Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 720 168 Who is the villain?

Chapter 720 168. Who is the villain?

Waaagh, the god who irrigates the underworld with the water of war!

Let us dedicate war to you!

Fight! Fight! Fight!



Hades had read countless youth hot-blooded comics in his previous life.

Most of the plots of these comics for adolescent hot-blooded boys and girls are repeated, the characters of the protagonists and supporting characters are fixed, and even the endings of the big plots are always very similar.

Before the end, facing the invincible villain BOSS in people's eyes, when the protagonist group's biggest killer move is defeated, and when the other supporting characters are all depressed.

The protagonist often suddenly falls into memory killing-then awakens, breaks through the biggest demon in his heart that shackled himself before, and then suddenly increases his power!

After that, the protagonist often shouts something like "friendship, bond" and rushes up.

Whether a hot-blooded comic is good or not, whether it is talked about by people, is often related to whether the protagonist's final wave of power increase is reasonable or not.

A bad comic is that the protagonist suddenly explodes without any reason, defeats the villain, and wins the beauty.

A good comic will lay out a clue as to why the protagonist breaks through at the beginning.

Hades has complained countless times that the hot-blooded comics he reads are unreasonable. How can the protagonist explode as soon as he shouts?

But now——

Hades looked into the distance in disbelief.

He saw a greenskin that had grown to an unimaginable size, facing the sunset, with bright red rays of light sprinkled on its emerald green skin, the two colors were distinct.

You are right, but this is Warhammer 40K, the new subspace DLC, the warlike greenskin clan, as long as it thinks it can explode, it can explode.

This is the greenskin.

Hades, sweating profusely.

So he turned around and gave Black another buff - shocking, but winning first is the kingly way.

At this moment, Hades deeply realized that he was the villain leader among other clans -

In the eyes of Chaos, he broke the invasion of Chaos into the physical world; in the eyes of the Eldar, he directly exterminated this race; in the eyes of the Star Gods, he was a hybrid monster created by humans; in the eyes of the Necrons... Well, thank you for the five-star praise from Trazyn!

In the eyes of the Greenskins, in order to use the Greenskins, Hades personally deceived them, and then tried to annihilate them mercilessly.

He gave us the art and warmth of war - but he swallowed it all with his own hands!

The big front tooth slowly stood up, and the steaming green gas burned all over his body. It glanced over and saw the butcher wrapped in silver-white living metal and black.

At this moment, it is hard to imagine that the eyes of a greenskin are actually flashing with wisdom.

The Greenskins and the Eldar are both races created by the Old Saints to resist the Necrons.

Under the broken mansion of the gods, the Eldar who voluntarily covered their ears and eyes chose to hide the past years with hazy ballads.

And above the wilderness, the jumpers grown from spores are fighting to their heart's content.

The greenskins have been developing, nourished by the rain and dew of war, and they have had a very glorious history.

The greenskins started the war, and the war germinated civilization. The sparks of progress and wisdom are hidden in their genomes, waiting to be unlocked.

But every greenskin clan that has developed to a certain stage will face an ultimate problem-

According to the rumors of the greenskin war, this problem can be traced back to the period from M31 to M32, when it was proposed by Sugrava.

That is, why are greenskins green? Why do greenskins want war? Where should greenskins find war in the future?

Therefore, the wise men of the big clans proposed the Greenskin WAAAAGH!!! ! ! Theory, and the more greenskins, the more wars, so the more greenskins, the more wars.

But it is not like this.

Daqianfang panted. For the first time, it abandoned the position of Black Boss in its heart. The subspace therefore opened a bigger and more powerful door to it.

The boss of each greenskin clan firmly believed that their clan would become stronger and stronger. Even if a clan declined, it was because it could not defeat other forces and failed in the war, so it naturally disintegrated.

That's not the case.

Daqianfang thought.

It was a special greenskin, and it perceived the truth that other greenskins could not perceive.

Because Hades had taught it a vague methodology, and then taught it the ability to generalize and trace the essence in actual combat, Daqianfang was allowed to knock on the door of truth.

It was grateful to Black Boss, who gave it a mindset that most greenskins would never understand or comprehend in their lifetime.

After the Hades Clan developed to the bottleneck faced by most greenskin clans - the "Big Funnel Ladder", Daqianfang finally came to the ultimate three questions.

It just disintegrated and reconstructed these three questions again. These three questions actually asked,

First, what is a greenskin?

2. Where do the greenskins come from?

3. Where should the greenskins go?

Because of the practical considerations and the need to compete with Hades for time, Daqian gave up answering these three questions and turned to study the guiding ideology of the Greenskin Big WAAAAGH! Theory.

