Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 703 151 Under the Shadow of the Gods

Chapter 703 151. Under the Shadow of the Gods




Blood gushed out of the mouth and nose of the World Eater with a devil-like roar. The narrow web was hideous, like the bloody mouth of hell with no end.

The chain saw axe hummed in Kahn's hand, but the sound was no longer smooth as it was when it was running well. Instead, it was rough, just like Kahn's stiff behavior now.

The World Eater has been fighting.

Never stopped.

The armor on his left arm had been removed long ago. The chain covered with blood and rust was tied to his muscular arm. Kahn walked slowly, trying to recover his energy as much as possible.

Abaddon committed an unforgivable sin.

Together with the blood-fallen Alpha, he showed Kahn the crude creation that imitated Angron, the muscle monster blessed by the blood lord - Kahn could not describe his feelings when he saw that creation.

As if to humiliate the World Eaters, the monster even had buzzing nails on its head.

He only knew that when he reacted, the World Eaters ship he led had already crashed into Abaddon's ship, and he himself was covered in blood, holding a battle axe, and his eyes were blood red.

He was going to kill Abaddon.

Kahn's bones made a crisp sound. His killing intent was so strong. The whispers of the Blood Lord whispered in his ears, but Kahn never bowed his head.

He always remembered the glory of the Lord of Red Sand.

He had been chasing Abaddon, but Abaddon had been running away.

Once, Kahn, covered in blood, appeared at the bedside of the Great Plunderer Abaddon, but when he chopped the axe on his head, Abaddon escaped extremely thrillingly.

After that, it became difficult to find Abaddon.

But Kahn has been chasing and killing. He shuttled between the webways. Sometimes, when he robbed the ships of the Black Legion, he would jump directly into the subspace to slaughter. He even escaped from the hands of Bloodfall Alpha seven times.

He kept killing, letting the pursuit soak into his brain like brain matter, forgetting time and space - only in this way could Kahn escape from the extreme pain for a moment.

He felt pain.

On Baal, the traitor Kahn disobeyed the order of the Primarch for the first time. He was willing to enter the blood prison with the Lord of Red Sand and guard the fallen archangel forever.

The setting sun on Baal was like blood, and the red desert was blowing with gusts of wind and sand. The red sand was all over the sky, but it was not the wind and red sand of Nusseria.

The tall figure walked down the dungeon, and the last door slowly closed. Kahn smelled blood, and Angron's injury was still not healed.

In the farewell team, Kahn suddenly jumped out of the team and jumped towards the last closed door!


The last figure turned back, a relieved smile bloomed on his face, and a violent emotional shock hit Kahn in an instant, and darkness suddenly enveloped him.

The Lord of Red Sand finally left.


Only Kahn was left.

Swinging the axe, he chopped off a similar head again. One of the exits connecting this section of the webway seemed to be the territory of the Blood Lord, but Kahn didn't care about it.

He killed crazily, almost crazier than the believers of the Blood Lord, but Kahn was always loyal. As long as that person ordered him to put down the blood axe and all living beings were not allowed to kill again, Kahn would be willing.

In the years before Angron took off the nails, Kahn helped the father of the World Eater as much as possible...

After Angron took off the nails, the Lord of Red Sand taught them a warmer understanding. Under Angron's leadership, the World Eaters were not only the war dogs of the past, but also had strict military discipline. They understood more about brotherhood and military-civilian friendship.

They should become an army that ensures that the weak will not be used for the pleasure of the strong.

They want everyone to live with dignity, rather than being thrown into the arena and becoming a plaything.

In the years when Sanguinius and Guilliman worked frantically, Angron had even begun to plan the future for every member of the Legion.

He paid attention to the mental health of the warriors. The Lord of Red Sands always believed that a strong and perfect spirit was the real barrier against Chaos.

Angron did not approve of the methods of the Emperor or Sanguinius. Faith seemed to make the originally cowardly spirit curl up under the high wall. This was one method, but the Lord of Red Sands expected every soul to be truly strong.

As his most trusted heir, Kahn became the object of Angron's "psychological experiment". Kahn believed that that period would be the best years of his entire life. They fought side by side, discussed life and tactics, and the Primarch was committed to letting Kahn gain strength from his spiritual world, which was enough to resist the power of Chaos.

Angron wanted him to discover his own strength.

The experience in Nuceria made the Primarch believe that even mortals like ants would have enough spiritual power to fight the whole world.


That catastrophe appeared.

Angron left.

Khârn was still alive.

In the years that followed, he continued to work and fight as usual. There was still a lot to do, and Khârn could not stop. The powerful spiritual world he had built in the past played a role at this moment. Although he was very, very painful, Khârn still moved forward.

Until that day, he saw the blasphemous flesh and blood creature.

The last string in Khârn's heart broke.

He was sure that his soul and spirit collapsed for a moment, and then they reorganized again. The rage of anger, regret and self-blame burned fiercely, devouring reason and future, leaving only anger and loyalty for him.

Angron was the only one left in the Empire, and his last psychological experiment failed.

But he also played a role. Under the temptation and corruption for thousands of years, Kahn never wavered once.

