Chapter 705 153. Son of Angron

Hades didn’t know what was going on yet.

He was just working, working, digging and digging in the mountain of documents——

Hades didn’t understand why the workload shared by each of them increased after Guilliman came back.

He didn’t understand, he really couldn’t figure it out.

Guilliman seemed to be keen on finding work to do when there was nothing to do.

Fortunately, with the efficient operation of several oxen and horses, they completed the subsequent work of this campaign and all the documents that needed to be signed, as well as the supply and rest distribution of the subsequent army in just two weeks.

For Mortarion, it was even more unfortunate that Guilliman believed that his political literacy was higher than Corax, so Mortarion was forced to stay and approve the documents, and let Corax come forward to command the dispatch of the army.

Corax probably never felt so relieved.

Perhaps Raven’s political talent was higher than Mortarion, but Mortarion successfully surpassed him with his thousand years of experience.

In fact, Guilliman determined that Curze had the lowest political literacy among them, but due to his low reputation, Guilliman did not equip Curze in the teammate slot column for the time being.

And all the teammates he equipped in the teammate slot were sent out to review documents.

During this period, Guilliman's condition was obviously recovering. He finally gave up the prank of making people open their eyes and turn their heads to find a desk next to the bed; instead, he explained to people why they were and why they needed to work.

Except for the Primarch, few people did not submit to Guilliman's rhetoric.

Hades and Mortarion believed that Guilliman's talent after holding power should be to make people submit voluntarily - he can easily make people submit to him and choose to let them work for him.

At the same time, his charm index is higher, more like a king.

In the short term, Guilliman's combat value has not made a qualitative leap, and it needs to be observed.

But Guilliman has only figured out one use now, that is, to make the civil servants work harder after they submit.

[He believes that his ability is to make others review documents. 】

Mortarion stared at Guilliman, who was busy in the distance, with dead eyes, and almost broke the pen in his hand.


Hades laughed. Guilliman thoughtfully prepared a duplex desk for Hades, with three layers for snacks.

"But it may also be because his current wish is to get everyone to work."

Hades was about to speak, but he remembered something, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly felt a chill.

Guilliman wanted them to go to Baal as soon as possible, so he worked overtime. If it were normal, Hades believed that Guilliman would be a good boss who often let people take a day off.

Otherwise, if this talent is used to exploit employees...

Isn't this natural...

[Three Terra days,]

Motarion said, interrupting Hades' thoughts,

[As long as the slingshot travel is measured correctly, we will arrive soon. 】

"I will assist in the calibration. By the way, is the situation on Baal complicated?"


[It depends on how much power the Lord of Mankind released that year. 】

Mortarion paused for a moment, then laughed at himself,

[He then... I think I know why He is so hypocritical. 】


[This is a miracle. 】

Guilliman sighed sincerely, he looked at Hades, after two weeks of cattle and horses, they finally left this star field.

Corax and Conrad stayed here to continue the final work, and by the way, helped the First Legion to inquire about the situation of the lion again.

Because the lion king disappeared again, Luther almost coughed up blood, and was finally sent back to the stasis position by the Dark Angels to rest.

In order to prevent Curze from doing anything, Mortarion and Karas signed a contract with Sevatar, the current leader of the Night Lords. If Konrad tried to escape again, the curse of the god of death would immediately take Sevatar's life.

It is worth mentioning that this contract was not negotiated by the god of death with Sevatar, but was completed by Karas-

Karas now seems to be keen on talking to "bastards who are as unlucky as me" (original words) from various legions.

After Luther's blood and qi attacked his heart, it was also Karas who went to visit.

As for how long Conrad howled while holding Sevata after Karas left, probably only Corax knew.

[The invention of the slingshot is a miracle. ]

Hades nodded, and he looked at the white light of the neutron star outside the window.

"This is all the credit of the sages."

While busy with the government affairs here, Hades did not forget the agreement with Trazyn. So far, they have taken the keys of four small dynasties, and the keys of three crowned generals in the large dynasties.

Trazyn is now eating and taking, eating a lot, and his mouth is full of oil.

Hades is also not clear about the negotiation between the King of Figures and the Crowned General Zandrick. He has not contacted Trazyn recently, and Trazyn explained to him that he is "busy".

