Chapter 713 161. Pressure!

【Green skin...】

After uttering his last words, Sanguinius could not get up again and fell completely into a comatose sleep——

Guilliman and Angron beside him looked at me and I looked at you, wondering why the orcs had arrived on the battlefield at this moment.

On the other hand, Hades, who was vigorously wiping the blood and mucus off his armor, suddenly turned to stone.

He had an ominous thought.

Hades slowly turned his head and looked at Mortarion beside him. The Pale Lord's expression was as if he was mourning. He used his eyes to tell Hades which group of greenskins were coming.

【I feel their call to me. 】

Mortarion whispered, making sure only Hades could hear.

He saw Hades' expression completely petrified, and it took a long time before he squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

"It, it, they are not dead?"

Hades could only think of one possibility, the possibility that the green-skinned clan had not been defeated but came to look for him. At this moment, the only remaining silver pendant on his waist was shining.

After experiencing many battles, this accessory made of living metal has long melted into a strange shape whose original appearance is unclear.

"The green-skinned warlord is not dead."

Thump, thump, thump.

It’s over.

For a time, Hades' mind flashed through multiple groups of his social death scenes, including physical death groups.

His brain was shaking, and he couldn't imagine the shock the empire would feel when they saw a green-skinned army shouting "For touching his face! For the black boss!"

He was okay, after all, the greenskins were shouting about touching his face, and the one who would die first would definitely be Mortarion. But as long as a thoughtful person makes a little association, they can guess who the black boss is who touched the side of his face.

The Pale Lord was silent for a moment, staring at the eclipsed Hades with a complicated expression.

[We should think that this day may happen. 】

"I made a comprehensive plan to eliminate them at that time. The entire star area was designated as a restricted area. It was impossible to have enough supplies to support them to get out of that star area, unless...unless other forces intervened."

Mortarion's gas mask spewed long mist,

[Other forces? Accident? opportunity? Not uncommon in this galaxy. 】

He paused for a moment,

[I have passed the power of death to all the greenskins who call my name, what are you going to do now? 】

Although Hades seemed to be so shocked that he couldn't think about it, Mortarion knew that his comrade would think of a countermeasure as soon as possible. As expected, Hades' eyes secretly glanced at the Imperial Guard Valdo .

"Kill them all."

Hades said categorically,

"Cut the grass and roots. We can no longer allow this green-skinned clan to develop."

He was well aware of the strength and potential of this green-skinned clan, which made Hades feel numb. In order to defeat the Tyranids and prevent the Zerg from harming mankind, he had taught the real thing back then.

He promised them a huge war, and this oath has long been fulfilled by the battle between the greenskins and the Tyranids. Hades will never allow this greenskin clan to threaten humanity. This is his bottom line.

If these green skins were replaced by humans, Hades might feel sorry, but his feelings for the aliens would automatically be reduced by more than 80%——

Anyone who is not from my clan is a heretic.

This is a truth that humans have spent thousands of years exploring.

The only place for non-humans is at the feet or at the dining table.

But there’s one more thing…

"It would be fine if there were only Ultramarines, World Eaters and Death Guards here. Guilliman and Angron would help us, but the power of the Custodes..."

Hades had the idea of ​​knocking Waldo out for a moment, and he swore that he would never be soft on this guy for cheating his teammates just now.

Hades clearly felt that Waldo had his own plans. His status and identity meant that he was destined not to be united with the original body.

But there are also Imperial Guards on the ground, and his dark history back then probably cannot be stopped.

[Are you worried about him? 】

Mortarion said softly, continuing to lower his voice. They turned their backs to everyone, and the Pale Lord's folded hand gently tapped Waldo's position.

Hades confirmed this sentence with his eyes.

Mortarion sneered.

[Just a dog of the Lord of Mankind,]

The Pale Lord commented mercilessly,

[Will the Emperor react to this? No - that guy with a negative bottom line, so since his master is silent, what reason does he have to bark? 】

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

For this reason, Hades knew that the Emperor was absolutely indifferent, but what still worried him was that the Imperial Guard Waldo might not obey the Lord of Mankind——

The Lord of the Custodes is also a means used by the Emperor to counter the internal forces, which may contain the Emperor.

Hades thought for a moment.

