Warhammer III

Chapter 20 Tethys

As one of the most reflective celestial bodies in the solar system, Tethys was projected on the bridge of the strike cruiser at a glance, and the relevant geographical information was also displayed in text.

Tethys is the fifth largest satellite of Saturn. It is not a regular circle with an average radius of 533 kilometers. Because it is tidally locked with its parent star, only one side of Tethys is always facing Saturn.

There are two smaller satellites in the same orbit with it - Teleste (Titan XIII) and Calypso (Titan XIV). Both are locked in the same orbit by the gravity of Tethys, running as a whole, with Tethys in the middle, and Teleste and Calypso are 60 degrees apart.

Tethys was originally an extremely cold planet without an atmosphere. As humans colonized various parts of the solar system, many closed buildings were built on the surface of the satellite. Two of them were built based on the special geological structure of the satellite, which is also particularly magnificent in the entire solar system.

The first building was built on the Odysseus crater with a diameter of 400 kilometers. The entire crater is completely enclosed as an independent ecosystem, with forests, rivers, and various genetically modified animals, but it is not a place for humans to live now, because it also imprisoned the warp beasts captured by the Grey Knights from the demon world.

Warp beasts and warp creatures are not the same thing. The latter are creatures composed of pure warp energy. In fact, it is inaccurate to describe them as creatures, such as void whales and enslavers.

Warp beasts are creatures in the material world, mutant life forms exposed to warp energy radiation, including chimeras and vortex beasts. The demon world that falls into the warp will produce more types of warp beasts, and they are often seen in the Colosseum of the Dark Eldar.

Many creatures that are directly exposed to warp energy radiation will be killed instantly, and the surviving warp beasts will become more powerful. They also retain their intelligence and hunting instincts, and are one of the most dangerous creatures in the empire.

Another building is an underground world built along the Ithaca Canyon. The Ithaca Canyon is 2,000 kilometers long, 100 kilometers wide, and 5 kilometers deep on average. It was a colony during the Great Crusade, but later became a ruin due to the invasion of demons.

The Uruk strike cruiser finally came to the orbit of Tethys. The third trial mission was to find the Tomb of Lancel alone on Tethys. The Tomb of Lancel is a secret site built by the Grey Knights on Titan. It is more likely to be in the underground world of Ithaca Canyon.

Tai Yue drove the Storm Crow gunboat alone to the surface of Titan's North Pole.

This is the starting point of the underground world of Ithaca Canyon. After he left the cab, the biting cold and thin air reminded him of the scene of his first training on Titan.

Tai Yue went south along the canyon, accompanied only by scattered ice and faint light.

Sweat soon covered his whole body after the sweat glands were improved. The special organic matter contained in it prevented the sweat from freezing in low temperature environment and preserved the heat emitted by the body.

He climbed the undulating gray surface along the way. There were some broken walls and ruins on the ground, showing the prosperity of the colony, but more of them were mutated bones, silently warning the visitors that Chaos is the eternal enemy of mankind.

As the secret base of the Grey Knights, where is the specific location of Lancel's Tomb? Tai Yue had no clue and could only walk through the entire Ithaca Canyon.

On the Uruk strike cruiser, Della began to study the chicken thief head armor provided by Tai Yue, and the servo head next to her recorded the research data.

She washed off the silver paint on the head armor, revealing the original purple, and then put the skull into the enhanced auscultation instrument for routine scanning.

"Its chitinous carapace is denser and thicker than any chicken thief carapace I have seen before."

After the scan, a laser beam shone on the skull.

"The temperature of the skull began to rise, and the energy that should have been concentrated in one point was dispersed throughout the skull, which has special resistance to energy weapons such as lasers, thanks to the special spatial arrangement of chitin."

The servo head recorded every research detail.

"There is a weak psychic fluctuation."

The auspicious instrument suddenly detected an unexpected signal.

Della frowned in confusion and quickly displayed the signal source on the screen.

This is a transparent thin layer attached to the head armor, and there are broken nerve bundles on the outside of the thin layer.

"The special meningeal tissue of pure-blooded gene stealers!"

Della was ecstatic. Pure-blooded gene stealers are the rulers of the gene stealer sect. They are not only physically strong, but also the center of the psychic network. Even Astartes monks find it difficult to capture them alive.

And the moment a pure-blooded gene stealer is killed, the special meninges will basically be destroyed due to psychic overload. This is the main reason why the Varnak Ring Sect has never obtained a complete meninges. The meningeal tissue in front of him is not only complete, but also can produce psychic fluctuations!

The special meningeal tissue in the skull of the chicken is the material basis of their psychic network. Living special meningeal tissue means that the research of the chicken psychic network can now be carried out.

This is the key research topic of the biological sages in the Varnak Circle Sect!

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