Warhammer III

Chapter 9 The Ninth Brotherhood

"Who else!"

Tai Yue, who was holding a psychic sword in the swordsmanship arena, shouted, and the eleventh challenger fell to the ground in front of him.

As a prophecy psyker, since he has no offensive psionic powers, he could only use the ability of combat prediction in previous battles, which could not reflect the power of the Alpha psionicist himself.

Now with the psionic greatsword, his alpha psionic power is directly converted into flames that cover the blade!

The blazing warp flames tormented his opponents, the arena was filled with a wave of warp heat, and his psychic greatsword even shattered some of his opponents' psychic weapons.

"How do you fight this? Not only is he powerful in spiritual power, he is also proficient in swordsmanship and has no weaknesses at all!"

Other apprentices couldn't help but sigh that there were orders of magnitude differences between each level of psykers, and the most direct manifestation was the difference in mobilizing subspace energy.

After a commotion, the twelfth challenger stepped forward. He was Nelson, one of the previous foursome. After undergoing amnestic deletion, he had forgotten his friendship with Taiyue and others.

"For the Emperor!"

Nelson wielded the psychic halberd, and his muscles still remembered the knight's spear skills he learned on the feudal planet. He stabbed, stabbed, entangled, blocked, pointed, and poked, all in one smooth motion.

Both of them wore electronic muscle bundle inner armor. The nerve action signals were converted into contraction and expansion signals of electronic muscle bundles through the neural-mechanical interface. The power of each swing was increased by three times.

The chip on the back of the inner armor records the data of the two people's lightning-fast swings and defensive movements. These data will be imported into the power armor later and can also be used as a reference for other apprentices.

Although the higher the level of psychic energy, the more difficult it is to control psychic energy, but Tai Yue on the stage obviously did not comply with this law.

After a few rounds, Nelson couldn't help but sigh.

Although he was taller and stronger than Tai Yue, every critical hit was easily resolved by Tai Yue.

As a level 5 (Ypsilon) biological psyker, when faced with defeat, Nelson instinctively used his psionic energy to speed up his nerve reactions. Taiyue's movements became slow in his eyes.

He began to counterattack and swung his psychic halberd faster. Tai Yue could not resist and began to use combat prediction psychic power.

The combat duel, which was enhanced by the ability to predict combat and the enhancement of biological response nerves, attracted many apprentices to watch.



Many apprentices circled the arena and shouted the names of these two people.

When arriving at the psychic arena, Tai Yue, who could not use weapons, could only be beaten passively.

The Gray Knight apprentices called him lightning, fire, and force fields. With his ability to foresee battles, he could have easily avoided it, but in order to be able to face the psyker wizard in the future and improve his psychic resistance, he also forced himself to do it. part of the attack.

Battle training allowed Taiyue to get to know Nelson, Gary, and Bruce from the original group again.

Gary is a level 7 (Eta) fire psyker, and Bruce is a level 4 (Delta) force psyker. They are as successful as Nelson, a level 5 (Ypsilon) biological psyker. Became a Gray Knight's apprentice.

These battle scenes were projected into a secret room in the Chapter's Holy Sanctuary, which is located in the dark underground of Titan and is one of the oldest areas of the Chapter.

The Supreme Grand Master Kaldor Diego, the Lord of the Purifier Castle Galan Crowe, and the High Paladin Keyal Tempas are discussing the preparation of the Ninth Brotherhood and the implantation of metal seeds.

The Gray Knights Chapter separated into two independent brotherhoods among the eight major brotherhoods, one is the Order of the Purifiers and the other is the Order of the Paladins.

The Order of the Purifiers are the purest and most powerful psykers in the Chapter, and they guard the Holy Vaults where forbidden knowledge of demons is preserved.

The Order of Paladins are the most elite fighting champions of the Chapter, and they guard the Hall of Champions, which houses the marble statues of the Chapter's heroes.

Caldo Diego wanted to establish the Ninth Brotherhood with reference to these two orders. He looked at the two people participating in the meeting remotely in the projection:

Corwin Leolac, Grand Master of the Seventh Brotherhood's "Striders", and Elvis, the representative of the Inquisition in Titan.

"Even if there is a signal from the original body, I still do not recommend the establishment of the Ninth Brotherhood, let alone implanting metal seeds into them. As a war group expelling demons in the empire, our purity is the first requirement!"

Castle Lord Galan has a black sword in his hand this time, and he is not prepared to accept it against the Ninth Brotherhood and Metal Seeds.

"Have you seen his swordsmanship?"

The Supreme Master Kaldor Diego did not deny Galan's proposal, but asked the Paladin Koyal.

"No, the creator of this swordsmanship must have experienced hundreds of battles. He becomes stronger when he encounters strength, and his rhythm is relaxed and moderate."

"Could it be Gavir Loken?"

asked the Tribunal on behalf of Elvis.

"Lorken was from the Legion era and is unlikely to be alive today."

"It may be that Loken passed down the swordsmanship, and this young man is his inheritor."

"Who knows? By the way, no one is willing to establish the Ninth Brotherhood, and no one is willing to implant those two metal seeds!"

The Supreme Master was silent for a while and suggested in a joking tone:

"How about letting him directly lead the Ninth Brotherhood?"

"Well, if he was the first person to successfully implant a metal seed, why not?"

Grand Instructor Ke Wen actually directly approved this proposal.

"After all, he is too young, this will destroy him!"

Paladin Koyal was worried.

"Gaviel Loken chose to leave in the first place, so what qualifications does his suspected successor have to become the Grand Master if he has just joined the Gray Knights!"

Castle Lord Galan was dismissive.

"According to Inquisitor Nichols, before coming to Titan, this young man was able to skillfully control psychic powers and kill out-of-control psykers. You must know that he is an Alpha psyker!"

Tribunal representative Elvis added Thai-Viet's background.

"How about letting him act as Grand Master of the Ninth Brotherhood? If he can prove that Caul's metal seeds can indeed improve the psychic power of the Gray Knights and destroy demons, then this will be a reason for him to become a regular, and the chapter can legitimately increase. The establishment of a fraternity!"

"If the Ninth Brotherhood's implantation of metal seeds causes irreversible harm, or even acts of betrayal, there will be no need for the Ninth Brotherhood to exist!"

"This way even the original body has nothing to say!"

After the Supreme Master finished speaking, everyone nodded silently.

"Let's arrange for the implantation of metal seeds for him first, and then tell him that he is joining the newly established Ninth Brotherhood."

"There are four apprentices in the same batch as him. According to Bradley's prophecy, there is likely to be someone among them who will betray the Emperor and bring destruction to Titan."

"Why can't this person be him?"

"Several prophets in the Divination Hall have already spied on his fate, but to no avail. And Bradley made a prediction, which only means that the protagonist of the prediction is not him."

"For the sake of Titan and Terra, it would be better to change those four people into servitors!"

"We don't yet have the bad habit of killing new recruits based on prophecies."

"Then let those four people undergo transformation together! It will be easier to monitor them at the same time!"

"Samuel, a level 3 (gamma) psyker, has been selected by Worth, the Grand Master of the Blade of Victory. His psychic powers can open subspace portals."

"Then Taiyue, Nelson, Gary, and Bruce will accept the implantation of metal seeds and become the original members of the Ninth Brotherhood!"


This begins the legend of the Ninth Brotherhood of Gray Knights, "Heart of the Machine"!

(The organization has decided to let the protagonist be the mentor and the companion to act alone. Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!)

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