Warhammer III

Chapter 4: Upper Class Ship's Hold

"I haven't violated the passenger rules, or is this how your master invites guests to the first-class cabin?"

Taiyue directly refused to go to the superior ship's warehouse. He did not know the identity of the man in front of him. Considering what the man just said, he speculated that someone else invited him to repair the machinery.

The man was full of anger and wanted to explode, but he endured it and continued to explain:

"I am Su Xiu, the merchant guard of the Su family. The master asked me to invite you to the superior ship's warehouse to help the master repair an ancient machine."

"Who is your master?"

"I'm sorry not to disclose it, but the master said that if you can repair it well, you can choose a free room in the medium-sized ship's cabin, and at the same time give you the right to board any Su's merchant ship's medium-sized ship's cabin for free!"

"Of course, the premise is that you can fix it. If not, then please come back here and continue to stay in the stinking lower floor!"

Su Xiu's tone was obviously dissatisfied with the environment of the lower-class ship's warehouse. Although he was only a guard, he was also a person with status in the Merchant Fleet.

Thinking of being able to switch to a medium-sized cabin, Taiyue agreed. The private space in the medium-sized cabin should be large enough to practice swordsmanship.

He then took his luggage and left with Su Xiu. The two of them did not go in the direction of the mechanical gate, but came to the top of area 17. There are emergency passages for different areas. Members of the Su family and the charter captain they hired were there. Only under special circumstances are there rights to pass here.

Su Xiu took out a metal ring and after scanning the authorization, the outer door of the passage opened.

When two people enter, the outer door automatically closes and the inner door opens automatically. The emergency passage of the inner door can lead directly to other areas.

"There is no artificial gravity for emergency exits."

Su Xiu gave Taiyue a pair of magnetic gloves. After putting on the gloves, the two "crawled" in the emergency passage.

Half an hour later, the two came to the area where the first-class ship warehouse was located. This area was next to the bridge of the transport ship.

What does a first-class ship's warehouse look like? Tai Yue couldn't help but feel curious, and stepped in after passing through the inner and outer doors.

What comes into view is a palace-like spacious space, with four rows of huge columns spanning the spaceship. The emperor's sculptures and Great Expedition paintings are lifelike. The soft light of the chandeliers and the distant bells make it feel like you are in a temple.

Passing through the small door next to the palace, Taiyue was taken into a small room.

At a glance, the room is dotted with metal patterns, silk fabrics, and there are ceramic ornaments in the cabinets, making it look like a living room.

"This is the upper class ship warehouse area. Don't walk around. You, a commoner in a low class ship warehouse, will confuse other big shots."

Su Xiu left after giving instructions.

Tai Yue came to the room and saw an open box on the main table in the middle.

"What needs to be repaired is the machine in the box. Remember, don't dismantle it if it can't be repaired!"

Suddenly a servo head floated in, and the voice came from its mouth. It seemed that the owner of the room did not want to see him, but sent a message through the servo head.

Taiyue sat down at the main table. Inside the box was a spherical object made of black glass. He had never seen such a thing before.

"Can you tell me what this is?" Tai Yue asked.

"The star sphere is a machine that records the positions of all stars in the Milky Way. It can determine which star system it is in based on the light of the Milky Way in the sky. Before it was damaged, it would display star patterns directly on the glass shell. Now, at one o'clock There’s no movement at all!”

After listening to the introduction, Tai Yue took out the fist-sized asteroid ball. After carefully observing it in his hand for a while, he understood its working principle.

"It will take some time to repair." Tai Yue said to the servo head that was close to him.

"Can it really be repaired?" The servo's head shook obviously.

"90% sure."

Taiyue said that he had to communicate with the machine soul when performing maintenance and could not be interfered with. He had given up on scientific explanations.

"Machine Soul, do you also want to believe these nonsense?" The owner of the servo head expressed doubts and continued:

"In the history of our Su family's merchant dynasty, which opened up new planets for the empire and plundered other civilizations, we have seen many self-disciplined machines, but it is obvious that this planetary ball is just a toy controlled by a simple program, although it is very useful to me. Said it was very important!”

This time it was Tai Yue's turn to be surprised. In addition to his adoptive father, there were also people who knew science in the empire. He suddenly wanted to get to know the owner of the servo head.

"Since you understand science, let me tell you the truth. The planet sphere has a built-in storage chip and a high-resolution camera. It can compare the Milky Way pattern captured by the unknown galaxy with the known Milky Way pattern recorded in the chip. If If it matches a recorded star system, its position in the Milky Way can be directly determined.”

"I seem to understand! I'll come back in two days." A cheerful voice came from the servo head, and then it floated away.

For such precision toys, which are mostly from the golden age, they must have matching maintenance tools. Thailand and Vietnam are going to trouble Phoenix again.

Liquid Metal generated repair tools under the guidance of the drawings in Taiyue's mind, and he began to repair the planetary sphere.

"By the way, I wrote down the design drawings of the gravity hammer before. Can this liquid metal generate the corresponding gravity weapon?" Tai Yue asked expectantly.

"The material structure of liquid metal cannot withstand high gravity fluctuations. Even if it is made, it will fall apart during use."

"However, liquid metal is only produced by an automated factory in the High Dimensional Ark. There are many automated factories in the High Dimensional Ark that have stopped due to lack of energy sources. Among them, there is a factory that can produce gravity weapons!"

"The energy for the factory's operation currently comes from your Alpha psychic power. Are you willing to let me extract your psychic power?"

Although Phoenix occasionally secretly extracted psychic power when Taiyue was not paying attention, she could not bear to let Taiyue suffer the pain of psychic power extraction all the time, nor did she want him to be just a tool for providing psychic power for her. She needed to ask Taiyue's opinion.

"I am willing, but not too often!"

The next day after arriving at the upper ship's hold, Taiyue finally repaired the star position ball. He also asked Phoenix to use liquid metal to copy one. The star position data inside might be useful in the future.

After he lightly touched the switch of the star ball, words appeared on the glass shell of the star ball:

"Please use it in a place where you can see the Milky Way at night! Sophia Intelligence Company serves you wholeheartedly."

At the same time, a young woman in black veil came to the room behind Tai Yue. She looked at the strange man in front of her, her face blushed slightly and she was about to leave, and then she found that the strange man was different.

She asked: "Psychic?!"

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