Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 687 135 The chess game is set

Chapter 687 135. The chess game has been decided


Neos said easily. At this moment, he was wearing a slightly funny straw crown. Across the table, his former warmaster Orpeson sat with a speechless face.

"You still like playing chess so much."

Orr said, staring at the chessboard that Neos had laid out.

"Am I your enemy?"

Orr stretched out his hand and was about to move the chess pieces, but the Emperor suddenly raised his hand, interrupting his movement.


The Lord of Mankind said,

"I changed my thinking so there aren't just two sides - each piece has its own goal, and now they just happen to be on the same table and in the same war."

"The chess pieces are controlled by themselves, and he gives them freedom."

The Lord of Mankind opened his arms and showed the former Warmaster this chessboard that was extremely complex both in time and space.

"Look, this is our star chess piece on the field."

The chess pieces made of white bones are thin and gaunt, white mist is flowing down, and they are standing at the sharpest point of their spiritual energy with their heads held high.

Next to it, it is not so much a chess piece as a pitch-black spear. The deep, reflective spear penetrates the upper and lower structure of the chessboard, firmly anchoring the chess game at this moment.

Mortarion's eyes were unmoved. The original body sprayed out mist and looked at the waves at the end of the webway.

Pluto stood beside him, smiling but the smile did not reach his eyes, and his killing intent was as sharp as a beast dormant at night.

"Then look at our dinner—"

Bright purple mixed with pink clouds and mist swirled, converging into a storm in the center of the chessboard, and bright yellow lightning bolted from time to time, like blood vessels winding on the placenta.

This is a hole that runs through the lower and middle levels of the chessboard.

+Ssssssssssssssssssssssssss! +

Screams erupted from the depths of Commorragh, and the salivating dying god licked the ground. The Slaanesh Eldar who had not escaped were instantly crushed into a pool of blood by the huge flesh.

"It's miserable - He deserved it."

Neos laughed easily, with a hearty smile. Suddenly, a card that had been played long ago appeared between his fingers. The torn card was lifeless, and the laughing clown tore it apart with his smile.

"Thank you to our Eldar enemies."

The Lord of Mankind raised his eyes seemingly casually and looked into the darkness of the cabin. Where had the birds nested there gone? Only a blue feather at the bottom of the nest indicates His involvement.

The Lord of Change had a good plan... Slaanesh's greed made him trapped... The taste he had tasted would never be forgotten, so he made a second attempt.

The Lord of Humanity clenched his fist, turned the Joker card between his fingers into a ball of waste paper, and threw it back into the darkness.

"It is a pity that my friend cannot enjoy his feast - he is surrounded by scavengers, and the corpses of gods are rare things."

The man wearing the crown in the darkness was attracted and silent, and the lions surrounded him like a pack of hyenas, glaring at him eagerly.

"Good luck, Malcador."

Luther said, the bruises on his face had not gone away, his expression was gritted, and the light of the webway coated his side with a layer of crystal white,

"Of course we will kill him - you may also be able to recover the body of the Lion King in Commorragh."

Malcador said with a smile, ambition and greed emerging, Luther was very happy that this damn hypocrite finally stopped pretending,


"The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind."

In the messy place in the center of the chessboard, the beacon was buried by the lion who had endured for thousands of years. The descendants of Neos had a tacit understanding. The emperor was very pleased to see this scene.

Farther away, the blue ocean was surging, and the raven was standing on the mast, croaking, and the lion's beacon was reflected in the sharp eyes.

"But, but, but."

Nios said,

"I'm sorry that they are still a little superficial. After all, no one can see through thousands of years and penetrate the future and the past."

"Your words of praise are too crude. I suggest you study the Book of Sacred Scripture, Neos."

Orr said, following the prompt of the Lord of Mankind, he looked towards the upper level of the chessboard, and wild wolves and falcons came striking the wind, bringing the sleeping lion with them.

The alien Star Master is currently weighing the weight of the stars.

Under the strange bright blue sky, they arrived as promised.

This is another bet, the overriding bet -

A gamble that reveals the true face of the Lord of Mankind, that he is a sex-addicted gambler.


Oerikan said, controlling the force field and raising a device in his hand that looked like an enlarged handcuff. There were sharp spikes protruding from the outside of the bright white ring. It was a pure energy body that seemed to be put on the head to cover the eyes.

"Can this thing really temporarily block Pluto's gaze?"

"If I say yes, I can, Trazin."

"Alright alright."

