Warhammer III

Chapter 1 Industrial World

The Rem galaxy in the secondary star region near the edge of the Milky Way in the Obscurity Star Domain has the empire's medium-sized industrial world - Marsdan, which is the fourth closest planet to the star Rem.

As the second largest planet in the Rem Galaxy after the only gas planet, its size is the largest among the six solid planets in the Rem Galaxy. The planet's information registered with the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs is as follows:

Starfield: Hazy Starfield

Sector: Unknown

Sub-sector: unknown

Galaxy: Rem Galaxy

Type: Industrial World

Affiliation: Empire

Orbital Radius: 5 ER (Holy Terra Radius)

Gravity: 3G

Day and night temperature: 45c\\/-30c

Population: about 200 million

Tax rate: 90% industrial products

Marsdan's radius is approximately five times that of Holy Terra, its rotation axis inclination and rotation period are similar to those of Holy Terra, and its revolution period is five times that of Terra.

The surface of the planet is covered with ilmenite, and the gray-black surface is dotted with huge white and dark red factories.

This industrial world has always been one of the largest nuclear reactor parts production bases in the Empire, supporting most of the surrounding industrial worlds, hive worlds, and even the forge worlds of the Mechanicum in the nearby sector.

However, according to the calculations of Imperial scholars, at the current rate of resource collection, in more than 100 years the planet's ilmenite to maintain the production of nuclear reactor parts will be exhausted, and the entire sector will turn from a pearl on the prosperous trade route to a piece of rust that no one cares about. .

But what happens after that is not something that the workers on the planet consider, and Marsdan’s current governor and administrative staff may not know the answer.

The passing trade fleet docked at the port on the Marsdan artificial synchronous satellite. This artificial synchronous satellite was originally one of the many small satellites of the gaseous planet. It was already in the Marsdan synchronous orbit before it was recovered by the Empire's Great Expedition. .

Imperial scholars speculated based on the changes in heavy metal composition that it was dragged here to serve as a space station during the planetary transformation in the Golden Age. In the following years, people called this geostationary satellite Danggang.

The administrative staff of Dan Port served merchant ship customers coming and going, watching batch after batch of cargo disappear into the deep sky.

Two alloy pipes extending downward from the satellite are connected to the "first warehouse", which is the temporary storage point for products produced by various factories. The cargo vertical transporter circulates along two alloy pipes: upward, carrying nuclear reactor parts, and downward, carrying food and water for the agricultural world.

But because it is located on a bustling trade route, alien creatures mixed in merchant ships have already visited this planet.

All the energy that keeps the planet running comes from the fusion nuclear power plant north of Marsdan. This nuclear power plant is not an energy supply facility based on the thermal energy generated by the reactor in the 2K period. Instead, it directly collects and utilizes the electron flow generated during the fusion process and transports it to the factory on this planet through a charge distributor. At the same time, the nuclear waste generated is used for Production of small radioisotope nuclear batteries, and the heat generated by the nuclear reactor is used to heat nearby living areas.

14-year-old Taiyue is one of the maintenance workers of the nuclear power plant. Taiyue has the characteristics of a typical ancient Terran East Asian male. He is close to 1.7 meters tall and looks thin in a Marsdan gray worker uniform. The chest of the uniform is There are atomic orbital diagrams. He has short, straight black hair, a pair of big, intelligent eyes under a single eyelid, and a narrow nose.

The daily work of Taiyue is mainly to maintain the normal operation of the nuclear power plant and solve the large and small mechanical failures that often occur in the factory. Every day, Taiyue walks through the entire factory and listens to the workers' reports on the operation of the equipment. When the organic soul is displeased, it opens the equipment it carries with it for repairs.

Taiyue spent most of today dealing with the leakage problem of the cooling system in the third area of ​​the nuclear power plant. When the green light on the cooling system monitoring platform flashed, Taiyue wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a long sigh of relief.

On the way to the reactor control room, Taiyue heard rumors from workers about unknown cult activities in the abandoned mine area, mutated humans, terrifying screams, and beacons of salvation.

Taiyue thought that the Planetary Defense Force stationed on the planet would handle these situations, so he stopped paying attention to these discussions, but one sentence still echoed in his mind, "Human beings always look to the stars for salvation... Finally, the lighthouse among the stars gave Respond!"

He didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but it pulled his thoughts to the distant planet Terra like magic, even though Tai Yue had never left Marsdan, let alone visited Holy Terra. , but the adoptive father is from Terra and often talks about the history of Terra.

A lighthouse appeared in my mind, and after the light of the lighthouse flashed, I walked out of Africa, established civilization, the rise and fall of ancient empires, the industrial revolution, interstellar navigation, the golden age, the age of technological barbarians, and the end of the Great Expedition when the fleet first set sail. flame

These pictures flashed through my mind, and the written story in my adoptive father's mouth became a clear picture at this moment. At the same time, the picture in my mind was not just the story told by my adoptive father: gray and black clouds and mist migrated from the orbit of Pluto to Terra, and quickly drifted past The orbits of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter enveloped Terra, and the dazzling light that suddenly appeared on the surface of Terra flickered on and off in the gray space.

At the end of the picture is an empty hall. In the middle of the hall, a few hundred meters of steps rise to a throne made of golden metal. Standing on the steps in front of the throne is a mechanical hybrid wearing a red robe. The hybrid is wearing a red robe with a gear logo, following closely behind. Behind them were three tall human figures covered in silver-white metal.

A mechanically synthesized voice came from the red-robed machine: "The Star God's followers will rule the remaining humans in your place. They will eventually embark on a protracted war, and the mistakes of the old slaves will be corrected by the new slaves!"

The golden throne extends a large number of cables to all directions, connecting to various instruments while also supporting the dry corpse sitting on the throne.

The corpse suddenly opened its eyes, not looking at the arrogant four people in front of the right, but looking at Taiyue's eyes. An unspeakable sadness rather than despair spread from Taiyue's thoughts, which made Taiyue stay in the same place unconsciously, unable to breathe.

At this time, Taiyue's eyes flashed blue, and this blue light was noticed by a being in the shadows. Her expression changed from anger at the beginning to curiosity, and then she showed a shallow smile. The short alien creature with three hands beside her was restless. She squatted down and stroked the ugly alien. After communicating with each other in an unknown way, the alien creature's eyes stared at Taiyue firmly.

Taiyue was completely unaware of all this. He shook his head, sorted out his thoughts, and hurried to the core control room to check the safety situation.

After completing all this work, Taiyue took the pipeline train back to the nest city where he lived. He couldn't wait to continue listening to his adoptive father's stories about the history of ancient Terra and mechanical technology, and most importantly, the stories of space warriors.

After the pipeline train left the nuclear power plant, it went south along the heating track. Looking at the factories of all sizes flashing arcs in the polluted air, Taiyue felt a fatigue he had never felt before and gradually fell asleep.

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