Warhammer III

Chapter 9 Elizabeth

Inquisitor Nichols crossed the fallen crowd and came to Taiyue. He found that these people were only unconscious, not dead.

"Is he also a psyker?"

Nichols couldn't help but have doubts. His eyes were attracted by the anti-psychic collar around Taiyue's neck, the finely crafted power sword in his hand, and the shoulder armor that could resist the assassin's single-molecule blade.

All the evidence shows that the psyker in front of him is not simple.

"How to call it?"

"I'm Tai Viet, a maintenance man from Marsden."

Taiyue also observed the tall man in front of him who was wearing silver-gray power armor and decorated with a large number of scriptures. The man's eyes were blazing, and his angular face looked like it had been cut with a knife. His black robe with a hood covered the armor. symbol, but Taiyue naturally guessed that the other party was a judge.

"Inquisitor Nichols of the Ordo Demonicum."

Nichols directly reported his identity, and the man in front of him deserved his respect.

"As a psyker why are you here?"

Taiyue also truthfully answered how he came here, and he did not need to conceal his purpose when facing a judge:

"I went to Holy Terra to be a Space Marine!"

"That war group?"

"I don't know. My adoptive father told me that the Chapter's monastery is in the solar system, on Titan, the sixth moon of Saturn."

Nichols showed an imperceptible smile and extended an invitation to Tai Yue:

"I know where you are going. The black ship 'Grey Brain' is about to return to Terra. As a psyker, you should travel with us to the solar system. What do you think?"

Nichols' words were sincere and polite, and other Inquisitors might have wondered if he had been corrupted by Chaos if they heard him speak like this.

Tai Yue nodded, and he immediately followed Inquisitor Nichols to the boarding port of the Black Ship. This ship is the end point for many runaway psykers, and it is also the starting point for the all-powerful legal psykers in various power agencies of the empire. .

Before boarding the black ship, Taiyue took one last look at the transport ship that was also docked at this port. For the two members of Su's Merchant Fleet, Astropath Su Jingrong and Princess Su Yue of the Merchant Dynasty, Taiyue had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye.

On the other side, Su Yue, who returned to the spaceship, anxiously looked for the astropath Su Jinrong. She finally saw the astropath on the bridge, whose eyes were covered by white cloth strips.

Ignoring the confusion of others around her, she prayed directly:

"Brother Taiyue is trapped by an evil wizard. Sister, please check if he is in danger!"

Astropath took Su Yue away from the bridge and came to the room where Taiyue once lived.

"Su Yue, what's going on? Why does he have the authority to leave the spacecraft!"

Su Jinrong pulled off the cloth covering her eyes. As an astropath, she didn't want too many people to know that her eyes were normal.

Su Yue reported her willful behavior in detail, and she was about to burst into tears.

After hearing what she said, the Astropath tried to use her psychic powers to sense Taiyue's psychic projection. She first let her projection be directly exposed to the subspace without protective measures. This was very dangerous, but in order to accurately determine In Taiyue's situation, she could only choose to take risks.

After a while, Su Jingrong said in despair:

"He went to the black ship that escorted the psykers. Maybe we will never see him again!"

The Astropath raised Su Yue's left hand as he spoke.

"Although I don't know which alien race created this bracelet, it can protect you from attacks by psykers. You must always wear it."

A few days later, the black ship and the transport ship entered the subspace one after another. Their destinations were both the Sun Star Domain. However, when leaving the Gate of Hades, the end point of the subspace voyage, the time difference would change, and the two spacecraft would be missed.


Tai Viet was probably the first psyker to roam freely on the Black Ship, and instead of being imprisoned in an anti-psionic field-covered prison, Inquisitor Nichols entertained him as a guest.

He was walking on the long corridor across the black ship. The entire black ship was made of black metal that was resistant to psychic energy. For psykers and even ordinary people, being isolated from psychic energy would make them feel disgust, panic, and despair. .

But Taiyue only felt extremely quiet, as if he had come to an empty secret room. He guessed that it might be because he was connected to Phoenix's high-dimensional ark, and there was also subspace energy inside the ark.

A black ship with Sisters of Silence as its commander can sail directly in the subspace without a Geller field, and no demon would be stupid enough to sneak into the ship.

As for the Black Ship without the Sisters of Silence, it mainly relies on the anti-psionic field in the prison to restrain the psykers on the ship. At the same time, the psychic resistant metal of the hull prevents the penetration of subspace energy into the ship.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to the navigation room on the right side of the bridge. It is the only place on the black ship that does not have shielding psychic powers. Ms. Elizabeth of the McPherson Navigator family is also there."

The navigators on the Black Ship come from only three navigator families, and the Macpherson Navigator family is one of them. These three families established a cooperative pact with the Astragalus during the Great Crusade.

The direct reason why Xingyuting chose these three families is that their genes are relatively stable and will not have significantly mutated offspring like other navigator families. At the same time, they also have more in-depth research on subspace and in most cases lead all navigation. The star fathers of the Navigator family come from these three Navigator families.

Nichols looked at the silent Taiyue and suggested that the Inquisitor himself also possesses weak psychic powers. For him, this is a kind of spiritual practice. His firm belief in the Emperor makes him fearless, but for This is undoubtedly a form of torture for overly powerful psykers.

"Thank you very much, Lord Judge!" Tai Yue replied politely.

Even though he wasn't actually affected, he decided to check out the navigation room so as not to reveal his specialness.

The navigation room was at the end of the long corridor, and the black door was tightly closed. Taiyue pushed open the metal door that was much higher than himself, and what came into view was a row of meditator computers, or biological computers.

The replicant brain, the core of the Thinker's computer, is filled with the glass vessel that houses it, and data lines extending from it connect the holographic projector to the ship's control system.

Taiyue watched these cogitator computers control the navigation of the black ships, and became suspicious of the accuracy of their navigation.

Because these Meditator computers are mainly used for data calculations on short-range subspace voyages, long-distance voyages are still inseparable from the experience and intuition of the navigator.

"Isn't the navigator here?"

Tai Yue looked past the Thinker computer and saw a woman in white robe sitting on the ground at the end of the navigation room. Her eyes were staring at the outside of the black ship. There was a helmet placed tilted next to her. In the center of the helmet was the navigator's number. Three eyes symbol.

Tai Yue was afraid of disturbing the navigator, and when he was about to leave, the woman suddenly turned her head, and Tai Yue saw her third eye!

(Author: Another heroine appears. Reader: How many heroines are there? Will Slaanesh pay attention to so many heroines! Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!)

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