Trazin smiled and raised his hands in surrender, then moved his eyes to the distance, where the sea of ​​time gathered, and it saw two completely different endings.

"So when do they dock?"

Orr tilted his head and looked at the tired eagle and wolf. The wolves were still whimpering around the sleeping lion. Without even thinking about it, the Lord of Humanity had squeezed them.

"One of them needs to get off the bus early, and the rest need to get to the earliest anchor point."

Neos said that Orr felt that the Lord of Men was going to make a witticism that was not funny at all.

"Then they can open Schrödinger's box and see if the lion is dead or alive."

as expected.

"You have a terrible sense of humor, Neos."

Oel awkwardly drank a sip of coffee, while Neos still looked indifferent.

"Then come back with me - you should really meet Hades, I think you will like his sense of humor."

"Does your new friend know that you betrayed him like this?"

"He knows, of course he knows, I think he is now discussing with my fourteenth son how to make me grow hemorrhoids - they are wrong, completely wrong, great and perfect humans will not grow such weak pieces of meat."

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix.

Oel thought that during the years of cooperation with him, the Lord of Humanity was not so humorous -

Unfortunately, the Internet era came later, and there was a period of time when Neos really loved deconstructionism, and absorbed a lot of human jokes.

Deconstructionism, this may be an abyss that the immortals cannot avoid, and Orpesson would like to call it the middle second period of the immortals.

But later they will find that deconstructing everything cannot build any solid existence, so those traditional guys who can build walls are back, such as religion. At least in the current 40k Empire version, religion is a universal antidote - or anesthetic.

Or sighed, his eyes flickered, he stared at the Lord of Humanity with a complicated expression, and his lips moved a few times,

"Do you really want to kill the gods?"

"Yes, kill the gods,"

Nyos said in an exaggerated sigh,

"Kill the gods - I am almost moved to tears, they don't even need me to come, praise Hades, people finally realize that I am just a passerby."

Or's eyes twitched, he could feel that Neos had little power left - where did so much faith power go? All given to the wolves and eagles of the upper class?

"The one who advised you to wear the crown will not be happy."

Or looked at the gorgeous chess pieces lurking in the dark on the table, and three old woman swords were displayed at the feet of the emperor. I guess he had his own little thoughts on the previous Eldar expedition.

"After this battle, I will have a good talk with him."

Nyos lowered his mouth,

"I realized what I overlooked - Caliban also polluted him, but I don't think we should change this cycle."

Or stared at Neos. He rarely saw such a relaxed and happy emperor. This guy always had a stern face, as if the sky would fall tomorrow.

Perhaps in his eyes, the sky would fall the next day.

So what about now? After your friends around you left or betrayed one by one, are you finally relieved?

Thinking of this, Or wanted to sigh again. Including Malcador, no immortal was willing to follow him forever, but it seemed that they were not important enough - the only thing that could really make the Lord of Humanity frown was Chaos.

The wind outside the house was sobbing, and the time was almost up.

Or cleared the complicated thoughts in his heart. This was a blessing. He would witness the first case of human godslaying. He should be happy, instead of being dragged into the cage of memories by Neos.

After that, he should get together with people like Malcador and have a chat.

Or thought and looked away.

"Then the first round."

Or turned sideways, in the dark night with howling wind, beside the burning bonfire, he opened the round board next to the chessboard, "1".


Neos rubbed his hands,

"Then the first step, I will send out my infantry army."

The small ant-like troops that were not introduced by the Lord of Mankind, but spread all over the chessboard, all over the mountains and plains, began to move slowly.



The voice of Hades echoed in everyone's communication channel, and Mead of the 7th Platoon of the 13th Company of the 121st Siege Regiment of Krieg began to run, just like he did every time he charged.

The bullets rubbed his helmet, and his earth-colored helmet reflected the strange color of the web.

For a moment, he felt as if he was running in all directions at the same time, but the soulless man riding a horse and waving the black stone cloth flag at the front of the queue helped him find his direction.

There was a tiny sound in Mead's ears, and before the black stone necklace around his neck could react--

Mead pounced to the right, the cold light of the blade brushed past his shoulder, and at the same time he turned around to shoot again, bright green burst out from the muzzle, and pierced straight into the neck of the Eldar.


The sound of flesh and blood bursting rang out, and Mead didn't even look back. He was sure that the gun in his hand would accomplish its mission. He moved his lower body center of gravity, staggered, and ran again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A sharp roar whizzed past his head, and a group of guided missiles cut through the space, exploding smoke and dust at the empty node deep in the network. Mead heard the wail of the alien guarding mechanical beast.

