Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 704 152 Pluto's Unfavored Son

Chapter 704 152. The Unfavored Son of Hades

"I have a skill."

Abaddon said,

"But I need the cooperation of the Blood Lord."


"You mediocre alien, do you really want to choose such torture?"

Muggleboy asked softly. After all the greenskins of the same type as himself died, the surviving greenskin changed his name directly to "Muggleboy" to commemorate his good old days.

Strangely enough, after leaving the great Hades and the generous Red Lord, the Hades Clan never had greenskins like Muggleboy again.

Even if Muggleboy tried to teach those boys with psychic talents himself, the humble Muggleboys never appeared again.

[Thank you for your concern, but this is the direction I chose. ]

In front of Muggleboy, who was wearing a wizard robe, the tall man with dull white hair turned around. Fugen looked even weaker, but the expression on his face was more relaxed.

He was sent by the Emperor to unite the greenskins and lead this clan into the territory of the Blood Lord, killing people with borrowed knives.

The Emperor did it on purpose. He intended to send Fulgrim, who had a very good relationship with Slaanesh, and did not issue a return order. Fulgrim knew the Emperor's mind. If he was present, those powers would probably not be attached to the Emperor.

Fulgrim was not dissatisfied with this. On the contrary, he thanked the Emperor for this arrangement.

Ten thousand years ago, being forced to fall by Slaanesh was still a nightmare. Fulgrim learned to accept it in the past ten thousand years, but he still didn't want to face it.

During the period when he was an alien consultant in the Underworld Clan, Fulgrim continued to pay attention to the Emperor's dynamics. In the end, the Primarch chose to unite with the Underworld Clan to help him get rid of the Emperor's control.

For this Primarch, cooperating with the greenskins was unimaginable before.

But this clan is different.

In the process of getting along with this greenskin clan, Fugen found it difficult to describe his feelings. The Underworld Clan did not seem to be as war-crazed and rude as other greenskins. On the contrary, they attached great importance to infrastructure and education, and were keen to cover the opposite side with firepower.

Gray Phoenix sometimes woke up at night. He was not sure what kind of monster Hades and Magnus had raised.

Greenskins were born under the nourishment of war. The entire race was unstable. The development of the entire race was born for war. Generally speaking, this civilization would not have the potential for long-term development.

But in this clan, Fugen saw a possibility... a possibility... of long-term development.

This possibility scared Fugen. The development speed and integration efficiency of greenskins were far higher than that of humans.

And now, under the leadership of Warlord Damenfang, the Underworld Clan stabilized the infrastructure in the rear and launched targeted wars in the front. Under the reality of throwing the new generation of greenskins into the blood lord's territory to evolve the greenskins, the Underworld Clan is growing at an alarming speed.

What exactly do they want to do?

A faint sense of uneasiness has always been shrouding Fulgrim's heart, but he has no intention or power to change it. If you insist, he should be counted as one of the helpers of the Underworld Clan, who escaped from the control of the emperor with the help of the Underworld Clan's psychic power.

He once tried to talk to the leader of the Underworld Clan, Damenfang. This greenskin is now taller than the primarch, and its height even reaches the size of Mortarion after the liberation of its essence, and it seems to be growing up.

Then Fulgrim realized that the political skills of Hades seemed to have been learned by these greenskins.

The greenskin warlord even knew how to play Tai Chi and feign compromise with him, but apart from that, it was not just cunning like other greenskins. The primarch could detect that it was working for a greater cause.

What would that be?

The primarch's political mind was better than that of a greenskin. Although the warlord was also making crazy progress during the conversation with Fulgrim, Fulgrim still asked something.

This warlord, who led a unique clan, returned to his original intention of belonging to the greenskins.

First, it wanted to defeat Hades so that Hades would completely recognize the greenskin race and bless them; second, it wanted its greenskin kingdom to replicate the glory of the human empire and kill the other false gods.

Therefore, the infrastructure of this greenskin has always been benchmarked against the human empire.

Fulgrim was sweating profusely.

He realized that he might have witnessed the beginning of a huge war with his own eyes.

But during the conversation with him, this smart greenskin warlord was also evolving rapidly. Fulgrim was sure that this greenskin would not let him pass the news back.

