Warhammer III

Chapter 69: Operational plan advanced

The heroic deeds of Taiyue and Jerome in killing the Hive Tyrant and the Norn Messenger soon spread to every fortress. This exciting victory inspired every imperial soldier who held his ground.

They shouted the names of the two heroes, and the flames of hope ignited in their eyes; their morale was greatly boosted, and they held their weapons tightly and vowed to defend their positions to the death.

Taiyue and Jerome arrived at the Arctic hive group at this moment. The once densely populated hive cities had basically fallen. Except for a few fortresses that were still holding on, there were traces of destruction and death everywhere.

They found that the lower area of ​​the hive had been completely corroded and melted, forming several huge digestion pools. The tearing worms constantly searched for the bodies of the dead on both sides from the ruins, dragged them into the digestion pools for decomposition and absorption.

The hatching nest next to the digestion pool absorbs biomass from the digestion pool through special capillaries to breed a new generation of Tyranid biological army.

This endless "fighting to support fighting" system supports the continuous fighting of Tyranid creatures, and is also the reason why Tyranid creatures are fighting more and more.

Taiyue and Jerome looked at each other and realized that they had the same idea. They wanted to completely destroy the biomass in these digestion pools before the Tyranids hatched.

Chaos corruption is a way to destroy biomass and prevent the Tyranids from using it, but as a member of the Grey Knights, doing so is undoubtedly a heresy.

Therefore, only pure destructive energy can be used to destroy these biomass, rather than using the heretical power of corruption and mutation to prevent the hatching nest from absorbing biomass.

Jerome immediately gathered psychic power and prepared to launch a fierce attack on these digestion pools and hatching nests, while Taiyue was on the side guarding the tearing worms protecting the digestion pools.

"Geological catastrophe!"

Jerome's eyes suddenly emitted a dazzling psychic light, and several huge pipes connecting to the core of the planet appeared on the surface one after another.

The next moment, liquid magma from deep in the stratum gushed out from the channel, as terrifying as a volcanic eruption, and a pungent burning smell gradually spread.

"For psychics, pure destruction is much easier than creation!"

Jerome's eyes were cold, using the unstable lava inside the planet, this is pure destruction.

The hot magma directly vaporized one digestion pool after another and ignited the dense hatching nests around.

Some Tyranid creatures that had not yet fully matured hurriedly crawled out of the burning hatching nests, but were turned into ashes by the psychic lightning shot from Jerome's hand the next second.

On the other side, a large number of tearing worms enveloped Taiyue like a tide, and several tearing worms close to him kept biting his Tyrant Armor.

The sound of Kaka sounded, and the tearing worms only left a shallow mark on the Tyrant Armor, and then they tried to bite the joint connection.

Taiyue shook off the tearing worms on his body, then clenched his left hand, and the thorn electric thorns pointed in the same direction and formed a lightning.

The flowing current made a sizzling sound, and a large number of tearing worms turned into charcoal in the electric light.

"I might be targeted by the devil!"

Jerome suddenly panted and said that releasing powerful psychic energy is very energy-consuming.

He immediately stopped using psychic energy and hid his subspace projection, waiting for the Chaos Demon to stay away from his soul.

"Several Tyranid troops are surrounding us. Let's retreat back to the command center now!"

Tai Yue's expression was solemn. He had just recycled the metal cells into the mechanical heart when he sensed the actions of the Tyranid Zerg army around him.

The two of them dealt with most of the digestive pools of the Tyranid Zerg, weakening the ability of the Zerg to "fight to support war". It would be difficult for the Zerg Hive Fleet to occupy the planet without airdropping the second wave of spore sacs.

In order to deal with the second wave of spore sacs, they must return to the command center as soon as possible and make new defense preparations.

Jerome did not hesitate to hear this. The two quickly evacuated the scene and headed towards the command center at the fastest speed to avoid being surrounded by the Tyranid army.

On the way back, the two really saw the Tyranid army gathering from all directions, countless knife bugs and gun bugs, and node creatures gathering.

The hive consciousness changed its strategy. Since the powerful Norn messenger could not kill the two, it sent the endless swarm to consume the energy of the two and look for an opportunity to eliminate them.

At the same time, because the magma destroyed the base structure of the hive city, some areas began to collapse, and the falling debris killed a large number of Tyranid creatures.

Taiyue and Jerome did not fight this time. They tried to avoid the main force of the swarm to prevent being surrounded by the swarm and falling into an endless battle. The two finally returned to the command center of the economic and trade port.

A month later, several Tyranid motherships approached the hive world Capre again. Dense Tyranid spore sacs fell from the sky like deadly meteorites and hit the already broken city buildings.

Thousands of Tyranid creatures emerged from the spore sacs and continued to besiege the fortress fortress in the hive city.

Among the Tyranid creatures hatched this time, there were a large number of Tyranid behemoths for the purpose of siege, led by the Norn Assimilates. They were Tyranid behemoths as tall as Norn messengers, but their evolutionary direction was to deal with fortifications rather than hunting enemy commanders.

Each wave of Tyranid swarms is the result of targeted evolution. These huge siege-type Tyranid creatures are the hive consciousness's response to the fortress defense tactics. Only by smashing open the "fortress cans" can the Tyranids obtain the biomass inside.

This also means that the hive consciousness has temporarily given up the decapitation tactic. She decided to occupy this planet first to obtain biomass, and then deal with Tai Yue and Jerome.

After the second wave of Tyranid swarms arrived, the battle became even more brutal. The Tyranid behemoth led the endless swarms to advance step by step. One fortress after another was removed, and the imperial forces' defense line continued to shrink.

In just two months, more than half of the fortresses fell.

The fall of each fortress was accompanied by the sacrifice of a large number of defenders and civilians. Their bodies were dragged into the digestion pool again by the tearing worms and became the nutrients for hatching the next wave of Tyranid creatures.

Faced with an increasingly unfavorable situation, the Ninth Brotherhood organized a digestion pool purification combat force, which would find and destroy the digestion pool and hatching nest of the Tyranid Zerg as soon as possible.

After a hard battle, the imperial forces barely withstood the attack of the second wave of Tyranid swarms, and the two sides are now in a stalemate.

Tai Yue realized that the planet could not withstand the attack of the third wave of Tyranid swarms, and he immediately launched the hive tentacle splitting combat plan in advance, preparing to lead the third wave of Tyranid swarms to the agricultural world Lagos.

After the combat order was issued, the Genestealers transported from the Hive World of Capre to the Agricultural World of Lagos woke up one after another. The powerful psychic network they formed instantly attracted the attention of the Hive Consciousness!

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