Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 681 129 Krieg's Question

Chapter 681 129. Krieger’s question

"I'm a little nervous."

Meade, from the 7th Platoon of the 13th Company of Krieger's 121st Siege Regiment, said that the soldier was now lying flat on the hospital bed, his hands folded obediently and flat on his abdomen, but he still clutched his engineer shovel and refused to put it down.


In the hospital bed next to him, the Hades Priest, who had three broken ribs, laughed. The red-haired Lena tilted her head and looked at Krieger teasingly.

"Why, the internal hospital of the Hades Sect is dissatisfied with your wishes?"


Krieger said that because he was too close to a big demon in the previous war, he was diagnosed by the Hades as a fourth-level soul pollution and needed to eliminate the demon as a precaution.

By the way, there are a total of seven levels of soul pollution. Mead does not think that he has a disease that requires him to lie down for several days. The Krieg siege regiment he belongs to has already re-entered after a brief correction——

He hoped that he could follow them and join the battlefield as soon as possible.

And Mead was not nervous because of the dark interior of the Hades Hospital. In fact, what made him nervous was the sound coming from the ward next door.

"Well done, Quehuner."

A low voice penetrated Krieger's ears like a whisper, and then the soulless Ogryn spoke,

"Wow! Boss, boss, I want to eat cookies."

"...The inventory is running low. I'll get some from my food reserves. Don't tell others."

"Okay! The boss's boss! I won't tell others that the boss's boss treats me to cookies!"


"Priest Hades... Is Hades a god who often visits the sick?"

Meade asked in a low voice. He didn't want his voice to be heard by Hades, but in fact, he had already tightened his grip on his engineering shovel nervously.

Although Krieg has no fear of death, the situation can make them feel a little overwhelmed.

"The first time he came back, everything was the first time - I didn't know."

Rena said, turning her head again. Next to her hospital bed sat a guy wearing a level three protective suit. If you identify her carefully, you will find that she is the berserker who returned to Terra with Salamander.

"Drink some water, Lena."

The Hades Priest's companion said, feeding Reina some saliva, while the Hades Priest blinked her eyes shrewdly and looked at the Berserker.

"Don't think I don't know you want to see him again."

Reina gestured silently. Pluto had already visited the Berserker's hospital bed. This guy ran out after a long time. It seemed that he was here to show friendship between compatriots, but in fact he just wanted to see Pluto again.

"Drink your water and shut up."

The Berserker also whispered, and then without hesitation chose to choke her comrade to death with water, while Reina decisively chose to lie back and pretend to be dead.

Just as they were entangled in whispers, a bell rang outside the ward where they were, and the voice of Cardinal Hades rang indifferently,

"Loyal warriors of the empire, He is willing to grant you a gift - you do not need to salute, Pluto will forgive your rudeness."

"No need to get up, no need to get up, just lie down, it's important to recover."

The cardinal's voice was followed by a familiar voice. This voice gave Meade an illusion - many members of the Hades gave him this feeling. You can tell with just one voice that they are willing to get closer to you. .

Then the light at the door dimmed, and a black-armored giant looked down at the doorframe, skillfully turned sideways, squatted slightly, and then walked into the room smoothly.

Action preceded will, and Meade felt as if he was being ejected. He originally wanted to jump out of bed and salute directly, but then he remembered that Rena warned him that the Pylonians were not interested in kneeling and saluting, so his originally smooth movements suddenly got stuck. .

Krieger looked directly at Pluto under the cover of a gas mask. He was indeed not a mortal. He was tall enough, wide enough, and heavy enough... His face was indeed as resolute as the one glimpsed from a distance during the military parade, like a marble sculpture by an ancient sculptor— —

But ancient sculptors may not choose a carefree smile as the expression of the sculpture, which is a waste of his chicness.

There was an indescribable feeling about the giant, one that Krieger had never seen before, and Mead tried his best to remember and describe it. It was like...

It's like he knows he's going to win, but he doesn't care about winning or losing at all.

