Chapter 721 169. Death


This is supreme! Awareness and will! Facing the future and reality of being abandoned - you should stand up! Use the broken sword in your hand to declare the awakening of the green skinned will!

So the warlord raised his sword!

The atmosphere roared, assailants like meteor showers pierced the blood-red sky, ferocious fire dragons bared their fangs and rushed straight to the earth, like rivers of blood flowing backwards, and thunder thundered in the thick clouds.

Its fleet answers its call! Move forward with indomitable momentum!

The green-skinned creations drew trails in the sky, the propellers roared amidst violent tremors, and the muzzles spit out big bangs. They were big bangs!

——Too many, too scattered.

The black domain can still barely cover it, but the part of the Star God cannot cover the entire sky.

It was obviously a premeditated targeting.

Are you looking down on him?

Pluto's eyes flashed red, and he slowly raised a hand.

issued his command.

In an instant, on the ground, in addition to the necessary artillery fire in the battle zone, all the empire's surface-to-air weapons buzzed at the same time. The fort rotated. In the empty bunker that had long been lost, the aiming pointer began to shake on its own. At this moment, Pluto shot out fireworks from his dark eyes. It was slowly lifting, lifting, and lifting again.

Within the position, the soldiers were stunned. The reckless soldier just wanted to force the platform to stop urgently, but was directly knocked unconscious by the accompanying mechanical monk with a wrench. The monk tremblingly shouted prayers towards the instruments.

He raised his eyes and looked at the dome of blood.

His hand swung down violently.

Coordinates confirmed, launch!

The orbital laser cannon was the first to throw the spear of light. The light cannon shot straight into the sky, piercing their enemies and bursting into a bright firework on the horizon.

And after that spear.

It's an army of thousands.

Lasers, Gauss rays, self-tracking missiles - bullets fell into the sky like a rainstorm.

Hades' hand trembled.

On the ground, countless clicks sounded, and the muzzle of the automatic loading gun rotated again.

Hades paused for a moment.

The coordinates were confirmed again—launch! ! !

Explosions and fire exploded in the high altitude of Baal. In the bloody fog in the sky, this is war, this is war!

Incisor's eyelids trembled.

As expected of... Hades!

With such high-intensity temporary calculations on the battlefield, including prediction and error calibration, there is probably no other such terrifying existence in the world!

When he was leading the green-skinned world, he had never shown such terrifying computing power and mechanical control to the incisors!

Is this Pluto? !

The green-skinned warlord stood in front of the upside-down rainstorm rising from Hades. The iron curtain made of the smoke from the cannonballs was slowly rising. Like the setting sun on the sea skyline, a line of red and orange hung in the air. Every ray of light was from its kin.

Is this what despair feels like? ! ! !

Pluto doesn't even give it his full attention! !


It refuses to give in! It's WAAAAAAAAAGH! ! ! !

Surge! A sudden increase! ! increase! increase! increase! For a moment! The iron helmet on the green warlord's body creaked and screamed! Jinba's growing muscles pushed open the armor, bursting out blood vessels like a baby's arms!

Its front teeth were split open, and it looked at the murderous butcher rushing towards it.

The broken sword reaches the sky! Stand up sword!

The Black Butcher is far smaller than it, but the god who favors him has already given him a gift. At this moment, he is the god Pluto.

He felt a sudden force on his front teeth, which came from behind it. Boy Mage coughed up blood and struggled to stand up, with an emerald green light shining between his outstretched palms.

"As much as I don't want to face it, if they all abandon us -"

Mage boy coughed and spit out dirty blood.

"Boss, let's return to our original beliefs - Brother Go and Brother Mao will always accept us."

Tears flowed from the eyes of Mage Boy. After receiving the education from the wise man, it did not really accept Brother Go and Brother Mao. However, after wandering outside for several years, only the green skin was finally willing to accept the green skin.

Only Brother Go and Brother Mao are willing to give in to every WAAAAGH! Bless.

This fucking world.

Muggle Boy thought dimly that he probably still had the last illusion about the wise man in his heart, but he might already have the answer in his heart.

Forget it, wisdom will find a way out for itself.

