! Pluto is on top!"

The priest wiped off his gas mask, and a harsh electric sound came from his ears that were almost deafened by the shells.

"Second broadcast, key..."

The Hades priest suddenly stopped. Regardless of the fact that he was standing in the sticky and disgusting flesh and blood, he kept his head tilted and listened attentively to the words on the channel.


"Hades! Hades is here! The request is approved!"

He cheered and immediately switched the channel back to the command frequency.

"The fighter plane makes an emergency landing immediately! Don't fly anymore! Everyone immediately find cover - the medical team! Pull out all those who are seriously contaminated! Lay them flat on the ground! Put the black stone necklace on top!"

"I don't want to die! Please pray to Hades now!!!"

The pastor yelled. He didn't know how many people heard him, but the fighter planes did not come again next time.

As soon as they heard about cover and retreat, most of the soldiers immediately jumped back into the trenches. Some of them were furious and continued to charge. Some were dragged back by their comrades, while others rushed directly into the blazing flames.


The Titan spat out heavy explosive shells again, but instead of firing them towards the hive-sized monster, they fired them towards the sky.

The guys in red robes stood at the foot of the long-range fire support platform, and the priest could already see them waving their cheerful little metal arms toward the sky.

He was about to scold this waste of ammunition, but the pastor's heart beat suddenly, and then he subconsciously looked back towards the sky——

A black line flashed out of thin air, as if the signal had failed.

The priest's eyes shot open.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the rift in space!

The looming giant slowly emerged from the crack in space. The Hades priest opened his mouth wide. In his sight, the figure that emerged was only slightly larger than a black dot.

But behind that black shadow, which almost occupied the entire line of sight, the sky-reaching tentacles extending out from the sky-popping flames suddenly disintegrated and fell, as if they had never existed in the first place.

A strong wind blew up, blowing away the white hair.

When he really saw Pluto's face, the god was frowning and looking sideways at the fallen nest. The corpses dispersed by the huge tentacles fell from the air and were swallowed by the tongues of fire.

Hades stretched out his hand in the direction of the fallen nest city. The entire nest city seemed to be shrouded in shadow for an instant. Dark river water surged up from under the nest city. The fire kept burning, and the underworld water was still rushing.

When the tallest spire of the hive was also engulfed by darkness, Hades stopped.

The priest blinked and saw the hive still burning, as if nothing happened just now.

He subconsciously glanced at the time projected in the gas mask. Only one second had passed since Pluto appeared.

"Pluto - Pluto is above!!!"

The priest stuck for a moment, and then the words of praise roared out of his throat, like the first piece of a sea of ​​dominoes, and then amid the roar of the overheated engine, people yelled and waved their arms to the sky.

No matter what they were shouting, every sentence was laced with the word "Pluto."

The priest saw Pluto turn his face. Except for the mechanical eye, he was only black and white. A hideous scar penetrated half of his face. The black eye without any light was looking at his people and believers.

Then Hades smiled and waved to them - the electric arc wrapped around the black helmet, and the space flickered again as if it was broken.

He's leaving again.

For some reason, the priest felt a sense of loss and depression. He pulled himself out of the flesh and ran out from behind Leman Russ. He waved stupidly to the gods. He shouted loudly to the gods, thanking him for ending the war.

But the gods never stay alone for any individual. The black line crossed, just as abruptly as when he came, and he left again, leaving nothing but a dead city burning quietly with flames.

05328D Operator:

The first broadcast, key yubns-92, Terra time 999.11.2, 8:13 am, Scalus sector 2nd front 4 area 6g,

Pluto applied to move, applied for approval...



The bowed Mortarion raised his eyes slightly, but his hand signing the document did not pause at all.

The space above the couch opposite him began to fluctuate, and then a large black thing crashed down, hitting the center of the sofa.


Hades lay helplessly on his back on the sofa. The space was forced open many times, which made him a little weak.