Kahn's memory has long been blurred. The fallen space warriors and demons in front of him changed from various to single, and they gradually turned into similar appearances——

At the end of the memory line, Kahn was even shocked to find greenskin blood on his axe.

? !

Kahn was suddenly startled, and his steps suddenly stopped. He felt a strong murderous intention - but before this, there was only one existence that could make him avoid it like this.

Bloody Alpha.

Kahn walked as lightly as possible. He judged that the fallen original was just around the next corner. It might be a clone, but it didn't matter. Alpha's clone was also powerful enough to kill him instantly.

[Shh. 】

The voice came from behind!

? ! !

Kahn turned around suddenly and saw a dark face. His body reacted faster than his brain. He swung the ax fiercely, but was immediately caught.

Kahn's arms and battle ax were as small as toys in the opponent's hands.

Kahn stared at the original body in front of him in shock——

The Fire Dragon Lord's eyes were full of tears at this moment, and the original body easily but a little clumsily pulled him towards the back.

[Kahn, you should go back. 】

Vulkan said softly, as if he was worried that his actions would hurt Kahn, which was in sharp contrast to his great strength.

Karn stared at the Primarch inexplicably, only to find that Vulkan's feet were filled with the mud of Nurgle's Garden - even though the mud had been burned dry by the incinerator.

Vulkan looked like he had just fought a battle with Nurgle's forces.

The Lord of the Fire Dragon looked at Karn, who seemed to be soaked in a pool of blood. He felt extremely sad. His brother Angron was such a good brother, but now his descendants are burdened with the sorrow of losing the original body. Fallen.

But even so, his powerful yet gentle brother still taught warriors who would not surrender to Chaos.

Kahn still looked at Vulkan blankly, not knowing what the Fire Dragon Lord was talking about.

Vulkan took a deep breath. He heard the footsteps of Blood Red Alpha. Through the perception of life, the original body determined that it was a clone.

Clones are easier to fight.

He had already fought with the Rotten Omega before, and Nurgle stared at him hard.

[Angron,] Vulkan said, [Angron, the father of your genes, is coming back. 】


Kahn's mouth was wide open, and no sound came out of his throat. He struggled hard and finally coughed out a few words,



Vulkan said that in order to make Kahn understand, he deliberately said the name that made him feel uncomfortable.

[Hades, Hades is back, Guilliman is back too - they are rushing to Baal. 】

[Come on, kid. 】

Vulkan said, pulling Karn behind him and throwing him to the Custodes behind him - Vulkan hated those Custodes, but his own troops could not keep up with the original body like the Custodes.

Then Vulkan raised his hammer.


"Today's weather: Nurgle and rotten rain; fortune: not suitable for going out, but strategic deployment; Kahn: there is no Kahn within an eight-mile radius."

Abaddon pressed down the servo skull of the broadcaster and stared at his visitor warily. The wet mud spurted and flowed on the slightly swollen body, as if it had been burned by fire, but it looked slightly embarrassed.

Then Abaddon, who was sitting on the commander's seat, stood up and gave a brief salute to the visitor reluctantly.

The Rotten Omega grunted and laughed, forgiving Abaddon's disrespect.

"Sir Omega, why do you have to travel thousands of miles to find the Black Legion?"

[Don't act stupid, Abaddon. 】

Omega croaked,

[He is back, Slaanesh is dead. 】

The name Slaanesh shocked Abaddon for a moment. Before this, they could not call Slaanesh directly, but now - Slaanesh is dead.

"Chaos confirmed His death?"

Abaddon asked, can gods die? Or are you playing word games again?

[The beginning and end of His death have been confirmed, and the rebirth and death are connected to complete the closed loop... The false emperor's method was very clever, preventing Slaanesh's resurrection. 】


Abaddon glanced at Omega. Will Nurgle be next? After all, all creatures of the Warp had witnessed Mortarion's attack on the Garden.

[My Lord is injured...but he will never disappear. New life, death and corruption are all connected, and the rotten sky will never dissipate. 】

"But His authority can be divided, He can be replaced, and the replacement will bear His name."

Abaddon said calmly that Mortarion had shown them that death had left the third ring and that the new life was half missing.

Don't underestimate Abaddon's information network. He knows that after Mortarion left the garden, Nurgle has been tracking the traces of Vulkan, another primarch who symbolizes life.

The words of the Great Predator obviously angered Omega, and the original body that couldn't help but spray out silt walked towards Abaddon. The aura that would kill an ordinary Space Marine floated into Abaddon's nostrils.

The Primarch stood beside Abaddon, his shadow cast down.

Abaddon is not afraid, Slaanesh is dead! Before he could figure out where to hide with his army, he was already dead!

Nurgle was seriously injured. If Nurgle really didn't want disaster to happen to him, then they should learn to cooperate with Abaddon.

[Such rude words... Even a tolerant and loving father can't stand it, Abaddon... Give me a reason not to twist your head off. ]

"The technical sergeant in my legion recently found a way to drive the black stone obelisk in the Eye of Silence."

The Eye of Silence was formed by the battle of Cadia ten thousand years ago. The impact of Hades before he fell asleep made all the planets in that star field fall into complete silence. Any life form with soul could not stay here for a long time.

