Warhammer III

Chapter 10 Additional Surgery

A few months later, the defense system of the Broadsword Station was activated again. The Grand Master of the Second Brotherhood's "Blade of Victory", Worth Modrak, who was stationed above, directly shut down the defense system. He already knew in advance who was coming. who.

A Lunar-class Mechanicum cruiser slowly approached Titan. It did not dock at the Broadsword Station, but at the Iron Fortress Deimos. There were huge gears on the bow and sides of the cruiser and skull symbols inside the gears. , there is no doubt that this cruiser comes from the Martian Forge World.

At the same time, Taiyue, Nelson, Gary, and Bruce were called together by Pharmacist Will. A Storm Crow gunboat docked next to him. The flag with crossed halberds, shields, and black skulls indicated that this ship Stormraven belongs to the First Brotherhood, the Sword Bearers.

"Come with me to Demos right now!"

Will only now tells the four that they are leaving the Titans.

"Titan's exclusive forging world!" Taiyue blurted out. He had previously planned to go to the First Brotherhood "Sword Bearers" to be a technical sergeant. He had advance knowledge of these things related to machinery, and Deimos was his focus. of.

"What are we doing there? We're going on a mission?"

Bruce asked curiously.

"You are going to add two more organ implant surgeries."

"Haven't our 19 surgeries already been completed? Besides, why do we need to go to the foundry for the reconstruction surgery?" Nelson asked rhetorically.

"This is a newly developed organ for the Gray Knights. The specific situation will be known when we get to Demos."

The four of them followed Will onto the Storm Crow gunboat, and the driver inside was a technical sergeant.

The Storm Crow, which is used for air combat and troop transport, is much smaller than the Thunderhawk gunship and can only accommodate about 10 people. This time, including the technical sergeant, it only carried 6 people, and the internal space was relatively loose.

As the vector engines roared to life, the Storm Crow began to head toward Deimos.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, the new organs won't let us be used as guinea pigs!" Gary asked quietly next to Taiyue.

"Just look at what the new organ is."

After Tai Yue finished speaking, he fell silent.

With the sound of metal colliding, Taiyue knew that they had reached their destination.

When they disembarked from the Storm Crow, they found that this was a hangar, and the surrounding walls were marked with gears and skulls.

"The person who will perform the new organ implantation surgery for you this time is Belisarius Caul, the great sage of the Mechanicus. I will learn these two implantation surgeries next to you, and I will perform the future surgeries."

After speaking, Will led the four people forward, and there were busy servitors working along the way.

"Glory to Ohm Messiah! Welcome to my ship! I will give you the blessing of the Machine God!"

A mechanically synthesized voice sounded, and the source of the voice was the red-robed mechanical sage in front of him.

After approaching, Tai Yue shivered. He had seen the mechanical priest in front of him, and the psychic prophecy began to revive in his mind:

"In front of the golden throne is a Mechanicum sage wearing a red robe, followed by three tall human figures covered in silver-white metal."

"The Star God Familia will rule the remaining humans in your place. They will eventually enter a protracted war, and the mistakes of the old slaves will be corrected by the new slaves!"

These pictures and sounds appeared in his mind again. In addition to the memory of psychic prophecy, other memories also began to revive!

"Is it the same person? Or do the great sages of the Mechanicus all look like this!" Tai Yue was not sure, but he told himself to be careful about this great sage of the Mechanicus.

Kaul's mechanical tentacles opened two boxes in the charging cabinet, which contained 4 spiritual bone-generating organs and 4 mechanical hearts.

"Do you want this surgery?"

Tai Yue hesitated now. The great sage and metal seeds of the Mechanicum in front of him were too suspicious.

"May I ask the great sage, who is the Om Messiah in your mouth?"

Caul did not expect the Gray Knight apprentice to ask this question, and the personality in his servo head answered:

"Glory to Ohm Messiah! He is naturally the incarnation of the omniscient and omnipotent Mechanical God in the world, the Emperor you call him!"

“Are metal seeds nanomechanical aggregates?”

"It can also be said that it is actually a metal organ formed by the self-organization of nanomachines according to the cell composition of the gene seed."

"What is the relationship between these two organs and the three new organs of the Primaris Space Marines?"

"The mechanical heart was developed based on the tendon coils of the Primaris Space Marines, but the metal coils were upgraded into psychically driven metal cells."

"It doesn't matter if the wraith bone generating organ is the three new organs of the Primaris Space Marines. As a multi-purpose material in Eldar society, wraith bone can transmit and store subspace energy and isolate subspace pollution. Bonesingers among the Eldar Can convert warp energy into wraithbone. Thanks to the primarch's charm, I was able to study the wraithbone material of the Eldar and eventually develop this organ."

"Can I not do this surgery?" Tai Yue asked weakly.

"This is the arrangement of your supreme master!"

Seemingly sensing Taiyue's worries, Kaul added:

"Please don't worry, these two organs have been repeatedly verified on psyker slaves, and more importantly, they were designed by me, the Great Sage Belisarius Caul!"

Taiyue has no other choice. Even if there is something wrong with the metal seeds, he can only undergo surgery. Only by testing the poison on his own body can there be direct evidence.

Taiyue lay on the operating table. The Great Sage in front of him meticulously checked his physical data and psychic level, and soon implanted two metal seeds in his neck and chest.

"To what extent will the Alpha Psychic allow these two organs to grow?"

After Caul completed the operation, the enhanced potential in his logic circuit represented a strong sense of curiosity.

Will performed the operations on Nelson, Gary, and Bruce. He watched the Great Sage's operation and started directly.

The implantation of metal seeds is much simpler than that of gene seeds. There is no need to worry about infection or delicate surgical sutures. The operation of the four people was completed in 1 hour.

Taiyue clearly felt the two cold metal seeds, or "foreign objects" in his body at this moment.

"Start using psychic energy to stimulate these two metal seeds now!"

According to the guidance of the Great Sage, the four began to use psychic energy to gather subspace energy on the two metal seeds. After absorbing the subspace energy, they began to develop.

First, the spiritual bone-generating organ quickly surrounded the neck, and the overflowing spiritual energy was directly absorbed by this organ, and the cold feeling of the metal disappeared. However, to see the function of this organ, that is, to grow spiritual bones, it will take several years to continue to transform the subspace energy.

Secondly, the mechanical heart began to develop into a sphere, becoming their third heart.

"Continue to guide the subspace energy to the mechanical heart, and you can directly use the power of the mechanical heart!"

After hearing this, Tai Yue began to try to continuously activate the mechanical heart. The metal cells inside flowed out of the sphere and came to the whole body through the blood vessels. His skin began to turn silver-white and showed a metallic luster. He then clenched his fist and clearly felt that the power of muscle contraction increased exponentially!

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