“Play it by ear.”

He said briefly, then turned around and shouted awkwardly to Guilliman and Angron, who were still in the dark.

"Uh - well, the nearest green one is half price - no, how do we get up there now? And... I will tell you something later, you must believe me and maintain the necessary sanity at the same time."

Guilliman laid Sanguinius flat on the ground. He stared at Hades and slowly stood up.

[We will always remain rational and clear-headed. 】

Guilliman said, but on the other side, he used his spiritual power to encrypt the call to Angron - Hades couldn't hear it anyway, and couldn't hear or decrypt it.

+I have an ominous thought. +

+Me too,+

Angron replied, and stood up to reply to Hades and Mortarion with a smile.

+Don't look at Mortarion's expressionless face. The spiritual pressure around him shows that he is very anxious and uneasy now. This state is more common for people who are caught doing something wrong. +


Guilliman responded with a shocked emotional state of "No way."

+I can't imagine...if Mortarion knew they were guilty, what on earth did they do? +

+I heard it. +

This was from Mortarion.

+. +

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Next to Sanguinius, who was lying peacefully on the ground with his hands clasped together, the three primarchs looked at me and I looked at you. They stared at each other, speechless for a long time.

No one was able to survive.

Only Hades remained in the dark.

"What's wrong with you? Huh???"

He is still doing his own psychological construction at this moment - to cope with the social death scene that follows.


【at the same time】

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!!!"

The ax clatters! From the breach in the earth's crust, countless blood surged like waves, swallowing up various buildings in an instant.

In the sky above Baal, the constant sun had long turned into bloody eyes, and its pupils were turning, as if Khorne was watching the battlefield in person.

The strange subspace turbulence forms turbulence above the atmosphere, and the demonic army belonging to the Blood Lord flaps its wings and reveals its ferocious fangs.

But Khorne's influence goes far beyond that.

The blood gathered, and the believers voluntarily offered their heads. Above Baal, among the churches of various sizes and shapes, there were eight churches that fell into purgatory with the horn of the Blood Lord. There were unknown people buried in the crowd. For the first time, he showed his true face.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out one after another in the defensive buildings on the surface of Baal.

There are no spies lurking among the Death Guard and Ultramarines, but within the mortal ranks of the World Eaters and Baal, Alphas who have not yet been blessed by the Blood Lord are everywhere.

"More than I thought."

Second Captain Galen, the commander-in-chief of the Ultramarines brought by Guilliman on this trip, said, and next to him, the commander-in-chief of the Death Guard, Karas's facial expression could not be called very friendly.

"The guy wants to clear the door."

Typhon pointed this out sharply, but not far from them, Amit, who was roughly tied up by Karas and pressed in the center of the psychic altar, was still struggling.

"Everyone who comes is a traitorous Space Marine."

said Callas, with a mocking expression.

"That guy finally realized that the original body he grabbed back then was not suitable for him? I think we have a chance of facing Alpha's original body today."

"Alpha? Scarlet Alpha?"

Dante, who was handcuffed on the other side, spoke, his expression a little uncomfortable——

In order to prevent Sanguinius's psychic energy from affecting his offspring, the Blood Angels were restricted in advance.

"What? What do you want to ask?"

Callas raised his eyebrows and looked at Dante. Dante's expression changed strangely, and he finally said hesitantly,

"It never occurred to me that He still hadn't given up on my Lord."

"You should come."

Karas said, raising his scepter, and the few psykers in the Death Guard echoed him, and he would continue to strengthen the psychic barrier here in the Holy Cathedral.

The overall command of Baal's defense was handed over to Victor, the current Legion Commander of the World Eaters. What is interesting is that this Legion Commander has seven brothers, all of whom are well-known in the Legion. Within the World Eaters, they are called the "Eight Sons" .

Although Typhon believes that his command ability far exceeds that of these new-generation babies, the World Eaters themselves know the defense projects on Baal, so the commander-in-chief was handed over to them by Guilliman——

The Death Guard and Ultramarines obeyed the command.

"Look at the bloody ground thorns just now. The spiritual energy content is enough that Chaos doesn't need to invest any more power. With a little guidance, it can become a ready-made army."

Karas said casually, while the Ultramarines Galen and Dante beside him looked serious.

