Warhammer III

Chapter 9 Navigator's Temple

Uruk entered the interior of the Octavia galaxy in a parabolic orbit, passing through the elliptical orbits of Octavia VI and V in sequence.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, Grand Master, according to the current speed, we will miss the Styx Forge in the forging world. Should we go directly to the hive world of Octavia II, or adjust our orbit to Octavia? Star No. 4 - Styx Forge Foundry World?"

Elizabeth looked to Taiyue for consultation. Her slender and white right hand moved slowly in the air, and the orbital projection of her fingertips changed angles, constantly generating new orbital data.

"Is there any useful information detected on these two planets?"

Taiyue crossed his arms in front of his chest and asked after thinking for a moment.

"There is a high-energy reaction on the surface of the planet of Octavia 2. The energy range is a spherical area with a diameter of one thousand meters, and the energy density is close to the energy data of the star's troposphere; and the Styx Forge of the forging world serves as a factory furnace. These few Daily observation data shows that the surface temperature of the planet is below minus 30 degrees Celsius.”

Elizabeth called up the data observed by the energy source detector and heat source detector in the Uruk detection and smell array.

These observations imply that there are unknown constructs on the hive world, and that the forge world may have ceased functioning.

Su Jingrong, who was sitting on the psychic chair, closed her eyes tightly. The psychic transmission material connected to the seat was enhancing her psychic perception. She sensed anomalies in the unknown structure in the hive world.

"The structure has subspace energy fluctuations and astrological signals transmitted outwards. It is likely to be a machine driven by subspace energy!"

Su Jingrong's lips parted slightly. Because she had received too much psychic information, her eyelids kept beating and her body trembled slightly, as if she was falling into a nightmare.

"Can you intercept astrological signals?"

Tai Yue became vigilant. He guessed that the world in the Styx region that had fallen to the psyker empire might have equipment for inter-galactic communication.

He asked softly in Su Jingrong's ear, and put his hand on the Astropath's shoulder.

Feeling Taiyue's concern, Su Jingrong's trembling body gradually calmed down. She opened her eyes, shook her head and said:

"The astrological signal is encrypted. I have tried all the encryption methods commonly used by the empire, but I still can't decipher the signal. I guess it requires specific memories in the brains of psykers, or even heretical ideas, to decipher it."

"Don't force it. This kind of signal is similar to a psychic spell. If you forcefully decipher these astrological signals, it may change your thinking or even become a heretic."

After Tai Yue finished speaking, he turned to Elizabeth and gave the order:

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, Ms. Elizabeth, adjust the trajectory of the spacecraft. Let's go to the forging world first."

The holographic projection on Elizabeth's fingertips flashed quickly and then settled in the air, and the simulated orbit to the forging world was generated in a moment.

"It takes one Terra month to reach the destination."

Tai Yue nodded and left the Star Language Room, with Elizabeth following him cautiously.

"Are you getting used to life on the Uruk?"

Taiyue asked casually.

"Thanks to Grand Master's concern, this place is more free than the previous ships we served on."

Elizabeth was startled and said that Taiyue rarely talked to her about things other than sailing, let alone daily life.

"It's also more dangerous!"

Tai Yue turned around as he spoke, and Elizabeth also stopped.

"You are also the owners of this ship. You don't have to be too reserved when you see me in the future. You can tell me whatever you think of."

He came to Elizabeth and took off her helmet, revealing the navigator's third eye, the black pupil that observed the subspace.

"Your subspace eye has no effect on me. You don't need to wear a helmet if there are no other people in the future."


Elizabeth was flattered. Thinking of Tai Yue staring at her third eye, her face was slightly red, but her mood was very happy.

She had always felt that her relationship with Taiyue was stranger than that of the Astropath. At the same time, she deliberately alienated the other crew members of the Uruk because of her mutated third eye.

After all, navigators are also among the mutants. Although their status is much higher than that of ordinary people in the empire, if it were not for their indispensable role in subspace navigation, they might have been eliminated like most other mutants. The empire simply cleaned up.

The core members of the Navigator family are very clear about this. During the Horus Heresy, many Navigator families betrayed the Empire. After that, they were the focus of the Heretic Tribunal.

"When you gaze into the warp,"

Tai Yue suddenly said the Navigator family proverb, Navigators are more prone to genetic mutations than other imperial legal psykers, especially as their power increases, the greater the impact of the subspace.

"The warp is watching you too!"

Elizabeth responded that she didn’t know the purpose of Tai Yue’s words.

"If you feel unwell, you can go to the mechanical sage Della on the spaceship. She can regularly evaluate the mutations in your body and clean them up!"

Faced with Taiyue's meticulous care, Elizabeth felt warm in her heart. Members of the Navigator family often become weak or crazy due to genetic mutations.

"There is a family of navigators on Octavia 2, the Gazmati family. Members of their family are navigators often employed by fleets or merchant ships in the Styx sector. If they betray the empire, they need to be recovered by you. Their family fortune to solidify your position in the MacPherson family."

Elizabeth was shocked. Taiyue's words clearly supported her to gain power in her family, and this was the support and promise of a Grey Knight mentor.

The glass hall across the city, the magnificent planetarium, the holographic projection of the entire galaxy, and the woman sitting on the control panel

Elizabeth once again remembered the psychic prophecy about the Starry Hall. That was the Navigator's Temple that only the Star Father who led the entire Navigator family was qualified to set foot in!

"God Emperor, Lord Taiyue, I, Elizabeth McPherson, will follow you to the death!"

A month later, the Uruk finally arrived at the synchronous orbit of the Styx Forge of the Forge World.

The dock space station attached to the planet has now disappeared from the synchronous orbit and is nowhere to be seen. Taiyue guessed that the space station probably crashed on the ground of the planet.

And there is a lot of space debris in the low-Earth orbit, which is likely to be fragments of imperial ships!

There is no doubt that there was a war between the Mechanicus forces of the Styx Forge of the Forge World and the enemy.

This war eventually destroyed this forge world, the furnace no longer burned, and the planet became cold!

(I don’t think I’ve written about daily life before, I will add some later, please recommend and vote for me!)

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