Warhammer III

Chapter 21 Chimera

A few days later, an ice-covered building in Ithaca Canyon caught Taiyue's attention.

The building was close to the vertical valley slope on the left side of the canyon. When Taiyue approached, he found that the shape of the icicle was like a sword lying across the ice platform.

He directly punched the ice platform and the icicle to smash them, and the building inside revealed its true appearance:

The huge stone was spread out symmetrically, like an open book, and a smooth stone sword passed through it, which was the symbol of the Grey Knights.

There were also words carved on the stone book:

We are Grey Knights,

With faith as armor,

With piety as shield,

With pure soul as sword,

What really makes us greater is,

Following the sacred light of the Emperor, not fearing darkness, and expelling demons!

--Alvin Stern, Captain of the Grey Knights

This should be the secret base, the Tomb of Lancel, and Taiyue wondered where the entrance to the base was.

He walked around the huge stone building, but did not find the entrance, so he began to use psychic perception to explore here.

The word "demon" on the stone book emitted spiritual energy fluctuations. He easily jumped onto the page and pressed the word.

With the sound of gears turning, the entire boulder began to sink.

Then an underground castle appeared in front of him. Tai Yue walked forward along the steps of the castle and finally came to the hall of the underground castle.

In the hall was the emperor's holy statue, a square astronomical clock and a bookshelf.

"Tick, tick", like the sound of water drops dripping from the rock wall hitting the ground, the astronomical clock has been running.

It is cast from gold, and the base and the middle horizontal column are decorated with lead-gray skulls. The mechanical gears simulate the trajectory of celestial bodies while timing. Although simple, it is extremely accurate.

The power source of the astronomical clock, the first rotating gear is covered with prayers and a string of unknown words.

The center of the gear has no shaft but can move. Tai Yue guessed that there was a demon sealed inside!

Suddenly, the gears of the astronomical clock began to turn rapidly, and the vibration sound became louder and louder, as if it was about to fall apart.

A psychic shadow emanated from Taiyue, and the vibration of the astronomical clock stopped. This was a psychic power with the nature of the warp shadow. Because it was related to the Tyranids that threatened the empire, Taiyue had never used it during his time on Titan.

Leaving the astronomical clock and coming to the bookshelf, there was only a yellowed thin book on it. Taiyue opened the book, which contained a prayer:

When facing the mysterious and blasphemous chaos power, nothing can be compared with faith;

With the power of faith, our weapons can truly save ourselves and others, and can split the most powerful demons in half;

With the power of faith, our words will become commands that make demons shrink and fear.

When we encounter the enemy unarmed, there is no fear in our hearts, because we know that the Emperor is watching me and guiding me.

So let them come! We will show them the power of faith!

"In addition to physical training, the practice of faith may be more important in the training here!"

Taiyue couldn't help but sigh.

The trial ended silently, and Taiyue returned to the surface of the Arctic.

The Storm Crow gunship was covered with ice and snow. Tai Yue cleaned it up briefly and headed for the Odysseus crater to hunt subspace beasts inside.

After entering the closed crater, a rotten and damp smell made Tai Yue frown.

His third lung instinctively closed his normal breathing and began to absorb oxygen from the miasma.

There were animal corpses along the way, the stench was overwhelming, and the crawling arthropods were densely packed.

He planned to obtain useful information by eating the brains of these dead animals. He had only used genetic detection nerves to obtain the memory of prey in daily training.

When he picked up the skull, he found that there was a round hole in the skull of the animal, and the brain matter inside disappeared. The most important thing was that there was no sign of corruption around the hole, and even microorganisms no longer grew!

He had already discovered that a subspace beast had been eyeing him and had been following him until now.

It had no skin tissue on its body, and the exposed red muscles were strong and powerful.

There were many depressions on the narrow skull, which were their eyes, which could sense the subspace energy fluctuations caused by the souls of intelligent creatures and other reasons.

There are hunting pincers made of muscles and bones on its back, ready to tear prey apart at any time.

Chimera beasts from the demon world!

A noisy sound rang out, and more chimera beasts surrounded him. The leading chimera beast had a skull several times longer than the other chimera beasts, and it spit out a long round black tongue.

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