This is not what they made a fuss about. With the riots in Sanguinius, Baal completed the polar reversal in a very short period of time. Now, except for the defense projects built based on the church, almost everything is filled with thick blood. In the fog.

It's like being in the arena of Khorne.

But Karas knew that this was not all Khorne's fault. Most of the power came from beneath them - from Sanguinius, so there would be indiscriminate attacking creatures that did not belong to either side in these areas.

"Just hit it,"

Karas said that he was a veteran who had entered the garden, and he didn't even bother to raise his eyelids at the scene in front of him, not to mention that Mortarion and Hades would return to the battlefield at any time.

Karas used his psychic powers to open his own microphone.

"Victor, the 1st, 2nd and 4th companies of the Death Guard are at your disposal. The 7th company will guard the cathedral in place - you can choose to defend and wait until the originals come out before attacking."

"That's what I meant. Except for a few defensive bunkers that were disrupted by spies and lost contact, most of the defense projects and missile silo arrays have not been lost."

Calm words came from the channel. The World Eater's voice sounded quite rough, but the words he spoke were extremely restrained, with the beauty of a strong man's embroidery.

"How are you doing there?"

"We just dealt with a few traitors."

Victor said, blood dripping from the battle axe in his hand. Most of the people in the command post were his confidants, so he suppressed the riot at the first time.

"What about the sky?"

"The signal was also intercepted outside the atmosphere. The ships of the World Eaters and the Ultramarines are ready for naval battles."

"Prioritize the protection of the star field above the Holy Cathedral."


Karas admired the brainy legion commander in his heart. He has lived for so long and has seen many inexplicable people, some of whom are even in high positions - such as Mortarion and that idiot.

There was a sudden piercing sound in the channel, and Karas frowned. After a few breaths, the communication was restored again.

"What's wrong?"

With his excellent sixth sense, Karas suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The voices from Victor suddenly became noisy.

"News from the fleet - something has broken through their sea defenses against Baal and is rapidly advancing into the atmosphere. We can't aim at them because of the blood mist - the picture is coming back -

Damn, why are they greenskins?!"


The faint, happy roar penetrated the blood mist, bringing warmth to every blood demon who was about to attack Baal.

At the same time, in Karas's private channel, another channel that he was most reluctant to connect to was opened, and the annoying little thing was shouting at him,

"Not good!!! Senior Karas!!!"

The son of Pluto, Buz Bella, who came from Terra to Baal for a vacation (?), shouted with true feelings, which penetrated Karas' eardrums.

"Greenskins - It's a greenskin!!! It's the one my father raised!!!"


"Stop shouting! Shut up Black!!!"

Buz's voice was sometimes louder and sometimes softer, and it sounded like he was going to beat up another son of Pluto, Black.

Karas took a deep breath and felt his blood pressure rising.

He knew about this. It was he who sent Buzz Bella to the star field where the greenskins and insects were in trouble to pick up Hades. Buzz reported this to him afterwards.

Only the Death Guard, the Son of Hades and the Mechanicus knew about this.

They should be the only ones who knew about it.

"Save--save, Senior Combat!!!"

Buz's ghostly howling continued.

"You don't want to see a greenskin shouting to touch his face!!!"

"To touch his face!!!"

"Shut up Black!!! You have been raised by the greenskins to have instincts!"

Typhon felt the blood vessels on his forehead throbbing.

He felt unprecedented power. Karas was sure that he was seriously thinking about knocking out everyone except the Death Guard.

And why did he always clean up the asses of these two great gods? ? ?

Before Karas could calm down, a greenskin, a burly greenskin, appeared within the detection range of the bird servant instrument of the Holy Church after a strange psychic fluctuation.

"Good day, everyone."

The green-skinned warlord's gaze seemed to penetrate the surveillance camera and look at everyone staring at the surveillance screen.

A smooth and elegant high Gothic language sounded.

"I am the successor of Hades' will. May I meet Hades and Lord Mortarion?"

In the dead silence, a cry suddenly broke the silence, and Dante screamed in horror,

"Ah-ah?! Karas?!!!"

Karas fainted.

Let him faint for 0.7 seconds first, he couldn't stand it, this damn world.

The Death Guard followed those two and was completely ruined.

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