Warhammer III

Chapter 10: Casting the World

The Forge World is a special tax-free world directly controlled by the Mechanicum.

Dedicated entirely to the creation of machines and weapons of all kinds, the Adeptus Mechanicus, in accordance with ancient pacts, requires each Forge World to provide supplies to other Imperial worlds or to the various armed forces of the Empire.

The weapons provided by the Forge World include individual soldier equipment, tank armor, mecha Titans, spaceships and other war machines. In addition, the tasks of the Forge World also include planet transformation and the exploration of new worlds.

As the pursuit and preserver of mankind's ancient scientific knowledge, the Adeptus Mechanicus monopolizes most of the advanced technology and knowledge of the human empire.

The Mechanicum believes that all machines have souls, which they often call machine souls. With machine souls, machines can move far away.

Their belief originated from Mars. When the subspace storm swept across the galaxy, they believed that the God of Machinery protected Mars. Their worship of the God of Machinery was like the worship of the Imperial State Church to the God-Emperor.

Styx Forge Forge World Synchronous Orbit, Uruk Bridge.

The holographic projection of this world is clearly displayed in the sky at this moment, and the surface of the planet is covered with deep craters left by orbital bombardment.

"The traitors destroyed the Forge World, why didn't they take over the world?"

Tai Yue pointed to the scanning results of the planet and expressed his doubts to the command on the Uruk.

Nelson raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say, and Tai Yue nodded in agreement.

"There should still be skitarii from the Styx Forge fighting inside the planet. They might be in the underground steel factory."

Life detectors will be shielded by thick metal walls, and Nelson's guess is also possible.

"There are two places on the planet that need attention, one is the volcanic furnace at the North Pole, and the other is the Forge Temple near the equator."

Della looked at the planet's data and said that other buildings, such as giant factory complexes, bottomless mining sites and garbage dumps and incineration plants filled with acid fog, were of average importance.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Taiyue finally decided to go to the surface to explore whether there were living people or autonomous machines, and to understand the full picture of the war on this planet.

The specific arrangement is that Taiyue and Della go to the planet's Forging Temple to obtain the planet's production data, while Nelson and Bruce go to the volcanic furnace to investigate whether there are living people. There are dense residential areas there and it is also the station of the Skitarii.

Taiyue drove the Storm Crow gunboat and placed Nelson and Bruce at the entrance of the volcanic furnace, while he and Della headed to the Forging Temple.

The Forge Temple is the most important production factory in the forge world and is generally directly managed by the planet's Forge Director.

The foundry temple in front of them had been severely damaged. The production factory in the center was hit by an energy weapon, and a deep pit with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared. In the middle of the pit was an iron plate where the melted metal had re-solidified.

After Taiyue and Della left the Storm Crow gunboat, they headed to the control center along the uncollapsed passage of the Forge Temple.

Occasionally a faint light flickered in the passage, illuminating the body of the Skitarii lying on the ground.

Their mechanical bodies were in dilapidated condition, and their mechanical prosthetics were scattered around.

After a while, the two came to a metal gate with the unique symbol of this forging world engraved on it, which was composed of mathematical symbols and gears.

The door was closed tightly. When Taiyue pushed the door, he felt that the hydraulic valve of the servo machine controlled the door. Even with the blessing of the metal cell power, the door could not be opened directly.

He then scanned the surrounding data lines, then used a welding gun to cut through the metal wall, reconnected the power supply line of the servo machine, and also connected the nuclear reactor with the power armor function.


The door slowly opened, and the smell of rotten metal wafted out. The two entered the room without hesitation.

The lights on the shoulders of the Thai-Vietnamese power armor turned on, and the production control screens of the Forging Temple were arranged in a circle.

But because there is no power, the screen goes dark.

Della's servo head activated the lighting mode and then flew behind the screen.

A data storage core several meters high appeared in view, with countless connected data lines as complex as a spider web.

"You can check the data here. The latest recorded production data may have some clues."

Della turned to Tai Yue and said.

"I think so too!"

Taiyue nodded and began to try to connect to the data here. A mechanical tentacle behind him was inserted into the data interface.

Countless data files are presented in the helmet's integrated eyepiece, and Taiyue tries to filter the production logs by the latest date.

After more than ten minutes, more than 100 documents were screened out. Taiyue clicked on the latest document and asked the "servo head" to project the content on the ground:

Casting Authorization: Casting Director Bloomfield

Casting date:---M42

Casting Category: Circle of Witchcraft

Product batch: 16

Energy consumption: 40%

Casting time: 1 Terran year

"Witch ring! Psychic device?"

Taiyue immediately thought of the structures in the hive world that emitted psychic signals.

He immediately started looking for the design drawing data of the Ring of Witchcraft, but it showed that the data had been deleted.

"Is that unknown structure created here?"

Della mused that if this was the case, the Forge World might have betrayed the Empire.

At this moment, Nelson sent a communication:

"Your Majesty the God-Emperor, Sage Grantham of the Mechanicus and part of the Skitarii are still alive. It was the Eldar aliens that attacked them!"

At this moment, Nelson, Bruce and Mechanicus Sage Grantham were in the underground air-raid shelter. After Grantham found out that the visitors were Astartes monks from the Empire, he let the two enter the secret air-raid shelter.

"Nelson, be careful, they may betray the Empire! I'll come right over."

Tai Yue hurriedly informed the situation through encrypted communication, and then rushed over with Della.

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