Warhammer III

Chapter 3 Dan Port

The adoptive father had already asked Taiyue for a ten-day vacation from the technical union in advance, and arranged for Taiyue to go to Dan Port to buy cell degeneration inhibitors and send blood for him.

These things could have been handled by the staff of the meteorological tower. With the idea of ​​letting Taiyue see a wider world, the adoptive father specially arranged this trip. In addition to Taiyue, the adoptive father also asked Phyllis to go with him. The adoptive father hoped that Phyllis could go to the monastery in Dan Port to become a nun when she grows up.

After Taiyue and Phyllis left, the adoptive father looked at the electronic screen and fell into deep thought, "The monitoring of the central control room was turned off during the contact period with the two people, and the monitoring was restored two hours later. It seems that this incident is not simple. I hope the blood test can produce results."

That night, Taiyue was too excited to fall asleep. This would be Taiyue's first time to go to Dan Port. Maybe he could see merchant ships traveling in the void and various commodities from other planets.

During his sleep, Taiyue also took out the spatial structure diagram of Dan Port many times and familiarized himself with the route to Dan Port in advance. In the second half of the night, Taiyue finally couldn't stand the sleepiness and fell asleep on the desk.

In the morning, along with the sound of the door opening, Phyllis's relaxed and cheerful voice rang in Taiyue's small bedroom: Brother Yue, it's time to leave. The pipeline train to the first warehouse will leave in an hour. If you miss this train, you will have to wait for 6 hours for the next train.

Then Phyllis found that Taiyue was not sleeping or packing on the titanium alloy support bed, but lying on the desk with a thick blueprint as a pillow.

Phyllis then came to Taiyue, leaned close to Taiyue's ear, and said mischievously in a mechanical voice:

"The heat exchanger is faulty, and the indoor temperature will rise to in 30 seconds"

Before she finished speaking, Taiyue woke up with a start, turned his head reflexively, and what came into his eyes was Phyllis's well-behaved nose and snickering eyes.

Taiyue, who understood what was going on, ignored Phyllis, got up and walked to the bedside, squatted down to take out the suitcase under the bed, and took out a transparent bracelet from his pocket and put it on his left hand. This was the pass given by his adoptive father. After wearing it, he could go to most areas of the entire planet.

"Let's go!"

After saying this, Taiyue walked out of the room with his luggage, and Phyllis hurriedly followed.

Arriving at the waiting square, Phyllis and Taiyue boarded the rail train to the first warehouse. The train had a total of 10 carriages, and only the first carriage was a passenger carriage. Workers in the other carriages were transporting goods onto the train.

Soon after, the train full of goods sped out and headed towards Dan Port.

In addition to Taiyue, Phyllis and a team of workers, there were two people wearing white uniforms of the Planetary Defense Force who had already been on the train. One of them was tall and had a big face like a plate; the other had a dark complexion and was shorter, but was still a head taller than Taiyue.

The two of them exuded an unpleasant cold breath, and whispered something to each other.

Taiyue felt strange about this scene. He wanted to concentrate on listening to their conversation, but he didn't hear even a complete sentence. After the train ran for a while, the two got off the train.

In the afternoon, the rail train finally arrived at the first warehouse. Taiyue took Phyllis to the elevator tower A in the center of the first warehouse according to the arrangement of his adoptive father the day before.

The elevator tower is the anchor point of the alloy pipeline connecting Dan Port on the planet. The alloy pipeline with a diameter of 30 meters extends from the surface of the planet to Dan Port, which is 40,000 kilometers away. Block A is mainly responsible for transporting goods to Dan Port, and then transporting them to other star systems through merchant fleets.

After arriving at the elevator tower A, the two of them conducted a short adaptation training to the microgravity environment of Dan Port under the arrangement of the elevator tower servitor. After the training, they changed into professional uniforms and went to the top of the elevator tower to wait for the train. Like the rail train, the vertical transport vehicle also mainly transports goods. Moreover, only the vertical transport vehicle with a number starting with h can carry people, and the space for people only accounts for 5% of the space of the transport vehicle.

After waiting for half an hour, the transport vehicle numbered H appeared in front of Taiyue. Taiyue and Phyllis boarded the transport vehicle and chose a window seat to sit down. Taiyue was still excited until the transport vehicle started 10 minutes later. Ever since his adoptive father told him about his adventures on other planets, Taiyue has been looking forward to having the same adventure as his adoptive father.

Watching the things on the ground getting smaller and smaller, Taiyue knew that this trip was a small step in his life. After entering the transport vehicle, Phyllis nervously held Taiyue's hand tightly, not knowing whether she was worried about falling or thinking of her mother who died in Dan Port.

With the reverse gravity brought by the deceleration of the transport vehicle, Taiyue knew that they were about to reach Dan Port. The transport vehicle stopped completely when it arrived at the destination. After Taiyue and Phyllis unfastened their seat belts, they were suspended in the air. After the train and Dan Port were sealed and connected, the passengers left the transport vehicle and left here through the elevator.

Dan Port's mass is less than one ten-thousandth of Marsdan's. Although there is microgravity, it cannot provide enough oxygen pressure. Therefore, the buildings on Dan Port are mainly transparent honeycomb structures, and different cells have separate pressure monitoring equipment.

Different buildings are connected by circular pipes. One of the largest buildings is Dan Port's trading square, which is connected to more than half of the other buildings on Dan Port through numerous pipes. The trading square is crowded with crew members of the merchant fleet.

After a long subspace route, they can't wait to come here, go shopping or go to entertainment venues through pipes to relax, while waiting for the spacecraft to unload and reload, which takes no more than a month.

Taiyue and Phyllis also came here after leaving the transport vehicle. In order to buy cell degeneration inhibitors for their adoptive father, they need to find the merchant fleet members of the Su Merchant Dynasty here.

The Su Merchant Dynasty is one of the top ten merchant families in the empire. It mainly operates the genetic engineering industry. Its immortality service has a huge customer base. The nobles of each planet have a strong demand for longevity. The Su Merchant Dynasty has accumulated a huge amount of wealth. The internal management is similar to that of a feudal nomadic kingdom, and it has its own private armed fleet.

A small part of the Su Merchant Dynasty's business involves the transaction of cell degeneration inhibitors, which is an indispensable medicine for people who are genetically enhanced.

Phyllis looked at the people coming and going in the trading square and the surrounding shops, and couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Tai, in the underground nest, we were all allocated synthetic food, working all day, every day was tiring and repetitive. It's completely different here!"

As he said that, he pulled Tai Yue to the commercial district. Tai Yue looked at the display screen in the square and didn't find the merchant ship of the Su Dynasty docked. According to past experience, they should arrive here in the next two days, so it's nice to go around.

After thinking about it, Tai Yue didn't stop Phyllis's curiosity and walked with her to the commercial district.

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