Warhammer III

Chapter 2 Adoptive Father

Taiyue was woken up by a rapid ringing. The pipeline train had arrived at the residential area-a huge hive city.

The overall frame of the hive is a titanium steel structure. Because of the high-strength structure and low density of titanium steel, the entire hive is a cylindrical shape 34km high and 16km in diameter, instead of the conical shape of other hive worlds.

The remaining five hives are located in the annex. The hive near the first warehouse houses a planetary defense force of about 1.2 million people.

The middle level of the nest is the main living area for technical workers who maintain the normal operation of instruments and equipment in various factories. The upper level of the nest is the technical union office hall, where the technical support specialists of the Mechanical Education are concentrated. The lower level is composed of general workers, mainly responsible for digging ilmenite.

Taiyue and many brothers and sisters live in an orphanage on the middle floor of the nest city. The friends in the orphanage must leave here to survive alone when they are 16 years old.

The adoptive father united with like-minded workers to establish an orphanage in the middle-level residential area. The children in the orphanage mainly came from the families of workers and the Planetary Defense Force who were killed.

On the one hand, this orphanage solves the survival problem of orphans. On the other hand, it also trains professional technicians for factories and reduces industrial production accidents. Taiyue has been living here with other brothers and sisters since he was sensible.

The entire planet of Marsdan is governed by the Technical Guild, which consists of Foreman Seiko, Technical Support Specialists of the Mechanicus, and Planetary Governors and administrative staff. The Technical Guild manages all matters on Marsdan.

Since Marsdan itself is an industrial world rich in ilmenite, and the planet did not have an ecosystem before, the weather towers in the middle of the six large hives on the planet are very important. The weather towers purify the air on the one hand, and on the other hand Instead of green plants supplying oxygen, the oxygen concentration near the meteorological tower is much higher than in other areas.

Many times, tired people will gather near the weather station to feel the oxygen-rich environment. This often backfires because more and more people gather.

Thai Viet’s rich knowledge of mechanical engineering comes from his adoptive father, Charles. His knowledge comes from experience and an ancient Terra mechanical maintenance manual filled with annotations. As the foreman of the meteorological tower, Charles' adoptive father is responsible for the normal oxygen supply of the meteorological tower and at the same time monitoring the atmospheric data of the planet.

The adoptive father is 7 meters tall and his strong body is covered with scars. The adoptive father was like a giant beside Taiyue and his many brothers and sisters, far taller and stronger than anyone else on the planet. As the foreman of the technical union, my adoptive father is also responsible for training technical workers.

For these two reasons, the workers and Chaodu gangs near the residential area were very polite to Taiyue and his brothers and sisters. Taiyue was also able to work as a maintenance worker at the nuclear power plant, while other brothers and sisters who could not learn mechanical maintenance could only do manual labor.

When Taiyue was 9 years old, he once asked his adoptive father: "Father, when will I grow as tall and strong as you?" His father replied thoughtfully:

"I am a genetically modified person, and I was once a warrior on Terra. Although you are the orphans I adopted, your biological parents are natural humans after your death. Although you will not grow as tall as me, you do not have to bear the genes. Side Effects of Transformation.”

The father turned around and took down a glass from the iron cabinet against the wall, took out a pill, swallowed it in one gulp, and continued:

"I have been affected by cell degeneration for many years. When I got sick, what kept me alive was not my seemingly strong body, but your smiles. It was you who made me feel the joy of living and the hope for mankind."

Although Taiyue didn't understand what his adoptive father meant when he said this, he could only nod silently.

When Taiyue left the rail train, he looked at the time and found that the rail train had been here for 2 hours. He felt so sleepy on this day that he had never felt before.

Then he quickly entered the No. 59 vertical train on the surface of the nest city. After manually inputting the 1423rd floor of Area A on the mechanical panel of the vertical train, Taiyue looked down:

The foundation of Sidu is built on Mine No. 3. Circular pipes run through the entire mine and underground mines like tree roots. In addition to providing atmosphere and transporting ore, the pipes also contribute to the stability of the geological structure.

