Warhammer III

Chapter 5 Epidemic Prevention Laboratory

Taiyue took Phyllis to the entrance of the pipeline leading to the epidemic prevention laboratory. The mechanical door at the entrance was locked. The door was marked with a capital letter I, with a black frame and red filling inside. There was a protrusion in the middle of the letter. metal skull.

When Taiyue approached the door, the left eye of the skeleton projected warning characters, a red x and a row of text: Warning?! No approach is allowed except under special circumstances.

Taiyue ignored this warning, but walked to the door, raised his bracelet, and kept approaching different areas of the door, trying to open the door. After trying for a while, the door didn't move at all.

Tai Yue said in embarrassment: "Although my adoptive father has a bracelet and can pass through, the spatial structure diagram of Dan Port does not indicate a specific identification area."

"Could it be that the skeleton's right eye is the recognition area?" Phyllis whispered. Taiyue looked up and saw that his right eye was about 40 centimeters higher than his own. The brothers and sisters in the orphanage have been trained by their adoptive father since they were young. This level of height does not trouble Taiyue at all.

Tai Yue stood up and jumped, waving his left hand and overlapping the skull's right eye. After landing, the warning text disappeared, and after a harsh sound of metal friction, the door slowly opened. Green fluorescent lights on the interior floor extend all the way around the corner.

In order to prevent the door from closing when a single person entered, Taiyue and Phyllis walked in side by side. As soon as they stepped into the door, the sound of mechanical rotation sounded, and the door was indeed closed.

Taiyue took out the black gas mask commonly used in factories from the suitcase, put it on Felice, and then put on a gas mask himself.

The sound of metal friction just now is probably because the door has not been opened for a long time. The quality of the air inside is a question mark. People on the ground who come into contact with the polluted air outside the factory will suffer from coughs and colds, or even coma and shorten their lives.

Taiyue and Phyllis walked for about an hour and a half before they saw the gate at the end of the passage. After passing through the gate, there is an automated gas disinfection channel about 10 meters long.

Wearing gas masks, the two successfully passed through the passage and arrived inside a building. There were countless glass pillars inside the building, which contained alien creatures that had never been seen before. There were six elevators in the middle of the building. One lap.

Taiyue thought that this should be the bottom floor of the epidemic prevention laboratory, but when he lowered his head, he found words on the ground that read: Alien Analysis Department Branch mESd.

Just when Taiyue was confused. The elevator door opened, and a tall, thin man in a white uniform came out. When he saw Taiyue and Phyllis, he frowned and said, "Why did Charles send two children?"

"Charles' adoptive father asked us to send a blood sample to the epidemic prevention laboratory. My name is Taiyue. Next to me is Phyllis. Are you the person in charge here?"

"It's barely fair. Give me the sample and you can go!" the man said impatiently.

"Then I can't give you the blood sample. Please take us to see the person in charge here. I want to send the sample to him!" Taiyue wanted to take out the blood sample, but now he put it back.

The man looked at Taiyue carefully and said, "Oh, you are a very sensible boy. I am Alexander from the Marsdan Alien Analysis Department branch. I am mainly responsible for monitoring the composition and scale of aliens on the planet. Follow me to the alien detection laboratory!"

Taiyue and Phyllis followed Alexander into the elevator. Through the signs on the elevator, Taiyue learned that this building has a total of 9 floors. The first floor is the alien specimen, the second floor is the office area, and the third floor is the residence. area, the fourth floor is the alien database, and the fourth floor and above are experimental areas.

The elevator stopped at the sixth floor. After getting out of the elevator, the three of them changed into isolation suits. Taiyue noticed the busy people in the surrounding laboratories and realized that this was a biochemical laboratory.

"The main purpose here is to check the types of aliens. Alien flesh tissues or blood are sent here to compare genetic sequences. At the same time, some instruments are developed to identify aliens or infected people disguised as humans." Alexander briefly introduced.

Next to the glass window of a laboratory, Alexander called up a three-dimensional video. There were three people in the video. In the middle was a tall man wearing black power armor. Next to him was a priest of the Mechanicus. A servo skeleton extended from his back. Scanning the surroundings, the mechanical tentacles carrying weapons guarded the front.

Behind the two men was a member of the legal department wearing a fully enclosed helmet and holding a laser gun. The mechanical hound mESd-0405 sent back a signal.

"The boss left a month ago, and there is no more information coming back. The blood sample you brought can be verified here."

After listening to Alexander's introduction, Taiyue handed him the sample. Alexander turned around and put the sample on the mobile robotic arm and sent it to the laboratory for examination.

When Tai Yue and Phyllis were about to turn around and leave, Alexander threw a card over, and Tai Yue reached out to catch it accurately. "This is a vacant room on the third floor. You can stay there tonight," he shifted his gaze to Taiyue's bracelet and said, "Remember, don't wander to other floors. Leave tomorrow!"

After Tai Yue thanked her, he took Phyllis to his residence. He opened the door and saw that there was only a small bed in the corner of the room, not even a bench. Taiyue let Phyllis sleep on the bed and sat on the suitcase to rest for the night.

After a long day's journey, Phyllis quickly fell asleep, her eyelashes occasionally trembling on her sweet sleeping face.

Tai Yue, however, has been unable to sleep. The unfamiliar environment will make him extra awake. When covering Felice with a quilt, the ring on her hand caught Tai Yue's attention.

Taiyue opened the suitcase and took out the enhanced scanning auscultation instrument. In the Gutai mechanical maintenance manual, it is called an x-ray detector. This is usually used to check whether the inside of the instrument is damaged when repairing equipment.

Taiyue carefully took off the ring on Phyllis's hand and placed it in the scanning area of ​​the instrument. After scanning, it was prompted that there were two special structures in the ring, one of which was a very small glass container with an unknown liquid; the other was an electromagnetic pulse transmitter.

The electromagnetic pulse transmitter is a commonly used positioning device component. The countess is indeed problematic. Thinking of this, Taiyue took out the laser soldering iron that matched the x-ray detector, overloaded the power and destroyed the electromagnetic pulse transmitter. As for the mysterious liquid whose composition was unknown, he could only study its composition later.

After doing all this, Taiyue fell asleep. What he didn't know was that the instantaneous high temperature generated by the destruction of the electromagnetic pulse transmitter accelerated the evaporation of the unknown liquid, affecting Taiyue's dream.

In the dream, Taiyue came to the elevator, reached out and pressed the button for the 9th floor, and came to a glass column. The ultra-low temperature liquid inside soaked an alien monster. Taiyue pressed himself against the glass to get a clearer look at the monster.

The monster's brain was exposed, without a skull to protect it. A spine covered with spikes stretched from the back of the monster's head to its tail. The monster's limbs were curled up together, as if it was asleep.

Suddenly, lightning flashed around the monster's brain and turned into lightning to attack Taiyue!

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