Warhammer III

Chapter 11 Titan

In the 24-level classification of psychic energy, level 17 is an ordinary human being, and the levels below it have obvious psychic resistance, while psychic level 24 (w Omega) is an untouchable person. They can completely isolate psychic energy and will Warp energy drives away the physical universe.

The untouchable gene is said to come from a powerful race. They chose to mechanically ascend, but regretted it after the ascension. So they chose to add the untouchable gene to humans with similar appearance and body shape, and prepared to rebuild through the untouchable. Get flesh and blood.

The inheritance of this gene is not stable, and the untouchables' shielding of psychic powers makes those around them disgusted and disgusting, so they are hated and ostracized, and are labeled as untouchables.

For these reasons, the number of Untouchables is very rare. There are only single digits of Untouchables in a hive world at most.

Tai Yue knocked on the door, and Judge Nichols in the room was surprised. Is there anyone else on the black ship who can come to the untouchable?

"Please come in!"

After the door opened, Nichols was even more surprised that the person who came was actually Tai Yue, a psychic.

"What's the matter?"

"Lord Inquisitor, I just discovered that Saturn's moon Titan 6 does not exist in the spacecraft records!"

"It exists, just not in the physical universe," Nichols explained with a smile.

"Subspace!" Taiyue also understood immediately.

Nichols nodded and continued:

"I have already sent your relevant information to the battle group when the black ship left the Gate of Hades. After the battle group passes the review, I will arrange for you to go."

After Nichols said something, something suddenly occurred to him and he continued to ask:

"Have you ever tested your specific psychic level?"

Tai Yue nodded. Although he did not directly detect it, Phoenix had directly informed him of his psychic level.

"A level 12 psyker?" Nichols guessed based on Tai Yue's previous performance.

"Alpha psyker." Tai Yue answered truthfully.

"Alpha psyker?!"

This time, not only Nichols, but also the untouchable Teresa stood up suddenly and looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. After she discovered the man, she had already controlled her own abilities, but for the close connection with the subspace The alpha psyker contacted was surprisingly unaffected!

Nichols took off the subspace energy detection auspicious device on the armor and placed the probe on Taiyue's forehead. The pointer began to fluctuate slowly.

Normally, as long as the auspicious instrument is close to Teresa, there will be no fluctuations, even if a psyker is nearby. However, the Alpha psyker in front of him actually caused the auspicious instrument's pointer to fluctuate. It seems that what he said is not true. Virtual.

"Do you, the psionic type, know what it is?"

"Prophecy Psychic Power."

After Tai Yue finished speaking, he suddenly thought of the envelope given by his adoptive father. As he spoke, he took out the envelope from the lining of his clothes.

"My adoptive father told me that I can open the envelope he gave me when I came to the solar system!"

After hesitating for a moment, Taiyue decided to open the envelope directly.

The envelope had no red or brown-red sealing wax, and was simply folded. At this moment, Taiyue suddenly wished that it was complicated and mysterious, instead of being so simple.

There was only a yellowed piece of paper inside. Taiyue looked at it repeatedly and finally determined that there was only one name on the piece of paper: Gavel Loken.

Looking at the embarrassed Tai Yue, Nichols pondered and asked him to return to the Black Captain Corridor first.

"Does he need to be tested to see if he's possessed by a demon?"

Nichols was unfamiliar with the name on the piece of paper and felt the incident was too dramatic.

Teresa waved her hand and rejected the proposal. After all, when faced with an untouchable person, the devil would leave the body instantly if possessed.

"Add this name to the message sent to the war group."

The Inquisitor made the final arrangements.

After a few more days of routine navigation, the black ship arrived in the orbit of Saturn.

Tai Yue was chatting with the navigator Elizabeth at the moment. During the past few days of sailing, the crew of the black ship were silent, so Tai Yue could only talk to Elizabeth.

Inquisitor Nichols came to the navigation room and brought good news:

"The battle group gave a reply, you passed the review, and now you are going to the Titan satellite."

After speaking, Judge Nichols took Taiyue out of the navigation room. Taiyue noticed that he only said "you" to go.

Soon they came to a dark room. There were many dormant chambers in the room. The dormant chambers were marked with the levels of psykers. They were all psykers above level 10. The highest psionic level was level 5 psykers. .

The stronger the psionic energy, the greater the reaction to the anti-psionic energy field. Therefore, in order to ensure that these psykers can still be used by the empire when they reach their destination, they can only be deeply anesthetized and brought to the psionic energy field in a dormant state. Academy.

At the end of the room is a teleportation device. The circular teleportation force field generator shines with a faint blue light, and there is an empty dormant chamber above it.

"You need to go to the dormant cabin and then reach the Titan satellite through teleportation!" The judge gave a simple explanation.

When Taiyue was about to go up, Nichols stopped him.

"Don't bring any useless things. Any Space Marine needs to say goodbye to the past."

Inquisitor Nichols didn't know if Taiyue understood the meaning of this sentence, but it was no longer important.

Taiyue only put on his power sword, shoulder armor and anti-psychic collar around his neck, and entered the dormant chamber naked.

When he lay down, the dormant chamber began to close, and the breathing fluid submerged him. The temperature in the chamber dropped rapidly. The anesthetic in the breathing fluid and the low temperature in the chamber made Taiyue slowly fall asleep.

Inquisitor Nichols waited until Taiyue's physical parameters stabilized, and entered the transmission code: 666.

"God bless you!"

Then there was a vibration, and the dormant chamber disappeared in the arc light.

(I had planned to write about the Assassin's Court in this volume, but now I have cut it off, let the protagonist become a space warrior first, and go directly to the next volume "Nineteen Trials". Please vote for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket!)

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