Warhammer III

Chapter 6: Deformation

Taiyue was immediately awakened by this nightmare, and after waking up, he blocked the front with his hands like a conditioned reflex. After rubbing his eyes, he realized that he was still in the room.

After calming down, Tai Yue discovered that this was just a nightmare, and Phyllis was still sleeping. But the dream just now was too real. The feeling of pressing the elevator down to the 9th floor and the wrinkles of the monster's brain were so clear.

After hesitating for a while, Tai Yue stood up and prepared to find out. Tai Yue opened the door and closed it gently, fearing to wake Felice.

When he came to the elevator, Taiyue clicked the button for the 9th floor. When there was no response, he swiped the button with his wristband. The mechanical voice prompts: The human-machine interactive interface has been started, please give instructions. "Please come to the ninth floor," Taiyue also asked tentatively: "Please tell me the purpose of floors 5 to 9."

"Please press and hold the button when you reach the ninth floor." Taiyue complied. "The fifth floor is the inactivated microorganism testing room, the sixth floor is the potentially infected tissue or blood testing room, and the genetic sequence is provided to the eighth floor development room. The seventh floor is the alien corpse. Anatomy room, the 8th floor is the alien scanning auspicious device development laboratory."

Before he could finish talking about what the ninth floor was, the voice stopped. At this time, Taiyue discovered that he had reached the 9th floor. After getting out of the elevator, Taiyue found that the temperature here was very low, and there was white mist every time he breathed.

While looking around, Taiyue discovered that there was space outside the glass wall, and he could even see the sky full of stars. The glass cabins on the ground in front were arranged at intervals, and Tai Yue walked forward looking for the direction in the dream.

After a while, Tai Yue discovered the glass pillar in front of him. The shadow outline inside was the same as in the dream, which made Tai Yue's heart beat faster. "It's the same as the scene in the dream! Should I keep going? Will the monster inside suddenly attack me?" These thoughts flashed through Taiyue's mind.

Curiosity to get closer to see if the monster was exactly the same as in the dream drove Tai Yue to take a step forward. The palm that suddenly appeared on the shoulder stopped Taiyue.

"Don't get close to the aberrations. All creatures on this layer are alive. They are just frozen by the low temperature and asleep."

It was Alexander who stopped Taiyue. After the blood test results came out, Alexander, who was about to take a rest, found someone heading to the 9th floor, so he followed him. Seeing that Tai Yue wanted to see the aberrations, he stopped Tai Yue.

"This is the blood test result," Alexander handed the test report on his left hand to Taiyue and continued: "I have sent a message to your adoptive father to inform him of the verification result."

Taiyue opened the report and stared at the report's conclusion: There are genetic sequences of alien creatures in the blood. For specific alien types, please further compare the alien characteristic sequence gene library. I still don’t know what kind of alien it is, Taiyue thought.

The sound of breaking glass suddenly sounded, and electric light flashed in the cryogenic liquid. "Oops, the aberration has woken up!" Alexander was shocked and quickly came to the alien container. He smashed open the protective glass of the emergency button with his fist and pressed it.

Taiyue also followed. The glass cabin was full of bubbles, and the monster was rolling inside, making it difficult to see the specific situation.

At this time, with a loud noise, the glass cabin containing the aberrations was launched. Although the aliens could not be seen clearly through the glass, Taiyue did feel that he was being stared at by the aberrations. This feeling was not murderous, but rather It's the monster's simple curiosity.

Alexander breathed a sigh of relief. I originally wanted to criticize Taiyue, but now I realize that it is fortunate that I followed Taiyue, otherwise the consequences of the aberrant body escaping would be serious.

"Was the monster launched into the atmosphere? If the glass imprisoning the monster is broken, will it survive? Why is it called a deformed body?" Tai Yue asked.

"Because the alien creatures on the ninth floor are all alive and there is a risk of them waking up and escaping, we have specially designed an emergency response plan, which is what you just saw. Throw them into the atmosphere and burn them." Alexander said disdainfully.

"Thanks to your disobedience this time, otherwise it would not be easy to discover the accident. But why the aberration suddenly woke up, we have to check tomorrow. As for what the aberration is, go to the library in the second floor office area and read it for yourself. Books The books in the library are not confidential and do not require permission. I am going to rest. "

Tai Yue knew that Alexander was blaming him, but he was not angry. Instead, he really decided to go to the library on the second floor to take a look.

Arriving at the office area on the second floor, Taiyue followed the signs on the ground and came to the library. Inside was a room over 8 meters high, surrounded by books, which made Taiyue's scalp numb. But the books inside are arranged alphabetically.

Taiyue thought that he should look for books whose names started with Alien. But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find such a book. Tai Yue, who should have asked clearly before coming down, was about to give up. He almost fell off the shelf. He was so absorbed in looking for books that he didn't notice that the shelf was loose and there was a black brick on one corner of the shelf.

Taiyue leaned over and moved the black book and realized that it was a thick paper book. After wiping off the dust on it, four big words appeared in front of his eyes: Alien Canon. Under the title was a gear symbol made of a double helix of genes. .

Tai Yue was overjoyed. This book should introduce aliens, and it should also introduce the monster just now! The whole book is dark and yellowish, and the dust on it indicates that it has not been read for a long time.

Taiyue began to read the book, and turned to the first page which read the author's preface, "Anatomy is the basis for understanding alien creatures, ecology is the means of enslaving aliens, and sociology is the shortcut to integrate into aliens. Written by Della, the biological sage. ".

Della, Taiyue recited the name silently, thinking that the author was probably a woman whose whole body was mechanized like the upper-level mechanical god servants in the hive city. Continuing to turn the pages, I found that there were illustrations for each of the aliens in this book. Taiyue was immediately attracted by the introduction of these aliens.

A whole night passed before Taiyue finished reading the book with great interest. During this time, a piece of paper fell out of the book. On the paper was a merchant ship, the Flesh Defense Line, with a strange name. There were some names under the picture: Todd, Samantha

Taiyue found that he didn't recognize any of them, so he looked at the back of the card. There was only a date on the back: 42 (102 years in the 42nd millennium).

The paper was more than ten years old, Taiyue stuffed the paper back and continued reading. For Taiyue, the various alien knowledge in it was as interesting as the history of ancient Terra told by his adoptive father.

From this book, Taiyue first learned about the treacherous Eldar, the orcs with their own ecosystem, the terrifying Tyranids, and the twisted offspring of the gene stealers, the aberrations. The author Della believes that the production of aberrations is inseparable from psychic energy. They have low IQs and behave like beasts after leaving the psychic network, and can be controlled by humans.

"Why is this mutant frozen on the 9th floor? Does it come from the Genestealer Cult in Marsdan? Doesn't it mean that our planet may become food for the Tyranids?" Thinking of this, Taiyue felt a deep fear for the first time.

After reading the book, Taiyue found that it was already the second morning. He quickly returned to his temporary residence and woke Phyllis up when he opened the door. Taiyue said:

"Let's go and see if the ship of the Su Dynasty has arrived today. If it has, buy the cell degeneration inhibitor that my father needs. If not, go to the monastery in Dan Port first to see if there are any nuns who are willing to take you as an apprentice."

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