If he went back, this greenskin would probably slander him by saying that he had cooperated with the greenskins and let this matter spread within the empire.

But he also...

had no motivation to do this.

Fulgrim felt sad, but now he was unwilling to return to the empire. The pride of the former primarch had long been taken away, and he was not even as strong as Curze.

He did not want humans to see what he looked like now, or at least he did not want his brothers to see his current embarrassment.

The once glorious phoenix has long been lost in mediocrity. It has not been destroyed by fire and completely reduced to dregs, nor has it completely transcended and mastered the way to perfection.

He is now like an ordinary person.

He is unwilling to accept the status quo, but he is powerless to change it.

This is the suffering of mediocrity.

Now Fugen is unwilling to be thrown onto the stage in this way. The spotlight is focused on him, but he only feels panic and shame.

And during the years he served the emperor, he was forced to commit many sins.

So... just leaving in obscurity is not an unbearable option.

Choose a corner where no one will see you and endure the pain alone.

Silent Eye is an excellent choice.

【I have already made up my mind,】

Fulgan said,

[Thank you also for helping me. 】

"No no no no,"

Mage boy waved his hand quickly,

"This foreign guest, it was you who allowed us to embark on a dreamland full of war and blood. It was you who taught us a lot. It was our wishful thinking to free you from the shackles."

Fulgan was silent for a moment, staring at the magic book hanging on the black stone chain around the boy Mag's waist, and the shoulder ornaments made of red and bright blue feathers. The familiar yet different style made Fulgan's eyelids twitch.

No matter how many times he has seen it, Fulgrim will never get used to it.

Unlike Warlord, Boy Maggo is... kinder and more humble, just like Magnus said about himself.

Fulgrim also had a hard time imagining how Magnus taught the Magboys. Didn't the Red Primarch really teach these greenskins carefully?

This is...very possible.

In addition, this Muggle boy can actually undo the emperor's human witchcraft, although these greenskins also paid some price in order to remove the emperor's mark.

Fulgrim took a deep breath.

[You... surprised me. I have never seen such a humble and rational greenskin. 】

"This is a gift from Hades and the Red King."

Mage boy said seriously, but then he became worried again,

"I understand your desire to live in seclusion, but do you really want to choose the Eye of Silence? There is still a low concentration of black space in the Eye of Silence. If it stays for a long time, your soul will gradually wear away until it completely disappears."

【This is exactly what I expected,】

Fulgrim lowered his head and subconsciously touched the bracelet given to him by the Hades clan. It was unbelievable. Because of the emperor's bad taste, Fulgrim was not allowed to wear any jewelry for aesthetic purposes except those functional jewelry.

After learning this, after Fulgrim got rid of the emperor's control for the first time and discarded the previous bracelet, Maggot specially gave Fulgrim a bracelet that was only for aesthetics.

Although the aesthetic... the glowing fluorescent green bracelet was engraved with the Gothic words "Thank you friends" in Gothic, and the slogan was still fluorescent pink, Fulgen felt at a loss for words.

The Muggle boy knew Fulgrim's concerns, so he didn't choose the green-skinned style to embarrass Fulgrim, but this imitation human style was strange enough.

But this is after all... Fulgan smiled.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Fulgen still put on the bracelet.

Unexpectedly, the first kindness he received in thousands of years came from the greenskins.

Still a greenskin taught by Magnus.


Fulgrim said, with a wry smile on his lips,

[My former friend died in Cadia. When I go back this time, I also hope to find some information about him, at least... find a few bones. 】

Muggle boy put his hand on his chest,

"I'm sorry to hear this news. Then the Hades clan will no longer retain you. I hope that next time we meet, we can have a waaagh war."

"I'm also sorry that Warlord is busy and can't see you off in person."

Fulgrim waved his hand, his eyes blurred, and finally turned around, stepping onto the ship prepared for him by the greenskins without looking back.

He is finally free.

In the distance, the Eye of Silence was watching him.


The green warlord's front teeth said gruffly. It clicked on the map with its finger again. Through the reports of the seven warboss on the front line, it determined that Khorne would attack Baal next, and the psychic cloud of the Blood Lord was here. The stars gather.