[The subspace domain near Baal is not very stable, and the subspace navigation to there is often stranded. ]

Guilliman said, and smiled bitterly again.

Guilliman had experienced the feeling of exhaustion from reviewing documents, but after he got the power, that feeling disappeared.

He rediscovered the joy of reviewing government affairs when he was first on Macragge.

Now that he suddenly had some free time, he felt uncomfortable for a moment.

"Tell me why?"

Guilliman opened his mouth and said hesitantly,

[Because of Sanguinius. ]


【? ? ? 】

+So you came to me, after you deeply disliked us. +

In the small and cramped stone study room, there were dots of firelight burning on the brazier, but the light source in the room was not the brazier. On a worn-out chair, the original body, emitting golden light, was sitting peacefully.

That was Lorgar Aurelion.

Compared with ten thousand years ago, Luojia now is like a golden candle that has been weeping for ten thousand years. Golden liquid drips from the cross section of the head and neck, falling and accumulating on the breastplate, and has dyed the upper body and most of the lower body into pure gold. Of the armor, only the calves were still dirty black.

And the entire room was just like the original body itself, with the upper half shining with gold and the lower half covered with dirt.

But the golden guy opposite Luo Jia is even goldener than him.

"I'm wary of you because I'm born this way."

The leader of the Forbidden Army, Constantine Waldo, nodded, with no emotion in his eyes.

+Yes. +

Luojia said calmly, one of his hands resting on a manuscript on the desk. Apparently Luojia was still compiling this manuscript - "Destroying Religion", this is the name of the manuscript.

+But your performance a thousand years ago was not great. +

Luo Jia said sharply,

+Tragedy still happened, why didn’t you stop it in advance? +

"The Lord of Mankind has given orders to the contrary."

Waldo said,

“The vision occurred in the labyrinth beneath the palace, and warriors who tried to raise objections had to fight against a bloodless and tearless man gleaming with gold—his power was attacking his guards, and no one could know about it. "

+Unimaginable. +

Luo Jia said, he pursed his lips and smiled again,

+Tell me, am I among them? +

"That war left no witnesses."

Waldo said.

"And the Custodes never wavered, they only carried out the orders of the Lord of Mankind."

+But my father is contradicting himself. +

Luojia said, he was silent for a moment, the golden runes on his head shined, and under his closed eyes, tears were still flowing and never dried up.

Then he shook his head and looked at the manuscript on his desk again. This was just an unrealistic dream, just like his original dream.

+I'm sorry. +

Luo Jia said softly,

+ I feel extremely sorry and painful for everything that happened now. An ignorant child never knew what kind of waves my obsession would cause. Only now did I realize my mistake, but I was unable to change it. +

Luo Jia shook his head again and brushed the yellow paper in front of him with his hand again and again.

+I still remember what he told me that day,+

+I am a god, Lorgar Aurelion, I am a god, but you will never understand what admitting this will do to me. +

Lorgar Aurelion just shook his head.

+Now I know. +

+The truth and bones beneath the throne of God. +

+I regret seeing that the seeds I planted in the past have now grown into such evil consequences. My father, the Silent One, Sanguinius, Malcador... they should not have been like this. +

"You can repent later."

Waldo said ruthlessly,

"Now give me the rune that sealed the altar. It intends to go to Baal."

Back then, it was Luojia who possessed Angron and completed the final seal.

This may be thanks to the bone in the main body of the red sand - and at the end of the Great Crusade, Angron had cooperated with Luojia for a period of time, and they got along very well.

Over the years, when the Lord of Red Sand was extremely exhausted and took a brief rest for a second or two, Luojia would appear in his dreams, but she would only shed tears.

+The silent one? You shouldn't be so arrogant, Constantine. +

"I'm simply preventing myself from swaying people who would assassinate me."

+I assume all the Primarchs and my father are on your list of potential assassins? +

Constantine said nothing and just stared at Luojia. After a moment of silence, Luojia stretched out his hand and handed some kind of golden fragment to the leader of the forbidden army.

"I am his last resort."

The Imperial Guard said, getting ready to leave,

"That's all."

"as well as,"

Waldo walked towards the door,

"I hope you can continue writing, Luojia, that book."

The heavy stone door was closed, and Luo Jia had no expression on his face. He turned around and looked at his manuscript.

He has not yet succeeded in writing it.



