Warhammer III

Chapter 4 Merchant Ship Coin

The commercial area is filled with a dazzling array of goods from other planets. Most of them are industrial products, and a small part are works of art and antiques.

Although there are many kinds of goods, only the nobles of Marsdan have the opportunity to buy them. The workers in the underground hive work all day long, and food and pure air are what they crave.

Taiyue and Phyllis didn't know where to put their eyes. The skull pendant blessed by the state religion, the simulated toy of the bolt gun, the guard servitor, and the radiation monitoring auspicious device

Tai Yue had never seen these products, especially the small machines, and couldn't help but think about their working principles and build the corresponding mechanical structures in his mind.

A silver-white bracelet caught Felice's eyes. Thinking that she still had nothing that belonged only to herself, Felice's eyes were filled with desire.

The servitor who was selling the goods scanned and saw a customer approaching, and said expressionlessly: "Hello, madam, this is a medical bracelet produced by Kepler Nt Industrial Planet. It can treat injured wearers."

Listening to the introduction of the servitor, Taiyue also became interested in this bracelet, and then asked: "What is the therapeutic principle of the bracelet?"

"The overall frame of the bracelet is made of memory alloy, and there are six retractable needles on the inside of the bracelet. Each needle can release drugs, namely epinephrine, immune-strengthening hormones, metabolic inhibitors, viral interferon, and telomerase activation Agents and nano-repair cells are used to adjust the needle position through the blood vessel scanner before injecting the drug.”

Different from Taiyue's focus, Phyllis just thinks it is very beautiful and wants Taiyue to buy it for herself. Taiyue looked at the price on the glass cabinet. It was 001 merchant ship coins. The price was not low. It was enough to buy a five-year supply of cell degeneration inhibitors.

The origin of the merchant ship coin was led by the Colombian merchant dynasty and jointly initiated by hundreds of merchant fleets. The currency value and quantity of the merchant ship coin were linked to the number and tonnage of the merchant ships of these hundreds of merchant fleets. The currency number and the merchant ship number corresponded one-to-one.

There are two main sources of newly issued merchant ship coins. One is the merchant ship coins corresponding to the newly added merchant fleets to this currency system. The second is the merchant ship coins corresponding to the construction of new merchant ships.

After a merchant ship is damaged or decommissioned, the corresponding currency is still in circulation, and the merchant ship coins corresponding to some merchant ships that participated in important battles still have collection value. The issuance of new coins is uniformly managed by the Hongshang Dynasty currency storage agency, and each Hongshang fleet has a branch.

This time to purchase the inhibitor of cell degeneration, the adoptive father also prepared merchant ship coins for Taiyue and Phyllis in advance, a total of 01 merchant ship coins. It is said that these money were used by the adoptive father to invest in his previous interstellar adventure when he decided to settle in Marsdan. The ship - obtained after selling the Thunder.

When the adoptive father gave the money to Taiyue, he also told him that after buying the inhibitors for cell degeneration, the remaining money could be used to buy some useful gifts for the brothers and sisters in the orphanage.

He hasn't bought the anti-degenerative disease inhibitor that his adoptive father urgently needs. Taiyue is hesitant to buy this medical bracelet first. Products from the country of origin will continue to be sold here, while products from other planets will stop after the merchant ships carrying the goods leave. For sale, unless someone locally buys it and then sells it.

"Little brother and little sister, do you want that bracelet?" came a female voice from behind.

Taiyue turned around and saw a tall woman walking over. She was wearing a lavender chest-length dress. The ruby ​​pendant around her neck highlighted her white and tender skin. She wore long black lace gloves on her hands, her face There was a touch of powder on the top, and the eyes under the slender eyebrows were light purple. She wore a soft round hat on her head, and the black tulle hanging from the hat rested on her shoulders.

Behind her was a servitor wearing a maid uniform. If it weren't for the servitor's left eye flashing red, Tai Yue would have thought it was a real person.

