Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 709 157 They gradually returned to the past

Chapter 709 157. They gradually move towards the past

"I feel a little uneasy."

Abaddon said truthfully,

In front of him, a strange magic circle was flashing. A Chaos Space Marine in dark blue armor held up his battle axe, and scarlet light danced on the Egyptian-style decoration above his helmet.

"This is [its] nature."

The spellcaster Khayon said that his hand was swinging at a weird speed. Abaddon didn't even see clearly how Khayon threw out those Tarot cards, but now those burning blood are surrounding Khayon. Floating and rotating in the air makes the atmosphere here become even weirder.

"Any war involving [it], or its underworld, will make us feel uneasy and hesitant. I call it [Hell Staring]."

"But he wasn't really looking at us."

Abaddon said, his face expressionless, trying not to let his uneasiness show.


Khayon dispatched the psychic energy from the blood pool, and he did not reject them too much, because when the empire came to arrest the Thousand Sons, an Alpha he knew well helped him escape.

"I'm not sure about this - its power is weird enough. In the minds of some psykers, as long as you touch the concept of it, you are already being watched."

"It's not that it's looking at us, but because we're looking at it, we're being looked at. In the propaganda of Hades, it's its kindness that makes it look back indiscriminately. It's ridiculous, shouldn't it? Is it greed?”

"Then wouldn't he be able to know our plan?"

Abaddon sneered, Khayon was silent for a moment, and then spoke again,

"Relax—maybe it's not what's disturbing you? Are you planning to visit Baal in person this time?"

Khayon's change of subject made Abaddon even more suspicious, but he still kept his face low.

"It depends,"

He said, nodding,

"...I really want to see him and the Lord of Death again. No, I don't intend to win, but my existence has announced the loopholes in their plans and ideas. Even though I have long despised my father, the hatred I felt back then The fire never goes out."

"what ever,"

Khayon shrugged.

"I don't plan to go, but if you do, I can come over and have a look."

It's a pity that Abaddon doesn't know who he will meet - otherwise he would not go there even to death.



【Are you ready? 】

Guilliman turned around. He was holding a torch. The platinum torch was carved with countless angel statues, but the area close to the source of the fire became scorched black. The angel statues were blackened and turned into ghosts.

They are now in the largest church in Baal, and all irrelevant people have been cleared out by the World Eaters, Ultramarines and Death Guard.

There are only a few standing giants here now.

The towering statue of the God-Emperor was overlooking them from a high position, holding a sword in both hands. It was as high as dozens of stories, and the shadow it cast made the other side of the cathedral look like night.

Hades could feel Waldo's disdain for the statue behind him. The Lord of the Forbidden Army always insisted on walking at the end of the team, never participating in the discussions in front, silently like a machine.

Guilliman was still staring closely at Mortarion and Hades behind him, knowing that these two were the key to saving Sanguinius.

The light of the fire burned on Guilliman's face, reflecting the regent's face into two sides, one dark and one light.

【I have been looking forward to today. 】

Mortarion said calmly, with no emotion at all. His hand rested casually on the pistol and lantern at his waist.

At this moment, under the command of Karas, the Death Guard mourners outside the cathedral are taking action, using the angel's blood Amit as a guide to create a magic circle that seals the entire cathedral.

Once their next actions are unfavorable and Amit shows signs of going berserk, the entire magic circle will be activated immediately.

"You can leave at any time."

Hades said, and he glanced sideways at Valdo again. He seemed to feel the negative emotions from Valdo. It seemed that the Emperor's Custodes were not very satisfied with them.

Hades decided to guard against the Lord of the Forbidden Army in the next action to prevent him from suddenly bursting into rebellion. The probability of such an act was extremely low, but he thought it should never be zero.

After receiving a positive answer, Guilliman nodded solemnly and then led them to the base behind the magnificent statue of the God-Emperor.

Guilliman leaned down and began to tap.

After three minutes of irregular knocking, as the statue of the God Emperor trembled, a passage opened that was large enough for Cerberus to drive in.

【Walk. 】

Guilliman said, taking the lead into the tunnel, Hades blinked and followed the team.

The tunnel kept descending, and after five minutes of rushing, Hades' eyes suddenly became wider, with a height of nearly a hundred meters, and a dark space with an endless width appeared in front of them.

