Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 708 156 Interlude Sun and Moon

Chapter 708 156. Interlude|Sun and Moon

Trek, trek, no one pays attention to your whereabouts, and higher-dimensional beings are always whispering in your ears.

But now they are silent together.

So Neos was able to rest.

Light on his feet, deep in the palace that he had spun like a spider's web, the Emperor hid from his loyal warriors.

Malcador, who had been staring at him, his harsh gaze was tainted with a hint of hatred, but he also looked away with disdain.

He will get along well with Orpeson.

The Emperor thought comfortably, after all, they had a lot in common.

As far as rebuking Neos alone, if they wanted to, Orpeson and Malcador could talk for three years without the topic repeating themselves.

Nios provided them with a wealth of material and topics.

The Emperor never forbids others to curse him, just as he never forces others to praise him.

Most humans will be confused by the golden cloak he wears on his appearance. They respect him and fear him, and they praise and curse him from the bottom of their hearts. The words in their mouths pile up into a thicker layer on the emperor's shell. Barrier, Neos' true self is therefore even more unknowable.

The other group of people are closer to the truth. They are either wise men with profound vision, or simply fools who act on instinct.

Some of these people chose to follow him, and then chose to leave or betray him after being exposed to the deeper truth, while others kept a certain distance from him and stayed away from him.

The former is Orpeson and Malcador, and the latter is Hades——

Although Neos believed that his character was at least, or slightly, perhaps stronger than that of his son Mortarion, Hades was obviously more willing to work with Mortarion.

Neos's understanding of this was that Hades's aesthetics were vulgar and he didn't like gold.

But only one person, a wise man who prefers secularism, a leader, a son, a bright moon, his wolf god, will choose to love him after a chance glimpse of the truth.

This is the unconditional love a child has for his father.

In a daze, Nios seemed to have returned to that afternoon. He was wearing a white lab coat and holding a data pad, standing in front of the culture cabin.

Malcador coughed and walked towards him, his scepter hitting the ground with an ominous sound.

"All sons?"

The old man stopped half a step behind Nios and stared at the training cabin with a gloomy gaze, as if cursing these boys.

Malcador may have seen a family full of sons. When those gangsters were growing up, the whole family was in a state of chaos.

"Yes and no, I need generals and leaders - not sons, but war machines. Men will be more suitable for this position."

Malcador looked away from the bubbling cultivation cabin and frowned at the Lord of Humanity.

"So I guess you're going to remove their emotional functions?"

Neos paused for a rare moment.

"No, it won't."

He blinked,

“I want them to be truly human—

The first step to being a human being is to understand human beings. Emotions and desires are themes that run through human beings and human civilization. We cannot give up. "

Malcador raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly.


He made a long note.

"You want real humans, and they will also be your descendants. I have a question. Since you ask them to have emotions and let them serve you with affection and loyalty, will you repay their emotions?"


The Lord of Mankind answered immediately without any burden, even briskly.

"I will play a good father, but my balance will always be human."

Malcador was silent for a moment, the expression on his face deeply hidden under the shadow of his hood,

"This is not good,"

The old man said hoarsely,

"They will not be ordinary humans. The monsters you create will tell whether you are sincere or not -

Then they will ask you for your sincerity. When that happens, will you really be hard-hearted? "

The Lord of Mankind answered him with such confident silence that Neos did not even consider the question necessary.

Malcador took a deep breath, sighed, shook his head and left.

Now it seems that maybe he should trust Machado more.

Neos finally walked into this house. After stepping through the dim golden door, he seemed to have entered a narrow grotto. The faint moonlight fell from the gaps in the grotto and rippled on the pool in the center of the house.

Neos stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, blood dripped from between his fingers and fell into the pool.

He raised his head freely, and in an instant, the whole room seemed to be immersed in the depths of the sea. Thousands of bright white lights and shadows like flowers rippled in the air, and powerful but gentle spiritual energy bloomed layer by layer, casting waves.

The white light was like flying snow, or like the embers after exploding cannonballs, falling to the ground in confusion, forming a shadow.

It was Horus Luperkar.

"How are you feeling lately?"

Neos said easily, and he randomly picked a raised stone and sat down. He felt a little out of breath. After all, most of his strength had been used elsewhere.

At the same time, on the other side, Sanguinius's imminent awakening also attracted some faith.

The phantom Horus just opened his mouth wide and stood there in disbelief.

【I...I'm still alive? 】

"You still exist."

Nios shrugged comfortably,

"In the course of human development, life and death are not insurmountable gaps."

Horus turned his head sharply, and then he realized,

[Father--Father? ! ! ! ]

The Primarch made a sharp explosion that was totally inconsistent with his image, and then Neos saw with a headache that Horus almost immediately began to cry. The former warmaster, who was usually tall and mighty, was like a child who had made a mistake, and his body instantly shrank.