Ten thousand years later, with the erosion of time, the star field has restored normal psychic fluctuations. Only the center is still inaccessible, but due to the indifference of the empire to this star field for ten thousand years, it is still a useless forbidden place in the eyes of humans.

Some stubborn believers of the Hades will go here for pilgrimage, but there is no benefit to speak of, so it is just a spontaneous act of the believers of the Hades, and those who go on pilgrimage often die directly in the soulless domain.

"With the cooperation of the Blackstone Fortress, I can reverse the polarity there again."

The Blackstone Fortress can extract psychic energy from the subspace at a high intensity to complete the initial infusion.

Omega was silent for a moment, then he started laughing.

But Abaddon still heard the sarcasm and contempt in his voice.

[The Lord of Filth has returned. Haven't you seen him kill Slaanesh? It was just a momentary impact. What's the use? ]

"What if I say there is a whole swarm of insects heading there?"

Some planets in the Eye of Silence are occupied by simple life forms. Because they cannot evolve into higher life forms, the land there is lush and green.

? !

[What do you want to say? ]

Abaddon did do something. Since Pluto's resurrection, he felt that he was getting thinner and thinner. He initially expected Chaos to give Pluto a warning, but later he found that it was all in vain.

He began to study how to have a decent ending for himself, or finally deal a heavy blow to the Empire.

The Empire could not forgive the Great Plunderer Abaddon, and Abaddon did not need the Empire's forgiveness. The anger and doubts of the Son of Horus ten thousand years ago would be poured out by him.

"As long as it does not affect evolution, the Zerg does not care whether they are infected with diseases."

"With the help of the psychic transmission of the Blackstone Obelisk, we can alienate the Zerg's subspace projection. As long as it does not affect the evolution of the Zerg, we can even make the alienation effective. The rapidly developing Zerg will naturally replicate and evolve similar subspace projections in large quantities. With the development speed of the Tyranids, this is enough to refill the part of the subspace cut off by the sickle."


Abaddon looked at Omega, smiling,

"I think in the name of the noble Omega, the loving father should take out some bacteria and diseases that can attach to the Tyranids?"

Omega fell silent.

[He will. 】

He continued to be silent, and Abaddon's proposal was mixed with his purpose of this trip, gradually boiling into a pot of delicious thick soup.

Abaddon spoke again,

"So what do you want to do here?"

Omega's eyes flashed with the thief who came to steal the loving father's skills when Mortarion attacked the garden.

The thief has two doses of poison, one can kill all the Primarchs, and the other is enough to kill Hades.

But that guy is too cautious... The next place he will appear is...

[We need to make Baal chaotic. ]

Omega laughed.


[The Guards sent a message,]

Guilliman said to Hades and Mortarion who were fainted on the left and right among the piles of documents,

After a short period of depression, Guilliman decided to play his role, take on the responsibilities and obligations of the regent, and enrich himself and others with work.

Therefore, Guilliman immediately and carefully assigned the two documents that just could bring out the full strength of Mortarion and Hades.

Hades and Mortarion did not want to work, they tried to avoid these tasks that should have been completed, but Guilliman, who was called the emperor, was by no means an ordinary person.

After the depression, he had learned how to master the new authority.

In the handling of government affairs, Guilliman has an absolute domain.

Whoever he wants to work, he has to come to work for him.

Guilliman activated [Overlord]! After a brief moment of confusion, Mortarion found that the desk automatically moved to his side.

If you don't go to work, the desk will come to you.

The Primarch wanted to escape reluctantly, but under Guilliman's too scary gaze, the pen automatically jumped into Mortarion's hand.

It was a very scary gaze, and Mortarion even understood in an instant why others were so afraid of Mortarion's own hazy eyes.

Guilliman, who was usually serious and rational, had only resentment and depth in his eyes at that moment, as if the eyes of a mummy who died suddenly from overwork for ten thousand years, more fake than a fake person.

Mortarion needs to understand one thing, although he did support the Storm Sector with one hand and accomplished many great deeds.

But in those two thousand years, it was Guilliman who supported all the official documents in the three star regions, including the malicious official documents from the emperor.

Then, using this method, Guilliman succeeded in making Corax find that the desk was right in front of his bed when he woke up, and Curze was fixed to the side of the desk, where the trash can was usually placed.

So that Corax could keep an eye on him.

Guilliman even stuffed a stack of improvement plans for the Night Lords Legion into the wailing Curze.

And Curze wailed again and again,

[Sai! Sai! Sevatar! 】

It's useless. Sevatar had already been borrowed by Guilliman to do the work.

Curze began to miss the emperor and Malcador. At least Malcador would only beat him up with money instead of stuffing documents into his hands.

Guilliman coughed twice again, and was satisfied to see Hades looking up at him.

Hades came to share the workload with Mortarion because Mortarion's silent resentment was too noticeable.

[The Guards are going to Baal. ]

Guilliman said, staring at the gold-plated letter in his hand,

[The Lord of Mankind is not at ease with the Archangel, so the Guards Valdor will arrive at Baal to help us unseal. ]

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