Chapter 695 143. Afterwards...

Robert Guilliman looked calmly into the distance, where the pure blackness was slowly collapsing, and he felt some kind of intrinsic disgust.

Is that the power of Pluto?

Guilliman smiled bitterly and shook his head in astonishment, as if a crown made of sunlight and golden flames shone on his white blond hair, making the original body look younger and more majestic.

Countless shining fragments were still hovering around him, waiting for the favor of the original body, but Guilliman was just silent.

Combined with Mortarion's advice to him, Guilliman didn't think this was a good thing.

【how do you feel? 】

The shadows were speaking, and Corax's black pupils stared at Guilliman, waiting for his reply.

[Within my expectations. 】

Guilliman nodded and glanced speechlessly at Curze, who was already unrestrained beside Corax and was roughly tearing off his own accessories.

It looked like Curze had been waiting for them for a long time.

[I thought you would try to leave, Conrad. 】

【leave? 】

Curze made a strange noise and scratched the long necklace with his long and sharp nails, and the pearls on it spread out.

[The great and manipulative Pluto is trying to connect the entire galaxy together. Where can I hide? 】

Curze winked narrowly. Under Malcador, he knew that Nirvana was corroding the empire...

First, with the help of the Mechanicum, once a systematic information transmission system is established, the next step is to establish a supervision system "by the way."

Even if Hades didn't want to do this, Neos wouldn't let this opportunity go.

Furthermore, Curze tore open the shiny gold bracelet, and the gold squeaked and twisted in his palm.


The Primarch is willing to continue wandering, but his descendants who insist on following him may not deserve this fate. Curze is a bad person, but Sevatar is not.

In the years since he left him, Saidu has become the actual leader of the Assassin's Court!

This is much better than Conrad.

Curze grinned. The Midnight Lords had driven them away thousands of times, but the Midnight Sons seemed determined to fall with him.

Corax beside him turned his head and glanced at Coze, who was half-crouching and spinning on the ground because he was throwing away his accessories, with complicated eyes.

If the Primarch is willing to hide, no one will find him, unless he himself does not want to... Conrad, why don't you want to continue wandering?

He might be able to think of why, Corax didn't say a word and just continued to guard Curze.

Guilliman's eyes burning with golden flames retracted,

[I hope this is what you really mean, Conrad Coates. 】

Because of the fierce battle just now, Commorragh is now collapsing. They are now standing at the connection between the largest webway and Commorragh, waiting for their old friends.

Guilliman has brought mountains and seas of Ultramarines, and is also working with other armies to clean up the remnants left in the Webway. Under the feet of the gods, there were still many elves or demons fleeing into the Webway just now.

The Mechanicus desperately rushed into the collapsing Commorragh, searching for treasures among the quicksand cities. Out of his promise to Belisarius Caul, Guilliman allowed the Mechanicum's wantonness.

Although Belisarius also proposed that the Adeptus Mechanicus who came with the Death Guard should not be allowed to enter, it seemed that this proposal had been tacitly ignored by everyone.

A slight crackling sound sounded, like a bonfire lit late at night.


As if feeling something, the originals turned around and saw Neos with a calm face, and a mortal who looked speechless following behind Nios.

The Emperor was wearing a shirt with rolled-up sleeves, brown linen trousers tied with a belt, and black leather shoes. He looked like a guy who had just come out of a casino.

【Lord of Humanity. 】*2

Guilliman and Corax immediately knelt down and saluted. Curze reluctantly stood beside Corax and turned invisible into the darkness.

The Emperor paid no attention to this and waved his hand for the Primarchs to get up.

Guilliman stood up, with a complicated expression on his face, and the crown on his head dimmed, but Guilliman was not depressed.

When the emperor was defeated and a god fell, did the one on the golden throne finally choose to step down?

Robert opened his mouth slightly. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to ask, why couldn't the Lord of Humanity help them in advance, why did he come now, and what was his reason?

But he asked nothing in the end, knowing that Guilliman would get no answer.

Perhaps asking Hades or even Mortarion would get a more accurate and credible answer.

Corax was silent as well. He had just looked at the Emperor with cold eyes.

"Come see you."

In the awkward silence, Nios spoke without any psychological burden,

"Things are going well and there's nothing I can say about it - I'm just here to take him back."

"Help me, Orr."

Neos said, extending a hand casually, golden flames and storms flashed between his fingers, and his long hair flew.

The broken golden fragments and divine authority began to converge, and Guilliman reluctantly saw the familiar abominable figure.