Soon, Daqian found a paradox. The method proposed in the Greenskin Big WAAAAGH! Theory was not feasible. According to the Greenskin Big WAAAAGH! Theory, without relying on external wars, the greenskins could have developed wars internally and snowballed to the strongest! realm.

But in the war zone demarcated by the front teeth, the local green boys are not getting more and more waaaaagh! Instead, it slowly declined over time.

Why is this?

The front teeth are eager for a giant WAAAAGH that can shock Pluto! But it knows that if it cannot solve the logistical development problem of the Green Skin, it will never be able to fight Pluto.

Only if its logistics and development speed surpass Pluto can it have the strength to stand in front of him!

Therefore, Incisor must solve this problem and why the green skin suddenly declines after a burst period, so that it can be freed from worries once and for all.

So, the front teeth once again walked towards the ultimate problem.

By excavating the grave of the Iron Skeleton and the site of the extinct Gao Xiami, it found the answer to the question.

That is, green skins are tools of war; green skins were created by the ancient saints; after the war subsides, green skins will automatically become extinct.

This is unacceptable.

But he also answered all the questions.

Why are they different from other races? Why are their internal integrations so efficient? Why did those arrogant big greenskin dynasties eventually perish?

And... why Hades found them in the first place.

Because they are weapons.

The greenskin race has been set up from the beginning, why they can think of technology, and why they follow war fanatically.

The incisors don't know why the ancient saint abandoned them, but this question is not important. What is important is where they will go next.

Where are they going?

The incisor, which leads the 845 green-skinned planets, felt completely at a loss for the first time. It tried to seek answers from the civilization of the black boss - after all, it was the wisdom that the black boss opened for it.

But after gaining an in-depth understanding of human civilization, it knew that the greenskins would never embark on that path of weakness and incompetence!

Peace? Even the weakest greenskins would sneer at being with him!

Even the self-proclaimed civilized Mage kid would never say such silly things as wanting to live peacefully!

How can peace be such an inconvenience! The green skin uses its beady eyes to see the redundant and cumbersome structure that human civilization has piled up for the so-called peace. This is a life that even the cruelest green skin boss will not let his soldiers live!

fighting! fighting! fighting! WAAAAAAAGH! ! !

The pain of thought and physical desire tore through the front teeth, but it stood up again and again! Be strong! strength! Ba! The body faces pain!

Muggle Boy once visited Incisor. It was horrified to see Incisor falling to the ground struggling due to a splitting headache. At this moment, Muggle Boy would silently recite the name of Hades to weaken the overactive brain of Incisor.

"I just can't figure it out - what do you want, boss?"

Muggle boy said, dragging his front teeth to the animal skin sofa,

"You may have had a headache recently because you have been too busy with logistics and not going to the battlefield to fight in person. It's time for you to fight a few times. Incisor, you can't let your number of fights be the same as that of the Black Boss."

"I want..."

The front tooth whispered, what does it want?

"What do you want, Muggle boy?"

When the conversation changed, the Mage boy was startled for a moment.

"Oh?! Oh! Me?"

Then it frowned,

"I probably want to fight the wise man myself."

it said, smiling peacefully,

"As for what to do after the fight...if I lose, I will continue to fight him; if I win...I will learn from the wise man and teach him how to beat me."


His front teeth lowered his eyebrows, and he touched his bald head.

It read a certain innocence from the vision of Muggle Boy. If it were Hades... he probably wouldn't give Incisor such a chance.

Incisor felt some kind of anger burning deep in his soul, and the greenskins attacked anyone they didn't like.

But now, what it dislikes is not a real existence.


The front teeth exhaled hot air. It looked at the black butcher and raised the heavy sword.

It knows.

In a similar scene, the figure of Hades coincides with the imaginary ancient saint. It wants to fight - lead the Hades clan to break the greenskin's established destiny!

It will use the most magnificent war to burn this galaxy clean!

Then, its big front teeth will lead the Hades clan to stand up! In the midst of ashes and ruins, tell all existences that greenskins still exist, and that greenskins will never be slaves! ! !

"It seems like you're dreaming about unrealistic things - why would a greenskin think so much?"

Blake Butcher's calm voice sounded. He first felt weak for a moment, and his body returned to its original strength, but he clearly felt that the armor around him was strengthened.

Blake now even doubts whether there is anyone in this world who can break through his armor.

Darkness like water floated around him, covering all the armor. They also adhered to the ax blade, as sharp as the edge of a shadow.