This feeling makes Krieger feel at ease. It is not that he has never seen foolish generals, but Pluto obviously does not belong to this category. Although Krieger does not know which battle Pluto has participated in, when you look at him, You know he won't make a mistake.

"Are you there too?"

Hades, who squeezed into the room, saw the berserkers running out. Mortarion's vaccine development against Slaanesh was nearing completion, and the war had provided them with many Slaanesh victims, so the first infected person Her authority was reduced and she was allowed to move around.

"My Lord Pluto, I follow the principle of friendship in the teachings and come to help my best friend and comrade-in-arms Reina recover so that she can serve you better."

Well, Hades glanced at Reina, who looked unhappy on the hospital bed, and felt that the next moment he looked away, the Hades was about to twist the Berserker's flesh with his hands.

"Your kindness is worthy of praise, but don't worry too much. I believe the medical staff will take good care of your friend."

Hades laughed and walked to the bed next to the Hades.

"How is the recovery place? Lena."

"Thank you for your concern. I am recovering well, sir. I believe I will be able to fight on the battlefield again soon."

"No need to be so polite,"

Hades waved his hand. He wanted to sit down, but there was no suitable chair and the room was too small. When the Hades hospital ship was built, it was not considered that the size of the original body would be stuffed into these wards.

"I want to say that your army completed the task very well,"

Hades laughed,

"I heard that you joined forces with a Krieg warrior and killed a big demon without the assistance of the soulless? I just heard from Ogryn - is it this Krieg warrior?"

Mid was about to speak, but the Hades priest answered,

"Yes! My lord, I just restrained it - it was him who really cut off the demon's head."

Rena hurriedly introduced Krieg to Hades. She did think that this little guy was very good - due to the speed of the establishment of the Krieg army, unfortunately, she might be a little bigger than Krieg... hopefully not much bigger.

The Hades priest did not intend to let Krieg speak. Krieg was not suitable for speaking. In such official occasions, it was better for the people of the Hades to play Tai Chi.

Hades's sight moved to Krieg, and he felt a soul fire that was not too lush.

This was the most interesting thing. Krieg was a quick clone army, and their souls would be slightly dimmer than those of natural people - but this did not prevent the brilliant light of their souls before death.

This might also be the reason why Krieg could adapt to the black domain more.

"Good day, Mead-630827, how do you feel?"

Hades waited patiently for the answer. Krieg was also in the ward in front. Compared with others, especially the Hades who had full social skills, Krieg would think longer.

"Not good, sir."

Hades's peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the Hades priest's expression of almost screaming, and Hades bet that there was some connection between the two little guys.

Sometimes he liked to see people's little thoughts outside of war - after all, war was never all of human beings.

"Why not? Tell me, if I can help, then I will find a way, warrior?"

This sentence might be the beginning of the death penalty in the ears of others, but Krieg would not think so.

"I'm not sick. I feel like I can still fight. I hope to return to the battlefield. I don't want to be left behind by the company."

"Then let me take a look."

Hades walked to Krieg's bed. In fact, he could use the Black Domain for consultation without walking, but in the eyes of others, this was a bit inexplicable.

Hades skillfully used the Black Domain to remove the curse that the Great Demon had cast on Krieg before his death. In the Black Domain, the remaining consciousness of these chaos disappeared directly into the Black Domain without even screaming.

"Okay, let's go for another physical examination. You can leave after everything is fine."

Hades said, stretching out his hand,

"Please give me your Black Stone Necklace."

Krieg finally released a hand holding the shovel, and took out his Black Stone Necklace from his neck. The black stone floated up, and a richer black attached to it, so rich that it seemed to drip.

It's still in the shape of a donut, Hades thought, strange.

"Okay, I'll give it back to you, Mid."

Hades reached out and put the black stone necklace back on Krieg's neck. This was the only thing he could do. The people lying here would be put into a deeper battlefield after they recovered from their illnesses--

because they had proven their resistance to chaos.

Hades needed to quickly screen out the anti-chaos talents in the Astra Militarum Army through the early battlefields. These people would play sufficiently important roles in the subsequent operations.

