Chapter 712 160. Under his shadow

[What happened? ]

Horus asked with concern, frowning and looking at Sanguinius who was standing still for a moment.

The Archangel did not answer him.

Beside the small chair where the two Primarchs were sitting, a waterfall made of rocks was gurgling down, green leaves swaying in the broken water, and birds singing melodiously.

Sanguinius blinked blankly, and the warm smile on the corner of his mouth gradually flattened.

+I may... go soon. +

Sanguinius said softly, he seemed to accept this fact quite easily, without any dissatisfaction or indignation.

He just turned his eyes away from Horus and casually raised the glass to swallow the thick and bitter liquid in the glass.


Horus was stunned and leaned forward.

[You will be fine - I promised our father to take you back. This is his order. He still believes in you, Sanguinius. ]

+Is it. +

Sanguinius said indifferently, he lowered his eyes, his long golden eyelashes trembling,

+I don't believe him. +

The archangel then laughed, revealing his fangs. He stretched his body, gathered his sleeves, leaned on the chair, and shook the wine in the glass.

+He is not trustworthy, +

Sanguinius said frankly,

+I have never seen such a despicable and magnanimous person. The last bit of respect I had for him came from the fact that he was the king of mankind and our father, but now... I don't want to respect him. +

Sanguinius was silent for a moment. Horus opposite him was obviously shocked. Sanguinius sighed and shook his head in his heart. Only on this point, Horus would never feel the same as him.


Sanguinius put away his smile, and there was a smile in his eyes.

+But I can understand him. +

He smiled bitterly again, as if mocking his fate. He had done everything he could, and he had thoroughly walked the path of his destiny.

From beginning to end, Sanguinius had no regrets.

It was all fate.

Compared to Conrad Curze's hesitation on the path of prophecy, Sanguinius was unstoppable. He knew what he would face, and he also knew that he could not stop.

He also knew... Sanguinius's smile was icy cold. What exactly did the Lord of Mankind want to do after the state religion became too prosperous.

There was an episode in the middle. On the path of prophecy, Guilliman should not have left early. Sanguinius had left Guilliman ample space to re-manage -

But Guilliman left early, and fate changed.

He did not blame Guilliman.

He was just... a little angry and tired.

Sanguinius calmly shook the wine in the cup. It was no longer the sweet red wine on Baal, but a sour and bitter wine. He reaped the fruits of his own labor.

In the history of human civilization, there are billions of works of art worthy of praise. Every era has its own legends worthy of praise. They either praise loyalty or confess betrayal. But no matter what, there is always an unchanging core throughout the history of human literary and artistic development.

That is the art of destruction.

Only complete destruction and fall can touch the soul, drag the beauty into the quagmire, and tear the good apart. A rich and colorful ending should be like this, letting the warriors sacrifice in the last ten seconds of the armistice, and letting justice be pronounced at the moment after the hanging.

For an end, for their end, for Horus Lupercal and Sanguinius, now is enough.

They don't need to go back, just because of the regret and mercy of the Lord of Humanity that came ten thousand years late. Pure destruction is cleaner, and Sanguinius is unwilling to show up again.

His end should be to ascend to the unspeakable sanctuary with his good and evil.

With a trace of pity in his eyes, Sanguinius looked at Horus - Horus should not be like this either, they should all leave.

Sanguinius stretched out a hand and held Horus's hand, and Horus suddenly froze.

+ Come with me. +

Sanguinius said softly,

+ Return to sleep... We don't have to appear again, there is no place for us on the ark heading to the new world. +

He felt Horus' hesitation and hesitation, and at the same time, this fictional little world began to collapse in front of the cry of reality.

Sanguinius felt a burning pain, and the black blood stains like burnt ashes climbed up from his feet. He was still trying to slow it all down, but his evil was calling him with a dying wail.

Sanguinius himself did not sympathize with himself who was blinded by desire and killing.

His white feathers were burning gray and black. At the last moment, the yin and yang sides would eventually merge. The extreme opposition was perfect. If they did not move towards moderation, they would move towards extreme destruction.


Horus hesitated. Sanguinius' invitation was so sincere and earnest, like a mouth-watering red fruit. Death and destruction were easy. Even if there was a flood in the future, they would not have to worry about whether to board the ship of the new world.

The touch on his hand was soft and cold. Without looking at Sanguinius's gradually hideous legs, Sanguinius in front of Horus was like a real god, calm and alienated, emitting a holy white light.

But there was only a weak temperature.

Horus thought of another palm, from his father, rough and hot, full of hope, and enthusiastic eyes.

Not long ago, his hand was held by Neos, and he made a promise that could not be broken.

Horus' lips trembled.

ah! How he wanted to die! ! !

