Warhammer III

Chapter 24 Fortress Court

"You have to take me with you next time you attend a missionary meeting! Maybe I can see the lighthouse, and then you will also be eligible to go to the Doomsday Lighthouse."

The reason why Taiyue wants to participate in this gathering is because the Genestealer Order will organize a cult. Maybe there are some clues here.

What's more important is that he can eavesdrop on psychic communications between chicken thieves. If this sect is really a gene stealer, he can discover it immediately. When in danger, he can also use psychic energy to attack the hybrid chicken thief, and he can basically escape intact.

"I didn't expect that adults would also be interested in the Doomsday Lighthouse, so I can rest assured that I will take you to the next gathering." Marvin said with a fake smile.

"You just mentioned the agreed date, is it a specific date?" Taiyue changed the subject.

Marvin hesitated for a moment, then thought about Taiyue taking the initiative to attend the missionary meeting, so he no longer concealed it:

"The appointed day is the day when believers go to the lighthouse. I don't know the specific time, but the bishop said there will be signs when that day comes."

"What's the omen?" Tai Yue asked immediately.

"The projection of the Doomsday Lighthouse will appear in the starry sky, far brighter than the stars. Its light will penetrate the polluted air and be visible to residents of the entire world!"

After Marvin finished speaking, Taiyue had no idea about the omen he mentioned, so he let him leave.

"If it is really a gene stealer sect, Marvin has probably been infected, but no evidence was found just now that he is a mixed-blood infected person. Is it just an ordinary cult?"

Early the next morning, Taiyue came to his adoptive father's office area, and his adoptive father asked Taiyue to prepare to leave for the fortress court.

"The power supply equipment and communication equipment of the fortress court were suddenly damaged one day ago, and the technicians sent by the technical union to repair it were also missing and lost contact."

"I don't know if this is the work of the Genestealer sect, but you don't need to worry. The fortress court will arrange for a legal officer to go with you this time to ensure your safety." The adoptive father patted Taiyue on the shoulder.

The fortress court of Marsdan is located at the top of the third hive. There are about 100,000 people involved in the fortress court, more than half of whom are legal officers. They are the military directly under the court and have the most advanced weapons and equipment and mobile vehicles. .

The fortress court did not pay much attention to this incident at first, but after receiving a secret letter from the Marsdan Alien Analysis Department branch confirmed by the governor, it began to pay special attention to the matter. After the technical union received the notice from the fortress court, they asked Charles to arrange for personnel to go for repairs.

"Don't the technical unions have permanent technical priests?" Taiyue wondered why the union's permanent technical priests were not asked to perform repairs.

"The three Mechanicus members stationed in the Seiko Union are mainly responsible for the automated factory. They are often exposed to promethium energy. They are not as familiar with the maintenance of Marsdan's traditional nuclear energy system as you, a technician who has been on the front line for a long time."

After Taiyue understood the reason, he began to prepare maintenance equipment, radiation monitoring acupoints, potential meters, insulating coatings, etc. He also prepared a bucket of super-heavy water commonly used in fusion nuclear power plants.

After everything was ready, he came to the apron on the middle level of the weather tower, where the small transport plane from the fortress court was already waiting.

After boarding the transport plane, he found that in addition to the spacecraft operator, there was a woman with neck-length hair who was concentrating with her eyes closed. She was wearing standard carapace armor with a helmet placed on her chest.

When the woman noticed that someone was boarding the spacecraft, she opened her eyes, looked at Taiyue, and asked: "I am Chris, the legal officer of the fortress court. Is this little brother the most skilled maintenance technician sent by the union?" Chris Si obviously does not trust the young Taiyue.

"I am Taiyue, a technician from the technical union. I have been repairing factory equipment with foreman Charles since I was a child. I have always been responsible for the maintenance of the northern Marsden fusion nuclear power plant, and no safety accidents have occurred during this period."

After Tai Yue finished speaking, the woman's eyes lit up, "Oh, I'm looking forward to your subsequent performance. I wonder if it's as good as you said!"

An hour later, the transport plane stopped at the top of the third nest city. This is the port controlled by the fortress court. The port occupies more than half of the area of ​​the spire of the capital city. Merchant ships coming and going often dock directly at this port.

Chris took Taiyue all the way to the legal officer's conference room in the fortress court. When she opened the door, someone's voice came:

"I didn't expect to meet again. Just now I was thinking that the maintenance man this time wouldn't be you." Alexander was sitting at the conference table with a smile on his face.

Tai Yue walked up and sat next to Alexander. Although he was the governor's son and sometimes had a venomous tongue, he was not a bad person. In addition to Alexander, there were also several bailiffs wearing special court armor and two governor's guards.

After Chris saw everyone arriving, she began to introduce the current situation: "The central power supply system of the Fortress Courthouse was damaged for unknown reasons two days ago. We are currently using a backup power supply, but the backup power supply can only last about 10 days. The power supply system of the fortress court is independent of the factory and other areas of the hive, and the Astropath communication room that communicates with other worlds can only be maintained by backup energy. "

Chris looked at Taiyue and continued: "The core of our energy system is a nuclear fusion reactor. The entire energy system was designed and constructed by the nuclear energy technology priests of the Mechanicus 100 years ago. This system operates automatically. Every other The nuclear fuel needs to be replaced in 10 years, and it is located at the junction of the middle and upper levels of the hive. "

"The maintenance crew who came last time disappeared in the pipeline. It is possible that aliens attacked them. This time our judicial police team will go together with the maintenance crew Tai Yue."

Taiyue was about to ask for details when Alexander next to him spoke first: "I want to go with you too."

Chris was going to refuse because of Alexander's identity, but Alexander said that he was also a member of the Alien Research Branch.

Alexander then took out a special auspicious instrument: "This is a scanner developed by our branch for alien genes. As long as there is blood, the probe on the top of the scanner can be used to analyze whether it carries alien genes. Of course, this is just a trial instrument. After the performance is stable, the factory will mass produce it, so that suspicious hybrid aliens can be tested."

"Do you have the design drawings of the entire nuclear reactor and supporting pipelines?" Taiyue needs the design drawings more at present.

"It should be in the database of the Ministry of Justice, but it will take several hours to retrieve this data. At the same time, the entire pipeline may have changed. There have been many repairs there in the past 100 years." Chris thought for a while and answered.

"I suggest that we set off after we have the design drawings, so that we can arrive as soon as possible and we can determine the situation in time if an emergency occurs." Taiyue insisted on setting off after having the design drawings.

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