He hoped that during the intervals of the war, he could meet these warriors in person, both for screening and for respect.

"...Sir, what is a donut?"

Mid suddenly asked again, which surprised Hades. Would a normal Krieg teach these niche words?

"Some kind of dessert - I'll ask the logistics department to send a box later. What flavor do you like?"


"My lord, he probably doesn't know what flavors there are?"

Reina said hurriedly,

"It's my negligence. Then I'll give you one of each basic flavor. I hope you like it."

Hades laughed,

"I didn't like donuts very much before. They were too sweet - I think my tolerance for sweetness is not as strong as bitterness. The taste of Basic Marching Nutrient Concentrate 3x is just right."

"Is Basic Marching Nutrient Concentrate 3x sweet?"

"Yes, it is sweet."

Hades said with a solemn oath. He stared at Krieg who was in deep thought. He didn't know what Krieg thought of from this conversation about food.

"My Lord, does the Emperor eat donuts?"

Hades was shocked again.

"I think he has eaten donuts," he said, "uh... but I'm not sure if he likes them, or maybe it's just some food he tasted by accident."

Mead was silent. He was about to eat the food that the Emperor had eaten, which made him feel a kind of strange dislocation, but he was not too excited in his heart. He felt confused, but he didn't know where the confusion came from.

Every Krieg has been a loyal believer of the Emperor since birth. They will sacrifice for the Lord of Mankind in the war. This is the only reason for their existence, without questioning or changing.

"My Lord, are donuts eaten after the war? What is after the war?"

He saw Hades smiled brightly, which was rare in Krieg's life, but Hades seemed very interested in his question.

"To some extent,"

Hades laughed. The general army would regard Krieg as a ruthless war machine, but in fact, even Warhammer, except for those guys who were completely made into mechanical servants, everyone has their own will, which is why the empire has always been so chaotic - after all, humans are not completely swarming creatures.

Interesting, he can see Krieg's thinking.


Hades persuaded,

"Some foods are invented in peacetime - usually more generous in ingredients, more exquisite in seasoning, more in line with the needs of human taste; some foods are invented in wartime - the ingredients are usually limited, the seasoning is less particular, and more in line with the needs of human survival. I think donuts are foods invented in peacetime, so..."

"If peace can be brought after the war, then donuts are the food eaten after the war."

Krieg tilted his head, as if trying his best to understand what Hades said, which may be too abrupt in his life full of wars, and he is unlikely to live to the end of the war.

"Will there be peace after the war?"

"We hope it will be."

Hades said calmly,

"We started the war for survival and peace, not for a bigger war, which is...at least not a human thing."

Mead nodded, he had completely understood,

"Thank you, sir, I will try to sacrifice before the war is over."

Hades' eyelids twitched imperceptibly, he strangely understood Krieg's thinking,

Krieg was born for war, there is no war after the war, Krieg is not needed.

This was once Mortarion's concern, and perhaps Horus's - but in fact, the Primarch now wishes that there would be no war in this galaxy in the next second, he has been working too long.

Although Hades wanted to say not to worry, there will never be no war in this constructed universe, but he thought he should be optimistic.

"There will be construction after the war. The Lord of Mankind will continue to need you. War is not the only way to serve him... You can imagine digging trenches for the Lord of Mankind after this."

"I don't want to continue digging trenches."

Krieg said,

"I dig trenches because it will allow me to sacrifice better on the battlefield and fight better, but I will not take the initiative to dig trenches that are worthless to me."

"So what do you want to do?"

Hades asked casually, "Between sacrifice and death, war and fighting, what do you want to do?"

Mead was stunned,

"My sacrificed Lord of Watch wants to find a good broad leaf to play the flute."

He said.

"What about you?"

Hades asked.

"I... I don't know."

"Then you can try to find it,"

Hades laughed,

"This is the doctrine of Hades, you can believe in both at the same time."

Haha, yellow skin, he Hades will let Krieg's surname Ha instead of Huang today!

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