Countless fortification buildings stand at random heights, built in this cave like an underground kingdom. The warning lights on the dusty machines are still flashing red, which is the only source of light here.

The Space Marines, their armor nearly faded, stood silently at their posts, staring only at them.

Hades recognized the armor of the World Eaters, the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists, and even the Blood Angels? !

Seeing them coming, no one said anything. A stooped hooded figure came over, stood in front of Guilliman, who had stopped long ago, and raised a flat instrument like a command board.

Guilliman remained silent, and in the gray crypt, even the king's face became dim.

Guilliman raised his hand, and the sharp psychic energy drew a trace of blood on his cheek. Blood beads spattered on the helmet. Seeing this, Robert pressed his blood-spattered hand on the instrument.

It is a genetic testing instrument.

Hades thought, and sure enough, after a five-second pause, a small but pleasant "di" sound sounded.

At the same time, Hades heard the sound of countless heavy weapon safety doors being reinstalled.

The man who came to receive them bowed deeply to Guilliman, revealing his sewn-up eyes.

"Welcome, fatuous king."

Before he finished speaking, the rickety figure disappeared into the vast darkness.

Guilliman began to walk again. Those in the darkness did not come forward, but just watched them.

[This is the first level of defense,]

Guilliman's somewhat bitter voice sounded,

[The most formalistic one - because we all know that we can't stop him here, but we still do it. This can delay the retreat of people on the ground and at the same time prevent explorers from the outside. 】

[They are very malicious towards you. 】

Mortarion whispered, a tall white moth-shaped monster walking here, with white hair like tentacles to detect the lives hidden in the defense projects in the distance.

[They are all victims of that incident,]

Guilliman said, still holding the torch high, and within the range of the torch's light, people voluntarily left.

[Angron and I screened out these people. The events of that year left painful scars on them, the lives of their families and comrades, or they simply started to hate the original body because of this. 】

[After experiencing fratricide, they were psychologically shaken. They could no longer continue to fight for the empire, but they could still continue to fight. Angron used some... spiritual or psychological means on them to strengthen the people. Their hatred of the Primarch allowed them to become absolute jailers. 】

Mortarion made a happy sound,

[That doesn't sound like you and Angron, Guilliman. 】

[We had a period of confusion after that incident,]

Guilliman replied calmly, his voice fleeting like a stone thrown into a nighttime lake.

[Besides, it was our previous style that led to that tragedy. We thought it was necessary to be tougher at the time... Now it seems that there is a better way, and they should not be treated so badly. 】

Mortarion sneered,

[You always care too much about everyone’s thoughts, lives and feelings, the blond guy born in the Utopia. 】

[I don't think there's anything wrong with that - I don't want to argue with you now, Mortarion. Maybe I'm wrong. 】

Guilliman said that he didn't know whether it was because of the darkness or because he admitted his mistake and apologized, but the golden light around him dimmed, making Guilliman look rougher and more human.

Guilliman admitted his mistake too quickly, and Hades saw Mortarion remain silent for a moment, then laughed dryly.

【Not interesting. 】

Mortarion whispered, making sure that only Hades heard this. Hades closed his mouth and gave Mortarion a small kick in the back.

Mortarion was naturally a little gloating about his misfortune. Even the Pale Lord had sympathy and sorrow for this, but he still gloated about his misfortune, especially because he was chained to the Demon-Containing Platform by Guilliman and others.

Mortarion flapped his wings, seemingly shaking his gray cloak, and jumped over the topic.

Guilliman didn't pay attention to the little incident behind him. He led them to continue walking. This was a hole pouring downward. After the dense defense works, the space suddenly ended with a crack in the ground.

The height of this gap is extremely high, and the width is barely enough for the original body to pass sideways. Looking in, there are countless small cracks climbing on the wall, seeping with blood.

This doesn't look very friendly to Hades.

[Second level of defense, Scarlet Maze—Affected by the Archangel imprisoned here, this maze is growing all the time. 】

Guilliman said, he raised one hand with a serious expression, and in the hazy golden light between the Regent's palms, a white feather fell on his palms.

[This is the last of the angel’s white feathers. 】

Guilliman said, lowering the torch in his other hand and sending White Feather into the flames.