The woman walked up to Felice with a smile, lowered her head and touched Felice's blond hair. When she turned around and was about to touch Tai Yue's face, Tai Yue instinctively avoided it. The woman was stunned and suddenly began to sob.

Phyllis looked at the woman in front of her in confusion, speechless. The lady took the handkerchief handed over by the servitor, wiped her tears and explained:

"I am Countess Lauren. I just saw two girls who reminded me of my daughter and youngest son who died unexpectedly. I couldn't control my emotions and made them laugh." After speaking, the countess walked directly to the counter and paid for the bracelet. Come down.

"This bracelet is what I want to buy. Madam, can you tell me on a first-come, first-served basis?" Tai Yue said hurriedly.

"Haha" the Countess chuckled and handed the bracelet to Phyllis, "Little sister doesn't know your and your brother's names yet?"

Phyllis did not take the bracelet, "My name is Phyllis, and this is my brother Taiyue. We are orphans adopted by Foreman Charles of the Meteorological Tower."

"Phyllis, keep this bracelet. You look so much like my deceased daughter. If she were still alive, she would be as cute as you. If you are orphans, can I adopt you and your brother? I will I treat you like my own children. I will buy you whatever you want." The countess winked.

After listening to the countess's words, Phyllis suddenly thought of her mother, whom she had never met before. Her nose felt sore and she was full of affection for this strange woman she had just come into contact with. But he was still very shocked about his adopted daughter, so he looked at Taiyue.

Tai Yue was wary of this woman. He thought for a while and said, "Phyllis, please thank Madam for your kindness. Please accept this bracelet." Tai Yue paused and continued, "Our adoptive father is very good to us. We all agree that As a true father, I don’t want to leave his old man’s home. Phyllis and I came to Danggang this time to buy this bracelet, and we will go back to the underground capital right away.”

"I won't force it," the Countess seemed to know that Tai Yue would reply. She held up Felice's right hand and put the bracelet on. Then she took out a ring from her chest and put it on Felice's middle finger.

"This is the pass ring for the Earl's Castle, with a built-in identification code. Phyllis, will you and your brother be able to visit my castle when you are free in the future? Come and see me?" Before she finished speaking, the Countess looked at Taiyue, Looking forward to his reply.

Phyllis comforted her: "Mrs. Countess, we will definitely come to visit you next time we come to Danggang. Thank you for the bracelet."

After Tai Yue took Felice's hand and left the business district, he headed towards the lift tower. Felice said, "Brother Yue, why haven't we bought medicine for our adoptive father yet? That lady just now is so beautiful." , amiable, and pitiful. She seems to be a noble, and she must know more about Danggang than we do. Can we ask her about cell degeneration? "

Away from the business district, Taiyue turned around and said to Phyllis: "There is a proverb in ancient Terra, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. This is our first time here, and we are very worried about Dan Gang. The nobles don’t understand. That countess is too enthusiastic. It’s always better to be careful.”

Phyllis nodded, and Taiyue continued: "Today we will send the blood to the epidemic prevention laboratory first, then stay there for one night, and then go to the trading floor early tomorrow morning."

Tai Yue held Felice's little hand and said as he walked: "There is a special pipe in the direction of the elevator tower that leads to the epidemic prevention laboratory. Ordinary people cannot pass through it. The adoptive father's bracelet should have permission to pass there." After listening to all this, Phyllis was still thinking about the countess's kind figure.

At this time, the left eye of the servitor next to the Countess was projected in the air. In the perspective structure of Dan Port, a green dot flashed, and suddenly the green dot disappeared.

"Did they lose the ring? No, if they lost it, the green dot should stop and not disappear."

The Countess thought to herself, looking in the direction of the laboratory with her charming eyes.

"Interesting, I'm going to bet on that boy. It's the first time someone has made me feel close to him, and my abilities are ineffective against him!"

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