The industrial giant tree composed of the towering city capital and the pipelines below absorbs the mineral nutrients of the planet, but the pipelines are filled with genetically modified organisms and all kinds of strange alien creatures spread among the workers corrode the roots of the giant trees.

With the increase in fatalities and the impact on mining efficiency, and at the request of the Planetary Governor's Executive Order, the Planetary Defense Force's Decontamination Company regularly visits major pipelines to remove organisms attacking miners.

The planetary governor and administrators live on Danport, and the administrators only occasionally come down to inspect the work, and go to the Seiko Guild to urge the production of ore and nuclear power plant parts. In Thailand and Vietnam's impression, the planetary governor has never been on the ground. His name is a household name and his image is unknown to everyone.

Half an hour later, Taiyue arrived at the destination floor. As soon as he stepped out of the vertical train, he saw Phyllis walking back and forth in the waiting room. Phyllis is half a head shorter than Taiyue. Her blond hair is particularly eye-catching on her white dress. Her facial features are delicate and small, and her eyes are looking at the ground indifferently.

Phyllis is also an orphan living in the middle-level orphanage. Her father was a member of the Planetary Defense Force's Purification Company, but was killed by an alien during a regular patrol of the pipeline two years ago. Phyllis was originally going to Tadashi Academy. of. But he was adopted by his adoptive father and brought to an orphanage.

Tai Yue walked straight towards Felice. At this time, Felice also noticed Tai Yue, and her expression seemed to melt away: "Brother Tai, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for more than three hours." Felice Si pouted: "Did you go on a date with some girl today? I've never been late before."

Taiyue felt so sleepy for the first time today and slept for two more hours on the rail train. Phyllis continued: "Father asked me to wait for you here today. I have something to discuss with you." After saying that, he took Taiyue's hand and headed towards his father's residence.

Arriving at his adoptive father's door, Tai Yue noticed the bright light coming from the house. It seemed that his adoptive father had been waiting for him. The "dong dong" knock on the door prompted the adoptive father to ask: "Are they Phyllis and Tai Yue?"

Phyllis immediately replied: "Father, I brought Brother Tai here."

After the adoptive father clicked on the raised door button on the table, the door opened immediately, and Phyllis and Taiyue strode in.

After Taiyue entered the house, he found his adoptive father sitting next to the electronic equipment, his hand quickly swiping across the screen. The moment his adoptive father raised his head, Tai Yue discovered that his adoptive father had aged a lot, especially that the tissue and skin near the new scars on his face seemed to have rotted. "Father, has your cell degeneration become serious again?" Tai Yue asked in a blurt.

The adoptive father nodded and said softly, "Today during the inspection of the weather tower, I found two staff members acting suspiciously, so I followed them. When I arrived at the central control room, I found that they had killed the guard of the central control room. After reading the map to crack the central control I stopped the room owner from trying to pass the password, but the two men attacked me, and one of them had a sharp-edged hand, leaving a scar on my face.”

My father pointed at the marks on his face, frowned and said, "Originally, I could easily dodge his attack, but another person released a psychic attack, which made me temporarily distracted."

"Psychic?!" Taiyue and Phyllis exclaimed at the same time. Marsdan is located on the black ship's route, and people on the planet have also heard about the arrest of psykers.

"Yes, it should be a psyker. He is wearing the overalls of the weather tower. He does not carry any weapons that can attack nerves and cause people to lose consciousness."

Tai Yue secretly admired his adoptive father. He was only temporarily distracted when facing the attack of psychics. "I wanted to catch one person for interrogation later, but the cell degeneration worsened at this time and made them run away. After they came back, they used up the cell degeneration." Symptom inhibitors temporarily controlled the disease.”

The adoptive father handed Taiyue a test tube with a drop of blood in it and continued:

"Tomorrow I need you to go to Dan Port to help me buy cell inhibitors, and at the same time send this drop of blood to the epidemic prevention laboratory in Dan Port for testing. This is what the psyker left behind during the battle. They don't look like humans. "

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