Warhammer III

Chapter 11 Psychic Power

Taiyue recalled today's experience, and he didn't know any of the people he came into contact with. The current situation made Taiyue at a loss.

After calming down, Taiyue began to wander around the room. This room was a study room without any electronic equipment.

The floor, walls and roof are all made of luminous materials. This material can absorb all kinds of light and heat, convert it into light energy and store it. It can automatically glow in the dark. Enhanced luminous beads are placed on the desk. This is what the owner of the room is doing. Reading in an environment.

"The small room I lived in in the nest city looked like a prison cell compared with this place." Tai Yue couldn't help but sigh.

Taiyue walked towards the bookshelf, ready to see what books there were. Since he couldn't go out, it would be good to read here.

Coming to the bookshelf, Taiyue quickly flipped through a few books and found that all the books were about psychic powers and aliens!

Is the owner of the room a legal psyker? Why are there books about aliens? Or is the owner of the room a public official arresting aliens? Ministry of Justice, Black Ship facilitators, Alien Inquisition?

Regarding the introduction of aliens, Taiyue felt that the books here would not be more comprehensive than the "Alien Canon", so he chose a book that introduced psychic powers and read it carefully.

"Psykers do not have exactly the same psychic powers, just as no two brains are exactly the same. Even if there are two cloned people, their brains will have subtle differences."

"People who don't understand psionics often think that it is a superpower, but the fact is that psionics come from the Warp - another universe. That universe is full of evil, and the brain of the psyker is the door between the two worlds, so use Psionics are very dangerous things, often warping the minds of psykers and even attracting the attention of warp evil."

Another universe, full of evil? Taiyue was quickly intrigued by this book and continued reading.

"Psychic energy is generally divided into five major systems, including the biological system. The biological system uses the power of subspace to strengthen cells, such as allowing cells to rapidly proliferate and grow to change the body shape, heal wounds, and regenerate broken limbs. Even if an immortal has only one cell, Rebirth!"

"Fire system, this type of psyker directly introduces subspace energy into the physical universe. Flame, lightning, high temperature, and explosion are all fire system abilities. This type of psyker is the most common."

"The telekinesis system converts subspace energy into stances. You can use your stance to protect yourself, or you can use your stance to move objects and attack enemies. Some telepathic psykers can use stances to create portals connecting two locations. "

"The psychic system establishes spiritual connections with other people through subspace. After establishing a spiritual connection, you can control other people's thinking, spread panic, and even directly control other people's bodies."

"Prophecy system, the prophecy system ability has two sources. One is to predict what will happen in the future through subspace energy calculation. The predicted future is difficult to change. The second is based on the discontinuity of subspace time. Prophecy system psykers can Capturing fragments of the future in subspace, the predicted future cannot be changed.”

Taiyue didn't notice that the room was filled with a special aroma. This aroma could relieve tension and eliminate fatigue. Taiyue was reading in such an environment, and he fell asleep in front of the desk after a while, and the books in his hands slipped. to the ground.

In his sleep, Taiyue dreamed of the skull again. This time it was actually in the intricate pipelines of Dan Port.

It lies on the top of the pipe and moves forward. Whenever a pedestrian passes by, the current on its head begins to become denser. There is no doubt that it is warning pedestrians.

The skull came to a dark place and began to follow a pedestrian, who was richly dressed and looked like a nobleman from Danggang.

Electricity begins to gather at the tail of the skull, and it wants to attack the person in front of it!

Tai Yue was anxious and angry, and had the urge to kill the skull.

This thought mixed with psychic energy hit the skull, and the electric current around its brain became chaotic, as if it was screaming. He grabbed the arm at the top of the pipe and held his head, and immediately fell from the top of the pipe, just in time to knock the pedestrians who were following him to the ground.

After the pedestrian saw the creature that knocked him down, he stared at the skull with a strange look on his face. He was not afraid of the hybrid aberration in front of him!

After the pain subsided, the skull let out a low groan of indignation and fled quickly.

At this time, Taiyue discovered that he could understand its emotional changes through the changes in the current around its brain.

There was no doubt that the skull was starving now, and Taiyue speculated that it instinctively attacked pedestrians because of hunger.

"If you eat people, I'll kill you!" Tai Yue scolded the skull fiercely.

What surprised Tai Yue even more was that he seemed to have hurt it from the air, without having to poke it with his hands like last time.

"Is this psychic power? Energy from subspace!" Taiyue had just learned about psychic powers through the books in the room. Regarding the power he used, he couldn't help but think of the correlation between the two.

But then he shook his head, because Taiyue knew clearly that he was in a dream, and it was impossible for him to have strange dreams, which was also a kind of spiritual power!

At this moment, someone still sensed the whereabouts of the monster. When she wanted to contact the alien, she used the skull as a transfer point, and Taiyue's psychic power also affected her.

Her skin began to turn a light purple, and she couldn't help frowning: "Are the alien cells in the body activated by spiritual energy?!"

The servitor beside her took out a syringe of medicine and immediately injected it into the woman. After a while, the lavender color on her body began to fade.

But her face was slightly red, and a desire rose in her chest. This desire was so strong that she bit her teeth and lips, put her right hand on her chest, pressed on the purple gem she was wearing, and ordered her servant: "Take him to my bedroom!"

After scolding the skull, Taiyue talked to the skull again, although he didn't know if it could understand.

Soon after, the sound of the door opening came, and the surrounding scene began to disappear. Taiyue looked at the gradually disappearing skull, thinking of his dangerous situation, and shouted to the monster in a hurry: "Come and save me!"

Taiyue woke up immediately, and found that the tall man who brought him here had entered the room.

The tall man stared at Taiyue at this moment, his brows were furrowed, his hands were clenched, and the corners of his mouth were fluctuating with emotional fluctuations.

"Are you finally going to show your fangs?" Taiyue clearly felt that he was hostile to him, and his right hand was placed on the laser iron ready to fight back at any time.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly changed his attitude, "I am Dick, who is responsible for receiving VIPs in the black market. The master asked me to take you to see her now."

"Aren't we meeting here?" Although Taiyue felt strange, he could only go all the way to the end, without any other choice, so he followed Dick to another room.

After entering the room, Taiyue found that the whole room was decorated gorgeously, which was in sharp contrast with the study just now. The complex and exquisite carpet made him reluctant to step on it, and the chandelier above his head hung very low.

The glass shell of the spacecraft formed the window of the room. In the middle of the room was a round bed with a purple gauze bedspread hanging from it. There was also a large mirror in front of the table at the end of the room. This was the bedroom!

But there was no one in the room, and Taiyue couldn't help asking, "Where is your master?"

"The master is taking a bath and changing clothes, and will come here later!" Dick said expressionlessly, and then slammed the door of the room!

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