Warhammer III

Chapter 5 Chief Astrologer

Tai Yue raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him. Her eyes were as beautiful and deep as stars. Her long black hair was simply tied into two bunches, and her curves wrapped in black gauze were fascinating.

Can anyone tell that they are a psyker? Tai Yue couldn't help but touch his face, fearing that there would be visible mutations.

He held the star ball in his hand and explained:

"I came up from the lower cabin and was entrusted by the owner of the room to repair this toy."

The star ball began to flicker, and stars appeared on it. After Taiyue clicked on one of the stars, a string of explanation text about the star appeared.

Although the star sphere cannot detect the light of the Milky Way during subspace navigation, as a toy, it was originally designed to serve as a science popularization function.

"You actually managed to fix it. The Mechanicus priest you invited earlier has no clue at all and can only talk about the displeasure of the machine spirit!"

The woman exclaimed as she approached, her voice sweet and gentle.

"Are you a psyker too?"

Tai Yue did not find a device for detecting subspace energy on the woman, so there is only one possibility. The other party is also a psyker, and the subspace perception is very strong. He can only find it when the anti-psionic collar is suppressing and the psychic energy is extracted. He is a psyker himself.

"The subspace energy fluctuations around you are very stable. Are you a legal psyker of the empire? It is unlikely that a legal psyker lives in a lower-class cabin!" The woman did not answer but continued to ask, her eyes seemed to be able to See through the soul.

Tai Yue didn't know how to answer and avoided the woman's sight.

He directly activated the ability of psychic perception that would not affect the Geller force field. Various unknown glimmers and shadows in the subspace flashed in his consciousness, and the psychic projection of the woman in front of him was like a bright full moon. .


Taiyue had observed the Astropath on Marsdan and was familiar with his psychic projection.

Because the Astropaths were bound to the Emperor's soul, their brains were reshaped, and their psychic projections became stable and less susceptible to the influence of Chaos.

During the soul binding process, the Emperor's powerful spiritual light will directly burn the subject's brain. Because one-third of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex is related to vision, many astropaths will suffer from blindness along with the optic nerve after the ceremony. Atrophy or clouding of the eyeballs.

The woman in front of him had both eyes intact, and Tai Yue didn't expect her to be an astropath at first.

"I am Su Jingrong, the chief astropath of the Su Clan's Merchant Fleet. As you can see, I am not blind. During the soul binding process in the Astrology Hall, my eyes were not completely blind. I can still perceive part of the light stimulation. Later, the master of the house With the help of genetic technology, my eyesight was restored!”

The woman admitted directly and blinked.

"I am Tai Yue, a psyker from the industrial world of Marsdan. Although I am not a legal psyker, through anti-psionic collar training, my control over psionic energy is no worse than that of a legal psyker!"

Taiyue also confessed his situation.

"Is Marsdan an industrial planet attacked by the Genestealer sect?"

The woman seemed to have remembered something.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

Only then did Tai Yue realize that it was she who informed the Black Temple of the star language information and saved the entire planet.

"I was next to the Marsdan Astropath and saw the Astropath you replied to."

"Oh, what did the star language say after decoding it?"

"This is the Merchant Fleet, and I am Su Jingrong, the chief astropath aboard the ship. Please tell me your coordinates and situation!"

Tai Yue tried to speak in Su Jingrong's tone, successfully making the Astropath laugh.

"The translation was basically accurate. I couldn't contact Marsdan's astropaths later. It seemed that the astropaths' signals had been intercepted. But with these two pieces of information, the name of the planet and the industrial world, I finally determined the coordinates of the planet. Only then did we contact another Astropath on a nearby Space Marine cruiser."

"Then it could be that the Eldar intercepted the star language signal, and these aliens also came to the nest. They were not robbing human slaves, but capturing chicken thieves!"

The more the two chatted, the more familiar they became, and Tai Yue told the complete story about the doomsday lighthouse gene stealer incident.

Su Jingrong listened to Taiyue's story with great interest, sometimes nervously clenching her hands, sometimes sighing for the sacrificed people, and sometimes applauding the Marsdan hero Taiyue in front of her.

Neither of them noticed that the servo head of the owner of the room came behind them at some point, and it stared at them quietly.

A few hours later, Su Jingrong was about to return to the bridge. She thought for a moment and said to Tai Yue:

"You can stay in the first-class cabin for the rest of the voyage. You can stay in my room. I usually stay on the bridge. I will talk to the owner about this later."

"There are still vacancies in the first-class cabin!"

Servo-Skull suddenly spoke loudly from behind the two, this time her master was visibly angry.

"When did Miss Su Yue come?"

Su Jingrong was startled.

"I've been behind you for a long time and you didn't even notice me!"

The servo head then came to Taiyue:

"Thank you for repairing the gift your late father gave me! As a thank you, I will arrange a room in a first-class ship's cabin for you."

There was a hint of sadness in the words coming from the servo head. After it quickly retrieved and determined the room number, it began to take Taiyue away from here to a new room, and Su Jingrong also returned to the bridge.

The new room was not far from here. One person and one servant quickly came to the room. The whole room was decorated luxuriously and gorgeously. Taiyue began to experience the life of a noble.

On the bridge, the armed sailors reported the bizarre events in their respective areas.

The passengers in the medium hold area 9 complained that more than three months had passed, why they had not yet arrived in the solar star field and left the subspace. Theoretically, more than ten to twenty days in the subspace correspond to about a year in the material universe.

The passengers became irritable and began to curse. Such a long time of subspace time expansion consumed their sanity.

Not only that, the mechanical door between area 6 and area 7 disappeared out of thin air, and some passengers even walked to both sides curiously.

Captain Marcos calmly analyzed the information reported by the armed sailors. As a former captain of the Imperial Navy, he had more than 40 years of experience in subspace navigation and was very experienced in dealing with such situations.

After stroking his gray beard, he gave orders to the first mate and the boatswain:

Increase the output power of the Geller force field, set up a buffer zone between area 6 and area 7, and invite members of the state religion in area 2 to appease passengers with abnormal conditions.

Everything was under control. Marcos was humming a song comfortably and preparing to take a rest when the alarm on the bridge suddenly sounded. The flashing red light reflected the terrified expressions of everyone on the bridge.

"The energy density of the subspace is continuously decreasing due to unknown reasons, and it will soon reach the critical value of automatic jump out of the subspace!"

"The jump out location is unknown!"

The navigator could not control the spacecraft to escape from the current state, and could only notify the entire ship to deal with the impact caused by the abnormal jump out.

The entire transport ship began to shake, and Tai Yue, who was practicing swordsmanship in the room, hurriedly put away the power sword and firmly grasped the bed rails fixed to the hull.

"Subspace storm?" He couldn't help but think.

(This volume mainly features the appearance of several important characters, please recommend and vote for the monthly ticket!)

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