Chapter 696 144. Neos

【? ? ? 】

[He was seriously injured and has fallen into a state of suspended animation. 】

Khan stood up and looked at the lion lying on the stone platform. After being injured by Koze in Commorragh, the lion king fell into the scene of the collapse of the Eldar Empire. He was struck by the psychic aftermath of Slaanesh and fell into suspended animation. state.

And the lion they were looking after before... has gone to the real battlefield of victory and defeat.

The Khan heard Russ curse in Fenrisian, then switch back to High Gothic.

【It's time to go back. 】

Russ said that their fleet was traveling in endless darkness,

[The chess game has been decided - Quan's father wins. 】

The Khan smiled,

[It’s time for me to go back and take a look at the super-light speed-free inertia engine. 】

Receiving Khan's infection, Russ also smiled, but there was still a trace of sadness in his smile.

[It’s a pity that the lion can’t go back yet. 】

He whispered, and the Khan pondered for a moment,

[He'll go back, Ruth, and it's over with him. 】



"Are you feeling better, my friend?"

The Lord of Mankind calmly picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He sat on the edge of the bed. They were now in Malcador's dormitory in Terra, while Orr was walking around in Malcador's study with some curiosity.

The emperor watched Malcador's eyelashes trembling, and then Malcador slowly opened his eyes, and turbid tears rolled down in large drops as he opened his eyes.

These were physiological tears - not emotional tears, the Emperor thought.

"You should kill me."

Malcador let out a long sigh, but immediately asked the next question.

"Where is Ouroboros?"

"I gave it to Orikan, but I think it is now shattered and completely lost to time."

Malcador stared at Neos with a complicated expression.


The old man uttered this word and immediately became older.

"Yes, Caliban."

The Lord of Mankind said, looking indifferent.

"That's not your fault, Malcador."

"you do this delibrately."

Neos nodded and shook his head again. There was no golden flame burning in his eyes, only the river of sadness was flowing quietly.

"Maybe, maybe not, there are some things that I can't hinder, some things that I can't change - sometimes, the shortcut is right here."

"I am partly responsible for your fall, Malcador, do you understand?"

Makado said nothing, just took a deep breath. He took a deep breath, unimaginable and incomprehensible——

"You chose Caliban."

"Yes, I chose Caliban - anchored by my loyal heir, the moment of the god's true death."

Nios said calmly,

"Because of this, your tainted psychic fragments were brought back, Malcador, this is a cycle, and as those who exploited it, Ouroboros cursed us."

"According to the laws of subspace, you should have resurrected in the age of 5. The original body and I had enough time to prevent your fall before then - but time was skipped."

"You already knew?"

"No, I didn't realize it until you woke up."

The Lord of Mankind said truthfully,

"I'm sorry, Malcador."

Malcador coughed violently, and he almost coughed out his lungs.

"You have never apologized to any Eternal before, Neos."

Orr Persson's voice sounded resentfully from the door. The emperor turned around and saw Orr leaning against the door frame.

"If you point out my mistakes, I can also apologize to you, Orr."

Nios said,

"But so far, I haven't done anything wrong to you."

Orr's eyes widened, and then he coughed violently - or laughed,

"That's what you think!"

Orr was out of breath;

"Forget it - I shouldn't argue with you about this!"

"I thought you had realized this, Orr."

Neos said, watching Orr leave their sight almost defeated.

"...I never thought I would hear an apology from you in this life."

Malcador's weak voice sounded again. He shook his head, his expression unclear. Discontinuous and jumping memories were tumbling in his mind. Malcador was still confused.

"And who is this?"

"Or Persson, my former Warmaster."

"The curse."

Malcador reacted instantly,

"Aren't you looking for Horus?"

"Just look at them."

Neos remained calm, but Malcador showed an impatient smile,

"And take them back to my quarters, Neos?"

"I accidentally blew up his home - I'll take him away later. I just want to stabilize your psychic powers first, Malcador."

Malcador was silent, and then took another deep breath.

"You should kill me,"

he said irritably,

"I have made too many mistakes - and the Primarchs hate me."

"They already hate you."

The Lord of Mankind said without any hesitation that as early as the Great Crusade, several Primarchs had become incompatible with Malcador.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Malcador, have you forgotten when we first met? You killed your best friend in the sect to try to escape."

Malcador killed many people back then, and his sense of justice did not belong to Malcador.

But at least Neos still has some sense of conscience - this can be seen in the almost invisible sense of justice in his descendants.

Malcador sneered.

"Are you going to forgive me for them?"


Nios said,

"This is between you. I just want you to survive - the Empire cannot live without you."

"Guilliman is back...even better than I could have imagined."

"Leave all government affairs to him? This is too cruel for Guilliman."

Malcador was silent for a moment and glanced sideways at the Emperor.

"First of all, the original body will not trust me to entrust government affairs to me; secondly, now you know that you care about your heir?"

"I've always been watching them."

Neos answered smoothly.


Malcador sneered again and decided not to get entangled with Neos. The attitude of the Lord of Humanity was already obvious... He was willing to accept Malcador back to the empire——

What a child's play.


The desire and unwillingness for power disappeared, leaving only an empty Malcador. He should have died instead of being dragged up by Neos.

But this is the willfulness of the Lord of Mankind. In this regard, Neos is not even as free and easy as his descendants...well, his descendants are not much free and easy either.

Of course, there may be other considerations involved. Malcador has buried too many petty officials in the empire. If he cooperates, this force will greatly speed up the integration of the empire.

The Emperor is a cold-blooded creature, and of course he can use criminals at his disposal. If the benefits of keeping the criminal alive are greater than letting him die - then he will let him live.

But Malcador suddenly remembered Neos's attitude towards Horus - it was the same.

But now Nyos briefly put aside his plans to retrieve Horus, and instead showed up at Malcador's residence.

Malcador sighed, feeling the blood vessels in his temples throbbing.

He is still trying to sort out what he has done, but apart from searching in subspace, other memories of interfering with the physical world are still vague.

Malcador's soul was trying to persuade him to rest, but Malcador still held on to the forest green in his memory.

"I thought I was the one who instigated the Caliban explosion."

Malcador suddenly said,

"You caused the division of the First Order - but the explosion was not your responsibility."

Nios said,

"Let us believe in the lion, he is the most loyal one."

Malcador looked at him, but just sighed again.

"I'm tired."

Makado said.

"Then rest."

Neos tucked Macado into a quilt thoughtfully.

"It's time for you to rest."

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