Neos picked up his unconscious friend, Orr's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly stepped forward to help the emperor support Malcador.

Guilliman's heart grew heavier.

【Why did you...】

The primarch's accusation lingered in his throat.

"Because I don't know everything."

Nios said casually, turning around to leave,

"But I'm glad to see my children, you more than make up for my shortcomings."

Thousands of years ago, Guilliman would have felt supreme glory and honor because of these words, but now he is not touched by them. These words came too late, and he has become even more so because of the various conditions in the world. Thick.

A word could no longer touch him, no matter who said it.

Instead, Coze in the shadows stubbornly let out an almost inaudible sneer.

Seeing that none of the Primarchs responded, Neos paused as he was about to leave, then turned to look at Guilliman.

"Perhaps I can surprise you, my boy."

Guilliman wanted to say that he didn't need it, but from the perspective of a monarch and a minister, he shouldn't refuse.

[Thank you for your gift. 】

He bowed his head, then carried Malcador on his shoulders, and the simple Neos and Orr disappeared into the webway.

[The old immortal is finally gone. 】

Koze chuckled twice, acted more boldly, reached out and clasped the Eldar flesh between his teeth.

【How long do we have to wait? 】

Curze asked, wondering where the lion had gone, but now it seemed like the lion was the least important one, just like him.

The Lord of Midnight has long recognized his status. He should not enjoy any rights, and naturally should not bear any obligations and responsibilities. He will mess everything up - because he wants to.

As if in response to Coz's words, a layer of shining light burst out from the edge of the central black hole, and instantly collapsed into a small dot——

In just one moment, in the majestic sky, the giant loosened the thread of fate.

Guilliman's pupils suddenly shrank.

The Lord of Macragge finally saw the bones of his brother who had mentored him in psychic matters, as dull as bones that had just been dug out of an old tomb.

Mortarion fainted, and within the sight of his psychic energy, Guilliman saw that the Pale Lord's psychic energy expanded several times, mostly from the infusion of subspace and the filling of authority.

But there is a part that looks like it was roughly bitten off. This part of the power was forcibly torn off to prevent it from merging with the Pale Lord.

From a physical perspective, Mortarion is now hanging his head, his hood and broken wings drooping like a rag.

One of his hands was held up, and he barely let the Death God fall to the ground.

Then the other one is——

Guilliman shifted his gaze, and he was sure that he subconsciously took a step back.

As if he had just stepped out of the dripping sea of ​​​​the underworld, the exaggerated jet-black liquid drops slowly dripped down. Step by step, a vague human form was revealed in the black water.

The black helmet boots walked on the earth accompanied by lightning, the broken plank automatically closed under his feet to form a solid ground, and the dark water poured down, revealing pale hair and face——

The weird bright white eye patch blocked his eyes, the spikes screamed and stabbed out, and the bright white liquid dripped from the eye patch, leaving tear stains on the lower half of his face.

That's Hades.

As if sensing something, Hades looked towards the exit of the webway where Guilliman and the others were, and tried to change direction.

“Ohm Messiah is up!!!”

Pluto stepped on the earth, and the collapsing Commorragh was closed by great force. During this period, the Mechanicus sages who spent their lives exploring almost went crazy, shouting his name.

But he didn't want to stop and salute, and instead started rummaging even more frantically.

Guilliman just looked at Hades in astonishment. From a psychic perspective, the Son of Vengeance felt absolutely astonished. Powerlessness and subconscious disgust began to take over his mind.

So that’s it…


The original body trembled and watched Hades howl.

“Can I pick it off?! Can I pick it off—?!!”

He put his other hand on the energy body's blindfold and shouted anxiously. Guilliman was unsure, but just as he hesitated, another curse-like shout answered before everyone else,

"Pick!! You want to kill us all?!"

Karas, who followed Kirkland and stayed between Commorragh, cursed angrily, but did not step forward to greet the two Death Guards. Instead, he retreated and stayed as far away from Hades as possible.

"Then I'll take it off——!"

Hades shouted, quickly taking off his blindfold, his blinded perception immediately became clear, and he was instantly relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he also realized how badly Mortarion was injured. The original body was unconscious and the body that remained in the real world was on the verge of being broken.

“Old Mo—Old Mo!!!”

Hades made a sharp explosion and subconsciously wanted to throw Mortarion away - because his black domain would inhibit the psychic original's self-healing.

But he stopped urgently, as if he thought this was wrong.