"This time it won't be a cover-up."

Big Teeth affirmed that when fighting Khorne, it discovered that the Blood Lords, who were known for their war, were particularly cunning and cunning in their war tactics. They especially needed to guard against those fallen space warriors and daemons who looked the same.

"But why does he go to Baal? Doesn't he bother to fight with us?"

In the past few years, Incisor has been dedicated to using Khorne demons as experience monsters, and the techniques taught to it by Hades have allowed its clan to escape unscathed every time.

Behind the front teeth, its think tank whispered, and then a green-skinned man who looked very, very old came out,

"The greatest boss, there's the Birdman on Baal."

"We think Khorne must be unable to defeat us, so we hope to get the Big Birdman."

The Great Birdman...another Primarch.

Qian Jian thought that the role of a primarch is huge. First, the Underworld clan was favored by the Crimson King and stepped into the spiritual gate of Zhigao. Then, they were guided by the nameless phoenix and found the way of war and blood. Heaven.

During this period, they also tried to find other personalities of the Crimson King, but found nothing.

"Then let's go take a look too."

The front teeth said that wars had decreased since then, and the development of the Hades clan had also gradually slowed down.

"Pluto and the boss who touched his face are now..."

It looks at the star map,

"Still in the Hazy Star Territory."

But the human empire's quantum slingshot moves very fast, and Pluto and his army can reach Baal in a short time.

Will He come?

No, the great and all-knowing Hades must come.

The current Hades clan is not yet capable of fighting...but it can let Hades see how far his unfavored second son has grown.

Big Fang subconsciously stroked the ornaments given to it by Hades. Unlike the stupid greenskins, Big Fang had long realized that they were just the product of Hades' helplessness.

But it still couldn't figure it out. Since they were tools that could be thrown away at will, why did Hades treat them so patiently?

He forged them with his own hands and made them into the sharpest blades in the world.

Big Fang couldn't figure it out, but it didn't have to figure it out.

It would dedicate the most magnificent war to their Hades! ! !

It's time to present the Hades Clan's annual war report to Hades!


[Lead the greenskins to Baal? ]

Omega said slowly, chuckling,

[What a wild idea. ]

Abaddon looked at the slow and slow Primarch complacently. The Primarch was just so-so. In Abaddon's past experience, he deeply realized that the Primarch was just a mortal with outstanding abilities, and their hearts might even be far more filthy than ordinary people.

"Don't you want to make Baal chaotic? Don't you want that person to be disappointed in them? I think a greenskin clan raised by him is enough to make that golden guy sick."

"And at this time..."

Abaddon narrowed his eyes,

"Our chance has come."



Where the blood and fire are blazing.

Where the sunlight spit.

Breathing, every breath is painful enough, as if tearing the flesh inside the chest.

The corpses soaked in blood and armor lay in front of him, and the corpses overlapped, extending to the distant where the iron chains clanged.

The chains were still shaking, and the light sound came from the round altar. Where the iron chains gathered, the dull sound of collision roared in the iron maiden born on the back and wings, mixed with the most filthy curses and wails in the world.

Every time it hit, the extremely thick chain trembled once it was roughly wrapped around the iron maiden.

The blood scabs and rust peeled off together.

One hundred and sixty-nine candles were evenly placed on the edge of the circular platform, with golden flames burning fiercely. Black blood oozed from the feet of the huge iron maiden, dripping down along the rune bumps on the circular platform, and finally dripping on the side wall of the circular platform, condensing into tears.

Breathing, breathing...

The Lord of Red Sand had only a red glow in his eyes. He sat on the guard chair facing the circular platform, with his arms on his legs and one hand holding a battle axe.

It started again...

Angron thought, he took a deep breath, feeling the endless anger and hunger here, he resolutely released his mental connection, just like billions of times before.

Before the mental connection reached the destination, Angron shrank slightly for a moment.

But then, he still connected.

He closed his eyes, and blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

Using himself as a conductor, Angron slowly released the malice condensed in the body of the fallen. This was an endless torture, and Angron was willing to bear it.

Because someone was far more painful than him.

The sound of collisions was heard again in the Iron Maiden.

Boom, boom, boom.

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