Warhammer III

Chapter 12 Seduction

"Does bathing and changing clothes need to be so formal?" Tai Yue was confused at the moment, not realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Considering that the owner of the room might be a psyker, he adjusted the output power of the laser soldering iron he put in his inner pocket. Although it didn't seem to be of much help, it at least gave Tai Yue some peace of mind.

He didn't dare to sit on the bed, so he had to sit at the table at the end of the room. In this way, you can also see the situation at the door through the mirror in front of the table.

There are only some exquisite and small glassware on the table, which should be cosmetics.

Ten minutes later, the door opened slowly. Taiyue was immediately alerted that someone had come in. Was it Dick's owner?

Through the mirror, Taiyue found that the person who came in was only wearing tulle, and his looming body was charming, with his hair coiled on his head, and a silver-white necklace with purple-gold gemstones around his neck.

Her slender legs and feet showed off her elegant walking posture. She wore white silk gloves on her hands and overlapped them in front of her.

This scene made Tai Yue tremble slightly. After all, he was a normal man, and his body reacted.

The average life span of the residents of the nest city is only about 50 years old. They have been exposed to the polluted atmosphere for a long time, and the depressive environment and high-intensity work are also the reasons for the short life span.

In order to maintain the industrial population, under the propaganda of the administrative agencies, people got married early. Tai Yue still knew a little about these things about men and women. Sometimes he thought about whether Porter, who left the orphanage to work as a miner, had already gotten married.

After Tai Yue took a closer look at the woman's reddish cheeks, he realized that the person who came was actually Countess Lauren, that suspicious aristocratic woman.

Only now did he understand that Countess Lauren’s target was him from the beginning, not Phyllis.

The black market contact and the tall man Dick who bought the medicine should also be arranged by her. And now she obviously wants to seduce herself, what should she do? Tai Yue had countless thoughts flashing through his mind at this moment.

You might lose your personal freedom after becoming a countess. Who knows if these nobles have any special hobbies.

Thinking that he would have to face it anyway, Tai Yue mustered up the courage to turn around and face the Countess.

Even though Tai Yue stared into the countess's eyes, the spring scenery in front of him still made Tai Yue blush to the roots of his ears.

"Countess, you deliberately tricked me into coming here. What do you want to do? You installed a positioning device to track me when we first met, and this time we met again to show off!" Taiyue asked in an awe-inspiring manner.

The countess was stunned after hearing this, but she didn't expect that her little move would be discovered.

Then he covered his mouth and laughed, "I fell in love with you at first sight, and I decided to do this because I wanted to get you."

The countess came to Taiyue as she spoke, and the fragrance from her body made Taiyue's heart beat faster.

Tai Yue asked back: "Do you nobles all have this habit? Or are you the only one who is perverted? Last time you said you saw Phyllis and I looking like your son and daughter!"

After mentioning this, a painful expression flashed across the countess's face, and then she explained softly:

"My original name is Samantha. I was 16 years old 12 years ago. I came to Marsden from the Sydney Galaxy and married Count Lauren. The Count had been married before. His first wife died young and he has a son and a daughter. I After marrying the Earl, they will naturally become my children."

The name Samantha seemed to have been seen somewhere before. Taiyue didn't remember it for a while, so he continued to listen to her story.

She turned around and continued: "Then one day there was a fire in the earl's bedroom. The earl and his children were killed in the fire. Afterwards, it was found that the oxygen supply pipeline was aging and the oxygen leaked."

"After the count's death, I supported the entire family's property. The count's other relatives all suspected that the count's death was related to me and wanted to compete for the count's family property." Speaking of this, the countess seemed aggrieved and might cry at any time.

"I am a weak woman. I have endured a lot of hardships over the years to prevent the count's family property from being seized by outsiders." The countess began to complain again.

If it were anyone else, after hearing these words, they would definitely start to pity the countess's plight.

Tai Yue listened dubiously. As a very rational person, he thought what you said has anything to do with me.

"I often feel lonely and can only pretend to be strong," said the Countess, looking at Taiyue with affectionate eyes. "When I first saw you, I had a feeling of deja vu. The closer I got, the more I felt like I had seen you before." The more at ease you feel.”

Tai Yue was also staring into the countess's eyes at this moment, wanting to see what other stories she could tell.

"In order to see you again, I gave your sister a ring with a locating device. After your signal disappeared, I sent someone to wait for you at the place where we first met. Finally, I asked my servant to take you to my bedroom. Don’t you understand my good intentions?”

Listening to the countess' love words, Tai Yue didn't believe a word, and the countess didn't mention a word about the mysterious liquid in the ring. He said: "Thank you Madam for your kindness, but I am just a worker in the factory. This is my first time coming to Danggang to buy medicine for my adoptive father."

"My adoptive father is a genetically enhanced person who has been suffering from cell degeneration and needs inhibitors to control his disease. I would be very grateful if Madam could resell the medicine to me. I still don't understand the age of men and women, so I can't respond to Madam's feelings for the time being. !”

"If I give you the medicine, how will you repay me?" the countess asked ambiguously, while approaching Taiyue.

"I consider my wife as my sister, and I will maintain my sister's servitors for free." Tai Yue's answer was feeble.

The Countess laughed, and her tone seemed to be satisfied with this answer. She reached out to touch the purple-gold gem on her chest and whispered, "April, bring the things up."

After a while, the robot servant April brought the cell degeneration inhibitor and a metal box.

Taiyue found that this robot servant was the one who followed the Countess in the commercial district. She was holding the medicine and the metal box in her hands at the moment, and her appearance and eyes were no different from those of a real person.

After seeing the cell degeneration inhibitor, Taiyue put down the stone in his heart. His adoptive father's medicine was finally settled!

The Countess waved April to leave the room. Seeing Taiyue's desire for the inhibitor, she said with a seductive look: "The medicine can be given to you for free, but the premise is..."

Before the Countess finished speaking, a sharp sound suddenly rang out, and the room was instantly covered with white light.

Then there was the sound of glass breaking, and Taiyue and the Countess lost their balance and were blown to the gap in the window by the air pressure.

When the two collided in the chaos, Taiyue held the Countess horizontally with one hand, stood on both sides of the gap with his feet to prevent being blown out, and blocked the flying debris with his other hand.

The two were stabbed by the glass fragments swept up by the airflow, and Taiyue was bleeding all over his body. However, because of Taiyue's protection, the Countess was only scratched on the back of her hand, and the wound healed quickly.

There were tiny organisms growing rapidly in the few drops of blood she dripped, but they were soon blown out of the spacecraft again.

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