Raising his gun and shooting, the black stone necklace on his chest pressed him, and Mead felt the urge of being summoned.

He saw the roaring Slaanesh demon on the pile of corpses in front of the battle line. The bullets from all directions turned into green ripples in front of it. The Krieg comrades who were not dead yet were holding its claws tightly to block its movement, but their lower bodies had been dragged to pieces.

The footsteps of Krieg's warhorse were still far away. Mead took back his rifle and pulled out the engineer shovel. After a slight sound, his gas mask was illuminated by a faint bright green.

"Praise Hades."

Krieg flew up with the help of his calf force and the strange gravity in the web also helped him. He jumped high, and a cold green moonlight broke through the air. The other Eldar assassins who rushed into Krieg's formation raised their heads in astonishment.

"In the name of Hades!!! I give you death!!!"

Mead remembered what the Hades priest said to him, calling Hades, calling Hades! He will bless your purity!


The demon, whose body was swollen due to the blessing of Slaanesh, slowly lowered his head in disbelief, only to see his chest pierced by the engineer shovel. Before he could scream, the engineer shovel moved again, cutting his neck and head like tofu.

Mead quickly took back the engineer shovel and swiped it to scatter all the blood. As the Slaanesh demon fell, Krieg, who was holding it, slowly let go.

Mead did not hesitate, he continued to move forward, stepping over the corpses of his own kind,

The sound of drums and bells rang behind him, and the scarlet cloak swept past him quickly. The two-legged dragon riders in the Skitarii crossed the pile of corpses, and the muzzles of the charging and buzzing electric guns lit up green.

The ground began to tremble, and the Knights came with the Skitarii. According to the instructions in the channel, Mead immediately gave way.

The narrow webway they were attacking did not allow the deployment of Titans.

Boom! A giant leg smashed beside him, then slowly drove away, and a green arc flashed on the giant chain saw chain dragged by the knight on the ground.

Bang bang bang bang!!! The twin heavy machine guns started working, and a thick blood mist immediately exploded on the front line, covering the roar of the Slaanesh Eldar. The skinned and nailed wild beasts rushed out from behind the blood mist, jumped up and bit the knight!

"Ring the bell!!!"

The Skitarii who was guarding the knight roared, and a long bell sounded immediately behind the battle line. Mead felt his black stone necklace vibrate with the bell.

The beast that bit the knight also opened its huge mouth painfully in the bell sound. The knight immediately swung the chain saw sword and chopped it up into the air. The buzzing sound was dull and bloody.

Under the knight's armor that was bitten open to expose the cable, silver flashed by, and the metal surged up like a living thing, covering the gap in an instant.

In the aftermath of the bell, Mead steadied his steps, gripped his gun, and was about to continue the forced march——

"Donut boy!!!"

With his red hair flying, the Hades priest laughed and rushed out from behind the battle line on a hoverbike. The Hades priests entered the field, all riding hoverbikes. Mead saw that on the giant hoverbike behind the motorcycle formation, Ogryn was trying hard to strike a dark bell. The Eldar and demons that the formation passed by all bent over and covered their ears in pain.

"Get on the car!"

Rena blew a whistle. According to military regulations, Mead should not get on the car, but his body reacted before his mind did. He stretched out a hand toward the motorcycle formation——

"Good job!"

The Hades priest chuckled, and Krieg swung a perfect arc between her hands, and then sat steadily on her back seat.

Rena felt Krieg's gun on her shoulder. Damn the heat-resistant Krieg, Rena felt that the skin on her shoulder was burned.

"Knock! Knock! Big brainless guy! Knock for me!!"

"Okay, boss!!!"

Ogryn knocked harder, and Mead could feel the black stone necklace around his neck deflecting the attack from the black bell for him.

"Where are we going?"

Mead asked while Krieg emptied a magazine and reloaded.

The Hades priest whistled,

"To the land of lush grass and water!"

Then she laughed, slowed down, let go of the handlebars, took out her gun and shot forward.

"Go and die!"

The Hades priest roared, so that her voice could cover the surrounding crusaders' words of praise for Hades,

"Corporal! We are going to occupy Comoros - but we will definitely not be able to go back! Let us die together in Comoros!"

"I agree."

Mead said, changed the magazine, held the slightly hot handle, and shot again.

"But I want to convert. I hope to die in Hades' Styx."