He picked up the Burner's heart from his waist. In fact, Hades still hadn't learned how to eat it. Trazin had imitated for him how the Deceiver ate his own pieces, chewing them raw.

Hades looked at it hesitantly for a while, and finally chose to switch his face to a hollow state similar to that of a void dragon, then stuffed it directly into it, and then took it out again.

The heart of the Burner became visibly dim. Hades tied it back to his waist, switched back to his human face, and thought about which planet to go to next - although the war on the second front was about to end.

【Don’t leave. 】

The original body said, and then pulled out a piece of gilded letter paper from a pile of documents and threw it to Hades, who caught it directly and opened it.

[The old immortal asks you to maintain your strength, and at the same time, he asks to borrow the Tenacity. 】

Mortarion said flatly, unable to discern his attitude towards this request.

Hades was silent for a moment, and the war was burning very fast. With "The Happy Valley of the Laughing God" as the central leakage area and the empire's territory as the area, the outer lightly contaminated areas now contaminated by Slaanesh's psychic energy have all been recovered, and the moderately contaminated areas have been recovered. The district is also about to finish cleaning.

But the road after that will probably be extremely difficult.

Even in moderately polluted areas, psychic wonders that can only appear in the subspace have already appeared.

"Borrow the Endurance?"

Hades asked casually,

"It seems that next we will have to face a battleship the same size as the Endurance, Ada Ark?"

[There is a high probability that it is. 】

Mortarion said that as he continued to review and approve documents, the original body had developed a good sense of self-awareness over thousands of years. Even when approving documents, he only had a faint intention to die, rather than a feeling of strike.

[The first Black Stone Tower is almost completed, remember to go there. 】

Mortarion added, holding the application for approval for the twelfth quantum slingshot launch in his hand.

After the imperial army arrived in the Scalus sector, the Martian guys immediately started planning the star map.

With the planet guarded by the Cardinal of Hades as the core, the Mechanical Sages planned to set up twelve black stone towers in this star field to suppress the spiritual energy spilling out of the Webway and to ensure the subsequent advance.

Mortarion used numerology to calculate and consulted Hades, and approved the sages' request.

Now a team of Sons of Pluto and the female sage appointed by Sage Jin are working hard to produce, exceeding the planned plan.

At the same time, a large amount of black stone minerals were also projected into this star area through quantum slingshots from all sides of the empire.

Because they were fighting for Pluto, these oil guys used super-saturation support. The original body made a rough calculation and found that the Mechanicus dropped the quantum slings based on an 85% loss rate——

But as of now, the loss rate of these cargo ships is 11%, and a lot of black stone mines have been piled up behind the star area.

Mortarion didn't want to say anything. No one in the Storm Star Territory was so enthusiastic when he fought.

"So fast?"

Hades thought thoughtfully. The core Black Stone Tower must ensure that it is difficult to be turned over by psychic energy, which means that he needs to go and fill the black field in person.

[You underestimate the speed of faith's bonus. 】

The original body said quietly that the approval was finally completed. Although one third of it had preliminary planning by Karas, Mortarion still felt frustrated about the approval of the document.

He actually began to miss Guilliman a little. The farther the original body traveled, the more Mortarion was able to realize the importance of Guilliman, even though the guy was always confused about psychic matters.

The blood and mud on Mortarion's boots that had just stepped off the battlefield had not yet dried. The original body organized the files and then handed them to the servitor to enter into the Nirvana system.

Mortarion's other hand casually pulled out a piece of white paper and started writing again.

He could not calculate things that were closely related to Hades, and those things could only have an extremely vague logic, so the Primarch now calculated things that were far away from them.

Extended from the original number 13, it represents unbridled anger, which is then picked up by mortal hands and woven into the laurel crown of the king; then comes the ups and downs, the superficial dictator still does not deviate from his true nature, is betrayed, and fakes his death.

Interesting, Mortarion thought.

After he was told his true nature, he tried to calculate his brothers. Mortarion himself was the endless fog. There might be something in the fog - but he couldn't see it. Maybe it was insects, maybe it was just complete monster.

