Warhammer III

Chapter 70: Leviathan's third split fleet attacks

After the vanguard tentacles of the Nautilus Hive Fleet paused in the void for a moment, they immediately dispatched multiple Hive Motherships to the agricultural world of Lagos.

The biomass obtained by the hive consciousness in the hive world was destroyed by the Ninth Brotherhood. Between airdropping the third wave of sporangia to continue the attack and detouring back to the agricultural world of Lagos to replenish biomass, the hive consciousness chose to By.

Located in the command center of the Economic and Trade Port, Taiyue was relieved at the moment. The ground troops would not be attacked by the third wave of Tyranid swarms in a short time. Now is the time to counterattack the second wave of Tyranid swarms.

The imperial troops inside the fortress began to take the initiative. The armored regiment of the Nachmund Guards drove out from the central hive group to fight against the Tyranids. The Ecclesiastical Militia followed closely behind with the encouragement of the Ecclesiastical Priests, and together they expelled and eliminated the Tyranids. biology.

When the main force of the Tyranid swarm and the main force of the Empire were in full battle, the Nightguard strike cruiser of the Rift Lord Chapter, the Stormfury strike cruiser of the Storm Reaper Chapter and the Viktorius of the Phoenix Sons Chapter The attack cruiser arrived in the low-altitude orbit of the hive world.

More than a hundred airdrop pods fell from the sky, and nearly two thousand Astartes joined the battlefield!

With the arrival of the Astartes, the morale of the ground troops was boosted and they instantly gained a tactical advantage, rekindling hope.

The Rift Lord in green power armor faced the swarm and fought bravely against the enemy. The Storm Reaper in white power armor poured heavy explosive bombs on the Tyranids. The Sons of the Phoenix in purple arm armor were followed by a large number of cult militiamen during the battle.

Ground forces and Astartes forces fought side by side to push back the Tyranids' front, and after a hard battle, the main force of the Tyranid swarm was finally defeated.

After the main force of the Tyranid swarm was completely defeated, the remaining swarms fled in all directions and hid in every corner of the hive city, trying to hide in the dark, damp and uninhabited area.

Lord of the Rift Chapter Leader Basti, Storm Reaper Chapter Leader Hardan Bartel, and Sons of Phoenix Chapter Leader Badron did not stay on the battlefield for a moment. They immediately came to the Economic and Trade Port Command Center.

The leadership of the Ninth Brotherhood and the Ecclesiastical Chaplaincy personally greeted the friendly forces, thanking the Brothers Astartes for their timely reinforcements.

Hardanbaatar came to Taiyue and said directly:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Grand Master, our Crossing Blade fleet is leaving the battlefield!"

Tai Yue was obviously stunned after hearing this. Without them to contain the Hive Fleet in space, this hive world would have fallen in a matter of minutes.

"The latest news from the Tribunal, Leviathan's third split fleet has entered the Sun Star Territory!"

Basti expressed this shocking news with an expressionless face, and the Phoenix Sons Chapter Master Badron next to him went on to introduce the latest intelligence in detail.

Leviathan's third splinter fleet, Glendilus, crossed the galactic plane, bypassed the battle area between the Nautilus and Prometho hive fleets and the Imperial forces, and entered the rear of the Imperial defense lines.

During the battle with the Nautilus and Prometho Hive Fleets, Imperial forces were confused with requests for assistance and warning messages and failed to notice the new Hive Tentacle.

This allowed the Glendilus Hive Tentacles to swallow up multiple planets without any obstacles. It was not discovered until this Hive Tentacle entered the Bastion sub-sector on the western edge of the Sun Star Domain!

The Third Fleet has urgently dispatched two battle groups to the Bastion sub-sector. This also means that the Third Fleet is already at a disadvantage when facing the Prometho Hive Fleet. No one knows whether they can defeat the Prometho Hive Fleet. Hive Fleet, let alone come to support the Nautilus Hive Fleet in the battle.

The importance of the Sun Star Domain is much higher than that of other star domains, so Watch Lord Astoron abandoned this battlefield and ordered the Cross Blade Fleet to return to the fortress Obsidian Castle to discuss how to intercept the Glendilus Hive Fleet. .

After hearing this, Taiyue immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. He expressed his gratitude to the Astartes brothers who came to support the ground battlefield. They could have sent the message on the battleship and left directly, but they landed on the ground to fight against the insect swarm in person. Ninth Brotherhood.

The surviving Astartes brothers of the three chapters then returned to the warships in the low-altitude orbit of the hive world. After defeating several hive ships, they successfully left the system and went to join other warships of the Interlaced Blade. .

"Grand Master, our current situation is very unoptimistic."

Nelson said worriedly at this time:

“On the space battlefield, the Nahmund fleet has suffered heavy losses, and the psychic turrets of the Blackstone Fortress have also exhausted their energy.

Although the ground battlefield was temporarily victorious, the surviving fortresses and troops were still unable to withstand the next wave of Tyranid swarms.

It can be said that whether in space or on the ground, we have now lost the combat initiative. "

Tai Yue also knew that this planet would definitely not be able to be defended. After thinking for a moment, he slowly said:

"Prepare the extermination order. After the third wave of Tyranid airdrop spores land on the surface, we will begin to retreat and activate the installed lava bombs to detonate the planet!"

The Order of Extermination is the name of an operation ordered by the highest authority of the Imperium of Man to destroy the entire planetary biosphere and all life on the planet.

The Extermination Order is usually only used as a last resort and is the most extreme method to deal with the Tyranid invasion. After the Crossblade fleet leaves, the Ninth Brotherhood has no other way to save the planet. It can only consume the life needed by the Tyranids to the maximum extent. substance.

There are various means to execute the extermination order, including orbital bombing and using warships to bombard the surface with heavy firepower for a long time. This requires one's own warships to control the entire planet to be implemented.

In addition, virus bombs can be used to release deadly pathogens to destroy all life, but the pathogens will also be absorbed by the Tyranids. This method is obviously not suitable for the planet invaded by the Tyranids.

Other methods include cyclone torpedoes or lava bombs to directly destroy the biosphere or core of the entire planet. They are simple and crude but effective.

Tai Yue looked at the Imperial troops still on the battlefield through the projection, and suddenly added:

"Take all the surviving troops to Blackstone Fortress, and then return directly to the Nachmond Corridor!"

(The official word Grendyllus, the Hive Fleet, is not sure of its specific meaning, but from the root analysis, it may be related to "behemoth": - Grend may come from the Greek meaning of "big" in etymology, - yllus, the suffix is ​​used to form the name of the genus in biological taxonomy, such as Asperg-yllus and Caryoph-yllus. For a detailed introduction, please refer to my B station column: cv25485650

I found that everyone was not very interested in fighting bugs, so I accelerated the progress. There are still one or two chapters left in this volume. In the next volume, "Fall of Titans", I will focus on the Grey Knights and Chaos Demons again. Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! Woohoo, I haven't got any this month)

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