[Only the light burned by the nobility of Sanguinius can guide us to the right path, and at the same time dispel this layer of pollution that accumulates spiritual energy for us. 】

Pure and warm white light exploded and burned fiercely. Except for Hades, almost everyone present felt as warm as a spring breeze.

【alright. 】

Guilliman turned back and was about to lead everyone on, but when he saw Hades, he suddenly stopped.

"I think you realize that."

Hades said bitterly.

It stands to reason that Mortarion's size may be comparable to Hades, but the Pale Lord develops vertically, and his side and width are even one-third that of the generally stronger Primarch.

Guilliman was silent. He seemed to want to say something, but the words on his lips were very weak at the moment.

Hades walked over silently, turned sideways and compared the size. Very good, he couldn't get over his current state.

[When originally designed, this width was to prevent the winged Sanguinius from escaping, while ensuring that the largest of us brothers could pass through. 】

The "biggest brother" Guilliman refers to is Vulkan.

【I didn’t think of you...】

Hades was sure he saw a fleeting, helpless smile on the corner of Guilliman's lips.

【Growing again. 】

A dead man's cough sounded. Don't get me wrong, it was Mortarion laughing.


"There is no other way, I will transform into the form of Star God and attack."

Hades said that he couldn't stand Mortarion's death laughter anymore, so gloating, such pure ridicule without other emotions, that the boomerang that intercepted lunch thousands of years ago finally came back.

Guilliman opened his eyes wide. He raised the torch and saw darkness gathering around Hades like a storm, and Hades' figure disappeared instantly.

At this moment Pluto is no longer a pure entity, but more like a mixture of gaseous and solid states.


Hades' dull voice came from the darkness, and he felt the bright gaze from Waldo behind him.

"Go quickly."

Hades urged again, he couldn't stand it anymore, it was 80.


Guilliman coughed a few times, then no longer hesitated. He squeezed sideways into the narrow gap, holding the torch high in front. Around the wall, the capillary-like threads shrank back in an instant when they touched the light.

The pure light guided the way forward, and they began to move. The most relaxed one was Mortarion, whose size was perfect for this place.

This time, in order not to affect the work of the torch ahead, Hades followed at the end. He simply canceled the enchantment here, and the darkness swallowed everything it touched.

The maze was intricate, and they were moving downwards as a whole. From these narrow gaps, screams like ghosts were heard, and dark red blood-like liquid accumulated at their feet. The deeper they went in, the stronger the smell of blood became.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

From time to time, liquid dripped onto their faces from high places, and then slowly slid down thick and cold.

In the end, except for the disembodied Hades, almost everyone seemed to be drenched in blood.

【Almost there. 】

Guilliman said hoarsely, looking weaker with every step he took.

Mortarion saw that this was an echo of the events of that year, and self-blame and warp mapping shook Guilliman, making him weaker and weaker.

The Pale Lord also felt a certain amount of oppression. In those screams that were like crying and complaining, he seemed to hear the roar of his bloody battle with Sanguinius.

It seems that the main force this time will be Hades - which is why Guilliman hurriedly asked Hades to come over.

A faint red light lit up around the next corner, and Mortarion stopped abruptly, because Guilliman in front of him suddenly stopped moving.


Guilliman's voice sounded as he was so weak that he was almost dying. He turned his head and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

[I don’t know Angron’s current state. He may have been sacrificed, or worse—he has also fallen. 】

Baal's psychic field can completely isolate the psychic energy deep underground, so he has no way to judge whether Angron is well through the state of the World Eaters.

Mortarion fell silent, looking at Guilliman who seemed to be taking root under his feet in front of him.

That incident was a huge blow to Guilliman. He considered that incident to be a serious dereliction of duty on his own, so he had to send the two brothers to the dungeon with his own hands.

Mortarion pondered for a moment.

[I think the third layer of defense is Angron? 】

Guilliman nodded, and before the regent could say anything else, Mortarion reached out and snatched the torch from Guilliman's hand.

【Then I'll go first,】

Mortarion smiled sarcastically, his wrinkles piling up deeply.

[I remember the kick he gave me quite clearly. 】


There was a muffled sound of metal colliding with the stone surface, and the scythe drawn by the Lord of Death struck sparks on the stone surface.

【Walk. 】

Mortarion said.

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