With one shot, Mid shot off the guy's head. He tried to aim again, but was interrupted by the motorcycle that suddenly drifted away.


Leina shouted. This seemed to be the first time Mid remembered that the Hades priest stuttered.

"Because believers of Hades will die in the Styx."

Mid replied.

"What kind of answer is this!!!"

The Hades priest roared, but then she might have realized something. Mid helplessly watched the motorcycle he was riding drift away again.


Burning! The golden flames crackled and exploded. The Eldar screamed and turned into dry firewood beside him. Malcador strolled leisurely and advanced leisurely among his golden flame warriors.

In the distance, the Titan, which was also burning with flames, slammed down.

"For Lion!!!"

The Golden Flame and the Black Helmet seemed to be clearly separated. The Dark Angels advanced, and the Space Marines raised their swords and cut off the skulls of the Great Demons. From time to time, strange beings appeared in the camps of both sides, but the First Legion and Malcador tacitly did not ask about each other's secrets.

They all knew that they were not the helpers in this battle, and their real goal here was after the war - just waiting for Slaanesh to die.


"Come out--!!"

"Slaanesh!!!! You come out!!!!"

The webway was trembling, and the thunderous roar was deafening. In the largest webway, the unmanned fleet followed the footsteps of Hades and bombed the defensive buildings attached to the webway indiscriminately.

Countless fallen creatures screamed and turned into nothingness. The black behemoth marched angrily. His huge body filled the entire webway, slowly and arduously following the psychic wrestling that filled the entire webway.

You can no longer observe Him, and the pitch-black darkness falls like an eternal night, mixed with noisy spots of light in space, swallowing up this road forever.

On the other side, Mortarion waved his scythe expressionlessly, the scythe stalking the wind, refusing to die, refusing to die, refusing, refusing, no one would die in his mist.

[Maybe you can save some energy, Hades. 】

The road is still long.

said the Primarch, and the webway trembled in response.


Here they come.

Leon walked in the tower, looked up into the distance, and confirmed for the last time that the beacon was correct.

Then he sat in front of the console of Comoros General Controller, looking tired.

He looked at the painful god and felt that his will was being tested.

Elsa was dead, slain by the greed of Slaanesh, torn apart and devoured bit by bit while she was still alive, her flesh dismantled into her belly.

Then Elsa's position was replaced by Slaanesh. The lion forced himself to open his eyes and looked at Slaanesh, where monsters were gushing out like a honeycomb from his rotten belly.

The corrupt thoughts are impacting Leon, but he will hold on. He is the first son and a template for everyone. He will never be corrupted.

Broken high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, and pregnant women who look like newborns are living in the steel and concrete jungle.

Leon looked up. The mouth of the Webway, which was broken open by Slaanesh's forcible intrusion, had already been covered with layers of hazy veils. It was conducting material exchanges with the subspace. The entire Commorragh was now like a half-open egg.

Now, giants from the outside world are knocking on this seemingly fragile egg.

Each strike caused Slaanesh to scream in agony, the screams rising one after another, adding to the screams coming from the warp.

The mist in the forest rose at the Lion's feet, and he was sure that time had begun to flow - he was so sure of this because he had experienced it before.

Just above Caliban.

He wanted to kill Slaanesh directly, but he couldn't, and the lion accepted this calmly, or maybe it was because his other obsessions were too strong.

In the face of all this hugeness...what an individual can do is very small.

The lion was silent, Comoros had transformed him, he was just waiting, like a sword placed in a box, one day he would go out to kill the enemy, and he needed to hit it with one hit.

Leon raised the lion sword and used the cold light of the sword to reflect his face - hairy, even more unscrupulous than Wolf King Russ.

Thinking of this, Leon laughed.

He pulled out a dagger and used the light of the lion sword to cut his beard and sideburns. He wanted to make himself younger - to return to a thousand years ago.

However, now he does not know the play that his biological father has arranged for him.

But he will accept it.


[He is about to wake up. 】

Russ snored, and as the anchorage approached, there were finally no disgusting shapeshifters on their ship, which allowed them to gain the moment of peace before the battle.

Khan glanced at him, then continued to wipe his white tiger scimitar.

Leman Russ rarely felt nervous. It was obvious that they had been together for so long, but just before the answer to the mystery was revealed, he became nervous.

He couldn't describe how he felt, just like he felt when he learned that Magnus was not a traitor, and then he ran away, running far away, trying to make up for something.

He once rushed into the ever-changing labyrinth of Tzeentch, just to find Magnus who was lost there and trapped in the labyrinth forever, but he accidentally fell into another time and space.

