Warhammer III

Chapter 3 Mechanical Maintenance

The outer area of ​​the fortress space station is mainly cargo ships, and the central area is mainly passenger ships. The route hall in the center records the navigation information of all passenger and cargo ships and updates it at any time.

Tai Yue went through a series of security checks and finally arrived at the route hall with the pass of Governor Marsdan.

Countless servo heads flew around, busy serving the guests in the hall, and the electronic screens on the ground scrolled and flashed the arrival and departure times of the spacecraft.

From these data, Tai Yue found that many routes in the areas related to the Great Rift were suspended. Secondly, many cargo ships and passenger ships were recruited to the Extreme Star Region to transport military supplies and the Star Army Corps. There were relatively few passenger ships going to Holy Terra.

He then came to a retrieval servo and input the destination by voice.

Soon, the robot servant checked the data and projected the passenger ship information:

Su's merchant fleet, Wanxiang-class transport ship, docked at the port;

Columbia's merchant fleet, Wanxiang-class transport ship, leaving the port;

Clemens' merchant fleet, Lord-class transport ship, sailing out of the Boros Gate;

Tai Yue had been waiting for the fleet of the Su's merchant dynasty in Dan Port for several days but failed. He unexpectedly ran into it here. He immediately decided to take the Wanxiang-class transport ship of the Su's merchant fleet to the Sun Star Region.

Su's merchant dynasty is a merchant fleet that mainly deals in genetic engineering products in the empire. Many passengers are nobles from various planets. They mainly come to experience beauty, life extension and body strengthening services.

The Wanxiang-class transport ship is a large passenger ship of the empire. Only merchant fleets like the Su's merchant dynasty can operate this model. Their wealth is far greater than that of the planetary governor who manages a planet. They can be said to be rich enough to rival a country.

The transport ship is more than 10 kilometers long and can carry hundreds of thousands of passengers. It is equivalent to a city. The operators of each spaceship are different, and the internal space design will also be different.

The Wanxiang-class transport ship of the Su Dynasty is divided into 20 areas. Each area is separated by a mechanical gate and has an independent ecosystem. The armed sailors patrolling in the ship can contact different areas.

During the entire voyage, the gates between the areas are generally not opened until the end of the voyage. This is done on the one hand because the identities of the passengers in different units are different, and on the other hand, it can effectively prevent the crisis of the entire ship when encountering special circumstances.

Area 1 is the upper-class ship hold, with only more than 1,000 rooms, mainly planetary governor-level figures and officials of the imperial power agency.

Areas 2-10 are medium-level ship holds, which can accommodate 50,000 people. The passengers are mainly nobles and members of the state religion from different planets.

Areas 10-20 are lower-class ship holds, crowded with 300,000 to 400,000 people, including armed sailors and ordinary passengers of the transport ship. Generally, many passengers are believers of the state religion who are going to Terra for pilgrimage. Their faith allows them to cross the star sea even though they are not rich.

When there are no passengers in the lower-class cabin - in fact, this situation is quite common, after all, civilians from different worlds do not have money to go to Terra frequently - the transport ship will take on the work of transporting slaves and soldiers.

Tai Yue left the route hall and came to the ticket window of the port. The ticket machine servant first asked him about his purpose of going to Holy Terra.

"I can't say that I'm going to be a space warrior!"

Tai Yue muttered in his heart and made up a reason:

"Go to Holy Terra to participate in the Emperor's Ascension Festival."

He heard a believer of the state religion next to him muttering about going to see the true face of the God Emperor, and couldn't help but sigh that this reason was even more outrageous. The true face of the God Emperor can only be seen by the Regent of the Empire, and no one else can even think about it.

After collecting the merchant ship currency fee for the lower-class cabin, the ticket machine servant scanned Tai Yue's whole body, and then marked a string of numbers and letters on the back of his hand: 17Ub.

This is also the bed number after boarding the ship. The armed sailors will check it to prevent disputes among passengers.

After the scan was clear, he was released. Taiyue noticed that the boarding time was 3 days, and today was already the second day.

The huge crowds of passengers in the lower-class cabin were crowded in the boarding passage. The stench, noise, and lack of oxygen made Taiyue feel suffocated. It was not so stuffy in the nest city.

In such an environment, it took him a day to enter the interior of the spacecraft.

He then went to area 17 according to the number. The aisles between the different beds inside were very narrow, and he had to turn sideways to pass through.

"Who said that the environment in the lower-class cabin was good before?"

Taiyue regretted not buying a ticket for the middle cabin at this moment, and it was too late to change it now.

After zigzagging around other beds, he found his own bed, which was a "room for 10,000 people". There was a liquid food pipe and a waste circulation pipe next to the bed, and he had to eat, drink, defecate and urinate on the bed.

After Taiyue packed up his bed, he settled down. Because he could not train psychic energy in the subspace voyage, and he could not train swordsmanship in the narrow space, he could only lie down and rest.

"God Emperor, is the excreted waste directly thrown into the subspace?"

A passenger next to him suddenly asked.

"Do you see that pipe?"

Tai Yue pointed to the location next to the bed and explained:

"All waste must be circulated through the pipe and regenerated into food. It will not be thrown into the subspace, and the living area of ​​the spacecraft is fully sealed during the voyage."

"God Emperor, isn't this eating shit? It's better to excrete it into the subspace!"

Tai Yue's face darkened, and he did not deny the question.

Soon after, the surge in gravity let Taiyue know that the transport ship had left the port and headed for the Boros Gate, preparing to enter the warp.

In the first few days of the voyage, Taiyue slept on the ship when he was sleepy, and continued to study the "Ancient Terra Mechanical Maintenance Manual" when he woke up.

A few days later, the cabin was filled with prayers, and Taiyue could not concentrate on studying in such an environment.

More than half of them were believers of the state religion. They had a lot of decorations sold by the state religion, but the quality was too poor and many of them were damaged.

These minor instrument failures made believers suspicious, fearing that it was a sign of punishment from the Emperor. Coupled with the strange sounds that occasionally appeared in their minds during the warp voyage, they kept praying to the Emperor for inner peace.

"The state religion's ignorant education is both a shield to block the corruption of chaos and a cocoon to constrain human possibilities!" Taiyue couldn't help but sigh.

He decided to resume his old job and help these passengers repair machinery:

The glowing statue of the Emperor flickered for unknown reasons. This was because the power supply line had poor contact, so it only needed to be reinforced;

The servo head that could play the Holy Word had distorted pronunciation. This was because the battery voltage was insufficient. It only needed to be replaced;

The skull pendant blessed by the state religion began to show strange cracks. This was broken and could only be replaced with another one

Tai Yue solved these mechanical problems one by one. In this way, his reputation here became more and more famous, and even the patrolling armed sailors asked him to help repair weapons.

"Are you the one who can appease the machine spirit? You don't look like a Mechanicus?"

The man who suddenly appeared looked at Tai Yue and became confused.

"If you are talking about the person who repairs the machinery, it's me."

Tai Yue found that his outfit was obviously not that of a passenger in the lower cabin.

"Now follow me to the upper cabin!" the man ordered.

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