But the essence may not be static, they are also growing, or in other words, being affected.

Mortarion raised his pen and looked at the picture he had written.

The lines on the coordinate axis extended and intertwined, and he saw a sword burning with angry flames, with the king's laurel wreath leaning on the hilt.

This showed Robert Guilliman's determination and rage.

Some things must be done by the victim himself, such as... revenge.

Mortarion once again wrote down a number at random, 8, placed below 5. It was an amazing coincidence. Perhaps beings who deserved the fire of vengeance would attract each other.

But Mortarion would not let them interrupt the godslaying drama, the Primarch thought angrily, he needed to ensure that Slaanesh's death would be the main drama - there would be no other farce to interrupt his plan.

Slaanesh's death, while ensuring that the Eldar's death god did not come.

Mortarion was likely to make a mistake.

Because the younger one could never beat the older one! Neos thought, he rushed over and patted his former warmaster's shoulder cheerfully, almost frightening Orpesson to faint.


Hungry, hungry, hungry.

The greedy appetite can never be satisfied.

The youngest queen screamed and suffered, her huge body connected to the gap in the webway, and she began to become more concrete, which was bad, ugly, and wrong.

He tried to stuff one painful Eldar soul after another into his mouth, but after a moment of satisfaction, he felt even more hungry. The sharp blade passed through his thin belly. Every time he swallowed one, the unborn death god in the hungry lady's belly became clearer!

Slaanesh screamed in pain again. Pregnancy and the upcoming birth made him touch the death and rebirth of the gods. He was sometimes strong and sometimes weak - his power was confused with the death god!

The last time... the last time Slaanesh clearly sensed the breath of the death god was when he was resurrected and descended before the huge Eldar Empire. At that time, he played wantonly and tore apart an entire empire in pleasure.

But now he is curled up in Commorra, and the webway is like a placenta, wrapping him up layer by layer, drawing nutrients from the subspace to nourish his "rebirth".

Nourish him?

No! What is nourished is the monster that broke out of his body!

Slaanesh twitched, he felt pain, extreme pain - part of it came from the instinct of the god's dying moment, and the other part came from the pain of restraint. He wanted to swallow everything directly - but he couldn't do it!

The concepts in Slaanesh's body were competing with each other - making it impossible for a god to act recklessly! This was unimaginable and unbearable pain!

How happy the Dark Prince was when the Eldar Empire fell, and how painful it was at this moment, curled up in Commorra.

He subconsciously began to scream, and the screams came out from the breach of the webway, layer by layer, as if overlapping with the screams at the moment of his resurrection.

He stretched out his hand and looked at the gap in the webway through the cracks of thousands of twisted and polluted eternal suns.

The time in the warp is chaotic, but even Slaanesh cannot go back to the moment when he was completely saved - he cannot set off such a huge warp wave.

But the god is still favored.

The closer he is to death, the closer he is to rebirth. This is a self-eating, never-satisfied snake. Slaanesh is the most unique one - only he has a clear record of awakening. He devours himself to destruction, but also devours himself to revive.

The Dark Prince feels the power of the former Eldar Empire. These powers fill him, but still make him inevitably slide into the abyss - the fact is that his death brings him close to revival, revival gives him strength, but continues to push his final fall.

Between the pain and the awakening dream chant, Slaanesh desperately hears the mockery from the death god in his belly -

How much it sounds like the Xi Gaoqi who was devoured by him - or rather, the Eldar all laugh like this.


Slaanesh roared.


He rolled - he still has one chance! Let them see whether it is the death god or Slaanesh who is reborn in the end!

After he completely devours the Eldar, Slaanesh will fall into revival again. At that moment, he will kill the death god again to prove his existence!

Thinking of this, Slaanesh devoured the Eldar once again—but screamed in fear because of the impending destruction.

Outside the webway, a being similar to Hegochi... no, or even more bizarre than Hegochi laughed.

He likes to play chess.

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