A time when only Tzeentch was the winner and the god.

It was his accidental fall that made Quan's father notice this place.

Then comes the current story. The Allfather guided the Khans in the Webway to join him, and then gave them this difficult task——

Stay alive.

Survive in another dimension of time and space and become the only two loyal Primarchs to survive.

Well, maybe even a half-dead lion.

and Fall of Dorne.

Look, look, he says he will never fall, but in the end Quanfu will only believe in lions, wolves and eagles.

Ruth grinned.

[Khan, we are going to see Hades in a moment - I haven't spoken to him much yet, what kind of person do you think he is? 】

The last time he had seen Hades was at the Council of Nicaea.

Khan pondered for a moment, remembering the anxious Mortarion.

[Probably has the appearance of a Barbarus, and a personality that Mortarion can tolerate. 】

[Ah - that must be a tolerant person. 】

Riemann thought of Mortarion's bad temper and wrinkled his face in a distorted manner.

He just wanted to say something to divert attention, but the lion on the stone platform suddenly twitched its fingers, and Ruth hurriedly approached.

[Are you awake, Leon? 】

Russ asked quietly, and Khan looked sideways. The Wolf King was using a soft tone that he was not even aware of, as if he was talking to a kitten, but it was indeed a lion.

Barbarians are actually the most emotional ones. Khan sometimes has to use his cold heart to guard against the Wolf King who has just lost his heir, but Riemann survives every time. He is sad but always knows where the bottom line is.

This may be why the Emperor chose him.


Leon opened his eyes, unblinking.

[I know you want to drink water. 】

The Wolf King quickly took over his treasured bowl of water. The lion was suffering too much. It was really suffering. Is this how the emperor treated his heir who would never betray?

[This time I am returning to Caliban, right? 】

Leon Jonson sat up suddenly, clenched the Wolf King's hand, his eyes were bright under the candlelight,

[I'm going to blow up Caliban, right? 】

The Wolf King ignored the severe pain in his arm. He felt sour in his mouth. Ruth opened his mouth.

【right. 】

He said.

This is the emperor's ruthlessness, he wants his descendants to blow up his hometown personally.

Leman Russ, who has lost his hometown forever, feels sad, but this is Leon's own choice.

After a short pause,

[Okay, I'll go. 】

Leon Jonson said firmly.


"You're such a bastard."

"This is the third time you have repeated this sentence, Orr, I suggest you change the word, such as scum, such as moral low."

The Emperor said, casually lowering his head and playing with the chess pieces in his hand. Three similar but slightly different lion chess pieces were rising and falling between his fingers.

"You treat the heirs who are loyal to you like this - you might as well - you might as well let your friend Malcador or Hades educate them!!!"

"Actually the Alpha raised by Malcador."

The Lord of Mankind said,

"But...Makado has not failed to teach."

The emperor glanced sideways and glanced at the blood pool where Alpha was making trouble. He saw conflicting concepts and internal contradictions. What a genius.

"I am very grateful to Hades for correcting at least four of my descendants."

The Lord of Mankind said,

"But... there must always be heirs who are loyal to me."

"No one who is loyal to you will end well!!!"

Orr shouted suddenly,

"Nios! Look at me! Look at Erda! And Malcador! You haven't left any of the people who have followed you!"

Neos stopped playing with the chess pieces and blinked, his expression changing from cheerful and relaxed to expressionless.

"Give me a chance to change."

The Lord of Mankind said,

"After it's all over."

"Can it really be over?"

Orr stood up. He didn't know whether he should say something or not.

"You told me the same thing last time! It turns out you deceived me - did you forget how the Tower of Babel fell?!"


"But we've sacrificed so much, Orr."

The Lord of Mankind said calmly,

"Parents contribute their children, and wives contribute their husbands. For the final victory, I can lose everything - I sacrifice my children because all I have now is their loyalty to me, and I have nothing else."

Orr felt himself shaking with anger. The Lord of Mankind was right. Although he often double-standarded, the question was, had he really solved the problem? It was like this ten thousand years ago, and it will be like this ten thousand years from now...

"At least Pluto and I are the same kind of people,"

Nios said, looking at the chessboard,

"But he is luckier than me. At least now he can contribute his strength again... We will succeed."

"Don't be angry, Orr."

The Lord of Mankind raised his eyes,

"The gods are about to fall... We don't need to feel depressed at this moment. Are you frustrated that it's not up to you to kill a god?"

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