The front teeth grinned, and Pluto's answer was the last piece of the puzzle. It had no hesitation.

If Pluto really has feelings for them, it would be difficult for the incisors to stop and realize.

"You are just a little boy who is related by blood."

Incisor said, swinging his sword suddenly!

The sword wind swept across Blake's face, and a glimmer of green flashed through the ice-blue wolf eyes! The butcher swung his ax at the same time.

throat! ! !

"But you can't even beat me."

The corners of his mouth that were torn apart by the bursting iron chain spat out taunts. Blake quickly turned around to defend himself, and the battle ax directly touched the epee! But there is no feeling of metal hitting each other——

The black ax tore open the green-skinned warlord's enchanted heavy sword like tofu!

The front teeth retreated suddenly, but the darkness around Blake quickly rose up like a python and struck straight at it!

This is the fighting spirit from Pluto! ! !

? !

Frost quickly climbed up the helmet of the front teeth, and its figure suddenly shook for a moment,

"Caught up!"

The Mugg boy yelled in relief. Not far from it stood the incisor that was sent by emergency short-distance transmission.

But in front of Mage Boy, a white bone scepter with a scepter tip as sharp as an insect's leg pierced directly into its body. It penetrated through the chest and came out from the back, nailing it firmly to the ground.

"Your friendship is so touching,"

Karas, who had a dark face, said in a leisurely manner, his eyes shining as bright as day. He put one foot on the chest of the Mag boy, and then rolled it with his heel in a circle.

Psychic lightning shot up between him and the half-imprisoned Muggle boy,

"But I trouble you to die quickly, Green Mushroom."

Karas jerked back, and the next moment there was a giant beast standing where he originally stood. Its front teeth were split, and the giant sword in its broken hand was pressed against the ground, as if it was the fate they were about to face.

"You're too slow, not even your little psychic wizard can save you."

Karas mocked, but looked towards the sky, and the psyker felt that something was coming.

"Where did so many greenskin fleets come from?!"

On the other side, Hades, who was listening to all directions and looking in all directions, made a sharp explosion, and the subspace above Baal was almost leaked into a sieve. Beside the melee of the human fleet, receiving orders from the incisors, countless green-skin fleets sailed. Out of subspace.

At the first sight of them, Hades knew that these greenskins planned to throw the ships onto Baal, just like the Death Guard once loved to do.

But the difference is that there are very many ships - their rough but huge size also ensures that they will not be easily intercepted and disintegrated by ground missiles.

If it weren't for the Star God form, perhaps a drop of sweat would almost fall down Hades's forehead. He could see how much logistics it takes to support an entire fleet - isn't it, isn't it? !

Why does a greenskin clan have such a large-scale logistics? !

Hades once again realized that today's green-skinned race must be eliminated, but at this moment, in addition to the green-skinned race, there are also Khorne forces that are ready to move around them. Hades feels that he has detected at least three "Alpha Primarchs" .

He didn't dare to leave directly. The Alphas were not far or close from here, and he couldn't tell when they would come.

"I'm going to have a shift in focus for the next minute and 42 seconds,"

Hades said, to Black and Karas,

"To deal with the threat in the sky, but my power is still there, so fight quickly - no nonsense, and try not to delay it until I come in person."

Karas sneered and cursed casually, while Blake continued to remain silent, seeming to blame himself.

"You! Boy!"

cried Callas, with a smile on his face,

"Get it over with, my overtime is almost over."


Blake grunted.

Incisor raised the broken sword and saw the black butcher once again shrouded in darkness. The butcher's figure became larger and deeper, making it even more instinctively fearful.

Slowly moving forward, the Butcher's body was covered in black flames as if he was still not used to his new body. Next to him stood a human wizard with a grin on his face, holding a scepter in his hand, and evil psychic lightning crackling around him.

Behind them, the huge dark god was slowly rushing into the sky, almost tearing apart Baal's atmosphere.

Behind the front teeth, the injured Mage boy groaned in pain.

"Does it stop here?"

Mag Boy's quiet voice sounded behind it,

"As much as I'd like to say that I wouldn't recommend facing him ahead of time - I had a great fight with the psyker today, so I have no regrets."


He gritted his front teeth and growled, like a prisoner animal.

"The strength of an individual has inherent limits, but the power of a group is never-ending - this is what he taught us."

The sea area above Baal has been broken, and the raid fleet of the Hades clan is still enough for him to drink a pot.

"At least... how can I keep you alive until you see the wise man - WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!"

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