The sky in Baal is always so magnificent, and the high-intensity radiation makes the sunlight shining so colorful. On the desert like blood, one after another Anglican Church rises from the ground, and the high walls that were originally shining with gold are coated with a layer of bright red by the sunlight.

Between several churches, the World Eaters established defensive fortresses and recruiting posts. Adhering to the spirit of the Lord of the Red Sand, the World Eaters Legion made preliminary improvements here.

Several water sources and material supply points were placed in Baal's indigenous area. The initial conditions of Baal's indigenous people were extremely harsh, and this situation did not improve much after becoming the home planet of the Blood Angels.

Sanguinius believed that harsh environments would forge true warriors, echoing Mortarion's former beliefs.

But now, no one knows about Sanguinius.

The Sons of Angron have been stationed here for a long time, and the new generation of warriors have almost no idea why they are here, but they still act according to the teachings left by the Primarch.

The World Eaters respectfully distanced themselves from the religion on Baal, and at the same time established good relations with the local indigenous people. There was even a small arena built with the help of the Legion.

Strangely, the original religion of Baal has disappeared here, and there is no trace of the Dark Church. Only the state religion is stationed here.

There was also a new generation of World Eaters selected from Baal who proposed to further improve people's livelihood, but was rejected by the Legion. This World Eater was subsequently assigned to the Red Angels, a warband under the Legion.

The warbands under the Legion do not strictly abide by the teachings of the Primarch. Therefore, taking the Red Angels as an example, a small number of warbands believe in the state religion and have their own unique culture.

But the World Eaters will not exclude them because of this. As sons of Angron, two respected people from the warband are allowed to participate in the important meetings of the management of the Legion.

For example, Louis Dante, the commander of the Red Angels, who is currently in the Bloodhound Eight Resolutions——

This thousand-year-old veteran is standing silently in the secret library on Baal at this moment. In the deepest part of the dim light, the blood coffin is lying quietly.

Dante, who knew the true history, felt a little dizzy at the moment. He was chosen by the World Eaters, fought in a thousand gladiatorial arenas, and proved his loyalty and reliability as the Spear Bearer.

Since then, Dante has been responsible for the truth behind the huge falsehood. He carefully selected the people with bared fangs in the World Eaters Legion, transferred them to many war groups, and taught them the true culture that should belong to them.

And before the warriors became angry, he killed them.

Dante did a good job, working diligently and without sleep.

So much so that a thousand years later, he even became the oldest living person in the World Eaters. Perhaps only the ten thousand year old World Eaters veterans scattered in the warp could surpass him in seniority.

But the problem is that he is not a World Eater.

The other seven people in the Bloodhound are all pure sons of Angron. Sometimes they will sympathize with Dante's experience together, but after sympathizing, Dante still works.

Dante had already arranged the next candidate for his position, but why didn't he die? Even though he felt that he was on the verge of blood thirst several times, he was pulled back to reason.

So this heavy truth still weighed on Dante.

He is currently the only son of Sanguinius who knows the truth, is awake and alive.

The only one.

Sometimes Dante would painfully think about why this mission was imposed on him. The Primarch Angron wanted the Blood Angels to leave the fire, which is why the World Eaters are so kind.

But Dante knew that some chapters marked as Ultramarines would never be Ultramarines. Why don't they have to bear the pain of inheriting this? !

And now...

Dante dragged his heavy feet and slowly walked to the blood coffin.

Here sleeps the only survivor of the catastrophe, another Blood Angel who knows the truth.

Dante felt a little hesitant. He had read the diary written by this battle predecessor, and the vulgar words on it almost pierced through the back of the paper.

He hadn't figured out how to face another son of an archangel who knew the truth.

But in Dante's ears, it seemed as if the sound of the Imperial Regent Guilliman's ship docking had already sounded.

The Imperial Regent made it clear that he wanted to meet this Blood Angel, and they needed to release Sanguinius.

Dante hadn't figured out how to face his real fallen father.

He hovered his hand over the button, hesitating, and finally, as if he had made up his mind, Dante gritted his teeth and pressed the wake-up button!

Cold air suddenly spurted out from the gap, along with the rich blood.

"Fuck you."

Flesh Tearer Amit cursed.

"That idiot interrupted your grandfather's rest?"

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