It was difficult for him to accept everything he had done, to face the stinging eyes of his colleagues, and to listen to the sigh of the Lord of Mankind. He messed up everything, but was forgiven.

The conscience and shame of the Wolf God cannot allow him to continue walking. They are urgently persuading him to die and leave with Sanguinius, leaving the new world to those whose hands are not yet stained with blood!

But... but...

Horus's pupils trembled, and painful and sincere tears flowed from his eyes. He looked at Sanguinius with such apologies and reluctance.

He had only one reason, so simple and straightforward.

【I can't...】

Horus murmured, reaching across the coffee table and taking Sanguinius's hand in his.

[I can't betray him again. 】


Sanguinius was speechless, his eyes suddenly turned cold. This was the biggest difference between him and Horus, but now that they had chosen their own paths, Sanguinius did not want to say more.

He shouldn't wish for it.

Horus stood up with Sanguinius in panic. The archangel withdrew his hand. A violent aura appeared around him in a chaotic manner. Darkness filled the whites of his eyes, and his fangs were about to move.

+Then it's time for me to go. +

Sanguinius said calmly, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and the world began to blur. During the violent struggle, he saw the dark vicious dog at his throat.

"Should I stay or not?! Should I stay or not?!"

Hades roared,

"What on earth did Neos plan!!!"

The fallen holy angel under him was like a chicken struggling on the ground, its huge and messy steel wings fluttering randomly on the ground, its feathers flying around, jumping onto the Waldo armor beside them,

The force was so great that it almost shook Hades's non-existent internal organs out of place.

The Hades on his body is more similar to a group of physical dark slimes. Sanguinius still has a powerful entity, so Hades cannot completely become virtual and must hold him down physically.

The concentration of psychic energy inside Sanguinius was so huge that even Hades was stunned. It was like a small world completely isolated from subspace, existing in an absolutely malicious form.

Hades suspected that all the spiritual energy discarded by the Lord of Mankind was here, so he had to focus on the black domain and pierce that point deeply, deeply.

And as Sanguinius struggled, endless darkness was gurgling out, accompanied by billions of resentful spirits screaming in it.

[The Lord of Mankind wishes to bring Sanguinius back. 】

Waldo said,

[First swallow most of his spiritual energy to weaken him. 】

"I'm actually doing it!"

Hades roared,

"Stop struggling!!!"

Sanguinius under him almost transformed into a more terrifying existence. The terror index was even the same as that of Mortarion in the form of bone moth, and perhaps even better than Mortarion.

The moment before he swallowed all of Sanguinius, the Archangel was like a dying drug addict, crazy for blood to the limit. Compared with a vampire, a ghoul is more in line with his current appearance, with a thin, gray face, and an elongated face. Deep-set eye sockets, needle-like fangs.

Waldo took out a thick book. He was carrying a censer beside him. Mortarion, who was always ready to rush to assist Hades, frowned. The Pale Lord saw that what Waldo took out should be a book of the National Religion. books?

The author on the cover is signed Lorgar Aurelion.

Waldo turned to a certain page, and on the page marked by a golden feather, he found the spell entrusted to him by the Lord of Mankind.

"Guilliman, Angron, we need you to come."

"You're just saying it now?!!!"

Hades's scream was ignored, and at the same time, Guilliman almost immediately rushed to Waldo and snatched the book away, followed closely by Angron.

The Imperial Army prefers to isolate the subspace——

So this needs to be done by his descendants, Guilliman and Angron are the best candidates. One of them inherited a part of the Lord of Man's power, and the other was once possessed by the Emperor.

Guilliman swallowed, ignoring Mortarion's unsettling gaze. He immediately began to recite a spell. Angron used his spiritual power to assist Guilliman. Both primarchs with high enough inspiration immediately Understand the meaning of the Lord of Humanity.

Sanguinius on Hades' side began to laugh loudly,

+Kill me! ! ! +

He roared, his hair flying,

+He has no right to let me continue to work for him! How could he have the nerve to do that after he dropped me like a flea? ! ! ! Let him come out and face me! Fight with me! ! False emperor! False God! ! ! +

There was a violent convulsion, and then a scream like a playful smile erupted. Sanguinius suddenly stood up upwards, but it didn't look like a struggle, but more like a hug.

The fangs instinctively lean toward the neck of an ordinary person.

+ Let me have a taste of your blood before destruction - this stinky friend, I don’t dislike your taste. After just six drops, I stopped struggling... +

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Hurry up!!!"

Hades made a sharp explosion, but his restraint on Sanguinius did not relax at all. Mortarion could clearly see the darkness formed by Hades thrust out sharp spikes.

At this moment, Mortarion, who had been embraced by Slaanesh, and Hades empathized.

Without any hesitation, Mortarion no longer pinned his hopes on the two Primarchs beside him who had already begun to grow in size. He suppressed his fear angrily and calmly, and walked quickly to the altar.

