Warhammer III

Chapter 68: The brief awakening of the outsiders

The thorns in Taiyue's left hand transformed into the Tyrant's Shield, and the Tyrant's Sword in his right hand transformed into the Tyrant's Great Axe.

Facing the huge Norn messenger, it is difficult to kill the opponent with one blow, so it is of little significance to break the opponent's psychic shield. Instead, it can be transformed into a defensive shield to ensure one's own survival. At the same time, the Tyrant Sword becomes the Tyrant Great Axe. It is more likely to hurt the other party.

Jerome took the opportunity to use the Star Magic Book to levitate into the air. He tried many times to channel his psychic power, but was interfered with by the powerful subspace shadow. The psychic witchcraft failed without exception.

The relics of the Thousand Sons Legion cannot exert their full capabilities under the influence of the shadow of the warp. Jerome can only float more than ten meters high, and the Norn Messenger can hit him with just a simple jump.

Tai Yue and Jerome looked at each other and immediately separated. They were preparing to deal with the two Norn messengers separately, otherwise the enemy could attack them at the same time due to their size.

The eyes of the two Norn messengers flashed with cunning. They did not separate, but instead surrounded Taiyue together.

"Bang bang bang!"

Jerome's use of psychic powers was limited and he could only shoot with explosive bombs. The explosive bombs were basically bounced off the Norn Messenger's chitin armor, and the high-temperature and high-pressure flames produced by the explosion could not harm the enemy.

At this time, Taiyue was in an extremely disadvantageous situation. He would face two ferocious Norn messengers alone.

There is no doubt that the Knight Titans of the Empire or the small Titans of the Mechanicus will also be torn apart by the Norn Messengers in this situation.

Tai Yue was forced to retreat and fell completely passive. The Tyrant's Shield in his hand kept shaking under the impact of the Norn messengers. The Tyrant's giant ax barely resisted the sharp swords of the two messengers attacking alternately.


A norn messenger thrust out the chitin blade with all its strength, and finally penetrated the tyrant's shield. It then lifted the tyrant's shield into the air together with Taiyue.

Another Norn messenger's swinging blade took advantage of the moment when Tai Yue could not move and immediately stabbed Tai Yue's brain.

At the critical moment, Phoenix's disguised 'servo head' floated over and blocked the sharp blade piercing Taiyue's brain.

The Norn messenger's sword-shaped blade directly penetrated the 'Servo Skull'. After the buffering effect of the liquid metal inside, the blade only left a dent on Taiyue's metal headgear.

No one knows whether the Norn messenger's blade would have pierced Tai Yue's brain without the buffer of liquid metal.

Tai Yue quickly recovered the metal cells composed of the Tyrant's Shield, and his left hand covered with thorns and electric thorns grabbed the Norn messenger's blade.

He used the strength to jump up and swung the tyrant's giant ax to the head of the Norn messenger. The subspace negative energy field covering the ax blade tore a crack in the psychic shield.


The Norn Messenger's red chitin crown shattered, its brain synapses burned, and the overloaded psychic energy formed a more powerful psychic barrier.


Taiyue's slash was deflected by the psychic barrier, leaving only a scar on the right half of the Norn messenger's face.

"Damn it!"

Tai Yue hurriedly retreated after landing. He couldn't help but sigh. It was as if he hadn't been deflected by the psychic field. This attack could have cracked open the Norn messenger's brain.

Another Norn messenger also started to use psychic powers. Arcs of electricity kept jumping around the exposed brain, and part of the brain was even burned due to the overload of psychic powers.

The gathered subspace energy arrow suddenly shot towards Taiyue. He had no time to dodge, so he could only raise the Tyrant's giant ax to directly receive the psychic attack.


The subspace energy arrow accidentally hit the Tyrant's giant ax and exploded directly. The lightning, flames and refrigerators accompanying the explosion completely swallowed Taiyue.

The shock wave caused by the explosion blew away the yellow sand for several miles, exposing the rock base beneath the wasteland desert.

Tai Yue stood at the center of the explosion. The metal cells in his body kept making loud crackling sounds. The Tyrant armor was torn into multiple cracks, and the cracks on the Tyrant ax spread to his arms.

The two Norn messengers rushed towards Taiyue again, trying to kill him here.

"The Warp Shadow is weakening!"

Jerome in the distance cried out with joy at this moment. He was now able to use psychic powers. The psychic power released by the two Norn messengers burned a large number of psychic synapses. As the number of psychic synapses decreased, Ya The intensity of spatial shadows also decreased simultaneously.

Jerome immediately opened the subspace channel and came to the two Norn messengers, chanting psychic witchcraft in his mouth to defeat each other.

The Norn Messenger who was injured by Tai Yue fired his leg and jumped over Jerome's head. Another Norn Messenger swung his claws and stabbed over.

At the same time, the "Servo Head" returned to its original shape and accelerated to Taiyue's side.

"Use all your strength to release painful and stimulating spiritual energy to attack the enemy!"

Phoenix suddenly said that she wanted to know if the essence of the hive consciousness was really related to the souls of the Necrontyr, and whether it was possible to establish a connection with the hive consciousness using powerful node creatures as a channel.

Upon hearing this, Tai Yue withdrew the metal cells, and the spiritual bones in his body began to resonate, instantly increasing his psychic power to the limit.

"Go to hell!"

Tai Yue slowly uttered two words, and the pain-stimulating psychic energy accurately hit the Norn messenger rushing towards him.

The nerve cells in the Norn envoy's body burned directly, and the severe pain in his body was transmitted to the hive consciousness through psychic synapses.

In an unknown star, Saranoga, the Outer Star God, was entrenched in the convective layer of the star. Her huge limbs shook slightly, and Momohuhudi felt a distant touch.

Through the eyes of the synaptic creature, Saranoga vaguely saw a figure and the familiar power in the figure. Her mind was blank, and she didn't know why this illusion appeared.

When Saranoga was puzzled, the two Norn messengers stopped moving, motionless like huge sculptures.

"What's going on?"

Jerome was stunned and immediately used psychic lightning to blow up the brain of the Norn messenger, while the other Norn messenger was burned into an empty shell by Taiyue's psychic energy.

As the psychic synapses of the Norn messenger were burned out, the Star God Outer fell into a deep sleep again, just like ten thousand years ago.

The overloaded Pharos quantum beacon during the Horus Heresy once made her awake for a few seconds. At this moment, the Outer dominated the hive consciousness and guided the Tyranids into the Milky Way.

This was the power released by the Star God Ruler Zakhurash. She couldn't wait to know what happened to the Milky Way after she left.

After an unknown amount of time, the subspace entity attached to the Outer Ones put her into a deep sleep again, but the Tyranids had already set their sights on the Milky Way.

After entering the Milky Way, the Hive Mind once again acted to devour biomass and acted for endless hunger, unless someone completely awakened the Outer Ones of the Star God!

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