Warhammer III

Chapter 22 Power Sword

"The aliens this time are likely to be the new gene stealer sect. They have begun to infiltrate the Marsdan Defense Force. The defense forces will conduct alien investigations within the next month. Only after the internal genetic corruption has been dealt with can they be better supported. other organisations."

After Alexander explained the situation to his adoptive father, his adoptive father felt very heavy.

He knew what this meant. If the genetic contamination of the Genestealer sect was not handled properly, the entire planet might fall. After the fall, Marsdan would either become nourishment for the Tyranids or face destruction under the Empire's extermination order.

"There is still a chance to save Marsdan. What arrangements does the Governor have?" asked the adoptive father.

Alexander did not hide anything: "Next, I will take over the Cleansing Company of the Planetary Defense Force, act together with the Legal Department, take the initiative, and investigate the location of the Genestealer Sect."

"The Ministry of Justice will also apply to the Ministry of Military Affairs for the support of the Astra Militarum stationed in this sector. Of course, it would be best if we can contact the nearby Space Marine Chapters and they are willing to support us."

Alexander smiled bitterly: "If there is no support, we can only send the entire Marsdan Defense Force to attack the Chicken Thief Sect."

"Currently we don't know how far the gene stealers have penetrated. For the sake of caution, my father asked me to give you an oral description of the current situation."

Alexander continued: "According to your previous report, the Weather Tower may have been infiltrated by members of the Chicken Thief Sect. I hope you can find those aliens in the near future to ensure the safety of the Weather Tower."

After speaking, Alexander took out the executive order document and the governor's token, "This electronic token gives you some of the rights of the governor, including arming the workers of the entire weather tower!"

Although Alexander didn't know why his father gave this foreman such great power, he asked his father before leaving, but he didn't get an answer.

Charles' combat ability and previous intelligence contributions may be one of the reasons, Alexander thought.

After reporting the situation, Alexander hurried to the fortress court.

After sending Alexander off, Taiyue reported to his adoptive father what had happened in the past few days in Danport. He focused on the matter of Phyllis and concealed the matters related to the skull and prophecy. This was considered heresy, and more importantly, he did not want to let anyone know about it. The adoptive father was worried.

Regarding Phyllis's departure, her adoptive father sighed: "That's good. I went to Trollope, the bishop's world. At least I'm away from the dangers here."

The only adoptive father is deeply gratified that Taiyue brought back the degenerative disease inhibitor from the black market and helped the Governor's Guard discover the mixed-race infected people. He has the ability to stand alone.

After saying this, his adoptive father arranged a job for Taiyue, asking him to live in the meteorological tower. At the same time, his adoptive father would apply to the Seiko Union to let him take over the maintenance of factories outside of nuclear power plants, and collect gene stealers during maintenance at various factories. Sect information.

"This will be very dangerous. Taiyue, are you willing to contribute to the safety of the entire planet?" the adoptive father asked seriously.

Tai Yue firmly responded to his adoptive father's doubts: "Father, please don't worry, I have grown up under your training since I was a child, not only in mechanical maintenance knowledge, but also in physical training."

"I have been depressed for a while. From now on, I will strictly demand myself according to the previous training requirements. Even if I cannot be a space warrior, I will become a great person like my father!"

The adoptive father remembered that when he stopped Taiyue and Porter from going to other planets, he also considered the safety of these two people. He also began to doubt whether this decision was the right one. Perhaps in this 41st millennium, endless crises are destined to leave no one. A completely safe place!

Porter was 2 years older than Tai. He had left the orphanage when he turned 16 a few months ago and went to work as a miner in the third hive. His situation was even more dangerous and he didn't know how he was doing now. Thinking of this, his adoptive father opened the drawer under his desk and took out a rectangular box. When his adoptive father opened the box, Tai Yue exclaimed: "Power sword!"

Taiyue had seen the power sword in the list of weapons traded on the black market before. It was the mass-produced power sword of the Astra Militarum. He was also tempted at the time, but gave up the idea after seeing the black market price. Although after telling Mansha about this, she would probably buy it and give it to Taiyue for free, but Taiyue has his own dignity and cannot ask a woman for weapons.

"Yes, this power sword is what I got from killing the enemy in the last war as a warrior. I carried it with me from Terra until I settled in Marsdan. It was the only weapon I kept. Name him "Blood of the Barbarian King" and I will give it to you now!"

After the adoptive father finished speaking, he handed the power sword to Taiyue. He took the power sword with trembling hands and began to observe the power weapon carefully:

This power sword is about 5 meters long. Compared to Taiyue's current height, it is a large sword. The sword body is wider and the blade can be directly contacted. When the energy stance is not activated, the blade is a blunt instrument and Not sharp.

The eagle head and lightning bolt logo on the guard cover the original logo of the power sword, and the hilt cap is in the shape of a chess king instead of the skull that is commonly used on power swords today.

The switch for the energy field was in the middle of the handle. He immediately turned on the force field switch. The blade made a buzzing sound, and the dull blade began to transform into a sharp blade. When the sword was swung, a bluish force field covering it could be found.

"The force field can cut the connection between all materials at the molecular level, and the vibrating sword blade can transmit standing waves to the contact target, shattering the target's internal structure. At the same time, the output power of the sword's energy field can be adjusted to the highest level. A quantum vacuum is formed briefly, producing the effect of space cutting!"

After the adoptive father introduced the power of the power sword, he began to tutor Taiyue to become familiar with the use of the power sword, and at the same time taught Taiyue swordsmanship.

It was not until night that Taiyue finally mastered his adoptive father's swordsmanship, then said goodbye to his adoptive father and went to the temporary dormitory arranged by his adoptive father.

The temporary dormitory is located at the top of the meteorological tower. It is mainly used for technical workers who monitor the planet's atmospheric pollution. Although it is said to be a dormitory, it is actually a glass shed. Different blankets are spread on the ground at a distance as temporary beds. Some workers have already laid down to rest. Taiyue chose a location far away from others as his bed.

After arranging the bed and making sure that no one was around, Tai Yue lay down and continued to train his psychic abilities. Tai Yue took out the ring and found that half of the psychic medicine inside had evaporated. Tai Yue decided to use the remaining medicine to assist in his psychic training.

The prophecy psionic power is different from other psionic powers that are so intuitive. Whether the psionic power is used actively or passively, only illusions of the future will appear in the mind, and these illusions are prophecies. The prophetic picture is fragmented, so the understanding of the prophecies is often biased.

Tai Yue began to concentrate on finding the P switch and A switch in the anti-psionic collar, training the accuracy of predictions, and mastering the technique of cutting off psychic spells to prevent possible psychic out-of-control.

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