The Mag boy waved his hand, and its spiritual energy climbed up to the body of the front teeth, and the frost clung to it,

Thank you that Pluto himself was not present, but was only in the form of blessing, otherwise the power of the Maggo boy would definitely not be able to directly fight Pluto.

Another light flashed in the eyes of Mage Boy, and a psychic communication was sent.

"Hey! Human Karas!"

Mag Boy shouted again. It looked at the evil psyker with a cunning light flashing in its eyes.

"It's time you paid attention to that cultist of Khorne—"

Before he finished speaking, just as Karas turned around, Alpha, who was imprisoned by Karas and Mag Boy, suddenly burst out! Rush towards Karas!

It was the Mag boy who let him go!

"Damn you fake!!"

Karas cursed angrily, and he had already planned to give Alpha another blow - if Hades hadn't suddenly arrived with a large amount of power that stunned him for a moment!

The ax blade breaks the wind! Make a piercing sonic boom! The cruel and merciless icy eyes met the angry and flaming pea eyes - this was the final blow!

Blake Butcher knew that even at this moment he was facing a monster that was rushing towards him and was no smaller than a knight!

If it were anyone else, he might have been stunned with fear.

At this moment, his father looked away, and his support could not help. Only he himself, and Pluto's blessing could not directly bless his body, but he was so convinced that he could wield this axe!

Except for those around Pluto, no one understands the feelings brought about by Pluto's power better than the sons of Pluto, and no one knows better than them that Pluto's power cannot bless oneself. However, the son of Pluto chose to believe in his own power.

Blake felt a sense of powerlessness and weakness, which was completely opposite to the experience of being possessed by psychic energy at the previous moment. Perhaps Blake was only one step away from the two forces tearing apart his spirit and soul!

But Pluto blessed him without hesitation! Just because Pluto believed that Black could bear all this!

He should - live up to the name of Pluto! ! !

The huge willpower is carrying the body forward. When the body has reached its limit, the spirit will lead it out of the encirclement, without hesitation, without timidity, without any reverie about the failure of this axe.

He only wielded this ax for Hades!

A huge sonic boom exploded between the two, and blood and sand exploded with a violent red light, confusing the sight of the rest of the people present.



throat! ! ! !

Suddenly the wind blows! Green and black are like two sides of the sky, with distinct lines. The air waves explode, and the space seems to have been reversed in an instant!

Got it! ! !

But not the front teeth? !

In front of the black butcher, there was the Mage boy with a chest injury!


Blood spurted from the mouth of Mag Boy, and cracks burst out from the joint between the scepter and the battle ax it held in front of him.

But I don’t know where the front teeth are? !


The Mag boy breathed out, as the hands that forcibly cast the heretic spell turned into blood mist. It had just dedicated all its mana to Khorne in order to escape the incisors.

Now Khorne comes to collect his reward.


The scepter fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

It was far from being able to send the incisors away with its own strength, so it relied on the realm of Khorne. The power of the Blood Lord had already infiltrated Baal into a sieve. To its delight, Alpha released them - the Wise Man It had been taught the ideas of other Chaos spells.

It looked at the Black Butcher opposite him with a little fear and trembling. The Mag boy was swaying and about to fall.

The expression on the Black Butcher's face is not very beautiful.

The next moment, the rain on the horizon finally came to an end, and a deep and ruthless voice sounded in the space.

"Run away?"

Pluto had a dark face.

Because of the psychic chaos, he focused on guarding against the greenskin psychic energy over Baal, as well as the increasing number of Khorne psychic energy gathering near the Primarchs.

Hades thought that the greenskins would use teleportation, but he did not expect that the greenskins would use Khorne's spells.

Ah, it is a familiar voice. During the years it served the wise men, it had listened to the voice of the underworld.

Under the increasingly dark and heavy gaze of the Mugg boy, Blake had a dark face and remained silent.

A heavy sigh.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's mine, little cub - the next focus is on the Alphas, the greenskins are leaving."

So, like a stagnant machine being wound up again, Blake walked up to the Muggle boy and chopped off its head.

Of course he didn't know Mugg Boy very well, the Black Butcher only remembered the front teeth.

But Muggleboy knew that the wise would remember it.

"Have I let him down?"

The Black Butcher asked. He held the green-skinned head blankly and looked towards the empty desert, where his real enemy should have been standing.

The only response he received was Karas's yelling.

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