Warhammer III

Chapter 23: The Lighthouse of Doom

Tai Yue put the ring in front of his nose and breathed in the evaporated psychic medicine, which made him energetic and made his five senses and consciousness sharper than usual.

Prophecy psykers are usually divided into two categories, active prophecy psykers and passive prophecy psykers.

Currently, Taiyue has two important passive prophecies: the first time was at the nuclear power plant, and the image of the Tyranids attacking Terra appeared in his mind; the second time was when he had psychic contact with Mansha and saw himself being judged.

After analysis, he concluded:

Both of his passive prophecies have triggering media. The media of the heresy trial prophecy is Mansha, and the media of the doomsday swarm prophecy may be the gene stealer sect chicken thieves lurking in the nuclear power plant.

Active prophecy psykers in the empire are mainly astropaths. Of course, not every astropath has prophecy ability. The Eldar prophets in Alien are also active psykers.

They are able to obtain prophecies by meditating on related events and clues, and the result of the prophecy is either a vague vision or a series of riddles.

Taiyue now wants to see if he has the ability to proactively predict, to understand the secrets of the genestealer sect on Marsdan and the fate of the hive residents.

He began to try to meditate on things related to the terrestrial Genestealer cult:

First, there was the prophecy of the doomsday swarm, then the adoptive father was attacked by a hybrid chicken thief, then the alien gene was detected in the laboratory, and the comparison of the gene sequence suggested that it might be a new gene stealer sect, and finally, the headquarters of the Planetary Defense Force was attacked by a hybrid Infiltration of infected persons.

After more than an hour without any prediction results, and without finding the switch for training prophecy psionic powers in the anti-psionic collar, Tai Yue gave up and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Active prophecy psykers have been thinking hard for days or months. , in the end it was difficult for them to give an ambiguous riddle.”

Could it be that my prophecy psionic power is not helpful at all now? Is this a useless psionic power? Thinking of this, Tai Yue became discouraged.

In a trance, a little bird flew onto Taiyue's forehead and started to peck at his eyes. Only then did he realize that the bird's beak and right eye were sealed by black metal strips, while the left eye was like amber, and there seemed to be something in the middle of the amber. thing.

Tai Yue blinked subconsciously to see what was in the amber, but the bird disappeared!

At this time, he suddenly thought of the prophecy of the doomsday swarm. At first, he only knew from the prophecy that the mist surrounded Holy Terra. In the black market library, when Mansha tested his psychic level for him, he discovered that the mist was the Tyranids.

Psychics can be trained to further peer into the secrets of psionic illusions!

Thinking of this, Tai Yue continued to train his psychic powers and pry into the details of the psychic prophecies of the doomsday insect swarm:

Familiar pictures began to appear in his mind again. This time he focused on the flickering flashes of light inside the palace, and soon he finally saw it clearly:

That is the shadow in the subspace covering the psychic sun. The psychic powers of the two are intertwined like light and shadow, as if the entire structure of the subspace will be changed by this power!

Half an hour later, white spots began to appear on the lower left side of the anti-psionic collar, and the p switch was turned on.

At this time, Taiyue didn't notice anyone coming here at all.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with his left eye covered by a bandage. He was wearing the uniform of a meteorological tower security guard and holding a baton on his upper right hand. He looked at the "sleeping" Taiyue, kicked him and said, "You're new here." , do you know the rules here?”

Tai Yue then opened his eyes, looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and instantly felt disgusted with him.

The blindfolded man's expression began to distort when he saw that Tai Yue did not respond to his questions.

"Let me teach you what the rules are!" He turned the baton around.

Tai Yue easily dodged the attack, grabbed the man's baton, and beat him to the ground with his backhand.

Then he stepped forward and scolded the man angrily: "My adoptive father, Charles, asked me to live here. Do you have any objections?"

After the man found out that the man in front of him who easily subdued him was the adopted son of Foreman Charles, he quickly apologized to Taiyue: "I am blind and offended, sir. Please don't tell Foreman Charles, otherwise I may be sent to mine. Poor Stop me, the blind one!"

At this point, he introduced himself as Marvin, a security guard at the Meteorological Tower. He was the security captain a year ago and was responsible for the security of the central control room. Later, he injured an eye and was demoted here to manage security. .

"Are there any rules here?" Tai Yue felt that this person had a weird personality. If it were other people, he would be seriously injured by him.

Marvin said hesitantly: "The new atmospheric monitoring workers need to go to a secret missionary meeting with me, and there will be a test at the meeting."

"I also occasionally joined that gathering. The bishop of the gathering promoted a lighthouse. When the end of the world comes, only by going to the doomsday lighthouse can you obtain salvation and welcome the new world."

At this point, Marvin looked at Taiyue and stopped. He thought that this was different from the state religion's beliefs, and if he continued to talk about it, he would be regarded as a heretic.

Taiyue became alert to this and motioned for Marvin to continue speaking.

"And the only people who can go to the lighthouse are those who can see it!"

"The bishop who preached asked the attendees to close their eyes and listen to his prayer. Those who are qualified can see the lighthouse in their hearts. I didn't believe it at first, but I wanted to close my eyes and have a look. As expected, There’s no lighthouse in sight.”

Marvin's expression became excited at this time:

"But my companion Dave shouted that he saw the lighthouse, and I repeatedly asked her if she was joking."

"But she happily told the details of the entire lighthouse: the base of the lighthouse occupies a continent on the planet, the conical tower reaches into the sky, and the light from the top of the lighthouse illuminates half of the planet! Bathed in the light of the lighthouse Next, my heart is filled with happiness and joy.”

"The lighthouses described by other people at the gathering were exactly the same as those described by their companions, and they immediately joined the Church of the Doomsday Lighthouse. These people who could see the lighthouse were called lighthouse messengers. For ordinary believers who could not see the lighthouse, the bishop declared that if they could If you bring the lighthouse messenger, you can go to the doomsday lighthouse on the appointed day, spend the end of the world together, and welcome the new world!"

"I kind of believed it at that time, so I kept looking for people who could see the lighthouse, hoping that I could also go to the Doomsday Lighthouse."

At this time, Taiyue understood that Marvin had asked people here to go to missionary gatherings before, and the rule was that new workers must also abide by this requirement.

Regarding the believer's sight of the lighthouse, Tai Yue guessed that it was a psychic being hypnotized, but why not hypnotize everyone present?

"Where is your companion Dave who can see the lighthouse? And where is the meeting place?" Tai Yue asked.

"The meeting was held in the factory in the third hive. Dave left with the bishop, and he didn't want to work on the weather tower. I even had a conflict with him about this," Marvin pointed to his blind left eye. continued:

"She just hurt her eyes. Now I don't know if she has gone to that lighthouse." After finishing speaking, Marvin sighed with a disappointed expression on his face.

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(Another one of the four evil villains of Chaos appears! Woohoo, please vote for recommendation!)

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