Warhammer III

Chapter 7: The Empire's State Religion

Phyllis didn't know that Taiyue hadn't slept all night and had just returned from the library on the second floor. Taiyue was very active at this time and didn't look like someone who stayed up late at night. "Good morning, Brother Tai!" Phyllis said lazily.

"Where is the ring that the Countess gave me?" Phyllis found that the ring that the Countess gave her yesterday was missing.

Taiyue took out the ring from his pocket and handed it over, "I was worried about the Countess yesterday, so I checked this ring. You can wear it now without worry!" Taiyue didn't say that the ring would be located, because the Countess couldn't locate the ring now.

After Phyllis put on the ring, she followed Taiyue to the trading hall. Passing by the alien specimen on the first floor of the building, Taiyue stopped and observed for a while, recalling the introduction in the Alien Encyclopedia. Now he knows most of the alien creatures in it.

After mastering mechanical knowledge from his adoptive father, Taiyue mastered the knowledge of alien creatures through the Alien Encyclopedia.

After arriving at the trading hall, Taiyue found that the cargo ship of the Su Dynasty had not arrived yet, and it seemed that buying medicine for his father would be postponed. Excluding the last day of the return trip, there are only a few days left. Now the two of them have to go to the State Religious Monastery first.

The State Religious Monastery is far away from the trading hall, and is only connected to the planetary governor's office and the elevator tower by pipelines. The nuns of the monastery go to the nest city every month to promote the emperor's faith, but the effect is not good.

For the lower-level workers, there are not many believers, and the proportion is far lower than that of the nobles in the single port. Faith cannot fill the stomach after a day of hard work, nor can it make synthetic food delicious.

Taiyue does not believe in or pray to the Emperor as a god. His adoptive father often says that the Emperor is a great man, just like saying an idol he once worshipped.

Phyllis's deceased father was a member of the Planetary Defense Force. He was influenced by the belief in the Emperor since he was a child, so he often prayed to the Emperor and worshipped him as a god. When he grows up, he also hopes to become a nun and spread the gospel of the Emperor.

Walking on the way to the monastery, Taiyue was in a heavy mood. After Phyllis went to the monastery, he might have few opportunities to see her, and he would spend his life in the nest city and the factory.

Taiyue once worked hard with Potter in the orphanage just to have a chance to become a space warrior. However, the reality is cruel. The two warbands that recruit soldiers in Marsdan only come here once every 30 years.

The last time was 12 years ago, and the next time will be 18 years later. At that time, he was already 32 years old, much older than the age of the new recruits of the space warriors, and his physical functions were not suitable for subsequent transformation.

Knowing that he had no chance to become a space warrior, Taiyue and Potter also planned to take a merchant ship to other planets to find the mother planet of the space warrior warband. But before boarding the port of Dan, they were stopped by their adoptive father. Taiyue can still remember himself and Potter crying that day.

After that, Taiyue went to the nuclear power plant as a technician, and Potter went underground as a miner. At the same time, Phyllis appeared in Taiyue's world. Taiyue always regarded Phyllis as a sister.

It was Taiyue's company that helped Phyllis get out of the grief of losing her father. Now the two will eventually separate, one in the underground Sudu factory and the other in the monastery in the sky.

To get to the monastery, you have to pass through the planetary governor's mansion. The current planetary governor is Duke Hoyle. Marsdan has been under the rule of the Hoyle family since 39 years ago. Each planetary governor comes from the five nobles in Dan Port. After 40 years in power, the five nobles will vote again to select a new governor. Hoyle won 10% of the trade autonomy for the planet during his term and strengthened the equipment of the planetary defense force. Now he is supported by the five nobles at the same time and may be re-elected in one year.

Taiyue and Phyllis came to the area of ​​the planetary governor's mansion. The magnificent and solemn buildings in front of them were close at hand. Even if you observe with an ordinary telescope on the ground, you can see these towering space castles.

At this time, in the reception room of the castle, the planetary governor Hoyle and a woman in a slender red uniform were talking. On her left was a silver-haired woman wearing power armor with an iris tattoo on her right face. The silver-haired woman moved her eyes on the servants around her, alerting her to possible dangers.

On the right was a black-haired nun who was recording the conversation between the two. She wore single-sided glasses and meticulously converted the voices of the two into text.

After bypassing the Governor's Mansion, Taiyue and his companions quickly arrived at the monastery through the pipes on the back. The monastery is more than half the size of the Governor's Mansion. There is a flight of stairs in front of it. At the end of the stairs is the gate of the monastery. There is a sculpture of the God Emperor on the gate, and there are two small doors next to it.

The two climbed the stairs and came to the door. Taiyue reached out and knocked on the door and asked politely: "Excuse me, is there anyone? We are believers of the God Emperor." After repeating it three times, no one responded.

After looking at Phyllis, Taiyue pushed the door open with force. I thought there was no one inside, but the nuns in the hall were busy cleaning, and several people were decorating the roof. The busy nuns didn't notice anyone coming at all.

Taiyue saw an elderly nun walking by, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her and asked: "Hello, Sister Sister, I brought my sister to be a nun apprentice. Who should I go to for the procedures?"

"An adult is going to stay here tonight. We are busy cleaning the room. We don't have time to accept apprentices today! Come another day." After saying this, the elderly nun hurried away.

"Brother Tai, what should we do? Seeing how busy they are, the person who came might be a big shot like the bishop of the state religion." Phyllis was worried that this trip was in vain.

"This big shot probably won't stay for long. He might leave tomorrow. Let's see if we can stay here today. When the big shot leaves, someone will take you in as an apprentice."

After Taiyue finished speaking, the older nun passed by here again. Taiyue chased after her and said, "Sister Sister, our faith in the Emperor is as solid as a rock. My sister will not leave here unless she becomes an apprentice. We will stand at the door and wait until you are free."

The older nun stopped and thought, "It's a small matter for you to stand at the door, but it's a big matter for you to affect the bishop. If we offend the bishop, our small monastery will be affected." She turned around and looked at Phyllis, "Can you recite the "Holy Word"?" Phyllis nodded.

"There is a confession room in the direction of the trading hall. There is no one guarding there. You can stay there today. Remember, don't run around!" After saying that, the older nun went to work again.

"Which direction is the trading hall?" Phyllis muttered, "Just follow me!" Taiyue thought about the spatial location of each building here, and took Phyllis to the target area.

After a while, they arrived in front of a low black building. When they approached, they found that there was a hall in the middle and the statue of the Emperor in front of the hall. The hall is the confessional, where the guilty confess to the emperor.

The empty rooms at the edge of the black building are where the two will stay today. When Taiyue walked into the room, he found that there was not even a bed inside, only some sundries. Phyllis frowned, "At least there is a room, it's better than sleeping on the street!" Taiyue comforted.

Taiyue and Phyllis stayed in a room each. Since it was still early, Taiyue opened the Gutai mechanical maintenance manual and continued to learn mechanical knowledge. When he was hungry at night, he took out the synthetic meat from the suitcase and Phyllis to fill his stomach and went to sleep.

In his dream, Taiyue found himself floating in space and could see Dan Port and Marsdan at the same time. There was also a black shadow floating in front of him. Taiyue floated towards the black shadow, and when he got closer, he found that it was actually a deformed body, curled up and motionless.

This was the third time Taiyue saw it, and now he was not afraid of it at all.

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