Warhammer III

Chapter 1 Geller Force Field

The Milky Way is the home of ancient saints, Necrontyrs, Eldar, humans and other intelligent creatures. Over the hundreds of millions of years of history of the Galaxy, countless races have emerged, developed, expanded and then died.

The Tyranids came from the extragalactic galaxy. Driven by the instinct of endless hunger, the Hive Fleet crossed the void between galaxies and came to the Milky Way. They only wanted to eat!

The number of stars in the Milky Way is about 200 billion, and the number of planets is even more countless. However, many planets are not suitable for habitation even if they are terraformed due to the harsh geographical and space environment.

The human empire rules more than one million planets, and each planet is a world. These worlds are like isolated islands spread throughout the galaxy.

In order to better manage these worlds, the rulers of the Empire divided the galaxy into 5 star regions:

The solar sector including Holy Terra,

The extreme star field east of the sun star field,

The Storm Star Territory south of the Sun Star Territory,

The Pacific Star Territory to the west of the Sun Star Territory,

and the Obscure Sector to the north of the Sun Sector.

The Obscure Star Realm is also spread across the planets ruled by the ancient Eldar Empire. With the birth of the evil god Slaanesh related to Subspace Structure 06, the barrier between subspace and the real universe disappeared, forming the Eye of Terror. The star systems in this area are directly Exposed to the energy of the Warp, the planets in the system have become worlds overrun with demons.

This journey of Taiyue will depart from Marsdan in the Misty Star Territory to Mars in the Sun Star Territory. Mars is the merchant fleet base of the Sun Star Territory.

With the creation of the great rift in the subspace that tore apart the Milky Way, there are currently only a few thousand routes from the Obscure Star Domain to the Sun Star Domain. Different merchant fleets have to carry out trade on different planets or carry out specific transportation arrangements arranged by the empire. Different routes will be chosen for the mission.

The straight-line distance between Marsdan and Mars in the physical universe is 640,000 light-years. Since the Eye of Terror must be bypassed during subspace navigation, the corresponding distance is actually longer.

If all goes well, the actual cosmic time corresponding to this subspace voyage is about one year. However, due to the discontinuity of subspace time, the specific time may vary greatly, and the destination may even be reached just after departure.

The Wanderer-class cargo ship that Taiyue is currently on is preparing to enter the subspace through the Mandeville Point in the Marsdan galaxy. This common transport ship more than 2,000 meters long carries magnetic restraint equipment produced by Marsdan and Nuclear energy battery.

After the chicken thieves took control of Marsdan Port, related trade was cut off for more than 2 months. In order to be able to load more cargo this time, Captain Spencer modified the spacecraft, which made the interior living space of the cargo ship smaller. .

The spaceship that was supposed to carry tens of thousands of people now only has a few dozen crew members!

Despite this, the crew still respected Captain Spencer very much. He had previously participated in the war of Cadia against the invasion of Chaos as a member of the Astra Militarum. His left hand and left eye were lost to the servants of Chaos during that fierce war. He was injured in the army and retired after the war. Later he joined the Saint Zachary Merchant Fleet and has been transporting goods in the Obscure Star Territory.

Tai Yue was just taking a short boat trip and didn't mind the current situation. He was about to disembark at the Gate of Boros.

The Gate of Boros is a large subspace route hub in the Boros system. Through the Mandeville Point there, you can directly enter a stable route to Terra, where Taiyue needs to transfer to other merchant ships to go to Terra.

Captain Spencer is currently educating Taiyue and the new crew about subspace navigation:

Subspace navigation is very simple and requires only five steps to achieve.

The first step is to reach the Mandeville Point of the starting galaxy;

The second step is to turn on the subspace engine and Geller force field generator to enter the subspace;

The third step is to find the light of the Star Torch Lighthouse in the subspace and plan the course;

Step 4: Sleep peacefully in the Geller force field and ignore the strange sounds or images in your head;

The fifth step is to leave the subspace after reaching the destination.

"Isn't it very simple, do you understand?" Captain Spencer said proudly.

Tai Yue nodded copingly. He had seen the principles of subspace navigation from the "Gu Terra Machine Maintenance Manual", which was much more complicated than this.

For example, when planning a course, you must first convert the actual space navigation distance and the subspace navigation time, and then further calculate the time that the real universe has passed.

The second step is to adjust the forward angle of the spacecraft according to the light of the star torch. This calculation is more complicated. Many inexperienced navigators also need servitors to assist in calculations.

Soon a rift tore through reality was created, and the cargo ship began to shake violently, and then entered the subspace.

"Hurry up and run with me!"

Soon Captain Spencer anxiously urged the crew and Taiyue.

Tai Yue looked confused and could only follow Captain Spencer and the crew as they ran back and forth in the cabin, going back and forth between the mess hall, bedroom, and calm room.

This is neither to repair the spacecraft malfunction nor to exercise, but to enter the area covered by the Geller force field.

The Geller force field is an indispensable protection system for the human empire in subspace navigation. The force field generator extracts the spiritual energy of psykers to produce the Geller force field. The range covered by the force field projects the space of the real universe into subspace. In space, due to the different physical laws of the two universes, it is difficult for subspace creatures and demons to exist in this "artificial" real universe, that is, they cannot enter the Geller force field.

Captain Spencer ran while looking at the subspace energy scanning auspicious device in his hand, monitoring the scope of the Geller force field.

Under the interference of the subspace energy, the Geller force field is like a bubble that is constantly twisting and deforming, and the coverage area is constantly changing.

"Can't we sleep anymore!"

"Is it so difficult to change the Geller force field generator?"

The crew all had dark circles under their eyes. While complaining, they did not dare to stop. Captain Spencer was no longer surprised.

After sailing for a while, Tai Yue couldn't help asking:

"Have you found a problem?"

"What's the problem?"

"The coverage area of ​​the Geller force field seems to be getting smaller and smaller!"

"Ah, this"

"Let's go to the Geller force field generator to see if there is any malfunction."

Captain Spencer confirmed this conclusion through the auspicious instrument.

"Yes, Master Tai Yue is a professional repairer of machinery and equipment!"

A young crew member next to him also reacted.

Captain Spencer asked the other crew members to stick to their posts, and he and Tai Yue came to the warehouse where the force field generator was located.

The Geller force field generator is a machine more than 3 meters high. There is no abnormal instrument prompt on the display interface, and the indicator light for extracting psychic energy is also flashing normally.

"The instrument is fine." Captain Spencer and Tai Yue made the same judgment.

Is there something wrong with the psychic inside? Tai Yue couldn't help thinking, he immediately opened the observation window of the force field generator and looked inside.

There was only a brain soaked in nutrient solution! Seeing this scene, Tai Yue's face turned pale.

"This is a psychic brain purchased on the black market near the Boros Gate. The Geller force field generator can directly use this brain without a psychic."

"Whether it is merchant coins or throne coins, the price of a psychic brain is much cheaper than hiring a psychic!"

Captain Spencer said hesitantly.

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