Warhammer III

Chapter 14: Wizard Star

When Elvis was about to send recruitment information to the intelligence department of the Tribunal, he suddenly asked:

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, Grand Master, how do you know these two navigators and Astropaths? For the Gray Knights Chapter, these two positions require strict review!"

"As a prophecy psyker, when I was meditating in the prayer room, I saw the knights of the Ninth Brotherhood fighting side by side with them. Their souls are pure and great."

Taiyue didn't plan to let others know that Taiyue's memory was automatically restored after being deleted, otherwise it would be another troublesome matter, and he might be brainwashed a second time. He suddenly thought of using his identity as a prophecy psyker to complete the reason. past.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, since it is a sacred prophecy, I will personally contact them and will definitely bring them here!"

Elvis was previously the attendant of Arx, the representative of the Tribunal of the High Lords of Terra. Because of his seriousness and responsibility and his pious attitude towards the God-Emperor, he was sent to Titan as a liaison between the Demon Tribunal and the Gray Knights Chapter. .

A few months later, Elvis came with good news.

Although Navigator Elizabeth applied to leave the Black Ship Fleet in advance and returned to the planet where Navigator McPherson's family lived, even though her contract with the Star Language Court had not expired.

But by chance, she contacted Elizabeth through other members of the family. When she learned that the invitation came from the Inquisition, she immediately agreed to the invitation.

Astropath Su Jingrong initially rejected the request and asked why she had been found, but when Elvis mentioned that it was a psychic prophecy from a space warrior, she thought of a psychic she once knew. Finally, he agreed to the invitation.

When they followed Elvis to Titan, after going through a series of reviews, they realized that serving as the navigator and astropath of the Gray Knights would be a supreme honor.

After Taiyue became a Gray Knight recruit, he spent another three years studying, training, and meditating. Six "unlucky" psykers were implanted with spiritual bone-generating organs and mechanical hearts, and joined the Ninth Brotherhood. Yes, they are:

7th level (ita) psyker August;

Level 6 (Zeta) psyker Pan Xiaoshi (name provided by book friend);

Level 4 (Delta) Psyker Warren;

Level 6 (Zeta) Psyker Adrian;

Level 4 (Delta) psyker Alfred;

Level 5 (Ypsilon) Psyker Andre;

At this time, the Ninth Brotherhood's strike cruiser could finally operate independently, and all important personnel were added to it. The entire ship's organization was as follows:

Captain: Taiyue Tutor and part-time technical sergeant

Vice-captain: Biosage Della

Navigator: Elizabeth Macpherson

Star Talker: Su Jingrong

Gunner: Shipborne Servant

Sailors: Six Fighter Servants

Maintenance crew: three technical servitors

Clerk: A clerk servitor

The combat team is divided into two groups: the first group of 5 people, including technical sergeant Taiyue, pharmacist Nelson, think tank Bruce, and two newcomers Alfred and Andre; the second group of 5 people, all members of Terminator armor , including Gary, August, Pan Xiaoshi, Warren, and Adrian.

At the same time, one of the Chapter's battleships, the "Soul Redeemer", returned to Broadsword Station, and they brought back bad news.

Taiyue, as the acting Grand Master, was also invited to attend their meeting.

He sat in the corner of the conference room and looked carefully at the projection in the middle of the conference room. It was a red and black planet. Next to the planet was an explanation of the planet by the Demonic Tribunal:

Star Territory: Extreme Star Territory

Sector: Styx Sector

Sub-star area:----

Galaxy: Forzal Galaxy

Type: Demon world

Affiliation: Chaos

Population: unknown

Tax rate: Not applicable

Captain Avan Stern of the Third Brotherhood pointed at the planet and said:

"At present, the Tribunal has confirmed that this planet is the Sotiarius star that should be in the Eye of Terror, also known as the Sorcerer's Star! It was moved to the west of the Extreme Star Territory by an unknown force, and its position is already very close to the Sun Star Territory. At the same time, this planet is close to the Great Rift."

"Now with the Wizard Star as the center, more than 100 surrounding planets have declared their separation from the empire and joined the rule of the Wizard Star!"

Fraternity Champion Cosmo added:

"The Forzaar galaxy was originally the galaxy where Prospero, the home planet of the Thousand Sons, the rebel legion during the Great Crusade, is located. There is no doubt that it is controlled by the Chaos War Gang."

"Wizard Star"

Tai Yue muttered the name of the planet, and the psychic prophecy appeared again:

A huge black tower stood on the ground. Inside the tower were thousands of busy servants, and troops wearing power armor defended it.

There is a magical eye on the top of the tower. The bright light from the eye shines everywhere. Suddenly this eye looks at Taiyue.

Tai Yue felt that everything about him was seen through by this eye, and he immediately cut off his psychic prophecy.

He was still frightened by the prophecy just now!

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