Hades immediately looked at Karas with pleading eyes, but Karas's face seemed to say,

1. He would never get too close to Hades.

Second, he couldn't move an entire primarch.

3. Hades' request for help was obviously from Nozhi.

【laugh. 】

Guilliman heard sneers coming from the shadows. Corax turned around in surprise, only to find that Curze had fled into the darkness first. The raven immediately spread its wings, trying to capture the fugitive.

Guilliman raised a hand, signaling to Corax to take his time.

In a daze, he saw shadows quickly shuttle among the ruins of Commorragh, and in an instant he was not far away from Hades.

Curze emerged gracefully from the shadows, and the original body that tore the black velvet into tatters felt good now.

[In the name of Sevatar, trust me for once, you disgusting guy! 】

Beside Curze, Sevatar, who looked extremely unhappy, was also dragged out of the darkness by the original body, just to guarantee his credibility.

Hades was stunned for a moment. First of all, Mortarion was indeed kind to the Night Lord. Secondly, even if Curze wanted to be clever, Hades could immediately engulf him with the Black Domain.

Finally, and most importantly, Hades felt that Mortarion was extremely weak. Every ounce of the Pale Lord's psychic energy was screaming away from Hades, and the little skulls on his wings squeezed as hard as possible. Toward the other side.

All right.

"Come and get it!"

Hades said, once again looking at Death worriedly, he laid Mortarion flat on the ground, and then opened a rift in space.

Guilliman's eyelids twitched, and he saw a small space crack opening beside him. He took another step away from the space crack without leaving a trace.

Stretching out his hands, Hades stepped out of the crack in space. On the other side, the Lord of Midnight had already appeared beside Death.

Curze laughed mockingly and did not move at all. Instead, the silent Sevatar tried to lift the unconscious Mortarion - Karas rushed over, seemingly wanting to attack Curze.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Hades said easily, looking at Guilliman and Corax, who were very different from before. They looked calmer and colder.

He even saw their flashes in the warp. Guilliman's soul was bright and dazzling, partly the same as the Emperor, but more regular; Corax was more like a noisy darkness, with strange eyes cast from the shadows. .


【haven't seen you for a long time. 】

After a moment, Guilliman smiled, stretched out his hand towards Hades, and shook it.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Hades said, letting go of his hand at the right time, knowing that the originals were not feeling well.

Guilliman shrugged easily.

[It’s just a matter of duty. 】

He said, as if remembering something, a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared at the corner of his mouth,

[But I sincerely thank you, Hardy... The Nirvana system is a great invention. 】

Hades would like to say that it is not as useful as you - the truly great political processor in this galaxy is Robert Guilliman.

But he held back.

"Do you know what happened?"

Hades asked and Guilliman shook his head.

[Our destiny is to come to deal with the emperor, and try to contain the fragments of the god after his death... The vast ocean tells me that there are more than one layer of stories, but I am not its reader. 】

Hades stared at Karas who was calling Mortarion's soul in the distance, feeling irritated.

He always felt like he had just hit more than one, but he wasn't sure.

"Go back and ask Old Huangtou."

Hades said distressedly, but Guilliman coughed and the shadow began to tremble.

[You call him that? 】

"Not only do I call him that... I also drag him down from the golden throne and work him hard, and squeeze him to death."

Hades said gloomily, the darkness in his eyes drooping almost thickly again.

Guilliman stared at Hades, a complicated light flashing in his eyes,

[Do you plan to return to Terra first? 】

"Now we'll deal with the post-war matters here - and then we'll go back to Terra."

Then returning to Terra is not a priority.

Guilliman paused, swallowed, and remembered the mistakes they had made together.

...Now he can finally redeem himself.

The feeling of extreme weakness and vomiting under depression,

[Pluto, are you willing to go to Baal first? 】

Guilliman said, tears of blood almost coming from the corners of his eyes.

Hades turned to look at Guilliman in astonishment and said the two names that Guilliman regretted.

"Angron and Sanguinius?!"

In the great silence, Guilliman nodded slowly.

[I am still sorry for what happened at that time. 】

He smiled bitterly and raised his eyes to look at Mortarion, who was being called for rescue by Karas.

...Are all Mortarion's heirs so cruel to him?

Konrad Curze laughed as ever as he watched the other Primarchs suffer.


In the subspace near the Commorragh Webway, the Emperor's faster-than-light fleet moored here silently, its golden flames burning.

The array of Blackrock Spires resonated with a buzz, and the conceptual fragments that spewed from the gap in the Webway were captured.

Nirvana operates silently, without any emotion.

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