Warhammer III

Chapter 10 Solar System

The third eye is in the middle of the woman's forehead. Her eye sockets do not have the pupils and whites of normal eyes, but spherical black crystals.

The moment Tai Yue saw these eyes, his consciousness was directly attracted, as if falling into the vortex of subspace. This directly inspired his ability to predict empathy, and the prophetic phantom appeared again:

In an empty glass hall with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, various star instruments for observing the Milky Way are sparsely distributed. In this dimly lit space, the star instruments are like boulders and hills, giving people a sense of oppression.

Suddenly the planetarium opened, and the projection of the Milky Way, including the Great Rift, was extremely realistic. If you looked closely, you could even see the thin nebulae surrounding the stars.

Tai Yue walked among them as if he were traveling through the stars. He came to the center of the hall, where the owner was sitting on the control panel. She glanced at him and smiled.

Her short, light blond hair leaked out from under the crown-like helmet, her eyes were flowing with moving light, her nose was straight, her lips were slightly parted, her soft and delicate hands were touching the control panel of the astrology device, and she was covered in gorgeous white ancient Terra palace clothes. Her lower body.

Isn't this person Elizabeth in the navigation room? !

Elizabeth didn't expect anyone to come here. She hurriedly lowered her head, reached out to pick up the silver helmet, and put it on her head to cover her third eye. The psychic illusions of the two people disappeared at the same time.

She was shocked by the illusion that appeared in her mind. The flash of excitement was immediately submerged in contemplation, and her eyes were as deep as a fantasy under her slightly furrowed eyebrows.

There was a long silence between the two of them

"Was the vision just now a psychic prophecy?"

Elizabeth asked first.

"Hmm, I'm a prophecy psyker. Having a psychic connection with a psyker will trigger prophecies. This is the first time I've looked directly into the navigator's subspace eye. I didn't expect that psychic prophecies would also be triggered! "

"As a psyker, why are you here?"

"Lord Inquisitor Nichols asked me to come here to get some air."

Elizabeth seemed to be a little interested in him and continued to ask:

"Do you know where the hall in the illusion is?"

Tai Yue shook his head. He guessed that it was a place on a planet where the Milky Way was observed.

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. If the navigators of other families knew about it through the mouth of the psyker in front of her, she would definitely be put in danger.

"As for the content of psychic prophecies, please do not mention it to anyone, especially a navigator like me."

Tai Yue didn't understand what this meant and just nodded slowly.

Elizabeth saw his doubts, and after thinking about it, she explained:

"Navigators are made up of many independent and large families. Inbreeding is an effective way to preserve Navigator genes. These genes can be traced back to the genetic engineering technology of the Dark Ages."

"What is different from such a close blood relationship within a family is that the competition between families is extremely cruel. We will fight each other just for the chance to become the star father who rules all families."

"And Star Father's chief attendant, the Navigator Envoy, is the highest authority in the empire, the Council of High Lords of Terra, or one of the nine permanent seats in the Imperial Senate!"

"And you just tell me the result!"

Elizabeth stared at Taiyue with two normal gray eyes and said the last words meaningfully.

"It seems very powerful! I only know that the current special envoy of the Navigator is Kadak Mir!"

Tai Yue shrugged, he was not interested in these power struggles, turned and left after speaking.

Elizabeth looked at the psychic who turned and left, with an uncertain expression on her face.

A few months later, the spacecraft finally left the subspace, passed through the gate of Hades, and arrived at the outer reaches of the solar system.

The Gate of Hades is the star gate next to Pluto in the solar system. It is said that the Gate of Hades and the Gate of Bliss near Uranus were built in the dark technological age.

After the stargate retrieves the identification code of the spacecraft that is preparing to leave the subspace, it can directly open the subspace channel to allow the spacecraft to return to the physical universe without using the spacecraft's subspace engine.

The black ship "Grey Brain" started a regular voyage after leaving the Gate of Hades, crossing the ecliptic plane to directly reach Terra.

But before reaching Terra, requests for psykers from various departments began to arrive.

At this moment, Tai Yue looked excitedly outside the black ship. He finally came to the starting point of human beings' conquest of the stars - the solar system.

The holographic projection of the solar system appeared in the navigation room, and planets appeared in front of Taiyue:

In the center is the blazing sun, the source of energy that gave birth to Terra's life.

Mercury: Mining world (heavy element collection, the planet is basically hollowed out);

Venus: an industrial world (also a resort area within the solar system);

Terra, the throne world, the origin of mankind, and the political center of the human empire;

Mars, the forge world, the headquarters of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the base of the Merchant Fleet;

Jupiter: Mining world (collecting the planet’s atmosphere, mainly hydrogen and helium);

Saturn: the world of death;

Uranus: The world of death, with an orbital port and nearby the star gate the Gate of Bliss;

Neptune: The World of Death.

Taiyue asked the meditator's computer to display the situation of Saturn individually through voice. The hexagonal vortex at the North Pole, the eyewall cloud at the South Pole, and dozens of its satellites were all revealed one by one.

Mimas, Enceladus, Rhea, Dione, Rhea, Rhea, Iapetus, Rhea

But there is no sixth satellite, Titan!

Taiyue hurriedly left the navigation room to look for Inquisitor Nichols. The invisible assassin appeared behind him again. She was not hostile, and the mechanical voice told the Inquisitor where to go.

"Master Nichols is in the Psychic Prison, discussing important matters with the Silent Sister Theresa."

The invisible assassin disappeared as if he had never been there.

"Untouchable!" Taiyue frowned. He didn't expect that he would have to meet the mistress of the black ship at the end of his journey.

In order to find out the situation of the sixth satellite Titan, Taiyue had to go to the Psychic Prison.

He went down the middle of the corridor to the entrance of the prison, and then walked in without hesitation.

The feeling of depression, depression, pain, and despair surged in his heart, but compared with the extraction of psychic energy, this little pain could not shake Taiyue at all.

The psychics in the prison were huddled together, their eyes were empty, like corpses.

Their clothes were marked with psychic levels, which were psychic level tests done before imprisonment.

These psychics are basically 11-14 level psychics. For higher level psychics, the Black Ship will choose to use drugs for anesthesia and then let them sleep at low temperatures.

Half an hour later, Tai Yue finally came to the room of the Untouchables. This was the first meeting between Alpha Psychics and the Untouchables.

(It was a headache to find background information. I spent a long time looking for the name of the current Navigator Envoy after Guilliman woke up. I will not check the official background in detail later. If there are any mistakes, please correct me and I will modify them directly. Please vote for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket!)

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