Warhammer III

Chapter 49 Epilogue

After the departure of the Black Temple's assault cruisers, Marsdan's political power structure quietly changed.

As a noble who participated in the alien purification operation, Mantha took over Hoyle's position as planetary governor. She will serve as the ruler of Marsdan for the next 40 years until the next governor election.

She carried out the annexation agreement signed by the former Governor-General Hoyle and Bishop Catherine, and allowed the ecclesiastical militia to remain in existence through the formal authorization of the ecclesiastical church.

Devout believers will have the opportunity to go to the bishop's world for pilgrimage or become a clergy, and the church militia will gradually replace the Planetary Defense Force and become the backbone of Marsdan's armed force.

The fortress court began to be rebuilt, and Chris handed the Stc template fragments of the gravity hammer to the Mechanical Sage Christopher who came here again. The Mechanical Sage promised that the Forge World to which he belonged would be permanently free for Marsdan's armed forces. Provide weapons and equipment.

The Mechanical Magus also proposed to establish a space station research institute here, so that if there is any danger to Marsdan, the Forge World's fleet will come to support as soon as possible.

In the highest church in Trollope, the bishop's world, Catherine's clerk, Sister Anne, ran in hurriedly, shouting 'good news' as she ran.

"Mrs. Kathleen, the industrial world of Marsdan where you personally signed the affiliation agreement was attacked by the Genestealer sect!"

"Is this good news?!" Kathleen's face was angry. The person in front of her had lost her mind.

Anne quickly finished the rest of her words: "The hive believers of Marsdan organized an alien purification operation, eliminated a large number of chicken thieves, and successfully received the support of the Space Marines. The purification operation was in the name of Lady Catherine. ongoing!"

"This incident has changed the attitudes of many surrounding worlds that are hesitant about the affiliation agreement. This will undoubtedly be a powerful bargaining chip for the election of the Cardinals in the sector a few years later!"

"Oh, who is their leader, be sure to invite him to Trollope, and I will baptize him myself!"

"He is the first maintenance man of the Marsdan Technical Union, the guardian of the machine soul, the king of the orphanage, the adopted son of the giant, the pure-blood gene stealer hunter, and the extinguisher of the doomsday lighthouse - Saint Taiyue!"

Annie felt as if she had heard this name from someone, but couldn't remember it. As she spoke, she took out a portrait of Taiyue.

When Kathleen heard the name, she couldn't help but think of a person, and the portrait of Tai Yue directly made her trance-like.

"Can he come to Trollope to be baptized?" Catherine's heart raced.

Annie shook her head and said slowly:

"I'm afraid not. There are rumors that he went to the throne world alone - Holy Terra!"

(The first volume "Psychic Awakening" has ended, and the second volume "Journey to the Stars" has begun! Please recommend and vote for me monthly!)

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