[Excuse me,]

Mortarion felt vomit rising up in his throat, and his steps became weak, but he swallowed it.

[Wandering soul, let me give him a chance to shut up.]

The darkness began to wriggle, and it was no longer just the two huge wings that were exposed and struggling. The damn head was exposed, mixed with curses, laughter and dirty words.

Part of the neck was also exposed, but it was not flesh, but like a skeleton that had been soaked in strong alkali for many days. The erosion from Hades never stopped.

Mortarion's eyes were dull, and he raised his heavy sickle, aiming the sickle at Sanguinius's head.

Sanguinius' pupils dilated, and he saw Mortarion's face with an extremely evil smile.

On the other side, dazzling golden light burst out, and the damned Guilliman recited Lorgar's prayer, and he vaguely glimpsed the face of the Lord of Mankind.

Then, the sickle slammed down! ——

[Sanguinius? ! ]

Sanguinius blinked blankly and saw Horus shaking him. Horus' tears dripped down and fell on him, shining hotly like gold in the sunlight.

Sanguinius saw those drops connected like snakes on his charred body, like golden chains. He raised his head in despair and saw the eternal sun that was about to swallow him.

The blackness that permeated his whole body began to turn into pale gold——

In the bloody hell, beads of sweat ran across Guilliman's forehead. He suddenly raised his voice and shouted the last sentence,

[Lord, may all sins be forgiven, please bless us, Amen! 】

The guards shouted,

"Let Sanguinius go!!!"

[Let your mother go!!!]

The Pale Lord roared for Hades, but the brilliant golden light suddenly burst out, and they seemed to be swimming inside the sun, and everyone felt the unique spiritual power of the Lord of Mankind.

Tears slid down Sanguinius's white face, and he stared blankly at the Lord of Mankind walking towards him against the light.

He was really stupid, really.

He forgot that the Lord of Mankind never used words to convince people, and the Emperor had no intention of using the power of words to bring him back. He originally planned to bring the Archangel back by force.

And Horus was just the trigger for him to enter one of the two polar worlds of Sanguinius.

He had no intention of giving Sanguinius a choice.

Sanguinius smiled in disbelief, and dark bloody cracks split on his face. He abandoned himself and revealed his true appearance now,

+You still don't want to let your innocent offspring go? +

+I am only here to atone for my sins. +

The Lord of Mankind said calmly,

+Sanguinius, my child, come back, I have booked a first-class ticket for you in the New World - you don't have to work hard anymore. +

+What about him? +

The Lord of Mankind glanced at the unconscious Horus calmly, and Sanguinius caught the trace of real reluctance and regret in his eyes.

+If you want,+

The Lord of Mankind said, laughing - Sanguinius knew he was going to make his humorless joke.

+I can let him serve as your crew member, just as a way of atonement for his sins. +

Sanguinius shook his head, and seeing that Sanguinius had succeeded, the Lord of Mankind seemed unwilling to talk to him again, or perhaps his strength was not enough to support him to talk to Sanguinius again.

+Go to sleep,+

The Lord of Mankind said calmly,

+My child... you are approved for an eternal vacation. +

Sanguinius' soul immediately became heavy and sleepy. He seemed to be at the bottom of the sea, with only a small patch of hazy and chaotic light above his head.

He saw... something.

Confused, Sanguinius tried to open his eyes. He lay on his back miserably, looking up at the sky without a sky.

Beside him, Hades, the only one who did not get hit by the yellow skin flash, stood up in a mess. Mortarion immediately followed and cursed the Lord of Mankind, while being wary of Valdor's behavior.

Guilliman and Angron nervously surrounded Sanguinius and lifted him between their knees.

[Ah... Ah...]

Sanguinius breathed out weakly, as if he was trying hard to say something.

[My brother, don't worry. ]

Angron said hurriedly, with gentle spiritual energy surging out.

Sanguinius tried to open his eyes again and looked at the chaotic void.

[Terror... abuse...]

He said. Guilliman and Angron were startled, and they looked at each other.

[Don't worry, there is indeed such a possibility. We have a plan. ]

Guilliman immediately comforted him, saying that Sanguinius's resurrection might attract Khorne, which is a very likely point. The three legions have been waiting for this on Baal.


Sanguinius struggled to speak again, as if this information made him more anxious, but he was too weak now and had reached the critical point of coma.

[It's okay,]

Guilliman comforted him,

[The troops on Baal are far beyond your imagination now. ]

Sanguinius turned his head and grabbed Guilliman's hand like a dying man, holding it tightly.

Finally, Sanguinius still managed to spit out the word, and then fell into a coma completely.

[...Greenskin. ]

? ! ! ! ! !

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