At this moment, Neos might, possibly, perhaps, have a moment of self-blame.

The words of self-blame and repentance of the wolf god were even more frequent than Lorgar's prayers. The Lord of Mankind listened and seemed careless. He was just enjoying the time with his son.

Father and son.

In human history, after the matriarchal society, it once became the most important maintenance of social relations, and blood ties determined closeness and distance, and built a clan-based alliance.

This is what Neos originally thought.

But after that, he realized more, those scenes that he had seen but had been indifferent to, the father pushed his son away in the war, but he was shot by a bullet; or the son pushed his father to the muzzle of the gun, but the father did not scold his child; the old man trembled and took out all his savings and handed them to his useless son; or perhaps it was simpler, the young people running and playing with their children in the park, their faces that had not yet aged were full of smiles.

Of course, there are other existences, the father who killed his legitimate son in conjunction with his mistress, the hungry people who ate their children in the famine, the emperor who poisoned his son who tried to usurp power...

Humans are like this.

Neos thought he would be the latter, but in fact he was more inclined to the former.

When he began to think about how to save Lupercal from the hands of chaos, Neos knew that he had embarked on the road of [becoming a qualified father].

Perhaps he originally had this tendency. There are not a few people in human history who made friends with people who conspired to murder their fathers.

But Neos chose to take revenge on the enemy who killed his father - everything has a trace.

After all, he is also a human.

He has always been a human.

"Humans will never forgive you, Horus Lupercal."

Neos lowered his eyes and looked at Horus who was kneeling beside him and crying. Horus was still in pieces now. He was not stable, so his words were also incoherent.

You can't expect a person who is about to lose his memory due to drinking to have any logic and reason. Horus is just crying now. He may not have realized what he had done, but he subconsciously apologized to Neos.

Neos opened his mouth and felt a bitterness in his throat.

"But I forgive you."

- As a father.

If he is not the Lord of Humanity - he was not, is not, and will not be, then, how good it would be.

Horus paused for a moment, and then burst into a more shrill wail. He was like a dying wolf, helpless and desperate, but his vocal cords were intact and full of energy.

Let him cry first.

Neos was silent.


[They will not forgive me. 】

Horus choked, he felt empty, he was still in chaos and broken, but the Lord of Humanity in front of him made him feel particularly at ease.

He even felt a certain kind of rationality and calmness forcibly returned - this might be the work of the Lord of Humanity.

The face of the Lord of Death, which was twisted and hideous because of rage, flashed in front of Horus. He shuddered subconsciously, and the things he had done emerged in his mind. The great pain and despair almost made him faint immediately.

Horus realized that he would be completely broken in the next moment because of the great self-blame and inability to face it, but the Lord of Humanity kept his soul state and prevented him from dissipating.

"Of course they won't forgive you,"

Neos said calmly,

"They will never let you go."

[Then I, I——]

Tears covered Horus's face, he crawled forward a step, and tightly grasped Neos' cloak with his hands.

[Kill me, father. 】

Horus Lupercal said, his voice trembling,

Thousands of words, countless self-blames, countless regrets, difficult to face, unable to think deeply, hands tightly grasped the corner of his clothes.

[Kill me. 】

Horus screamed and repeated, his broken soul was overwhelmed, he couldn't even accept further thinking about what he had done, so he asked for the sleep of death.

Only death can cleanse sins.

Neos was silent.

Then he put his hand on Horus's hand, he held his son's hand tightly, at this moment, Neos felt that he was getting old.

For a moment, Neos even thought of Mortarion, or Hades,

At least the people from Barbarus were determined to kill the traitors absolutely, they might be in pain and regret, but that was after the scythe was swung down.

And the Lord of Mankind occasionally hesitated in facing this issue.

It was like this every time, when he faced the betrayed Orpesson, Erda, and Malcador... Every time, he exiled them, but did not destroy them.

They could not touch that topic. Perhaps Neos could force himself to speak, but now was not the time, not now.

There were other things.

He had not yet... become so incompetent and stupid simply because of missing him.

Neos used [skip] skillfully and habitually, although he did not really want to skip it now.

"You cannot disappear now."

The Lord of Mankind said, with a golden light in his deep brown eyes,

"Do one thing for me and for your brother, Horus."

One of his hands still held Horus's hand, and the other hand was raised, pious whispers sounded in their ears, and a white feather burning with golden flames appeared at the Emperor's fingertips.

"Go and bring Sanguinius back."

Nyos whispered, and regret came to his heart again. Sanguinius was another tragedy, and it was still a tragic song he created with his own hands.

"You will be the best choice. Sanguinius' conscience is waiting for you."

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