Warhammer III

Chapter 25 The Five Great Nobles

Chris hesitated about Taiyue's proposal, but finally agreed and arranged for the Civilian Servant of the Legal Department to retrieve the data.

Alexander took advantage of this time to chat with Taiyue.

"Your father is the planetary governor, why did you choose to be a researcher at the Alien Research Institute?" Tai Yue was curious about this.

"Researcher is just a way for me to understand aliens. I will be an inquisitor in the future and strive to become a big shot like Inquisitor Todd!" Alexander showed a rare serious expression at this moment.

"Lord Todd is a very radical judge in the Alien Tribunal. He began investigating Tyranids-related incidents twenty years ago. With his support, Dan Harbor established the Alien Research Institute 12 years ago. The institute mainly monitors various alien contaminations on trade routes, especially the Genestealer sect.”

"According to his plan, this institute is to serve as an important research branch of the Alien Tribunal. I only joined the institute four years ago, and I have been training with the Marsdan Defense Force in the past few years."

Taiyue wanted to know Mansha's situation at this moment, so he asked Alexander about the five nobles of Marsdan. As the son of the governor, Alexander belonged to the Morse family of the five nobles. Although he did not have close contacts with other nobles. , but still have some understanding of their background:

The Edmund family has a close relationship with the Ministry of Justice. It is their duty to arrest the psykers on Marsden and hand them over to the Black Ship. Miss Chris is from this family. Her father seems to have died from the psyker's loss of control. As the planet shows signs of an increase in psykers, the importance of House Edmund grows.

The Marshall family and the Orlando family manage and control factories of all sizes on the planet, and they support many gangs in the lower levels of the hive.

As for the Lauren family, the current head of the family is a foreign woman, everyone calls her Countess Lauren, and she has close trade ties with the merchant fleet. Marsdan wants to hand over industrial products with a 90% tax rate to the empire, and the remaining 10% will be used for free trade. She is the person in charge.

"What, do you want to visit some house? How about I introduce you to my cousin." Speaking of this, Alexander teased.

"Can you tell us more about the background of the Lauren family?"

Alexander originally wanted to tease Tai Yue about being interested in the widow, but then he thought it was not appropriate, so he answered truthfully:

"The countess was a passenger in the upper-class cabin of the merchant ship that was infected by gene stealers. After the infection was dealt with, she married Count Lauren. Later, Count Lauren and his children died in an accident, and the countess gradually took control of the entire world. The family and its property. But there are a lot of rumors about her among other nobles."

"What rumors?" Tai Yue asked immediately.

"The first is that she is a femme fatale, and the death of the Earl's family is inseparable from her; the second is that she is a cold-blooded woman in private. This theory is mainly because she quickly gained popularity after the Earl's death. The recognition of other members of the family and the eventual control of the family industry makes people wonder if there is any shady deal involved. "

And Taiyue knew that this was because of Mansha's psychic hypnosis ability.

A few hours later, the servitor finally transmitted the design and projected it in the conference room.

Tai Yue looked at the complex structure of the nuclear power plant and quickly constructed a diagram of the entire structure in his mind.

After confirming that there was no problem, Chris also transmitted the data to her armored helmet. She did not give Alexander or Taiyue data backup because it was a secret of the fortress court.

"Let's go!" Chris then ordered.

She walked at the front of the team with the mechanical hounds and members of the bailiff team, Tai Yue walked in the middle of the team dragging maintenance equipment taller than herself, and Alexander walked at the back with the two governor's guards.

Everyone first arrived at the junction of the upper and middle floors of the nest through the vertical elevator. After arriving here, they could only walk to the nuclear power plant. After getting off the elevator and walking for more than ten minutes, we arrived at the periphery of the nuclear power plant filled with pipes.

There is hot air blowing from the pipe mouth, and the red light of the safety prompt flashes from time to time. The group of people followed the pipeline and headed towards the energy center under the leadership of Chris. The mechanical hound rushed in front, scanning for unknown dangers ahead.

Taiyue had already turned on the switch of the anti-psionic collar, which allowed him to use a small part of his psychic power. He smelled the hot air in the pipes, and the rusty pipes flashed in his mind.

He frowned, and there was a stain of blood mixed in it. This was a psychic warning, telling him of possible dangers.

Half an hour later, the entire duct space was extremely hot, and Taiyue found that the air humidity displayed on the hygrometer had been rising.

"The cooling water system may be leaking. Let's go to the cooling system control room first. If no one deliberately breaks the news, it may be that the core temperature has increased and the control system has stopped the fusion nuclear power plant."

Taiyue then warned: "If the alien deliberately breaks the news, our situation will be very dangerous. Everyone must be alert at all times."

No one objected and began to change the route towards the cooling control room.

After a while, the humidity reached 100%. There were water droplets on Taiyue and others, and the temperature of the pipes exceeded body temperature. To make matters worse, the hot and humid environment made everyone irritable.

Chrissy discovered that the detection range of the mechanical hound had also been affected. In particular, the hound's infrared detector could no longer distinguish between pipes and human bodies, which made Chris feel uneasy.

In this way, they finally arrived at the door of the control room. At this time, the door suddenly opened, and everyone was shocked. They tightened their nerves and aimed forward to prepare for emergencies.

But to everyone's surprise, a maintenance worker who had been sent here before came out. He was wearing a radiation isolation suit, and the leaking goggles were also covered with water droplets. He held an electronic instrument in his right hand.

After seeing the person coming, he explained in a hoarse voice:

"The cooling system is damaged, and the communication equipment has failed in this humid environment. I have been repairing it here. It can be repaired in 3 days at the shortest. You go back first."

So the judicial police team put away their weapons and relaxed. Chris said that Tai Yue had come here in vain, and asked the team to prepare for the return journey. He didn't want to stay here for a moment.

At this time, Alexander walked over to the maintenance worker, took out the gene scanning auspicious instrument, and activated the enhanced scanning function. This function can directly scan biological cells without contacting the organism.

After the scan, he turned and left. Just after taking two or three steps, the auspicious instrument emitted a red light and prompted: "Abnormal morphological cell activity has been detected in the body."

His face changed, and now he had his back to the alien, and he was shocked. Taiyue also noticed this sudden situation, and Alexander was in a very dangerous situation.

"Where did the other maintenance personnel go?" Taiyue suddenly asked loudly, which made the "maintenance worker" hesitate for a moment.

At this time, Alexander had already fallen to the ground and turned quickly, just avoiding the arc of electricity sprayed by the instrument in the "maintenance worker's" hand, but the guard next to Alexander was not so lucky, and the two were cut in half by the arc!

Chris, who reacted, immediately fired and hit the hybrid alien directly. But the water mist in the air reduced the power of the laser gun, and the alien creature quickly turned and fled.

Alexander, who avoided the danger, took out the kinetic pistol he carried with him, aimed and pulled the trigger, and the explosive drove the bullet to hit the alien. There was no doubt that this ancient Terra weapon could not hurt the hybrid alien, and it quickly disappeared in the pipe.

Alexander then took out another auspicious instrument from the guard's body, with a blue light flashing on it, and said with gritted teeth: "The bullet I just shot into the alien has a positioning system. I want to see where this hybrid bastard's nest is!"

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