Warhammer III

Chapter 49

"Brother Jerome, according to the records of the Inquisition, the Primarch Jaghatai Khan disappeared into the Webway in the 33rd millennium. Now the subspace crystal that Magnus's soul has been fragmented into has also been captured by you. After absorbing it, this psychic scimitar can be used as your weapon!"

Taiyue handed the scimitar to Jerome. Jerome himself had been a paladin, and his swordsmanship was also first-rate. He must be worthy of the original blade.

"Just call him 'Farewell Blade'!"

After Jerome finished speaking and put away his psychic scimitar, he and Tai Yue returned to the battle site.

Although the Thunderhawk gunship's precision detection instruments were interfered with and the Cygnus machine soul was unable to draw a flight map, Taiyue successfully returned to the Corruption Factory with the help of his memory.

At this moment, the ground troops have reached the edge of the signal jamming tower and are engaged in a fierce battle with the servitors of the Dark Mechanicus.

The signal jamming tower is made entirely of black steel, with numerous defensive turrets distributed on it. There are no windows to see what's going on inside the tower, and the jamming signal comes from the metal spikes on the top of the tower.

"In addition to the Demonic Engine Hell Wyvern, there are actually defensive turrets!"

Taiyue couldn't help but click his tongue and could only try to attack the signal jamming tower in front of the Thunderhawk gunship.

He adjusted the flying height of the Thunderhawk gunship and launched two plasma missiles as unguided artillery shells. If they could hit the target, the high temperature of the plasma should be able to cut off the signal jamming tower.


The two missiles activated the intensive firepower of the defensive fort and exploded 30 meters away from the target, emitting a dazzling light that illuminated everything around them.

Tai Yue did not dare to get close to such dense anti-aircraft firepower. He activated the autopilot mode and handed over the control of the Thunderhawk gunship to the Swan Machine Spirit.

Then Taiyue and Jerome jumped off the Thunderhawk gunship while it was flying close to the ground, preparing to join the ground troops.

"Bang bang"

The explosives fired by the two tore apart the surrounding Dark Mechanicus servitors. They all carried melta bombs. If they were to get close, even if they were wearing Terminator armor, they would be in danger.

Soon the two of them tore a hole in the enemy's troops and joined Gary and others.

Terminator squads and Land Raider tanks and Dreadnoughts established armored bunkers for the Skitarii, whose arc rifles were able to effectively disable enemy fighter servitors.

"Grand Master, we are being held back. The enemy keeps launching death charges with melted heat!"

Gary reported the situation while shooting. He and Taiyue were back to back at the moment, destroying the servitors that were rushing over.

"Jerome and I will now enter the tower and destroy the signal jamming device inside. You must defend the enemy's attack during this period!"

After Tai Yue finished speaking, he and Jerome quickly rushed to the signal jamming tower.

"No entrance!"

After walking around for a while, the two found that they couldn't get in at all.

"The only option is to destroy the tower directly. The diameter of the tower is only about 100 meters."

Tai Yue visually measured the diameter of the steel tower in front of him. He took out the gravity blade, adjusted its power to the maximum and slashed at it.

The gravity blade directly cut the entire tower at an angle of nearly 30 degrees. Under its own gravity, the steel tower slid one meter along the cut and collapsed.


The ground shook violently, gravel flew everywhere, and the servitors who had no time to escape were smashed into pulp.

"Enter the tower immediately!"

Taiyue gave the order to the ground troops and began to go to the "top of the tower".

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